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化学教学的任务,是使学生了解化学事实,理解化学概念,获取探究化学问题的方法,而学生在认知过程中经常出现的错误,对学生的学习心理会产生消极影响.因此,对产生错误的原因进行分析,将有助于找到减少错误产生的方法. 1常见错误分析 学生在学习过程中出现错误,是学生认知过程中必然会出现的一个阶段,对错误的不断纠正和修复,体现了学生认知结构的不断完善,认知水平的不断提高.  相似文献   

有认知活动,就会有错误发生。在学生认知过程中,出现一些错误是难免的。对于学生的错误,只要教师引导得当,往往会转变成有效的学习“催化剂”,能帮助教师了解学生的认知特点和认知水平,调整教学思路,生成新的教法,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的发现意识和创新思维,促进学生学习进步。一、巧用错误,激发学习兴趣学生学习内驱力的最好激发是源于学生对所学材料的兴趣。学生学习中产生的错误,来源于学生学习活动的本身,是具有特殊教育作用的学习材料。它来自学生,贴近学生,教学时又回到学生的学习活动中,对激发学生的学习兴趣、唤起学生的求知…  相似文献   

张娟 《时代教育》2012,(21):38-39
原型认知模式是认知语言学中一种重要的理论,它的产生与发展深受哲学、人类学和认知心理学的影响。原型认知理论认为,每个个体对事物原型的认知受到个体生活地区、所受教育、语言文化以及传统习俗的影响,因而具有一定的动态变化性。在大学英语学习中,由于学生的个体差异,学生所犯的错误也因此呈现出多样性。本文拟通过认知语言学中的原型认知模式来分析大学英语词汇学习中常见的错误及其形成原因,以期在今后的大学英语教学中能更好地指导学生的学习。  相似文献   

在小学数学教学中,学生在课堂学习中一定会出现不同的问题,在学习过程中有一些错误的认知,而这些错误是十分有意义的。教师在课堂教学中要多加关注学生的错误,对于学生的错误不能进行训斥和嘲笑,要分析错误原因,使学生通过这些错误问题了解正确的答案和原因,让学生学习反思和理解知识。教师需要实施正确的教学方法,通过积极有效的教学引导,关注学生的错误问题,使错误资源有效利用,发挥其作用。  相似文献   

<正>毋庸置疑,教材是进行教学的第一手资料,是实现课程目标的重要载体,但并非唯一的资源,因为更多的教学资源是在课堂教学过程中生发的。学生在学习、思考过程中产生的错误,是我们教师不可忽视的珍贵的教学资源。错误的产生是必然的。这既有学生认知的局限性的因素,亦有种种学习习惯、学习品质等主客观原因。作为教师,  相似文献   

学生在数学学习中经常出错,很多学生订正过就会慢慢遗忘,导致再次遇到相同问题时依然出错。因此,教师有必要指导学生建立错题本,帮助学生认真分析产生错误的原因,并通过经常阅读、思考、重做强化正确认知,避免一错再错。  相似文献   

掌握正确的概念是学习数学的基石。小学生由于认知方面的局限,他们对数学概念的理解往往不能一步到位,且容易产生各种各样的错误理解。针对学生产生错误数学概念的几个实例,分析其具体原因,并提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

在数学学习中有一些错误是学生基于自己的知识与经验在构建知识的过程中产生的,具有一定的合理性。理解错误的合理性有利于数学教学动态资源的开发,有利于激发学生的学习动力,有利于了解学生的认知基础。有利于提高教师的教学能力,我们可以从情境上、推理上及学生认知水平上三个角度理解学生错误的合理性。  相似文献   

