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The ways in which research production is organised in contemporary universities are different both from the often commonly expressed view of the individual researcher discovering new knowledge working alone, and from the traditional professor‐assistants organisation as the basic research production unit. This article presents ‐ on the basis of an empirical study of social science research organising in four different universities ‐ a number of characteristics of how basic research organisation takes place. The most are described common features of such organisation models described. The factors constructing new more dynamic and integrated models in practice are analysed. And the demands for efficient university governance structures, to ensure the development of basic organisations which can produce short‐ and long‐term high quality and successful research, are discussed.  相似文献   

The research assessment exercise in English universities, 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At intervals of 3–4 years, researchquality in English universities has beenexternally reviewed 5 times over the past 16years. Assessment is based on peer-review ofmaterial submitted by universities to 70separate subject panels. The principalcomponent is information on research output,usually publications, from all academic staffidentified as ``research active'. Researchquality is rated on a numerical (1–5*),criteria-based scale. Ratings in all subjectareas and across all universities haveincreased to give an average rating in 2001corresponding to a level of ``attainablenational excellence'. Between universitiesthere are significant variations. In theprestigious Loxbridge group, where almost allacademic staff are research-active, 90% ofsubject areas achieved ratings at level 5 in2001; in contrast, in the New universities,where only 40% of academic staff isresearch-active, level 5 was achieved in 7% ofsubject areas. A combination of high researchquality and high cost research (medicine,science, engineering) concentrated in the Olduniversities is similarly evident in thedistribution of research funding. Income fromboth research subsidy and research grants andcontracts is divided: Old universities, 94%(Loxbridge, 35%), New universities, 6%. High institutional costs of the assessmentprocess, particularly for areas of low-costresearch, and increasing concern about theinadequacies of the rating system and failureof its direct link to funding suggest thatsubstantial revision will be needed for futureassessment exercises.  相似文献   

Between Printed Past and Digital Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peer review – processes of quality control and certification – is well established in most sciences. In this contribution we limit ourselves to peer review in scientific journals. The main idea of peer review – to keep science free from individuals' and groups' interests and impact, and to select and publish only what is the best in a special field of research – is briefly summarized. Though peer review has a significant impact in the sciences, it is obviously hard to realize its objects. Highly publicized cases of fraud, large amounts of time necessary for the review process, the continued power of old boys' networks, and so forth – such factors led to many debates, and while some demanded to abolish peer review completely, others looked for possibilities to revise the review process. The Internet appears to provide tools to improve the organisation of peer review and to afford the transparency of the review process and its results. But even if the use of the Internet leads to significant changes in peer review there is no value-free scientific knowledge and evaluation that are separate from (predominant and/or competing) paradigms and their proponents.  相似文献   

The study examines changes in the productivity of U.S. colleges and universities in the provision of instruction from 1967–68 to 1976–77. Combining our data with that from June O'Neill's earlier study of the 1929–30 to 1966–67 period it is possible to observe productivity trends over a period of nearly fifty years. Our figures show declining output per unit of input from the late sixties to the late seventies, and we attribute the decline to an inability to adjust rapidly to changes in demand, the momemtum of the 1960s expansion programs, and a dramatic decline in external funding of research.  相似文献   

Does research productivity decline with age?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Ray Over 《Higher Education》1982,11(5):511-520
The research productivity of psychologists holding appointment in British universities was studied within a cross-sequential design. Publication rates in 1968–1970 and 1978–1980 were compared across groups differing in terms of chronological age and date of birth. At both times of measurement psychologists above 45 years of age published less frequently than younger psychologists. Psychologists who held appointment in 1980 as well as 1970 published less frequently in 1978–1980 than in 1968–1970, irrespective of their age in 1970. Although productivity dropped with age, there was considerable variability in output between younger and older psychologists. Further, a person's publication rate in 1978–1980 was better predicted by their past productivity (publication rate in 1968–1970) than by their age. These results are discussed in the context of factors that affect research productivity, as well as changes that will occur in the age distribution of British academics over the next 20 years.  相似文献   

