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何秋鸿  汪毅  刘淳 《湖北体育科技》2023,(4):283-286+291
运用文献计量法、可视化分析法,对Web of ScienceTM核心合集收录1976至2021年“反兴奋剂”主题的2 839篇文献进行分析,探寻国际反兴奋剂的研究脉络、变化特征及新动向。结果表明:近37年国际反兴奋剂研究呈多项式函数增长趋势,欧美和亚洲地区的发文量和研究机构在反兴奋剂研究领域处于优势地位,高校是反兴奋剂研究的主要力量;研究热点集中在兴奋剂管制、兴奋剂、代谢物、尿液、血浆、血清、利尿剂、睾酮、口服液、合成代谢类固醇、促红细胞生成素和运动表现等主题,围绕质谱分析、固相萃取、分离法、量化分析等方法的筛选展开了全方位探索;构成了以反兴奋剂样本采集、反兴奋剂政策演变与违反规则、反兴奋剂检测方法、反兴奋教育相关研究为知识基础的4类国际反兴奋剂研究知识群。  相似文献   

分析了拉脱维亚反兴奋剂领域的现状,阐述了与遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》和《欧洲理事会反兴奋剂公约》以及2017年之前存在的《反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约法》有关的法律问题。世界反兴奋剂机构对成员国遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》情况进行的调查显示,拉脱维亚反兴奋剂体系在2017年之前存在若干不合规情况。尤其当时拉脱维亚国家反兴奋剂机构是国家运动医学中心下设的反兴奋剂部门,缺乏足够的自主性,也未有充足的资金来全面遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》和《欧洲理事会反兴奋剂公约》中规定的要求。  相似文献   

张鹏 《体育科学》2023,(11):32-39
根据国际奥委会和国际单项体育联合会的规定,未成年运动员有资格参加国际体育赛事,由此也被纳入反兴奋剂规则的调整范畴。2021年修订的《世界反兴奋剂条例》从概念厘定、适用范围、举证责任、披露豁免和处罚标准等5个方面强化了未成年运动员的保护。国际国内反兴奋剂规则仍存在条款设置难以达成设定目的、保护规则缺乏深度、个人信息保护缺漏等问题。以此为鉴,我国《反兴奋剂条例》中应增设未成年运动员保护条款,修订《反兴奋剂规则》的公开披露条款,补充《反兴奋剂规则》中未成年运动员的例外规定,强化未成年运动员的个人信息保护,从而促进国际规则与国内法、国内规则的有效衔接,积极参与国际反兴奋剂规则在未成年运动员保护方面的创新与完善。  相似文献   

邵沁雨 《体育科研》2018,(1):17-25,34
通过对2016年白俄罗斯皮划艇协会与国际皮划艇联合会体育仲裁案例的分析,得出研究结论:禁用药物超长的代谢时间不能成为反兴奋剂规则具有溯及力的理由;虽然《世界反兴奋剂条例》第11条的规定因为存在"集体项目"这一前提而没有违反个人责任原则,但该条第12条由于规定得过于简单仍然违反了该原则;国家司法机关刑事诉讼程序中发现的兴奋剂药物证据,在刑事诉讼程序终止而证据未经质证的情况下,不能直接作为兴奋剂违规行为的认定证据。  相似文献   

尽管兴奋剂对运动员的身体、心理以及高尚的奥林匹克体育精神都是有百害而无一利,兴奋剂检测越来越严格,检测技术也越来越先进,但近年来兴奋剂的使用仍在继续。基于使用兴奋剂对人体所造成的危害以及对社会所造成的负面影响,社会各界都应该联合起来开展反兴奋剂运动。本文通过对大量有关兴奋剂及反兴奋剂的文献资料的分析,提出了兴奋剂的原理、危害及反兴奋剂的必要性,希望对相关人员有所启发以推动反兴奋剂运动的发展。  相似文献   

临时停赛是反兴奋剂工作中较为常见的管理手段,依托反兴奋剂规则体系的建设,临时停赛规则整体上体现出了一致性和灵活性兼备的特点。但由于《世界反兴奋剂条例》临时停赛条款关键内容的缺失,以及各反兴奋剂组织的反兴奋剂规则补充规定的不完善,临时停赛规则的一致性和灵活性相结合的优势未能获得充分发挥,不利于运动员权利的保护,也影响了国际反兴奋剂工作公平协调地进行。完善临时停赛规则应当强调《世界反兴奋剂条例》与各体育组织、反兴奋剂机构的反兴奋剂规则之间的“分工”,并重点关注临时停赛的适用标准、停止条件、违规后果、时长标准和赔偿规则等问题。我国的临时停赛规则存在实践适用较少、认定标准简单的问题,应当借鉴国际经验进一步完善相关规定,助力我国反兴奋剂事业的发展。  相似文献   

