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The term MOOC, an acronym for massive open online course, has been nearly ubiquitous in recent discussions about online education and distance learning. Some articles have questioned the MOOC's tentative role as “the future of education,” while others have framed it as a disrupter of traditional higher education. Research in earlier years trended toward the ways in which MOOCs may be changing the landscape of higher education. However, in the past two years, greater consideration has been focused on how MOOCs may play a role in the corporate world. The year 2012 may have been deemed “The Year of the MOOC,” but many saw 2014 as “The Year of the Corporate MOOC.” Despite MOOCs reaching their prominence as disrupters of traditional higher education, MOOC providers are now aggressively pursuing opportunities in the corporate sector. This presents a great opportunity for corporations to drive this relatively new learning platform and to tailor it to meet their organizational needs. The potential uses for MOOCs in the corporate world are vast. MOOCs can expand corporate training options, offer new recruiting techniques, and provide innovative marketing and branding channels. This article identifies the features of MOOCs, briefly reviews the history of the MOOC movement from academic MOOCs to corporate MOOCs, and discusses the possibilities for extending the MOOC format to a corporate training and employee development environment.  相似文献   

Challenges of broadening access, escalating cost, maintaining desirable quality and enhancing meaningful learning experiences in African higher education (HE) have spurred debates on how to restructure higher education delivery to meet the diverse needs of heterogeneous learners and adapt pedagogical models to the educational realities of low-income African countries. In view of these complexities, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been advanced by Western Consortia, universities and online platform providers as panaceas for disrupting/transforming existing education models African universities. MOOCs have been touted as disruptive innovations with the potential to create new niche markets for HE courses, disrupt traditional models of instruction and content delivery and create new revenue streams for higher education. Yet academic elitism which manifests in the exclusive selection of top American universities to develop, host and deliver MOOCs, MOOC providers’ use of university brand and reputation as benchmarks for charging recruitment fees on headhunters recruiting MOOC graduates and their complex business models involving the sale of students’ big data (e.g. learning analytics) for profit seem to be inconsistent with claims about philanthropic and egalitarian drive of MOOCs. Drawing on disruptive innovation theory and a review of mainstream literature on MOOCs adoption in American and African tertiary sectors, this study argues that behind the MOOC rhetoric of disrupting and democratizing higher education lies the projection of top academic brands on the marketing pedestal, financial piggybacking on the hype and politics of academic exclusion.  相似文献   

While education has been both open and online, the sizeable enrolment numbers associated with massive open online courses (MOOCs) are somewhat unprecedented. In order to gauge the significance of education at scale, this article analyses specific examples of massive participation derived from E-learning and Digital Cultures, a MOOC from the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Coursera. Student-created content, user statistics, and survey data are illustrated to examine the experiences and repercussions of engaging with educational activity where participants number in the tens of thousands. This activity is shown to mirror established instructionist or constructivist approaches to pedagogy. However, rather than working with “massiveness,” these positions are suggested to oppose large participant numbers. Concluding remarks propose an irreducible diversity of participation, rather than a generalised categorisation of “student,” and call for future considerations of the MOOC to move beyond individualism and self-interest.  相似文献   

作为一种新型的在线教学模式,MOOC的迅猛发展引发全球教育工作者的热议与思考,甚至冲击着全球高等教育的改革与发展。作为一线教育实践者,笔者以在线学习者的身份参与多门课程的学习,体验了大规模在线教育教学模式。 MOOC有完整的教学过程,适合自主的、碎片化学习,但其考核评价、学习成果认证的权威性和影响力还极为有限。如何使传统教学与MOOC融合,扬长避短,是摆在教育工作者面前的一个新课题。  相似文献   

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been a prominent topic of recent educational discussion and debate. MOOCs are, in essence, university‐affiliated courses offered to large groups of online learners for little or no cost and are seen by many as a bellwether for change and reform across higher education systems. This study uses content and discourse analysis methods to examine how understandings of MOOC‐related ‘change’ were presented in US, UK and Australian newspapers. Drawing on detailed analysis of 457 newspaper articles published between 2011 and 2013, the findings point to a predominant portrayal of MOOCs in relation to the massification, marketization and monetization of higher education, rather than engaging in debate of either ‘technological’ or ‘educational’ issues such as online learning and pedagogy, instructional design or student experience. The article then considers the reasons underpinning this restricted framing of what many commentators have touted as a radical educational form—not least the apparently close association between MOOCs and the economics of higher education.  相似文献   

Despite the emergence of massive open online courses (MOOCs) and the field of MOOC research, we have a limited understanding of the specific needs of different learner groups and how MOOCs can successfully address those needs. Video lectures and demonstrations are a central learning component of MOOCs. This paper contributes to the research community by examining the use of MOOC videos for two groups of learners. In particular, we explore whether there is an observable difference between specialists' and non-specialists' video-watching activity. We analyse data collected from three MOOCs on the edX platform. Our findings indicate that while age and educational background impacts the level of video activity, there is no significant difference between specialists and non-specialists. We conclude that the MOOC format may be suited to non-specialist groups, allowing them to self-direct their learning and utilise videos as educational resources.  相似文献   