Privatization in higher education is usually understood either as the surge of private institutions or as universities’ growing reliance on private sources of funding or otherwise operating more like firms. Joining the growing literature on university entrepreneurship, this is a case study on the less examined problem of entrepreneurial universities in developing countries. In a period of roughly 15 years, the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, founded in 1888, turned itself from a mostly teaching institution to a research-oriented university, responsible for one-fourth of the Chile’s mainstream scientific output and 40% of all Ph.D.s awarded nationally. Yet, public funding represents today only 17% of its revenues, down from almost 90% in 1972. How such academic development could have occurred as the State withdrew and the market took hold of Chilean higher education after the reforms introduced by the military rule of Augusto Pinochet (1973–1990) is the theme of this work. Universidad Católica’s policies and strategies are described, and the factors contributing to its success, together with their limitations, identified. The case suggests that orientation to the market can be more a means for survival and growth under the pressure of privatization, than a result of a ‘Triple Helix’ strategy of universities, government and industry to generate innovation out of academic knowledge. Secondly, while in the industrialized world, higher education entrepreneurship is associated with knowledge production for economic development (‘Mode 2’), entrepreneurial universities in the context of developing countries may just be finding their way to the academic, disciplinary mode of research.  相似文献   

Academics in Hong Kong universities are urged to increase their research output. This article investigates the measurement of publication outputs among the three faculties of business, education, humanities & social sciences in the six universities of Hong Kong. Data were collected from the 1990–95 annual reports of research and publication outputs of each university. In order to have a fair comparison of publication outputs of each academic, rank, faculty and university, a framework was developed from practical experience and from literature to investigate the problem. Results indicate that the publication outputs of academics in Hong Kong were about the same as other countries in many aspects. Pressing academics for more research publications may raise the figure in the start, but would not necessarily increase the output in the long run.  相似文献   

This study uses the stochastic frontier multiple-product cost function that is modeled after Battese and Coelli [Battese, G. E., & Coelli, T. J. (1995). A model for technical inefficiency effects in a stochastic frontier production for panel data. Empirical Economics 20(2), 325–332.] in order to empirically measure the cost efficiency of the University Operation Fund (UOF) on Taiwan's public universities.The original purpose of the UOF's implementation was to reduce the government's financial burden by increasing cost efficiency in higher education institutions. By nature, the UOF differs from the traditional governmental budget regimes in three major respects. First of all, institutional operations and programs are no longer fully funded by government appropriations. Secondly, the universities can now retain surplus resources. Finally, the regulations on the use of funds raised by each institution itself are now less cumbersome. These differences provide universities with incentives for higher cost-efficiency and more active fund-raising.The empirical results from our study, which are based on panel data gathered from 34 public universities during the academic years 1992–2000, suggest that the adoption of the UOF has had a significantly negative impact on cost efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, Norwegian research on the relationship between the school and the local community during the past 30 years is reviewed. The Norwegian context of schooling is briefly described, pointing out the rural–urban conflict. The review is organized into two phases: research in the expansive and contractive phases of the Norwegian welfare state. Substantial research results are summarised. The challenge is how to raise the quality of research on the relationship between the school and the community. Themes discussed are the role of research – legitimizing or critical – based on an independent database of research knowledge, research designs and the dimension of time, research questions and choice of conceptual perspectives, local agency and children's voice in research and the importance of comparative research.  相似文献   

This paper arises from a research project funded by the Department of Education and Science which was concerned primarily with nine British Universities' responses to and the impacts of the University Grants Committee's recurrent grant reductions during the period 1981–84. The responses are summarised briefly prior to considering the impacts on the universities. It is concluded that whilst a number of the universities successfully developed and implemented plans to reduce staff and student numbers, to reduce expenditure and to increase income from non-government sources, there were serious negative impacts which suggest a further period of financial stringency would constrain the capacity to undertake effective teaching and research and to respond to the changing needs of society.  相似文献   

