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This essay explores a word-based public art project. In its quotidian presence and its technical violation of historic district codes, the project enables varied interactions. The project requires us to revise our understanding of rhetorical situation, rhetorical space, and rhetorical ecology by understanding public art as a space for encounter: places and moments that enable engagement between and among humans and place that amplify the sense of the contingency of public space. They are important realms for activating a democratic ethos for the city. This concept attends to the intentionality and contingency of rhetorical interaction seeing space as contextual but not determinative, a place of convergence. Using oral history interviews with hosts of the words and participant observation of two historic district hearings, I read the hearings, and the words, as spaces that mobilize a convergence zone between the intimate and the public. Building on encounter and spatial theory, this essay offers a defense of the mid-level as a register of political practice that can be glimpsed in cultural processes.  相似文献   

艺术教育在大学人才培养中具有重要作用。提高艺术鉴赏能力是培养新时期大学生创新才能和培养民族建设接班人的重要途径之一。在实施艺术教育过程中,要以我国先进的主导文化引导艺术教育的方向;在教学方式方法上,要以认知的态度而非仅是学习的态度对待人类文化遗产,教师应努力变传统的结论式的教学为探索式教学,应站在当代的文化艺术环境中,培养学生的艺术鉴赏能力。  相似文献   

本文从教育的人文性出发,探讨了美术教育的文化内涵,提出美术教师应承担三种角色(学生学习的促进者、课程的建设者和开发者、文化学者),认为美术教师基本素养由较高的人格素养、扎实的美术学科素养、基本的教学与教育研究素养和高水平的人文素养组成。  相似文献   

艺术教育以其鲜明的形象、充沛的情感,美化人的心灵,使受教者进入更高的精神境界,成为一个具有高尚情操的人。这种独具特点的审美品格,使艺术教育在全民族精神素质的提高中发挥着不可忽视的作用。在异彩纷呈的后现代语境下,艺术教育的审美品格呈现出多元化发展的态势:技术理性与情感的矛盾,使艺术教育中审美情感得以凸现;文化工业所带来的标准化与独创性的矛盾,使艺术教育中审美独创性得以高扬;信息全球化与民族性的矛盾,使得人们开始关注艺术教育中审美民族性的问题。  相似文献   

在多元文化时代背景下,将中华优秀传统文化与美术教学相融合,不仅有利于丰富学校美术课程资源、提高学生的专业素养、审美素养和人文素养,还有利于增进文化自信。但目前的美术教育教学中存在对传统文化教育重视不够、课程建设不适合学生发展需要、教师传统文化素养不高等问题,影响传统文化的传承与创新。因此,从教学观念、教师素质、课程内容体系、课程评价反馈、环境创设方面提出优化中华优秀传统文化与美术教学融合的路径。  相似文献   

In architectural design education, the main objective is to help students, especially first‐year students, improve their design ideas, creativity, perception of three dimensions and ways of expressing them. Thus, as an embedded concept in architecture, art has been emphasized here as a design method. In other words, the necessary help to enable students to think more freely has been provided by ceramic art. The concept dealt with in this article is an interdisciplinary approach to space design as an experimental method in design education. Just as fine art students are inspired from the principles of architecture, clay, as basic material to fine art students, makes a creative material and design tool for architecture students. A workshop was organised in the design courses by the first author, the instructor, for the first‐ and third‐year architecture students. The second author, a ceramics artist and lecturer, has participated in the workshop as a visiting instructor and contributed with her own studies related to space, house, building and materials.  相似文献   

合唱作为大众喜闻乐见、易见成效、宜于培养团队协作精神、发展音乐素质、和谐净化人心灵特点的一种艺术教育形式,在大学生素质教育中发挥着重要作用。以南宁职院合唱文化实践为例,通过构建"合唱一体化"课程、开展音乐特色文化活动、打造合唱文化品牌等方式,探索人文素质教育新模式。  相似文献   

美术教育在提高学生的综合素质、完善学生的人文精神等方面,具有得天独厚的作用。高中美术课是美育的有机组成,课程中要凸显其人文学科性质,体现《美术课程标准》新理念,重于启迪美术生命意识,为学生的健康成长打好学科美育基础。  相似文献   

民间剪纸艺术是中华民族沉积了数千年传统文化的民俗载体,蕴涵着民族文化和艺术的精华,是中华民族优秀传统文化重要代表之一。将其纳入高校艺术教育课程体系,可补高等教育之不足,可以传承和保护民族艺术,弘扬爱国情怀;加强民间文化艺术教育,提升高校学生人文素养;可抑制不良文化侵蚀,塑造大学生身心健康;感悟民间艺术创作精粹,提升审美水平。  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental course in the preparation of art teachers. The goal of the course was to engage final-year art students in thinking about the fundamental questions in aesthetic education and in considering various views of their roles as teachers of art. The classes presented a dialogue between two teachers: a philosopher of art and an artist. We discussed the social justification of art, the place of art in education and more generally the portrayal of visual culture in philosophical thought. The bibliography for the course comprised a list of basic texts in aesthetic education, from Friedrich Schiller to Nelson Goodman. In class we linked the range of philosophical views examined to the artistic exploration of themes (mainly in contemporary and local art). The course also incorporated guest speakers who presented their own projects relating to different meeting points of art and education, including social-activist artists, curators, philosophers of education and school architects. The article presents the rationale for the course, its method and a sample of its content.  相似文献   