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have generated enthusiasm, excitement, and hype worldwide and recently increasing skepticism. They are being broadly discussed in the major news media (and to a smaller extent in academic circles). Rapidly increasing numbers of MOOC providers, MOOC courses and articles, discussion groups, and blogs discussing MOOCs are indicators of the involvement of many stakeholders. Most of these analyses and developments are based on economic perspectives (such as scalability, productivity, and being free) and technology perspectives (including platforms supporting large number of students in online environments, enrichment components such as forums, peer-to-peer learning support, and automatic grading). Few contributions analyze MOOCs from a learning science perspective and put them into a larger context with other approaches to learning and education. This commentary explores challenges derived from the perspective to conceptualize MOOCs as being one component in a rich landscape of learning.  相似文献   

农业振兴靠人才,人才培养靠教育。当前高等农业院校思想政治理论课亲和力面临着学校“重智轻德”、教师“重农轻文”、大学生“即时满足”的现实困境。高等农业院校亟须构建具有高度亲和力的思想政治理论课。文章立足于大学生视域,结合马克思主义理论基础,以江西农业大学为例,围绕“讲”“育”“结合”三方面探究提升高等农业院校思想政治理论课亲和力的创新路径。切实提高思想政治理论课的实效性,真正实现高等农业院校的育人要求。  相似文献   

MOOC会颠覆传统大学教学方式么?这是MOOC从狂热追捧到理性反思过程中一直热议的一个话题。世界各地的教育工作者都希望借助MOOC的力量,探索出一种新的教学模式来提升现代高等教育的质量和效率。美国加州大学伯克利分校的阿曼多·福克斯教授提出小规模私有在线课程(SPOC)概念,在加州大学伯克利分校和清华大学的混合式教学实践中取得良好效果。SPOC是MOOC与传统校园教学的有机融合,是针对小规模、特定人群的通过MOOC资源来改变传统高等教育现状的一种解决方案,其基本形式是在传统校园课堂采用MOOC讲座视频或在线评价等功能辅助课堂教学。SPOC利用MOOC的规模效应,分摊高质量教学内容的人均成本,获取通过大数据来进行教学研究的机会,弥补了MOOC较之传统教学的局限。因此它既不是MOOC的对立竞争模式,也不是传统的在线课程。MOOC和SPOC的发展应该同步进行,相互促进,进而提升课堂教学的质量和效率。  相似文献   

In this paper we will explain massive open online courses (MOOCs)-how they started, their targeted audience, and what services they provide- and demonstrate selected MOOC service providers that best suit the Arabian Gulf region. The record annual growth for MOOCs has made many respected institutions reconsider their educational strategies. Many elite universities have started to join the stream; others are expected to join very soon. In this paper we will focus on select MOOC providers that will help institutions or individual instructors ride the stream before it is too late. All MOOC providers have been carefully selected to meet the author’s criteria of either having crossed a capacity range limit or being tailored to meet the Arabian Gulf region needs. Finally, the paper summarizes the best practices and gives recommendations for any Gulf region institution or individual for better implementation of MOOCs into their learning system.  相似文献   

MOOC rampant     
In 2012–2013, the massive open online course (MOOC) approach has been accepted by universities around the world, and outsourcing companies have been launched to provide the infrastructure for it. Current press and blog coverage of the MOOC trend is examined and the range of reactions to it, most of them enthusiastic. MOOCs vary in their massiveness and openness, and in the extent to which they are courses; and a wide range of MOOCs is emerging under different names. These include xMOOCs, in which course content is defined by the course designers, and cMOOCs featuring information generated by the students. The origins of the MOOC are examined, and its implications for the educational institutions that have specialized in distance education previously.  相似文献   

The proliferation of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has stirred a fervent debate about global access to higher education. While some commentators praise MOOCs for expanding educational opportunities in a more open and accessible fashion, others criticize this trend as a threat to current models of higher education and a low-quality substitute for traditional learning. Drawing on a comprehensive literature review of both academic and popular media sources, this article will explore the impact of MOOCs on the field of higher education, with a particular emphasis on their promise to enhance educational opportunities worldwide. Specifically, the analysis will focus on the four issues that have – so far – proven to be most significant in shaping the future of MOOC as an equalizing force in higher education: credit, pedagogy, internationalization, and, finally, legal and financial aspects.  相似文献   

Learners who enrol in massive open online courses (MOOCs) have different backgrounds and tend to have different motivations than learners in traditional courses. Based on value-expectancy theory, an instrument was developed to measure motivation for enrolling in a programming MOOC. A study with 1229 adult participants in Estonian-language programming course “About Programming” was conducted to validate the instrument. Results of confirmatory factor analysis validated the 7-factor scale named factors influencing enrolment in MOOC (FIEM). FIEM comprises three factors of expectancies, three factors of values and one factor of social influence. The highest and lowest rated motivational factors influencing enrolment in programming MOOC are discussed in the paper. Interest in and expectations for the course, personal suitability of distance learning and suitability for family and work are the highest-rated motivational factors for those who enrol in MOOC. Usefulness related to own children, social influence and usefulness to related to certification were the lowest rated. The results of this study can be useful for designers of programming MOOCs and the developed scale might be used in future studies.  相似文献   

