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随着社会经济的发展,城市排水管网系统的规模越来越大,逐步发展为一个复杂的大规模管网系统。如何设计和维护这样庞大的排水管网系统,不仅从根本上影响着管网系统的投资及维护管理费用,也会对城市环境保护和工业企业的发展有着深远的影响。文章在课程设计教学中对排水管网设计的两种方法,图表法和最优化法进行了比较和分析,介绍了如何用最优化法对教材中的实例进行设计。通过课程设计的实践表明,最优化法有助于学生掌握影响管网设计的关键水力要素的变化规律,加深对管网设计本质的理解。因此,有必要在给排水工程课程设计的教学中,引入最优化的理论和设计方法。  相似文献   

A major proportion of the world’s population will be located in cities by 2030. With cities globally facing challenges due to the social exclusion of significant proportions of their populace, new thinking is needed on ways to correlate the competing socio-economic goals of various actors. This study sought to uncover the link between governance in cities as an innovation process and socio-economic regime transition towards a more equitable urban society. To do so, we draw on transition management thinking to consider urban regime transitions evolving in a temporal and incremental manner and in a multi-level context. We sought expansion from a delimited focus on socio-technical regimes in transition management literature to incorporate the notion of urban socio-economic regimes. This involved integrating aspects of reflexive governance and politics in a city context with a basic ontology of complex social systems and their evolutionary dynamics that underlies transition management approaches. Our focus is on learning by doing and experimentation as well as participation of citizens with other key city actors in a radically new process of mutual learning that creates social inclusion. The juxtaposition of national, city and community level interactions and their impact on socio-economic regime transition brings into sharp relief the issue of spatial scale and a lack of consideration in transition approaches generally. The study findings reveal a spatial orientation for creating new urban forms of reflexive governance as an innovation process taking place in transition arenas that can trigger new pathways to socio-economic change.  相似文献   

一、基本案情 原告于2003年7月10日向被告办理了型号为解放CA1047、车牌号为沪D-Q0368的自用货车保险一份,保险期限自2003年7月11日起至2004年7月10日止,险别包括第三者人身伤害责任险、不计免赔特约险,其中第三者人身伤害责任险的保险金额为50万元,保险费总计1981元。  相似文献   

“十四五”时期行政区划设置与空间治理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
行政区划一直都是国家进行地方治理的基础支撑单元。近年来,行政区划调整成为优化资源配置和空间治理的重要抓手。行政区划设置在完善城市布局、优化城市结构、提高空间治理效率、调节空间发展秩序、促进区域均衡发展和实现区域优化重组等方面发挥重要作用。建议在"十四五"期间,充分发挥行政区划的资源优化配置作用,推进城市群专区行政管理体制改革、因地制宜推进各级中心城市建设步伐,提高中心城市综合承载和资源优化配置能力,优化县级行政区设置与布局,激发地方发展活力,推进扁平化管理,提高空间治理效率。同时,提出进行政区划调整的配套政策与建议,为中国新时期的空间治理和区域协调发展作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

随着城市群的崛起和创新的扩散,城市群规模的创新系统开始不断涌现。由此,城市群中的地方政府如何围绕创新展开合作治理的问题也对区域创新等相关理论提出了新的挑战。对于这一已有研究尚缺乏解释的问题,共计12家国家自主创新示范区进行了极具现实意义和学术价值的独特中国实践。本文以府际协议为数据基础,结合合作网络分析和内容分析,尝试总结示范区中地方政府合作治理的模式及其特征。研究发现:地方政府之间基于合作规模、合作基础、上级介入和功能安排等,形成了行政型(NAO)、领导型(NLO)和共享型(SG)三类治理模式;基于不同的资源禀赋和创新条件,则存在着科技和产业两种不同的合作导向;而不同的合作模式亦在竞合关系、合作深度和密度等方面具有不同的优势和不足。国家自主创新示范区在地方政府合作治理方面的实践,丰富和拓展了既有的区域创新理论,而未来进一步促进创新一体化,则还需要平衡科技与产业,政策目标与政策工具,竞争与合作,以及功能与协作等四重张力。  相似文献   

