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随着市场经济发育的逐步成熟,通过市场对教育的有限介入来向社会提供教育服务,已经成为现代国家普遍存在的一种处理公益事业与市场关系的行为模式。市场的有限介入既实现了一部分教育投资人的利益,同时又满足了社会成员对教育的多元化需求。因而实现了公益。教育的市场化公益行为必然引出教育的营利性问题,教育能不能营利,取决于我们的政策选择。一些把教育改革过程中出现的诸如“违背教育规律”、“破坏教育公平”、“学校乱收费”等现象归结为教育产业化的论点是值得商榷的。  相似文献   

时间是一种需要变革的教育观念,它既通过节奏和秩序构成了学校教育实践的形式,又以此赋予学校教育的价值和意义。由于时间对实践的构成性作用,传统教育的时间框架无法支持新的教育尝试,新一轮的教育改革需要建基于一个新的学校时间结构上。学校时间结构变革的出发点在于厘清当前学校时间的育人困境,并理解其与当下教育改革的逻辑冲突。当前学校中的时间以工业时间框架为基准,以时间饥荒文化为特征,呈现出匮乏、冲突和控制等景象。这是一种基于功利主义和工具理性取向的学校时间结构,它剥夺了学生自主成长和自由发展的机会,并给师生带来身心的双重负担。由此,当前的学校时间结构与当前的教育改革形成了根本的逻辑冲突,学校时间改革需要由“管理人”的时间转向为“教育人”的时间。此时,一种低欲望、弱控制力、强包容性的学校时间结构值得尝试。  相似文献   

论学校教育管理权与学生权利的实现与保障   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
妥善处理学校教育管理权与学生权利的关系是教育法研究的一个重点,也是提高学校教育管理水平,培养具有创造性的高素质人才的需要。学校教育管理权是一种特殊的公权力,它体现了自愿性与强制性的结合;学校教育管理权与学生权利之间是一种既对立又统一的关系;学校教育管理权与学生权利的冲突主要表现在侵权行为、渎职行为、不当行为、合法权利之冲突四个方面,解决冲突应当坚持学生权利本位原则,但当合法权利之间发生冲突时应当坚持社会利益优先原则。在学校教育管理中,要使学生权利得到实现并建立相应保障机制必须采取有针对性的措施。  相似文献   

论当代学校民族精神教育的价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在崇尚个人自由的现代社会里,在以消费者需求为导向的教育市场化改革的影响下,当代学校民族精神教育必须回答如何处理国家认同与个人自由的关系这一问题.本文认为基于个人自由的国家认同是当代学校民族精神教育的一种必要与可能的价值取向,并提出建立在商谈伦理基础上的对话教学作为基于个人自由的民族精神教育的一种可能实践.  相似文献   

近二三十年来,教育改革的浪潮席卷全世界,这次改革主要有三种趋势:市场本位学校改革、标准本位学校改革和全校改革。其中市场本位学校改革范围最广,影响至今。对于市场本位学校改革,人们用不同的话语来描述:教育市场化(marketisation)、教育民营化、教育私营化(privatisation)、教育产业化(industrialization)、教育商品化、“以市场为基础的教育”(market-basededucation)……尽管称谓不同,但都表达了一个共同的信念:把竞争机制引入教育领域,教育不应该由国家大包大揽。这种竞争不仅存在于公立学校与私立学校之间,而且…  相似文献   

<教育法>等公法与<民法通则>等私法对学校法律地位的界定存在冲突.考虑到学校履行教育职能的本质与保障人民合法权益的需要,我国宜确立学校的公法主体尤其是公法法人地位,既强调国家的不干预又强调国家的保障,以解决政府与学校关系这一制约学校法律地位的关键问题.考虑到不同阶段学校、教师和学生对教育的要求不相同,学校的法律地位也应当有所区别.同时,我国目前作为组织手段的公法人制度研究薄弱,尚需加强.  相似文献   