Despite the growing body of literature on thestratification of the university systems in the US andthe UK, the treatment of all universities in countrieswhere the system of higher education is publiclycontrolled tends to remain monolithic. This iscertainly true of Israel, where all universities andcolleges are regulated by the Council for HigherEducation (CHE), which considers all universitiesthe ``first layer' of higher education versus the``second layer' of degree-granting colleges. We claimthat the six major Israeli universities – the fiveregular universities and the Technion – are highlystratified into three elite institutions, aiming atacademic excellence, versus three ``targetuniversities' aimed at specific or peripheralpopulations. Drawing on periodical university figurespublished by the Central Bureau of Statistics between1985–1996, we show that the growth of various academicfields and of graduate studies has been limited in thetarget universities. Subsequently, their studentcomposition differs from that of the three eliteuniversities. They have larger than expectedproportions of older students, women, and minority students (Sephardic Jews and Arabs). Threeimplications of these stratification patterns forhigher education policy in publicly controlled systemsare discussed: the extent and stability of universitystratification in these systems; the benefits andlimitations of this stratification process; and itsimpact on further developments in higher education,mainly the expansion of degree-granting colleges.  相似文献   

The economics of the University of the Air of Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the present plan, the enrollment of the University of the Air of Japan will be approximately 30,000 students when it reaches its steady state. Its current expenditure is estimated to be Yen4.1 billion at 1979 prices; adding the annual cost of facilities and equipment and the service that the National Center for Development of Broadcast Education performs for the university, the total amounts to Yen 5.0–7.1 billion. Adding this to the students' study expenses, Yen 6.7–8.7 billion will be required to operate the university. About 50–60% of the cost will be borne by the national treasury. The current expenditure of the university is estimated to be Yen 171,000–237,000 per equivalent undergraduate.As compared with the current expenditure in the humanities and social sciences programs of conventional universities, the academic structures of which are similar to that of the University of the Air of Japan, the current expenditure per equivalent undergraduate is estimated to be 1/4, 1/3, and 2/3 of that at national universities, public universities and day programs of private universities, respectively, and equal to that of evening programs of private universities.From the viewpoint of cost per graduate, it is equal to that of evening programs of private universities, their day programs, public universities, and national universities, when the graduation rate is 60%, 50%, 25%, and 20%, respectively.  相似文献   

This article examines the institutional characteristics which affect the attractiveness of colleges and universities to bright, prospective students. The dependent variable was formed by using the expressed college preferences of the highest scoring third of all students taking the National Merit Scholarship Exam in 1964–65 and 1972–73. Twenty-eight independent variables were factor analyzed and selected variables entered into a stepwise multiple regression. Low tuition, well-credentialed faculty, research orientation, and fiscal strength appear as the important factors in raising institutional attractiveness.  相似文献   

The organisation and administration of research and teaching in universities depends upon daily consultation, cooperation and negotiation, shared management and input of specialist and organisational skills and expertise. Universities conduct staff surveys which reveal significant worries about certain person–management aspects of everyday university business activity and indicate areas where we can significantly improve management–staff interaction and communication. These data are supported by basic and well-rehearsed management thinking and expert advice from both the higher education and general management fields and by personal experience. Aspects of leadership responsibility and behaviour and the interaction between manager and managed are described in terms of management ‘manners’, focussing on the requirements for clear and open communication, fairness, transparency, management ‘modesty’ and emotional competence. The positive effect good manners have on staff are outlined and further areas for development/review suggested.  相似文献   