通过对我国开展新冠疫情防控应急管理中数字技术应用的实践案例研究发现,数字化治理可以在疫情关联信息获取、疫情传播路径追踪、疫情信息公开与舆情管理、疫情风险预警、健康认证等方面提供强力支撑,服务各地区进行精准防疫和决策支持,但同时也暴露出数字化治理理念尚未形成、数字技术和手段利用不充分、存在"数据鸿沟"和数据安全等若干问题。应对挑战,建议政府在推动应急管理体系的数字化治理实践中,加快顶层设计,将城市公共管理数字化转型融入智慧城市建设和"城市大脑"建设中,推动公共大数据整合共享,加强数据、信息、网络与系统安全建设同步规划和同步运行。  相似文献   

申津羽  王煜琪  赵正 《资源科学》2021,43(11):2289-2302
明确公众参与城市水环境治理行为的影响因素对提高水环境治理绩效具有重要意义。本文基于北京、上海、广州三地2051份公众问卷,运用双栏模型和解释结构模型考察了公众城市水环境治理参与意愿和参与程度的影响因素,探究了公众参与意愿的内在发生机制。结果表明:①北上广三地74.3%的公众有城市水环境治理参与愿意,平均意愿支付水平为12.29元/年;②公众参与城市水环境治理的意愿和程度的影响因素不尽相同,其中公众月均可支配收入、前往城市水环境的频率与在城市水环境内停留时间、城市水环境景观和娱乐价值认知以及城市水环境整体生态状况感知对公众参与程度有显著影响;③公众参与意愿的内在发生机制是深层根源因素(公众受教育程度、年龄和居住地距最近的城市水环境距离),通过影响中层间接因素(城市水环境整体生态状况感知以及城市水环境生态价值认知),进而影响直接驱动因素公众环境责任意识,最终影响公众城市水环境治理参与意愿。提出了加大水环境治理宣传力度,制定公众参与治理奖励政策以及完善公众与政府信息交流机制等建议。  相似文献   

文杰  黎红梅 《资源科学》2022,44(5):1066-1078
作为中国农村广泛存在的公共设施,农田灌溉系统的有效治理对实现农业可持续发展,促进农业农村现代化具有重要意义。本文运用定性比较分析(QCA)方法探讨了资源禀赋、制度规则、社会文化、社会资本4个因素对农田灌溉系统治理绩效的协同影响,挖掘了农田灌溉系统治理绩效差异化的组态路径。研究发现:①单个独立因素并不能形成高与非高水平的农田灌溉系统治理绩效。②高水平农田灌溉系统治理绩效可归为文化主导下制度与社会资本驱动型、资源主导下文化与社会资本驱动型、制度主导下社会文化驱动型3大类路径;非高水平农田灌溉系统治理绩效有资源-文化抑制型、资源-制度-社会资本抑制型2条路径。③高与非高水平农田灌溉系统治理绩效路径存在非对称关系,不能简单运用高绩效原因的反面解释非高绩效;对比发现社会文化和社会资本对农田灌溉系统治理高与非高绩效的影响更普遍。④高水平农田灌溉系统治理绩效路径中激励制度与约束制度存在替代关系;社会文化、制度规则对资源禀赋存在替代作用,是克服资源禀赋约束,提高治理绩效的可行手段。研究结果不仅为多因素联动影响农村公共事物治理的研究提供新分析思路,还可为促进乡村振兴提供重要理论与实践参考。  相似文献   