瞿菁 《文教资料》2014,(7):190-192
错误分析是对学生在学习和使用第二语言过程中的错误进行研究与分析.探索学习者所运用的策略、产生错误的原因、如何克服等。错误分析方法成为二语习得中的一个组成部分,帮助教师意识到学生的特点、错误偏好、认知空缺,提高教学导向性。通过对学生的英语写作中的错误进行归类、统计,用SPSS工具分析其与写作水平之间的相关和回归关系,可以帮助师生调整学习内容,了解语言学习的步骤,明确学习者努力的方向。  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》(2011年版)明确指出:“在数学课程中,应当注重发展学生的运算能力。”小学数学教学的一项重要任务是培养学生正确、快速的计算能力,这对进一步学习和今后的生活与工作有着十分重要的作用。但学生在实际学习中,计算差错多,准确率低,经常出现这样那样的错误,严重于扰着小学生数学学习的兴趣以及教师的正常教学,我们不能简单地把这种错误归咎于学生“粗心”“马虎”等,其实学生在计算中出现错误的原因是多方面的。为了弄清楚小学生在学习乘法计算中常见的错误有哪些,其产生的原因是什么,我们根据苏教版小学数学教材的有关内容,编制了乘法计算诊断性测试卷,对我校三、四年级(每个年级各抽3个班共150人)进行测试。每次测试都是在学生学完该项目的三四周后进行。本文将从分析学生在不同类型的乘法计算产生的错误人手。研究其产生的原因,以及学生认知上的一些特点。  相似文献   

拼写错误随学习的语音、词汇、语法水平和拼写策略不同而变化。典型与发音关联的辅音错误、非重读央元音错误有随年级上升而下降的趋势,表明拼写错误受发音失误影响的程度随年级上升而降低。字母顺序错误、同音异形词错误的减少以及构词型错误、生造词的增加则反映出拼写策略的改变。  相似文献   

Sixty WISC-III protocols, administered by graduate students in training, were examined to obtain preliminary data on the frequency and types of administration and scoring errors that examinees commit. Results were compared with previous studies that have evaluated examiner errors on the Wechsler scales. In general, the present results were consistent with those of previous studies that have illustrated that a large number of scoring errors are committed by graduate students as well as by other professional groups. The majority of errors committed by participants in this study were general errors. That is, errors were not specific to a particular subtest. The five most frequent errors included failure to query, failure to record responses verbatim, reporting Full Scale IQ incorrectly, reporting Verbal IQ incorrectly, and adding individual subtest scores incorrectly. However, the traditional difficult to score Verbal subtests were not as troublesome for examiners in this study as they were for examiners in previous studies. In addition, significant decreases in the mean number of errors per protocol and in the number of most frequently occurring errors per protocol were noted. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

在课堂教学中,学生经常会出现各种各样的错误。面对学生的错误,教师所持的态度直接影响着教学的效果和学生错误潜在价值的充分发挥。教师的“错误”观是教师教育观、课程观、学生观的集中反映,也是其教学能力、评价能力的重要体现。教师在课堂教学中面对学生错误时,应该具有科学的“错误”观,如课程资源观、启发契机观、审视教学观、评价信息观。教师应该在这些“错误”观的指导下,采取正确的策略去帮助学生纠正错误。  相似文献   

Data are presented which show striking differences between the characteristics of oral reading errors made to content and function words. Content word errors tend to be graphically similar but contextually unacceptable, whereas the reverse is true for errors made to function words — which are contextually acceptable but graphically dissimilar. This was true for two samples: for one child reading a total of 2,588 words, and for 12 children reading about 450 words each. There were however differences between the samples, and reasons for these are discussed. It is argued that some errors are better viewed not as errors in word recognition, but as post-recognition errors — that is, errors which occur even when the word has been correctly identified. The errors in this study are also compared with those made by an adult with acquired deep dyslexia reading words in isolation, and similarities between the two sets of errors were observed. Finally it is concluded that teachers and researchers should (1) categorize errors into visual, semantic, derivational and function word errors, (2) should calculate the proportion of function word errors, and (3) bear in mind that oral reading errors may occur even when words are correctly recognised.  相似文献   

