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A bstract .  In this essay Andrew Metcalfe and Ann Game argue that although the term "dialogue" is commonly used in educational theory, its full significance is diluted if it is seen as a matter of exchange or negotiation of prior positions and identities. As a meeting point, they argue, dialogue suspends the senses of time, space, and ontology on which identities are based. It is therefore not simply metaphorical to say that dialogue changes lives and opens minds. Using empirical material from interviews with Australian students and teachers, Metcalfe and Game draw out the relational qualities of genuine dialogue and the significance they have for how we understand everyday classroom life.  相似文献   

The article offers a survey of the problems peculiar to assessment and examinations in modern languages, pointing particularly to the lack of consensus among languages teachers about the relative weighting of the qualities sought in student answers. An indication of recent developments in examinations is given, with specific reference to examinations of the Royal Society of Arts, and the languages component of Higher National Awards of the Business Education Council.  相似文献   

民族区域自治法虽然在指导民族地区经济社会发展方面取得了重大成就,但其部分只有原则性规定的条款缺乏可实际操作的实施细则,在全国统一税收、财政、国家投资和行政区划这种条块分割的经济体制下,民族自治区域如何实现经济“自主”的权利?在四川民族地区的水电资源开发中,事实上存在损害少数民族地区和少数民族群众利益的问题;外来大资本开发民族地区的优质资源,少数民族群众如何参与分享?如何把民族区域自治法的有关规定落到实处?这些都是亟待研究和解决的问题。  相似文献   

This introductory article by the Chairman of the Special Committee for Humanities of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO introduces the conference, the proceedings of which follow. The author gives a brief history of one of the co‐sponsors, the Institute for East and South‐East European Studies of Austria, following it with a few references to the admission of women to selected European universities in the mid‐nineteenth century. The question asked is whether or not a good university education suffices for a woman to be able to undertake a successful career in research and development (R&D).  相似文献   

Typically, mathematics and science are seen as linked together, where both subjects involve numbers, critical thinking, and problem solving. Our study aims to develop a better understanding of the connections between student’s achievement scores in mathematics and science, student gender, and self-efficacy. We used the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007 eighth grade data to answer our research questions and were able to demonstrate that when controlling for self-efficacy, there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement scores between males and females by subject, where females score higher Algebra, but males score higher in the other mathematics subjects. Likewise, we were also able to demonstrate that there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement scores in Earth Science, Physics, and Biology, between males and females where males score higher in science subjects. In both mathematics and science examinations, we controlled for self-efficacy where in mathematics females hold lower self-efficacy then males and in science there is no difference between females and males in terms of self-efficacy. We conjecture that mathematics and science classrooms that consider self-efficacy may impact student’s achievement scores by subject, which can ultimately impact career choices in mathematics- and science-based fields.  相似文献   

The Canadian federal agency “Statistics Canada” has made an estimation of the trends of enrolment in Canadian higher education institutions until 1979.  相似文献   

LOVE AND DESPAIR IN TEACHING   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

陶瓷表的诞生实在是一段逸事。品牌创始人张曙阳先生本身是一位收藏家,瓷器和手表都是他的爱物。西方有珐琅表,但是中国的传统工艺陶瓷却没有进入到中国自己的手表品牌当中,于是张曙阳先生开始了自己传播陶瓷文化之旅,创立张稻品牌专门制作陶瓷手表。张曙阳先生有很高的人格魅力,在与景德镇瓷器大师交往十余年间成为了很要好的朋友,因此每一块张稻陶瓷手表都是景德镇陶瓷大师的作品。中国传统陶瓷技艺的融入,陶瓷大家的参与让中国陶瓷手表站在了世界手表艺术之巅。  相似文献   

It gives me great pleasure to be with you this evening as part of your Annual Conference. The Conference theme. Television in Education and Training, is a demanding one, but one to which we are all able to contribute from our different backgrounds and experiences  相似文献   

保证每个院(系)的每个年级都有一定数量的专职辅导员,是中央16号文件和教育部《关于加强和改进高等学校辅导员班主任队伍建设的意见》的明确要求。西部许多高校至今尚未能达到规定标准。西部高校辅导员队伍专职化建设应完善制度、强化措施,建立健全辅导员保障机制;落实政策,提高物质待遇,增强辅导员的吸引力和凝聚力;健全选拔机制,加强思想道德培训,着力提高辅导员综合素质。  相似文献   

The author stresses the fact that the English educational system has perpetuated or exacerbated already existing social differences. According to him, the English school system is still denying the possibility of a true and active citizenship. Looking at the basic principles of Education Acts and reform ‘campaigns’ in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and at the re‐structuring processes of English education, he states (pointing at his own work and that of Shrosbree and Allsobrook) that differentiation once and again took place along social class lines.  相似文献   


清代,归化城和绥远城共建有三所书院。即启秀书院(长白书院)、古丰书院、启运书院。形成了满、汉、蒙三学并立、分庭课徒的格局。三书院在课程设置等方面都显示了不同于内地书院的诸多特点。这些书院不仅在人才培养和繁荣当地的民族文化方面发挥了积极作用。在中国书院史上也应有其独特地位。  相似文献   

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