方芗  周玉娇 《资源科学》2021,43(11):2303-2315
随着中国流动人口的数量激增和类型多样化,研究其环境友好行为对生态文明建设和美丽中国建设具有重要的现实意义。本文使用CGSS2013数据,探讨3类流动人口(农业户籍乡城流动、非农户籍乡城流动和城城流动)的环境友好行为差异,分析两类生活方式(消费和闲暇)的中介作用,并运用倾向值匹配法做稳健性检验。结果表明:①乡城流动人口的两类(私人和公共)环境友好行为均显著好于农村本地人口,城城流动人口的两类环境友好行为与城市本地居民没有显著差异。②流动人口对私人环境友好行为的影响部分存在两类生活方式的中介作用,对公共环境友好行为的影响则完全通过两类生活方式的中介作用产生;③在考虑了流动人口的样本选择性偏差问题后,农村人口的迁移决策依然会使得私人环境友好行为更好。总之,流动使人们脱离原有环境价值体系,通过生活方式改变,环境友好行为得到提升,这对中国生态环境优化有积极意义。  相似文献   

This paper draws on two case studies from India and China to discuss how and why rapidly urbanizing contexts are particularly challenging for transformative innovation but are also critical sustainability frontiers and learning environments. We argue that lack of understanding and policy engagement with peri-urbanization in its current form is leading to increasing exclusion and unrealized potential to support multiple sustainable urban development goals. Peri-urbanization is often characterized by the neoliberal reordering of space and a co-option of environmental agendas by powerful urban elites. Changing land-use, resource extraction, pollution and livelihood transitions drive rapid changes in interactions between socio-technical and social-ecological systems, and produce complex feedbacks across the rural–urban continuum. These contexts also present characteristic governance challenges as a result of jurisdictional ambiguity, transitioning formal and informal institutional arrangements, heterogeneous and sometimes transient communities, shifts in decision making to distant authorities and the rapid growth of informal market-based arrangements with little incentive for environmental management. These unique features of peri-urbanization may reinforce a lack of inclusion and hinder experimentation, but they can also present valuable opportunities for transformative innovation. This innovation is unlikely to follow the lines of niche management and upscaling but rather should take advantage of peri-urban dynamics. There are possibilities to build new alliances in order to renegotiate governance structures across the rural–urban continuum, to reframe urban sustainability debates and to reconfigure socio-technical and social-ecological systems interactions.  相似文献   

姜海  雷昊  白璐  吴昊  赵海燕 《资源科学》2015,37(12):2430-2440
不同地区应根据种植业-养殖业发展情况、经济发展水平与政府污染治理能力、水环境状况与治理需求,因地制宜地选择管理模式。依据系统构成要素及关系,本文将畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用管理模式总结为养殖企业主导型、有机肥企业主导型、种植企业主导型、政府(公益性处理中心)主导型四类。综合应用聚类分析与SWOT分析方法,将江苏省太湖地区22个县(市、区)划分为三类管理模式地区:养殖企业-有机肥企业主导型模式混合推广区,占太湖地区总土地面积43%;有机肥企业主导型模式重点推广区,占土地总面积20%;种植企业主导模式重点推广区,占土地总面积37%。政府在畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用中应同时扮演废弃物处理排放监督者、资源化利用组织者与服务购买者等“多重角色”,将养殖废弃物资源化利用相关利益主体组织起来,重新构建种植业-养殖业关系,切实提高养殖废弃物的有效利用水平。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾资源潜力与产业化对策   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
垃圾是放错地方的财富,全球各国却为之困扰。如何实现垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化成为城市可持续发展领域的新焦点。文章在浅析全球尤其中国人口和城市化水平高峰期的到来而更加严峻的垃圾态势基础上,从物质不灭和能量守恒定律角度,通过探讨垃圾回收利用的资源化潜力,揭示垃圾产生的历史必然;并就中国垃圾产业的建立、组织、运行机制和法律、法规提出了相应的建议,为实现中国城市生活垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化即城市可持续发展找到新的突破点。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103826
Test beds and living labs have emerged as a prominent approach to foster innovation across geographical regions and technical domains. They feed on the popular “grand societal challenges” discourse and the growing insight that adequate policy responses to these challenges will require drastic transformations of technology and society alike. Test beds and living labs represent an experimental, co-creative approach to innovation policy that aims to test, demonstrate, and advance new sociotechnical arrangements and associated modes of governance in a model environment under real-world conditions. In this paper, we develop an analytic framework for this distinctive approach to innovation. Our research draws on theories from Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Innovation Studies, as well as in-depth empirical analysis from two case studies – an urban smart energy campus and a rural renewable energy network. Our analysis reveals three characteristic frictions that test beds face: (1) the limits of controlled experimentation due to messy social responses and co-creation activity; (2) a tension between lab-like open-ended experimentation and pressures to demonstrate success; (3) the opposing needs of local socio-cultural specificity and scalability, i.e. the inherent promise of test bed outcomes being generalizable or transferrable because the tested “model society” is presumed to represent a future society at large. These tensions suggest that thinking of test beds as mere technology tests under real-world conditions is insufficient. Rather, test beds both test and re-configure society around a new set of technologies, envisioned futures, and associated modes of governance – occasionally against considerable resistance. By making social order explicitly available for experimentation, test beds tentatively stabilize new socio-technical orders on a local scale in an “as-if” mode of adoption and diffusion. Symmetric attention to the simultaneous co-production of new technical and social orders points to new opportunities and challenges for innovation governance in test-bed settings: Rather than mere enablers of technology, test beds could serve as true societal tests for the desirability of certain transformations. This will require rethinking notions of success and failure, planning with a view towards reversibility, and greater scrutiny of how power is distributed within such settings. Likewise, rather than envisioning test beds as low-regulation zones to drive innovation, they could be strategically deployed to co-develop socially desirable governance frameworks in tandem with emerging technologies in real-time.  相似文献   