科学技术相伴现代奥林匹克运动有百年历史,对奥林匹克运动产生极为深刻的影响。仅在奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂斗争领域,科技正效应对 奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作起着积极的推进作用,为世界范围内打击兴奋剂使用提供了便利的条件和可能;科技负效应也为研发和使用兴奋剂提 供了科学“帮助”,导致竞技体育和奥林匹克运动中兴奋剂泛滥。采用文献资料、系统分析、逻辑推理等研究方法,试图从价值论、认识论、经济和科 技等多维度视角,剖析科技负效应导致竞技体育和奥林匹克运动中兴奋剂泛滥的社会文化根源,进而探寻奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作难以取得成 效的原因。从科技负效应导致奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作的艰巨性角度来看,反兴奋剂工作的难度主要体现在:(1)技术控制的失效性增加了反兴 奋剂工作的难度;(2)技术控制的方法可能成为研发和使用兴奋剂的“帮凶”;(3)科技负效应体现在反兴奋剂检查存在极低的“检出率”等方面。研 究结果认为,只有通过道德和法律等多种文化形态的综合运用,建立和完善反兴奋剂监督机制,加大对服用兴奋剂的处罚力度,改善科学技术在奥 林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作中的使用环境等,才能使科技真正成为推动竞技体育和奥林匹克运动发展的强大驱动力。  相似文献   

随着体育事业的飞速发展,竞技体育运动竞争日益激烈,荣誉、金钱等诸多因素诱使运动员、教练员等误入歧途,试图通过不正当的方式提高运动能力和运动成绩,导致兴奋剂在世界体坛滋长蔓延。科技的进步,使兴奋剂的使用手段越来越"高明",反兴奋剂工作也变得越来越艰难。兴奋剂检查作为反兴奋剂工作中的重要环节之一,其重要性不言而喻。兴奋剂检查官作为兴奋剂检查的执行者,在兴奋剂检查中扮演着重要的角色,他们的特殊工作与运动成绩、国家荣誉和国际义务息息相关。  相似文献   

我国反兴奋剂管理体制的沿革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献综述、专家访谈和分析对比等方法,归纳了我国反兴奋剂管理体制沿革的基本脉络;概括了自20世纪80年代至今我国反兴奋剂管理体制4个不同发展阶段的主要特征;提示由政府主导、各负其责、依法管理、有效运转、既符合中国国情又与国际通行做法接轨的反兴奋剂管理体制,在我国的反兴奋剂斗争中发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

目的:针对设计类固醇兴奋剂,分析并探讨其设计特点和发展趋势。方法:文献资料法和理论分析法。结论:设计类固醇兴奋剂是一些没有纳入世界反兴奋剂条例禁用物质清单的类固醇药物,或者是利用兴奋剂检测方法存在的不足为逃脱药检而专门设计的类固醇药物,其未来的主要趋势是制造现今例行的运动兴奋剂控制尿样筛选、检测中容易分解的类固醇兴奋剂;另一个重要的趋势是从现有商品流通渠道和世界反兴奋剂条例禁用物质清单之外寻找或直接开发合成代谢活性高的合成类固醇药物。  相似文献   

To inform anti-doping policy and practice, it is important to understand the complexities of doping. The purpose of this study was to collate and systematically examine the reasoned decisions published by UK Anti-Doping for doping sanctions in rugby union in the UK since the introduction of the 2009 World Anti-Doping Code. Case files were content analysed to extract demographic information and details relating to the anti-doping rule violation (ADRV), including individuals’ explanations for how/why the ADRV occurred. Between 2009 and 2015, 49 rugby union players and one coach from across the UK were sanctioned. Over 50% of the cases involved players under the age of 25, competing at sub-elite levels. Reasons in defence of the ADRV focused on functional use and lifestyle factors rather than performance enhancement. An a priori assessment of the “need”, “risk” and “consequence” of using a substance was not commonplace; further strengthening calls for increasing the reach of anti-doping education. The findings also deconstruct the view that “doped” athletes are the same. Consequently, deepening understanding of the social and cultural conditions that encourage doping remains a priority.  相似文献   

Within anti-doping efforts, an emphasis has been placed on the importance of providing education programmes to key stakeholder groups, including coaches. Yet, very little is known about current coach education provision in the anti-doping domain across countries and sports. Therefore, this study aimed to: (1) establish the current status of anti-doping education for coaches; (2) gain an understanding of the system through which anti-doping education is provided to coaches; and, (3) explore the opportunities for future education provision. This was done through semi-structured interviews with thirteen individuals responsible for managing anti-doping education within national and international sporting and anti-doping organisations. Most stakeholders acknowledged the importance of providing education programmes for coaches. Some already had provision in place and others were in the process of developing programmes. However, the current focus is on sportspeople and the degree to which sporting and anti-doping organisations are able to devise, implement and evaluate anti-doping education programmes for coaches is hindered by the contextual constraints they face. These include a lack of resources and limited interagency coordination, as well as challenges to overcome negative perceptions of ‘anti-doping’ efforts. Taken together, the findings indicate that policy expectations regarding anti-doping education for coaches are not being fully operationalised, and this situation is unlikely to change without: (1) greater direction and regulation of the system through which education is provided; (2) frequent and effective communication and cooperation between Code signatories; and, (3) increased fiscal and human capital investment at every level of the sporting hierarchy. Ultimately, until anti-doping education is shown to be a key priority for decision makers within sporting organisations (i.e., chief executives and board members), it is unlikely to become a central priority for coaches.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):526-549
This article about doping and anti-doping measures and policy in West Germany in the context of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich is part of a research project about ‘Doping and Anti-Doping in West-Germany’, supported by the German Government. The intention of this paper is to describe, analyse and discuss the process of changing relationships between state (including various governing sports bodies) and sport (including the German sport associations and federations) in West Germany in the context of the Munich Olympics, and how doping and anti-doping was dealt with in national and international high-level sports. The paper is based on relevant archives and documents from governmental and sports organizations, as well as on the current German and international state-of-the-art of doping (and anti-doping) research.  相似文献   

