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This essay employs Barbara Herrnstein Smith's notion of “contingencies of value,” the idea that evaluations of text vary because our readings take place in specific contexts and are shaped by cultural and historical exigencies. In this study, we apply this notion to the reading of student texts in a college composition portfolio assessment. Through an analysis of taped teacher discussions of students' writing and an examination of student responses to the grading process, we conclude that in every reading of a text (but especially in the reading of the multiple texts of a portfolio) readers posit an “implied author.” That is, based on their reading of a single text or portfolio, teacher-readers construct a persona that represents the author, and this projection can strongly influence the reader's evaluation of student work. Group discussions of portfolios allow teachers to expose and explore the value-laden nature of these judgments.  相似文献   

Interest in an expository text: How does it flow from reading to writing?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the flow of interest in a reading-to-write activity. It was hypothesized that (a) different contents in a text would stimulate different types of interest and (b) different writing tasks would impact differently students’ use of interesting text segments. Participants were 247 11th- and 12th-grade students, who were divided into 6 groups according to a 2 (interesting vs. uninteresting topic) × 3 (type of writing task) design. While reading, students rated novelty, curiosity, impressiveness, importance, and willingness to reflect on each text segment. Participants were then assigned to one of three writing tasks, namely argumentation, text designing, and composition. Results showed that concepts were regarded as important, events/activities as impressive, and evaluations as most worthy of reflection. Topic interest was explicitly expressed mainly in the argumentation condition, where increased topic interest scores after reading and writing were also found.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):265-296
We investigated the ways that portfolio evidence of students' competencies with writing processes was created and interpreted in 4 classrooms. Our study was conducted during preliminary classroom trials of California Learning Assessment System portfolios, when teachers and students were challenged with the new task of preparing portfolios that demonstrated students' competency with the "dimensions of learning." Drawing data from teacher and student interviews as well as portfolios, we considered three issues regarding the meaning of portfolio indicators of writing processes (a) Students' opportunities to learn to use a range of resources, processes, and standards in ways that enhance the effectiveness of their writing; (b) students' opportunities to produce "hard copy" evidence of their uses of processes; and (c) students' capacities to analyze their writing processes. Further research is needed to understand how participants in a large-scale portfolio assessment program develop shared understandings of the ways that evidence of writing processes is considered in the scoring and how the programmatic needs for comparability of evidence can be reconciled with the personal needs of young writers, whose uses of processes will vary with the purposes and contexts of their writing.  相似文献   

What components should be included in a portfolio of student work? How can the contents of portfolios be scored? How is reliability affected as the number of entries in the portfolio increases? What will it cost to obtain reliable scores?  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2007,12(2):129-148
In this article, we present findings from a survey study of portfolio assessment practices in four Norwegian higher education institutions after a major educational reform had introduced more varied assessment forms, more compulsory writing and closer follow-up of students. The purpose behind the study was to map these newly emerging writing and assessment practices in order to find out how teachers conceptualized portfolio assessment in different types of institutions and disciplines, and what this meant for how portfolios were used and assessed. Our findings show that the portfolios were all text based, but with great variations in genres and overall structure as well as in formative and summative assessment practices. The general tendency was that ‘soft’ disciplines had more reflection based and varied portfolio models than the ‘hard’ disciplines (maths, sciences and engineering). This same tendency goes for peer response, which was less used in hard than in soft disciplines. The focus of the article is to discuss the implications of some of the major findings for the quality of assessment, particularly the disciplinary diversity issue, feedback practices and explicit criteria.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):237-259
This article reports on the interrater reliability of language arts portfolio assessment in the primary grades of the Rochester, New York, school system. This assessment was based on a sample of approximately 400 primary-grade language arts portfolios that were rated by two raters: the student's classroom teacher and an external reviewer. Reliabilities for student portfolios ranged from .58 for Grade 1 reading portfolios to .79 for kindergarten reading portfolios. Many of the reading portfolios could not be rated by the external reviewer, revealing problems both with the portfolio policies of the district and with the classroom-level implementation. The findings showed that primary-grade classroom teachers can reliably rate their own students' work, but tensions exist if a single portfolio system is intended both to provide classroom teachers with information about their students and to supply accountability information to administrators.  相似文献   

This study clarifies the basic structure of student teachers’ reflective thinking. It presents a constructivist account of teacher knowledge through a detailed analysis of various patterns of reflection in student teacher portfolios. We aim to gain a greater understanding of the process and outcomes of portfolio writing in the context of teaching practice. By closely analysing portfolio texts, we defined six main starting points for reflective episodes and several patterns under each of them. Also, the patterns of reflective episodes were analysed according to their deductive and inductive dimensions, together with their static and dynamic features. According to our results, it is possible that student teachers can reflect beyond solely practical issues on teaching, articulate multiple concerns about practice and elaborate them in an integrative manner as well as learn both from theory and from practice as a result of reflection for their future profession.  相似文献   