Guidance counselling practices develop against specific economic,social and technical backgrounds. They are also encompassed by certainideological frameworks. These same practices also have complex relations with theproblematics of human sciences. Current research in these fields proffersa far more complicated portrait of subjects, occupations and theirrelations than that previously envisaged. The subject is seen as a multivocalsocial actor who can find in the occupational field social forms ofidentification and as an individual, the organisation of who's mind is– at least in part – the product of internalisation of various socialrelations structures. The concept of a dialectic relation between occupational identity, occupational interactions and work systemimplies a need for considerable caution when using guidance softwareprograms or questionnaires about interests, values or types. However,counselling processes appear to be influenced above all by implied orexplicit social, political and ethical goals.  相似文献   

Around 60 per cent of UK universities practice job sharing. This article is based on a survey of Personnel Directors in UK universities concerning their perceptions of job sharing. These responses were then used to carry out a cost benefit evaluation of job sharing from the universities' perspective. If productivity of workers in the shared job rose by as little as 0.35 per cent – one third of one per cent – the estimated increase in Personnel Section costs would be covered. If there was a 5 per cent increase in productivity, the ratio of benefits to costs would be 14.3 to 1. Universities also save as a result of greater retention of staff, and there are also important benefits to society, particularly less overall stress and reduced unemployment levels.  相似文献   

The term linkage is used to indicate co-operation between an institution in the North and an institution in the South. Donor organisations have generally used linkages to support the development of higher education and research in developing countries. Over time, there has been a trend away from co-operation on individual academic projects towards broader development co- operation and concentration on selected institutions. This shift raises questions about organisation, procedures and support mechanisms, and about the mandate and capabilities of universities in the North, given the frequently asymmetrical relationship between Northern institutions with their own research agendas and Southern beneficiaries. The recent restructuring of Canadian, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish support for higher education and research is the result of a search for new, more appropriate models of co-operation. This paper examines the evolution of key issues of policy and organisation within the international donor community.  相似文献   

Following landmark legislation passed more than 20 years ago, university–industry relationships have now become central to understanding the changing role of research universities in American Society. The paper analyzes the development of university–industry partnerships during the 1990s. Past studies have used a broad array of measures of ties and a variety of research methodologies, but they have shared a focus on top collaborators or on samples of universities skewed toward the top. However, findings based on top collaborators may not be valid for other universities. Universities involved in mid- to low-levels of collaboration are qualitatively different in many ways from the more extensively studied set of top collaborators, suggesting that characteristics affecting university–industry ties may not be the same for these institutions. The paper shifts the focus away from top collaborators to this sizable and less studied majority. In general, we find that the same characteristics predicting high levels of involvement for the sample as a whole also predict high levels of involvement for the sub-sample of mid- and low-level collaborators. However, We find some particular characteristics of these institutions, such as land grant status, are also associated with stronger ties to industry, and that some characteristics of 25 top institutions do not predict the level of involvement of these lower-level collaborators. We will discuss whether the licensing of new technology is likely ever to become an important source of net revenues for current middle and low-level collaborators. Our findings raise doubts about whether many universities below the top 25 will earn substantial net revenues from licensing, though they do not dispute the potential service value of these ties. The study is based on examination of a wide range of potential influences on university–industry collaboration for institutions that are not currently among the most heavily involved in partnerships. These include status, other institutional characteristics (such as size and control), investment in science and engineering, and characteristics of offices or technology transfer.  相似文献   

The origins, ethos, academic organisation and funding basis of the first private universities in Germany and Britain are described and compared. The role of these universities within their respective national systems is discussed, and the paper concludes with general comments about the value of nonstate institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

Much of the current research on faculty vitality—including studies of faculty workload, reward structures, and morale—are focused on research universities and liberal arts colleges. Results of two surveys of faculty vitality at DePaul University, administered in 1986 and 1992, suggest that the earlier models of faculty vitality, although useful, need to be reexamined for comprehensive universities. This case study suggests that nontangible correlates, particularly institutional direction and mission articulation and their relationship to faculty workload and the reward's structure, play an important role in ensuring a balanced effort at promoting faculty vitality at comprehensive universities.  相似文献   

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