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澳大利亚英语是英语语言当中的一种变体形式.它与英国英语和美国英语等其他变体英语相比有着明显的差异.毫无疑问这些独具特色的差异都归因于澳大利亚丰富的多元文化的影响.本文将从土著文化,早期移民文化,外来文化和本土文化等四方面入手,分析澳大利亚英语变体的主要特征.本文作者旨在通过分析研究,促进人们对澳大利亚语言文化的理解和学习.  相似文献   

语言是社会文化的投影。本文通过分析文化和语言的关系,讨论澳洲英语在语音和词汇方面的特点,来进一步说明澳大利亚英语的发展史其实就是澳洲社会文化发展的历史。  相似文献   

江巍 《考试周刊》2012,(27):3-5
澳大利亚自建国以来,其移民政策和语言政策不断发展演变。20世纪初,澳大利亚在移民问题上实行的是"白澳政策"。第二次世界大战以后,澳大利亚对其移民政策和语言政策作了一系列调整,逐步形成了"多语"和"多元文化"的格局。近年来,澳大利亚政府通过提高移民的英语门槛和设立"入籍考试"来加强英语作为"国语"的地位,从而在澳大利亚国内引发了激烈的争论。这种争论凸显了澳大利亚在语言规划问题上左右为难的困境,引起众多语言学者和社会各界之长久的思考。  相似文献   

王梦喆 《考试周刊》2009,(32):135-137
本文通过对澳大利亚英语与标准英式英语差异的比较与分析,探讨了澳大利亚英语的特点,并对澳大利亚英语进行了大致的了解。从而进一步认识了澳大利亚的语言文化。学习澳大利亚英语、澳大利亚的特征及其历史不仅有助于学习者了解澳大利亚文化。而且有助于学习者更清楚地认识其发展的必要性。  相似文献   

本文从文化分析的角度入手,对澳大利亚英语的特色进行了解读:澳大利亚的土著语与外来语对澳大利亚英语共同影响。澳大利亚英语经过200多年的发展已形成有别于英式英语和美式英语的一种独具特色的英语。其独特之处表现在语际交流中的用词、口音、构词、语音、语调、语法等方面。澳大利亚英语的特色作为澳洲民族文化的一个重要组成部分,一定会健康、良性地持续发展。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是一个由不同民族组成的多元文化社会;多元文化反映到语言上的一个明显特征就是多语现象。本文主要从四个方面来论述澳大利亚语言的多样性:澳大利亚土著语言、洋泾浜语和克里奥耳语、社区语言、澳大利亚英语。探讨澳大利亚社会的多语现象一方面可以帮助人们深入认识澳洲社会的多元文化特点,另一方面也让人们了解,在澳大利亚的历史上,多语有时被忽视或被视为违法,甚至遭到禁止,但有时也被承认,甚至受到鼓励。这种澳大利亚历史上的单语与多语之争实际上反映了一元文化与多元文化的矛盾和冲突。  相似文献   

影响澳大利亚英语文化特质的因素有历史悠久的土著文化、影响深远的移民文化和独具特色的畜牧文化。澳大利亚英语的文化特质表现在均一的语音、特有的词汇、自由的语体和诙谐的语言等方面。  相似文献   

文章通过描述语言与文化的关系,来探讨澳大利亚英语,作为英语的一种地域性变体,是如何在一定历史发展(早期移民和囚犯制度阶段、民族主义运动兴起阶段和二战后的当代阶段)和社会文化变迁(土著文化、殖民文化、羊毛工业文化、淘金文化和移民文化)的影响下逐步形成其区别于其它英语变体的独具一格的区域色彩和民族特点.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的应用语言学研究与英国和美国不同。在英国和美国,应用语言学是在对国际学生英语教学过程中发展起来的。澳大利亚的应用语言学研究有两个特点:1)深受以各种现代语言为研究对象的应用语言学的影响,这一点不仅体现在大学法语及其他现代语言教师的研究中,还体现在对移民社区各种语言的研究中;2)英语应用语言学作用显著,不管是英语在学校作为母语,还是作为移民语言。本文通过对澳大利亚一些著名的应用语言学家,如Terry Quinn,Michael Clyne,Michael Halliday等的走访或网络采访,力图探讨澳大利亚应用语言学研究的起源与特点。  相似文献   

新西兰英语与英国英语、澳大利亚英语、毛利语有着千丝万缕的联系 ,在语音、词汇、习语等方面具有鲜明的特色 ,是英语世界中的一个重要的区域变体  相似文献   

由于独特的地理位置和殖民文化特色,新西兰英语与英国英语、澳大利亚英语和毛利语(毛利语是新西兰当地土著毛利居民的语言)有着千丝万缕的联系,在语音、词汇、习语等方面都具有鲜明的特色。新西兰英语有着浓厚的地方语言特色和文化特点,是英语语言中的一个重要的区域变体。本文主要论述新西兰英语产生的历史背景及其语言特点。  相似文献   

Information about children's cultural and linguistic diversity and language acquisition patterns is important for the development of sustainable educational practices. While there is some knowledge about language maintenance and loss in adults and older children, there is limited information about young children. The first three waves of data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC), involving 4252 young children, were considered longitudinally over the first five years of life to identify patterns of language maintenance and loss among those who speak languages other than English. The most common languages other than English spoken by the children were Arabic, Vietnamese, Italian, Spanish, and Greek and 9.1% of all children were reported to use a language other than English at wave 1, 15.7% at wave 2, and 15.2% at wave 3. Overall, 91.5% of children maintained speaking a language other than English between wave 1 and wave 2, and 86.6% did so between wave 1 and wave 3. Children's patterns of language acquisition and loss over the first five years of life varied within and between language groups. For example, Arabic-speaking children tended to maintain Arabic throughout early childhood, whereas Italian-speaking children's use of Italian decreased over the first five years of life while use of English steadily increased. Environmental and personal factors such as parental language use, presence of a grandparent in the home, type of early childhood care, first- and second-generation immigrant status, and parental perception of support from the educational environment were related to language maintenance among non-English speaking children.  相似文献   