借助于地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感技术(RS),本文探讨了重庆市北碚区城市用地的扩张趋势及其主要驱动因素;分析了1972年-2006年北碚区城市用地扩张的时空格局;讨论了其1995年-2006年间城市用地扩张中土地利用/覆被变化的特点。主要结果如下:①在时间尺度上,北碚区城市用地扩张分为慢、快和剧烈3个阶段,城市用地快速增长的区域分布在城区西南和正南方,城市重心最初向南方迁移后,逐渐向西南方转移;②北碚城市用地扩张的空间格局可分3类:自然增长型、社会-政治事件影响型和经济-人口影响型;③1995年-2006年来,北碚城区土地利用/覆被变化明显,各类型间相互转化关系暗示了这些变化主要受控于城市用地的扩张;④北碚区城市用地扩张受到山脉、河流2种自然因素影响最大,这也是大都市卫星城镇发展的一个普遍规律。同时,经济因素、政策因素、交通条件和城市人口数是北碚城市用地扩张主要的人为驱动因素。  相似文献   

公路超载超限问题及其治理是我国经济转型过程中暴露出的一大公共问题,本文首先运用经济学的逻辑方法,从公路的公共性、私人供给的可能性、公路的维护及运营、超载超限的外部性、治理难、公路系统利益链等角度对我国公路超载超限及对其治理问题做出了经济学解释;然后,按照市场配置和组织控制的划分基本市场主体的原理,将我国公路运行的有关系统进行分类和梳理,在明确各系统的关系的基础上,构建治理模型。以期从理论上系统认识这一问题,为构建治理长效机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

保定市城市用地扩展的时空演变分析   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
曾磊  鲁奇  宗勇 《资源科学》2004,26(4):96-103
城市地域空间扩展情况是衡量城市化水平的重要测度指标.该文以城市建成区土地利用的时空演变为研究对象,以与城市发展相关的历史文献资料、城市统计资料、城市土地利用图为研究基础,以GIS空间分析、相关分析等数学方法为研究手段对保定历史时期及近50年来的城市土地扩展的时空变化进行了系统分析和总结.将保定市城市土地扩展的时间演变过程划分为2个主要历史时期和3个次要阶段,即1948年前的传统城市发展时期和1949年~2000年的现代城市化发展时期.其中现代城市化发展时期又可进一步化分为3个次要阶段:1949年~1963年的跳跃式发展阶段,1963年~1981年的波动式发展阶段以及1981年~2000年的稳定快速发展阶段.并基于图层叠加对保定城市用地空间变化过程进行了分析.城市用地扩展受诸多因素的影响,该文简要讨论了其中最主要的3个驱动力:政策变化、经济发展和人口增长.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探索智慧城市政策试点对电子政务发展的影响机制,有助于促进电子政务向智慧化方向迈进。[方法/过程]本文采用事件史分析方法,收集244个地级市2011-2016年相关数据,构建智慧城市政策试点与电子政务发展水平的静态和动态面板模型,考察其对电子政务发展的影响。[结果/结论]研究结果显示,智慧城市试点对地方电子政务发展存在短期正向效应和长期负向效应;此外,上一年度电子政务发展水平高低对本期发展绩效具有显著正向影响;同侪效应对地方电子政务发展具有显著且持续的积极作用;而公众因素对电子政务发展的影响却不显著。因此,地方政府应把握智慧城市建设契机,基于城市发展状况,从政策组合、目标选择和经验学习等方面,激发电子政务发展潜能,提升创新治理能力。  相似文献   