A survey was administered to University of Kentucky freshmen enrolled in introductory composition courses. Former Kentucky high school students were asked to describe their high school writing experiences since the 1990 passage of the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) and the implementation of its controversial testing and accountability component. The survey revealed much that is positive. Almost three-quarters of the students reported writing daily in high school in a variety of disciplines. Approximately one-half rated their writing abilities as “above average” or “excellent” and felt prepared or somewhat prepared to write in college. Most reported regularly employing writing process strategies. Few, however, mentioned consideration of purpose and audience as part of their approach to writing, even though these are the two most important criteria for scoring the portfolio. Some two-thirds of the students responded that compiling the portfolio was not a useful activity. These findings suggest that KERA's accountability system may be undermining the instructional improvements it was intended to foster. In its haste to implement mandated reform, the state failed to take into account students' willingness to assume new roles as “creators, authors, and owners” of writing portfolios. Students' negative attitudes toward writing under KERA may reflect a more widespread misunderstanding among teachers and administrators of the theoretical bases for the writing portfolio. Professional development might help to dispel some of this negativity, but classroom teachers alone cannot bear responsibility for ensuring that students see “real world” value in the writing portfolio. Public schools, post-secondary institutions, and employers must work together to find authentic uses for the portfolio.  相似文献   

As students' problem‐solving processes in writing are rarely observed in face‐to‐face instruction, they have few opportunities to participate collaboratively in peer review to improve their texts. This study reports the design of a reciprocal peer review system for students to observe and learn from each other when writing. A sample of 95 undergraduate students was recruited to construct texts with the support of web‐based reciprocal peer review in the processes of modelling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection and exploration. The results of the study revealed that these six processes helped students externalise and visualise their internal writing processes so that they could observe and learn from peers in writing as well as support peers in making text revisions. During their extensive and reciprocal interactions with various peers, students addressed mutual concerns in each other's text revisions. They constructed collaborative language knowledge for text improvement as local revisions (grammatical corrections) and global revisions (corrections on the development, organization or style of a text) were made in their final texts. The students' perceptions towards text improvement in this web‐based peer review of modelling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection and exploration are also discussed in this study.  相似文献   

Portfolios have attracted considerable interest among ESL writing and assessment specialists since the 1980s. Whether they have fulfilled the promise their proponents envision is a question still under investigation. This paper describes two case studies which looked at student experiences with portfolios in two ESL writing courses where the portfolio pedagogies employed differed, so that each student was able to experience portfolios under meaningful conditions for comparison. The results showed that the participants liked the idea of portfolios but did not strongly endorse their use as employed in the courses which served as the research settings. The study's findings shed light on how students respond to different portfolio models and thus contribute to our understanding of the place portfolios can occupy in L2 writing instruction.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a successful attempt to use the portfolio as a sole assessment tool for an upper level language arts course at an English‐medium university in Lebanon. Over four consecutive years in the spring semester, the teacher/researcher devised a special syllabus based on the teaching/learning of text discourses and other language tasks emphasizing skills to improve the English language of the learners. Only students’ portfolios were used to evaluate students’ work. The learners, majoring in Education or English, worked on various language tasks. They presented and assessed their work according to rubrics. Learners had to self‐reflect on each task, have a one‐to‐one conference with the class teacher, and assign a letter grade to their work. Results indicated that though using only portfolios for assessment purposes was a rather difficult task, it was still more effective than traditional assessment. Working on self‐assessed portfolios actively engaged learners in the learning process.  相似文献   

This study addresses concerns about boys’ underperformance on literacy tasks compared to girls, by investigating male and females students’ responses to narrative texts. Participants were 142 Grade 9 and 10 students. Achievement orientations, including goals, self‐efficacy, and self‐handicapping, were measured and approach and avoidance factors identified. Boys scored higher than girls on the avoidance factor. The task presented to participants involved reading sections from two narrative texts representing typically male or typically female reading interests. Interest ratings for the narrative text topics and interest levels while reading the texts were monitored, and students’ answers to multiple‐choice questions on text content recorded. Regression analyses confirmed that the influence of gender, achievement orientation, and on‐task text interest on reading performance varied with different patterns of task interest. The findings suggest that students’ achievement orientations and task interests are both important for understanding gender differences in students’ response to narrative texts.  相似文献   

Several studies concluded that deep reflection is infrequently reached in student portfolios. An explanation for these disappointing conclusions might be that motivation for portfolio reflection determines the quality of reflection. This study aimed to examine the relationship between motivation for using digital portfolios and reflection. Participants were 156 eleventh-grade students in secondary education, whose motivation for composing a digital portfolio was measured by the motivation part of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. Portfolios of 37 of the 156 students were examined in terms of the amount and nature of reflection by means of a coding scheme based on Mezirow's model of transformative learning. On average, one-fifth (19.5%) of the paragraphs in a portfolio contained reflection, and paragraphs with deep reflection were hardly found (0.8%). It was concluded that motivation for composing a portfolio was fair, but not related to the amount and nature of reflection. This exploratory study gives rise to further research into factors that might influence the quality of portfolio reflection.  相似文献   