张程龙 《体育科研》2021,42(6):23-29
反兴奋剂问题是发展体育事业过程中必须关注的重点问题,而具有体育基本法地位的《中华人民共和国体育法》(《体育法》)对反兴奋剂问题规定过于原则,已严重滞后于国家反兴奋剂工作的发展。在《体育法》修改的大背景下,通过文献资料、专家访谈的方法对《体育法》修改中的反兴奋剂问题进行研究,认为《体育法》中对反兴奋剂问题进行修改是当前国家体育法治发展的必然要求,也是推动反兴奋剂工作发展的保障,且有利于运动员权利的保护 ;同时分析《体育法》修改应重点关注反兴奋剂领域中的基本问题——管理体制、信息公开机制、教育制度的不完善 ;最后结合《体育法》的基本法地位以及上述基本问题,提出需要在《体育法》修改文本中设置反兴奋剂专章,且明确反兴奋剂的工作方针、管理体制、信息公开、宣传教育、科研与国际合作 5.个方面内容  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):268-279
Although the use of banned drugs in sport is not a new phenomenon, little is known about the experiences and perceptions of athletes who have committed anti-doping rule violations. This study qualitatively explored the experiences of 18 athletes (from the sports of bodybuilding, powerlifting, cricket, sprint kayak, rugby league, and swimming) who had committed anti-doping violations. Themes explored included motivations for initiating and maintaining doping, the psychology of doping, deterrents to doping, and views on current anti-doping policy. In most cases doping had started early in their careers. The perceived culture of the sport was considered central to the ‘normalization’ of doping, particularly in bodybuilding. When explaining their decision to dope, athletes engaged in processes or moral disengagement (including advantageous comparison, minimizing consequences and diffusion of responsibility). Ironically, moral arguments were perceived as the most effective deterrents to doping. Findings are discussed in relation to the difficulties in establishing credible deterrents and suggestions for the future development of anti-doping policy.  相似文献   

梁晓莹 《体育科研》2021,42(2):23-31
“孙杨案”暴露了运动员与其辅助人员,以及体育组织在反兴奋剂教育方面存在的问题。解决该问题的起点是制定反兴奋剂教育的国际规则。《反兴奋剂教育国际标准》作为反兴奋剂国际规则体系中全新的单行规范性文件,具有里程碑式的意义,它明确了反兴奋剂教育的首要基本原则,规定了签约方在制定、实施和评估教育方案时的标准、义务和责任,增强了反兴奋剂教育的可行性,但仍存在不足。由此,建议未来要统一教育与反兴奋剂教育的定义,不再在分论部分重复表述首要基本原则,删减第三部分中签约方一般义务的表述,专条规定国际(残)奥委会的角色和责任。同时,应当参照国际标准完善我国的反兴奋剂教育规则,尽量采用《反兴奋剂教育指南》的建议,建立反兴奋剂教育咨询专家库,推动反兴奋剂教育预防体系的构建。  相似文献   


The present study investigated athletes’ and coaches’ beliefs about the role of athletes’ entourage in deterring or promoting doping. Competitive athletes and coaches in Greece and Australia took part in semi-structured interviews. Our analysis of the interviews produced five main themes: coach influence, peer influence, doping stance, doping stigma, and entourage’s culture. Overall, coaches and peers having a close and trusty relationship with the athletes were considered most influential with respect to doping-related decisions. The majority of the athletes held a strong anti-doping stance but could not articulate why they held this position. This inability could be ascribed to the stigmatization of doping which led to lack of knowledge and anti-doping education. Finally, an anti-doping culture in the athletes’ environment was considered central to an anti-doping stance. The study findings provide valuable information towards a comprehensive understanding of the role athletes’ entourage can play in shaping athletes’ attitudes and decision for doping.  相似文献   

欧盟《通用数据保护条例》对反兴奋剂领域的个人信息保护规则产生了很大的影响,迫使世界反兴奋剂机构做出法律改革,但依然存在许多争议。最引人注目的是反兴奋剂信息处理的合法性问题,是否要在反兴奋剂领域引入被遗忘权和数据可携带权问题,反兴奋剂信息的跨境传输问题。只有厘清反兴奋剂领域自治与法治的关系,才能找到解决上述问题的正确路径。在反兴奋剂领域,应当进一步提高个人信息的保护标准,以必要性原则对反兴奋剂机构的信息处理和跨境传输做出限制,同时引入被遗忘权和数据可携带权,加强对信息主体的法律保护。  相似文献   

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