张春凯  颜伟光 《考试周刊》2013,(31):148-149
我国高职实训基地建设的重要方向就是运行机制和共享机制的不断发展、完善,即需要学校、国家、学校所在地的政府机构、相关专业的企业单位实现共建和共享。但是由于其体质机制的问题,存在市场化运作和校内实训需求相冲突的矛盾问题,从而引发实训效果、企业投入的产出、实训师资和市场化运行等一系列问题,急需改进。  相似文献   

中国改革情境中的全球化:中国高等教育市场化现象透析   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
作为全球性教育改革之特质的教育市场化现象在中国高等教育领域已经出现 ,但其与主流市场化理论强调的“市场进入伴随着政府退出”的主张并不一致。相反 ,市场只是国家更有效管理教育的一种工具。本文从全球化与本土化辩证关系的理论架构出发 ,重新审视了中国高等教育市场化现象 ,认为上述特点是由当前中国事业部门改革所需的两个基本前提条件所决定的 ,即一方面要满足市场经济体制改革的需要 ,另一方面又要维护政治稳定  相似文献   

教育理想作为教育的完善境界,既是教育的终极目标,也是理想的教育状态;既体现在教育的实践展开中,也体现在教育哲学的理论阐述中.教育哲学流派的多元纷呈预示着教育理想的多元冲突,也造成了教育理想追寻的实践困境.为消解教育理想的多元冲突,教育实践需要从学校教育的过程性以及个体发展的多层面和多方面性出发,以一种更加灵活的立场与态度,对各种不同的教育理想加以整合.由此,每一种教育理想都能够在教育实践中找到其应有的位置,同时每一种教育实践都能够根据个体发展的需要与可能,来追寻不同的教育理想.  相似文献   

进入20世纪90年代以来,世界上的许多国家都从各自的国情出发,开展教育改革的研究和实践。为适应科学信息化和经济市场化的需要,进行了大学生思想道德教育方法的改革,提出了学校与社会、理论与实践相结合,以适应21世纪社会发展和市场经济的需求。在此,浅谈一下大学生思想道德现状及教育有效途径。  相似文献   

This article examines the process of desegregation in historically white schools in South Africa. It is argued that reforms within these schools can be understood as an example of the marketisation of education. The article commences with a consideration of the relevance and scope of such an approach. Exponents of marketisation in South Africa (as elsewhere) have claimed that the introduction of market forces can help to increase "choice" for the consumers of education. It is also suggested that it can act as a means of redressing past inequalities. These arguments are critically considered in relation to the experiences of black pupils both within the schools themselves and within the wider educational system. It is argued that a marketised approach towards desegregation may have increased choice for whites and for a minority of blacks, but has not increased choice for blacks as a whole. Nor has it served as an efficient mechanism for the redistribution of educational resources. Although the article is critical of many aspects of the marketisation process, it is acknowledged that some of the policies associated with marketisation are compatible with the creation of a more equitable and efficient education system.  相似文献   

在职业教育视域中,专业论与普通论两种课程理念形成鲜明对峙与冲突。这两种课程理念分别受到职业教育的职业性和教育性的质性规定,并在课程实践中表征为相互冲突,其表层冲突在于职业教育课程的工具理性和价值理性的失衡,其深层冲突则表现为社会需求与个体发展的价值取向异化。为实现职业教育课程理念融合,应树立以人本主义为哲学基础的职业教育课程观,调和职业教育课程理念的职业性与教育性价值取向,构建专业论和普通论相融合的课程行动体系。  相似文献   

Tsinghua University in Beijing, a leading Chinese university, has emerged as a pioneer in the decentralisation and marketisation of adult and continuing education in China. Recent development at Tsinghua has had a significant influence on the ways in which other universities in China have approached change. The university has decentralised power to the (continuing education) school level, implemented a corporate style of management and adopted market-driven programme development and management. This paper explores the ways in which decentralisation and marketisation has reshaped the provision of adult and continuing education at Tsinghua University, and its implications for China's higher educational institutions. After examining both the promise and the perils of adopting Western models for application in a diversity of Chinese contexts, the paper suggests that the decentralisation and marketisation of adult and continuing education in China will not lead to the complete withdrawal of government control over this sector of the educational system for both practical and political reasons. This Chinese case study therefore helps to improve theoretical understanding of the process of globalisation and the fact that the globalisation of neo-liberal decentralisation and marketisation does not necessarily imply or lead to homogenisation in policy or practice.  相似文献   