随着网络信息时代的到来,大规模开放在线课程,即MOOC教学模式,已经成为国内教育界关注的话题。MOOC的兴起及其在高校德育课程中的广泛应用为我国高校思想政治理论课的创新发展提供了一个新的时代课题和机遇。应探索建设高校思想政治理论课MOOC平台,整合优质教学资源,增进教育效果。  相似文献   

现代信息技术发展催生了MOOCs这一新的学习和教育模式。文章阐述了MOOCs具有在线学习、在线测验与短视频、相互间评价与自我评价、在线论坛与视频讨论等不同于传统教育教学的特征,指出了MOOCs对中国高等教育的特殊意义:它为中国高水平大学之间课程资源优势互补与共享以及向其他大学开放提供了绝好的机会。文章还分析了如何基于MOOCs实施教育教学改革、提高校园教育质量以及实现优质教学资源共享。  相似文献   

近年来,MOOCs成为国内外在线教育与高等教育改革的超级热点,各个学科背景的学者乃至社会工作者踊跃参与,良莠不齐的各类文献急剧增长。从MOOCs述评、课程教学和教育改革三个方面,针对2008—2014年649篇各类文献的梳理发现:MOOCs研究以述评为主,主题发散,深度不足;经历了从cMOOC到xM00C的内涵变异、商业链的形成和调整,以及从狂热追逐和片面否定转向理性思考和实践的过程。MOOCs的最大价值体现在向全社会彰显了技术对教育具有巨大影响的潜能,但它不是解决高等教育问题的灵丹妙药,而是推动教育与技术深度融合的催化剂。MOOCs只是在线教育发展中的一个事件,不足以称之为“时代”,而应从整体上认识和把握在线教育的发展规律,将MOOCs回归到网络课程与在线教育的系统中,关注其最新发展,开展有针对的研究,实现教学层面逐渐融入网络教学、办学和管理层面逐渐回归开放远程教育、教学改革层面重新关注混合教学、研究层面推进泛在式在线教育整个体系的创新。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an exploratory study on participants’ perception of the importance of single‐gender grouping in a massive open online course (MOOC) delivered through the Coursera platform. Findings reveal that female and male learners’ perception of single‐gender grouping differs. Female students more than males indicated less preference for single‐gender grouping. Views on single‐gender grouping also differed across regions, suggesting the effect of participants’ regions of origin on their opinions about single‐gender grouping. Moreover, an interaction was established between participants’ region and gender. In particular, our study reveals that men in the “Asia and Pacific” region tended—more than men and women from other regions of the world—to give more importance to single‐gender grouping in this MOOC. In addition, younger participants cared less about single‐gender groups compared to older respondents. This study sheds light on our understanding of the importance of gender and age importance in online learning environments such as MOOCs. The findings also point to the role gender and age may play as MOOCs continue to gain in popularity and to adopt collaborative approaches to teaching and learning.  相似文献   

课程思政建设是落实立德树人根本任务的重要手段,如何将此工作落实到体育类课程的教学实践中,构建全员、全过程、全方位的“三全”育人体系,是高校体育工作的重要工作目标。通过文献法、实验法等研究方法,立足于学校实际,并结合其他学校的特点进行分析研究,探索了落实高校体育类课程思政建设的具体做法。  相似文献   

With the popularization of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in the e-learning landscape, more and more older adults are participating in MOOC learning activities. Understanding older adults’ learning motivations in MOOCs will help MOOC developers design suitable learning systems and appropriate course content for older learners. Using a content analysis method, this study identifies six types of learning motivations of older adults in MOOCs: solving problems, acquiring knowledge, improving cognition, seeking fun, benefiting others, and social contact, among which improving cognition is unique to older adults. Based on the above classification, we found that the learning motivations among older adults vary with age and gender. The findings enrich the theories of education for older adults and of learning motivation, and can be used to improve the design of MOOCs for older adults.  相似文献   

高校思想政治工作要坚决落实新时代立德树人根本任务,贯穿教育教学全过程。在“大思政”的背景下,思想政治教育不仅局限于理论课程教育,更要与其他专业课程、社会实践等内容相结合,从而发挥思想政治教育的合力。将志愿服务理念、活动融入大学生学习生活,实现课堂教学和实践教学、学校教育和社会教育、校园学习和终身学习的有机结合,是实践“立德树人”教育理念和“三全育人”的有效途径。因此,需要发挥志愿服务活动的思想政治教育功能,完善地方高校志愿服务体系,以构建“大思政”的育人格局。  相似文献   

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