A random sample of 55 WRAT-R protocols, completed by nine practitioners for a metropolitan school district in the South, was analyzed for examiner errors. All nine practitioners made errors, which occurred on 95% of the protocols and averaged 3.0 errors per protocol. The most frequent errors included failures to obtain a correct ceiling or basal, and failures to record examinees' responses. Correction of the examiner errors resulted in changes in 11 standard scores, and 3 additional changes in grade equivalent scores. These results indicate that WRAT-R administration and scoring are not as objective as assumed by the test developers, and that examiner errors on this test can adversely affect diagnostic decisions.  相似文献   

阅读理解困难儿童的理解监控特点   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
使用错误觉察任务,设计无意义词、经验错误和逻辑错误三种破坏文章意义的错误信息,考察阅读理解困难儿童的理解监控特点。结果发现:(1)阅读理解困难儿童只是对破坏整体意义的逻辑错误觉察水平落后,对破坏命题意义的经验错误觉察水平与正常儿童相当,对破坏解码流畅性的无意义词觉察水平反而比正常儿童高。(2)阅读理解困难儿童对无意义词的觉察水平最高,其次是经验错误和逻辑错误;正常儿童对经验错误的觉察水平最高,其次是逻辑错误和无意义词。  相似文献   

关于《元遗山诗集》的校勘,前人已做了很多工作。特别是当今学界前辈山西大学姚奠中先生主持点校的《元好问全集》,用力最勤,但也有不足之处。我在协助狄宝心老师进行《元遗山诗集编年校注》时,发现其校勘、标点方面有一些问题,现试从以上两个方面对《元好问全集》增订本进行订误补缺,以期再版时斟酌修改。文章分为校勘和标点两个部分,其中,校勘部分列校记错误3条;沿底本而误者8条;因他本而误者25条;因形似而讹8条;其他讹误13条;关于径改原本文字的问题6条。标点方面有4条。  相似文献   

中国学生英语写作常见标点符号错误例析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
标点符号作为书面语言的组合构件,在生成书面语篇的过程中发挥着独特的重要作用。英语写作应加强对标点符号的重视。文章通过归因分类和例证分析了中国学生在英语写作中出现的四类标点符号错误:1)来自汉语负迁移的英文标点符号错误;2)与英语句法语义结构有关的标点符号错误;3)与词汇语义结构相关的标点符号错误;4)语体错位造成的标点符号错误。  相似文献   

研究关注中国英语学习者在英语议论文写作中的选词错误情况,研究者从“北京语言大学中国学生英语笔语语料库”中选取了两组不同水平学习者的语料进行比较调查。参考James(1998)对词汇错误的分类,研究者把语料中的选词错误分为7类:误用形近词、误用固定搭配、从母语直译、凭空造词、误用近义词、错误理解词的指示义和具体语境选词不当。通过分析数据,研究者发现了两组不同水平学习者在选词错误方面的一些特点和差异,并且有针对性地对英语词汇教学和写作教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Growth of word reading skills was examined in first and second year Italian school children by analysis of the pattern of reading errors. The study was designed to investigate the role of visual vs phonological similarities as causes of misreadings in a transparent orthography. The selection of reading material was tailored to permit a meaningful cross-language comparison with pre-existing findings on English-speaking children. The results showed that, in Italian as in English, spatially-related errors (such as confusingb andd) constituted a minor proportion of the total errors. Errors on vowel and consonant letters that are not spatially confusable accounted for the greater proportion of the total. Moreover, the co-occurrence of spatial and phonological confusability resulted in appreciably more errors than when either occurred without the other. Vowel position in the syllable had no systematic effect on errors. In beginning readers of Italian, consonant errors outnumbered vowel errors by a wide margin; the reverse pattern was found in previous studies on English-speaking children at the same level of schooling. It is proposed that differences between Italian and English in the phonological structure of the lexicon and in the consistency of grapheme-phoneme correspondences account in large part for the differences in quantity and distribution of the errors.  相似文献   

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