在传统观念下,摄影被认为是真实时空中发生的事物和活动的复制品,是现实世界的纯粹反映,而数字影像的记录方式从实体的银盐变成了虚拟的像素,通过后期再加工合成或电脑绘图制作的影像把摄影从记忆中的现实空间转化为想象中的拟像空间,解构了传统摄影的确证和记录的本质,颠覆了摄影艺术纪实美、瞬间美的本体特性,重塑了当代影像艺术的创作与审美架构,步入瓦尔特.本雅明所预示的"艺术作为摄影"的时代。本文从传统摄影的本体特性切入,探讨数字影像技术对新闻摄影伦理观念的冲击,摄影艺术创作方法和观念的转变等问题。  相似文献   

谈高校美术教育中的民族教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们要保持本民族独特的精神品格和个性,必须大力弘扬本民族的文化特色。在美术教育中加强对大学生进行民族美术教育是非常具有现实意义的。我们民族深厚的文化艺术积淀也使得我们可以以多样的形式开设内容丰富的课程。  相似文献   

艺术教育是高校实施美育的基本途径。艺术教育可以使学生认识感悟艺术的空间层次与技艺手法,提高对形象特征的想像力和理解力。在想像力的发展中培养创造性思维。艺术教育是高校校园文化建设中不可缺少的重要环节,它能够使学生的性情得到陶冶,思想得到净化,品格得到完善,促进身心和谐健康的发展,从而培养自主、自立、自强的社会责任感和生活能力。  相似文献   

在全面推进素质教育的过程中,艺术教育扮演着不可替代的重要角色.艺术教育具备的审美本质与品格,能够使学生的精神境界和人文素养获得提升、心灵得到净化、情感和眼界都得以解放和超越.通过对学校情境中艺术教育的本质、实施和评价等方面进行探讨,揭示艺术教育的审美品格.  相似文献   

美术课是义务教育阶段对学生进行美育的重要课程.美术课不仅要培养学生的审美情趣,更要培养学生的观察力、想象力和创造力.对于听障学生来说,美术就是他们接受知识的另一扇门,培养他们的兴趣爱好,作为一位美术教师应把创造力的培养作为美术教学的重点.  相似文献   

王辰晨 《科教导刊》2021,(2):168-169
"传统民间美术"课程是高校设计艺术专业学生的选修理论课程."传统民间美术"的教学改革重点在"翻转课堂""双师"教学,"动手操作"等方面.中国民间美术是人民大众的艺术,滋生于中国传统文化的土壤中.中国民间美术中涉及的作品、技艺体现了中华民族群体性的审美观、价值观、文化观,为当代高校的设计艺术教育提供了宝贵的知识源泉与驱动力.  相似文献   

For the past few years, creativity has gradually become an important element in the national cultivation of talent in Taiwan. Although traditionally art education is closely linked with creativity, the academic research on general art education is very insufficient. Therefore, the goal of this research is to investigate how creativity could be cultivated in curriculum planning for general art education at technology universities as well as what students’ learning process was when they participated in a course's creative activity. The research applied the theory and steps of creative problem‐solving (CPS) on a general art course to design a group practical activity combining with the local community. This involved converting the steps of creative problem‐solving into different stages of group design activities with the goal of constructing a design process equivalent to the process of problem‐solving. The main research results revealed that students could experience the problem‐solving process through group design activities and develop their divergent and convergent thinking at the same time. Moreover, the cooperative learning model is the most appropriate teaching strategy for students from non‐art‐related departments when cultivating their creativity.  相似文献   

作为培养高等人才的高校,增强美术教育力度,加强美术鉴赏课的教学是非常必要的:通过美术鉴赏课教学能够使学生树立正确的审美观,提高其审美能力;能够开阔学生的眼界,提高其文化修养;能够提高学生的道德修养,是进行爱国主义教育的重要手段。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the emotions of 13 and 14 year‐old students related to visual art education activities. Our aim is to understand the interference of the students' emotions with the processes of the creation and reception of their own pictures, as well as their characteristics in an art education context. The article adopts a Vygotskian theoretical perspective about emotion and aesthetic education that refers to the biopsychological nature of emotion and its cultural determination. The need to transform emotions in art activities is stressed and the teenagers' pictures are interpreted as a means of communication. The data collection was based on questionnaires and interviews with seventh and eighth grade secondary school students. It is concluded that students' emotions are not only present in the creative process and in its result, but also that they could have a significant positive or negative impact on students' motivation and achievement behaviour in art education classes. In this context, the students' pictures, acting as stimuli, may evoke their emotions.  相似文献   

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