Addressing recent calls for investigating the specific quality of reflection associated with the uses of portfolios in teacher education, this paper describes and interprets the ‘practice of portfolio construction’ as revealed in the construction and presentation of two kinds of portfolio in two in-service courses for mentors of teachers in Israel: a ‘process’ portfolio and a ‘product’ portfolio. The study revealed that the language of practice and form of reflection bore striking similarities across the two practices of portfolio construction, regardless of their differences in content, purpose, organization and the degree of intervention of the course instructors in its construction. In both types of portfolios, the mentors described their learning mostly at technical levels of reflection. This tendency raises the question of whether the genre of portfolio writing, inevitably bound by institutional constraints, is generically conducive to reflecting on controversial experiences at interpretative, critical levels. The study suggests that within a centralized educational system, as in the case of Israel, the documentation of critical reflection is problematic.  相似文献   

人们所使用或选择的语言符号实质上是对他们客观世界认识的反映。说明文是对客观事实的认识和反映,它的发展是符合人类的思维和认知轨迹的。从林语堂先生的《人生如诗》的分析可以看出,语言构成成分之间不是杂乱无序的,而是有其内在的规律性,语言的象似性除了广泛存在于文学作品之外,说明文的语篇建构有着很强的象似性。所以,对说明文中象似性的认知有利于学生在英文写作中提高他们的组篇能力;同时,这也为大学英语的写作教学开辟了一条新思路。  相似文献   

The use of integrated writing tasks instead of traditional impromptu writing-only tasks is gaining ground in the teaching and assessment of EFL/ESL writing. Source text as the distinct feature of the integrated writing and the concern to improve its quality for the enhanced students' engagement has been a fertile line of inquiry. In this regard, the present study used a body of 67 Iranian intermediate EFL learners in three modalities: emotionalized reading-to-write (ERW) group which received emotionally-loaded source texts along with the emotional activities based on Goleman's Emotional Intelligence framework, reading-to-write (RW) group which developed their essays based on the texts with no focus on their emotional content and a writing-only (WO) group as the control group which followed the traditional writing procedure. The findings showed that ERW group outperformed RW group on the integrated writing tasks. In addition, ERW group performed better than the RW and WO on the overall independent writing task. Furthermore, the emotional intelligence of the students in the ERW group improved more than that of the RW and WO groups in the study. The study discusses that the emotional content of the source text followed by the emotionalized activities would significantly enhance the learners’ engagement with the source text in the reading-to-write tasks and consequently improve their writing. The implications and suggestions for further research are next discussed.  相似文献   


The power of portfolios in enhancing student motivation is frequently emphasised. Portfolios are conceptualised as a tool to implement Assessment for Learning (AfL) in classroom practice. However, the relation between portfolios and AfL on the one hand, and student motivation on the other hand, is complex and subject to many assumptions. This study investigates whether portfolio use actually supports the integration of AfL in classroom practice and the relation with students’ motivation. Questionnaires were administered to a total of 419 grade 4 to 6 students from seven Dutch elementary schools. The results of structural equation modelling did not confirm a direct relation between portfolio use and students’ motivational orientation. The findings indicate that the relation between portfolios and motivational orientation is fully mediated by students’ perceptions of AfL. The findings indicate that the tool portfolio is not related to students’ motivation, however, AfL practices do affect motivation.  相似文献   

文章以写作教学中的过程写作法为理论基础,并将21世纪英文报论坛版应用于写作教学当中,通过阅读和写作任务相关的语篇来增加学生的语言输入,培养学生的英语思维能力及语感,并提高学生的实际写作水平。  相似文献   

The research reported here employed a multiple-case study methodology to assess the online cognitive and metacognitive activities of 15-year-old secondary students as they read informational texts and wrote a new text in order to learn, and the relation of these activities to the written products they were asked to generate. To investigate the influence of the task, students were required to perform two different tasks which differed in complexity and familiarity. The first task was reading a single text and making a written summary of it, while the second consisted in reading two texts and making a written synthesis of them. To gather information about how students construct meaning from informational texts, we asked students to think aloud as they read and wrote in order to provide us with information about their comprehension and composition processes. We also examined their reading and writing activities during the tasks. The results show that to a large extent secondary school students lack the cognitive and metacognitive processes that would enable them to make strategic use of reading and writing. They also show that, although there are no major differences in the way secondary school students tackle these different tasks, those who create the most elaborate products evidence a more recursive and flexible use of reading and writing. The most obvious conclusion as far as the repercussions of these findings are concerned is that there is an urgent need for work on tasks of this kind in the classroom.  相似文献   

语篇结构在英语语篇建构中十分重要.由于中西方民族的文化思维差异,英汉语言语篇结构便不可避免地存在着差异.因此,在大学英语写作教学中,应该帮助学生建立和巩固好主要的英语语篇结构图式,以便在英语作文时能有效地进行调用,从而写作出符合英语语篇结构的地道的英语作文.  相似文献   

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