Staffing rural and remote schools is an important policy issue for the public good. This paper examines the private issues it also poses for teachers with families working in these communities, as they seek to reconcile careers with educational choices for children. The paper first considers historical responses to staffing rural and remote schools in Australia, and the emergence of neoliberal policy encouraging marketisation of the education sector. We report on interviews about considerations motivating household mobility with 11 teachers across regional, rural and remote communities in Queensland. Like other middle-class parents, these teachers prioritised their children's educational opportunities over career opportunities. The analysis demonstrates how teachers in rural and remote communities constitute a special group of educational consumers with insider knowledge and unique dilemmas around school choice. Their heightened anxieties around school choice under neoliberal policy are shown to contribute to the public issue of staffing rural and remote schools.  相似文献   

以人力资源开发为目的的“人力”教育理念,因其有着深刻的社会现实基础而具有合理性和必然性,但同时又内涵着与促进人的全面发展教育观相矛盾、相冲突的因素。要从社会和教育两个方面入手,协词人力教育与全面发展教育之间的矛盾,并使之有机地统一于我们的教育实践中。  相似文献   

The Marketisation of Education in Singapore: Policies and Implications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article focuses on the marketisation of education in Singapore since the mid-1980s. It describes and analyses two major manifestations of this phenomenon: the encouragement of greater school autonomy and the fostering of competition among schools. The article argues that the Singapore case does not involve a free market, but rather a regulated market. The promotion of such a quasi-market threatens to exacerbate not only the disparities between schools in terms of educational outcomes but also social inequalities. At the same time, it is not entirely clear whether the desired policy goals will be successfully attained. The discussion adds to the existing literature on the marketisation of education and its accompanying policy implications.  相似文献   

Contemporary education reforms that draw ideas from the political and economic fields are said to be altering the nature of vocational education. While there are substantial policy studies on the effects of marketisation reforms, fewer analyse the perspectives of vocational educators on such reforms. How vocational educators negotiate the potential clash of values when marketisation reforms are enacted within the sector remains relatively unexplored. This paper aims to incorporate these perspectives in order to explore and help explain the responses of vocational educators to such changes. To do so the paper draws on concepts from Legitimation Code Theory, a sociological framework for analysing practices and beliefs. Specifically, it enacts ‘autonomy codes’, which reveal how external forces impact upon the internal practices of a social field. These concepts are used to analyse the beliefs and perceptions of a group of vocational educators in Australia who are undergoing marketisation reforms. The analysis suggests that many educators are experiencing a growing ‘code clash’ between the goals they attribute to reforms and their own beliefs about public education and the expectations of their students, one which problematises their capacity to reconcile these sets of values and colours their views of changes in the sector.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the concerns, parameters and silences emerging in the field of English research on contemporary educational restructuring. The research effort oriented to the investigation of Thatcherism and the marketisation of education is documented. Its strong emphasis on markets and processes of marketisation and its neglect of alternatives to Thatcherism is noted. This pattern of emphases and silences in research seems to have arisen as a result of changes in the research‐policy context, and because of the way Thatcherism has been conceptualised in educational research. I argue that these developments have encouraged a narrowing of both research and political horizons in education. I suggest that a more comprehensive framework for analysing educational restructuring can be developed by recontextualising Thatcherism and drawing on recent social science research on institutional design. Such a framework would appear to offer a basis for tackling the empirical and normative work of assessing probable futures and the possibilities of preferred futures in the practical work of education reform.  相似文献   

推进教育均衡发展是实现教育公平、保证教育健康发展的重要基石。教育不均衡发展有深刻的社会背景,是教育内、外部矛盾的集中反映,主要表现在区域间、城乡间、校际间、人群间教育发展的相对差异,并威胁到社会的和谐与稳定。实现教育均衡发展,必须从政策导向、国家权力的介入入手,扩大教育资源总量并合理配置,尽力实现教育自身的健康发展。教育均衡发展既是教育发展的目标,更是教育发展的过程和促进教育发展的途径。  相似文献   

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