World-wide it is important to recognize Indigenous children's speech and language competence and their language learning environments. Indigenous Australian children participated in the child cohort of Footprints in Time: Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children, a national study supported by Indigenous Australians and the Australian Government collected annually (in waves). There were 692 3–5-year-old children in wave 1, and two years later, 570 5–7-year-old children were in wave 3 (77.0% of children in wave 1 were also in wave 3). Data were obtained via parent interviews and direct assessment. The children spoke between one and eight languages including: English (wave 1: 91.2%, wave 3: 99.6%), Indigenous languages (wave 1: 24.4%, wave 3: 26.8%), creoles (wave 1: 11.5%, wave 3: 13.7%), foreign languages (non-Indigenous languages other than English) (wave 1: 2.0%, wave 3: 5.1%), and sign languages (wave 1: 0.6%, wave 3: 0.4%). Children who spoke an Indigenous language were more likely to live in moderate to extreme isolation than their English-speaking counterparts. Parental concern about speech and language skills was similar to data for non-Indigenous children with approximately one quarter of parents expressing concern (wave 1: yes = 13.9%, a little = 10.4%). Children's language environments were rich, with many family members and friends telling oral stories, reading books, and listening to the children read. Almost a third of families wanted to pass on their cultural language, and many indicated that they would like their child to learn an Indigenous language at school. Overall, Indigenous Australian children have rich cultural and linguistic traditions and their speech and language competence is promoted through family, community, and educational experiences.  相似文献   

原型范畴理论是认知语言学的重要内容之一。本文运用原型范畴理论从语音、语法、词汇层面分析了澳大利亚英语与标准英国英语的差异。作为英语的一种地域性变体,澳大利亚英语是基于英国英语,并融合土著语及移民语言而形成的一门综合性的语言。研究和学习澳大利亚英语,对于改进我国的外语教学及提高学生的跨文化交际能力具有重要作用。  相似文献   

中国学生在多年的英语学习之后,发现对于英语语言的驾驭能力和实际语言应对能力仍然较为薄弱,对于这一现象,许多英语学习研究者都从不同角度去研究和分析.尝试从探索语言学习的过程,即语言输入到语言输出过程,进而提出两种传统却又可行的学习方法,以背诵式语言输入来优化学习者的语言储备,以翻译练习式的语言输出来增强学习者的语言体验和再认知,从而使英语的学习和运用更为有效.  相似文献   

阅读是正规环境下课堂学习的必要补充,是关系到英语学习成败的关键。本文试着从阅读被忽视的原因入手.分析阅读对外语学习的帮助.以及对语言能力提高的影响.提出阅读作为外语教学和学习的必要补充的必要性。以期引起外语界的重视.并对学习者有所帮助。  相似文献   

英语学习中存在的语言磨蚀问题,对学生掌握这门语言产生了一定的阻碍作用。在高校教学中,怎样最大限度地降低语言磨蚀对学生学习英语造成的阻碍是每一位教师所面临的课题。本文以此为切入点,分析了语言磨蚀在教学实践中造成的不良影响,并根据这些问题制定出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

For migrant students enrolled in a postsecondary institution where the language of instruction is not their native language, experiencing anxiety using a new language can manifest in their daily social interactions, and lead them to avoid using the target language, thereby undercutting their academic and social adaptation. We propose that this vicious cycle of language anxiety and intercultural experiences is influenced by language mindsets (i.e., beliefs about the extent to which language learning ability is fixed versus malleable). We conducted three studies (N = 581), including a social interaction task, a double-blind randomized experiment, and a preregistered cross-sectional survey, to test the role of language mindsets on English-as-a-second-language (ESL) students’ rejection sensitivity, perceived rejection, self- and experimenter-reported contact avoidance, willingness to interact with peers, and the amount of time in using English. We found that fixed (vs. growth) language mindsets were linked to negative perceptions of language-based rejection and self- and experimenter-reported contact avoidance. Importantly, growth language mindsets mitigated perceived language-based rejection and encouraged future communication among those with low (but not with high) perceived English competence. The findings highlight that growth mindsets contribute to the resilience of language minority students during their university experience, especially for those with low English competence.  相似文献   

This study explores new data from 2008 on language proficiency and labour market outcomes in the context of South Africa's language-in-education policy. We show that the economic returns to English language proficiency are large and higher than those to home language proficiency for the majority of employed South Africans. This helps explain why there is little incentive to switch to an African language as the language of instruction in schools. However, we show also that African adults are significantly more likely to be proficient in English if they are proficient in their home language. This finding supports the arguments of additive bilingualism, which identify the benefits of extended mother-tongue education for the acquisition of second-language skills.  相似文献   

加大语言输入注重语言输出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国,学习英语极为缺乏真实、自然的语言环境,学习者少有机会接触英语为本族语的人,加之教学方法等因素的影响,使得学习者的语言输入量严重不足,并由此导致语言输出及至语言应用能力的薄弱。为此本文提出在英语教学过程中,应加大语言输入,让学生尽可能多接触英语;同时,注重语言输出,提供大量使用语言的实践机会,使学生在应用语言的过程中学习语言,并最终提高英语语言应用能力。  相似文献   

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