低碳城市水平绩效评价及其障碍度诊断是实现城市绿色低碳发展的重要依据。以低碳城市试点天津市作为研究区域,构建基于经济发展、社会进步、环境优化、能源转型的城市低碳水平评价的指标体系,采用熵权-TOPSIS评价法和障碍度模型测度天津市低碳城市发展水平,识别不同时期阻碍实现低碳目标的制约因素。结果表明:研究期间内天津市低碳城市发展水平呈现整体上升趋势,绩效指数从2008年的0.2306增加到2014年的0.6989,社会进步和能源转型障碍度总体呈现增长趋势;经济发展和能源转型的障碍度总体呈现减少的趋势,年均增长速度24.18%和7.19%。在此基础上从能源效率提高、产业结构优化、环境治理提升和基础设施加强等角度提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Climate adaptation research increasingly focuses on the socio-cultural dimensions of change. In this context, narrative research is often seen as a qualitative social science method used to frame adaptation communication. However, this perspective neglects an important insight provided by narrative theory as applied in the cognitive sciences and other practical fields: human cognition is organized around specific narrative structures. In adaptation, this means that how we ‘story’ the environment determines how we understand and practice adaptation, how risks are defined, who is authorized as actors in the change debate, and the range of policy options considered. Furthermore, relating an experience through story-telling is already doing ‘knowledge work’, or learning. In taking narrative beyond its use as an extractive social research methodology, we argue that narrative research offers an innovative, holistic approach to a better understanding of socio-ecological systems and the improved, participatory design of local adaptation policies. Beyond producing data on local knowledge(s) and socio-cultural and affective-emotive factors influencing adaptive capacity, it can significantly inform public engagement, deliberation and learning strategies–features of systemic adaptive governance. We critically discuss narrative as both a self-reflective methodology and as a paradigmatic shift in future adaptation research and practice. We explore the narrative approach as a basis for participatory learning in the governance of socio-ecological systems. Finally, we assemble arguments for investing in alternative governance approaches consistent with a shift to a ‘narrative paradigm’.  相似文献   

Urban planning and morphology have relied on analytical cartography and visual communication tools for centuries to illustrate spatial patterns, conceptualize proposed designs, compare alternatives, and engage the public. Classic urban form visualizations – from Giambattista Nolli’s ichnographic maps of Rome to Allan Jacobs’s figure-ground diagrams of city streets – have compressed physical urban complexity into easily comprehensible information artifacts. Today we can enhance these traditional workflows through the Smart Cities paradigm of understanding cities via user-generated content and harvested data in an information management context. New spatial technology platforms and big data offer new lenses to understand, evaluate, monitor, and manage urban form and evolution. This paper builds on the theoretical framework of visual cultures in urban planning and morphology to introduce and situate computational data science processes for exploring urban fabric patterns and spatial order. It demonstrates these workflows with OSMnx and data from OpenStreetMap, a collaborative spatial information system and mapping platform, to examine street network patterns, orientations, and configurations in different study sites around the world, considering what these reveal about the urban fabric. The age of ubiquitous urban data and computational toolkits opens up a new era of worldwide urban form analysis from integrated quantitative and qualitative perspectives.  相似文献   

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