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The females' relatively low participation in higher education is discussed within the Nigerian society in a way that such issues are discursively placed in often contradictory, as well as extremely complicated contexts. Dominant discussions draw on the interplay between gender and students' performance across subjects, as well as on the influences of the often patriarchal school environment on students' overall performance, which with little or no attention given to parental and domestic agencies. This paper is an account of the stories of the experiences of schooling about some Nigerian school girls from the perspective of their families. The larger study from which this paper derives, examined the gendered perception of schooling amongst some senior secondary school students in a Nigerian suburb. A number of discussions among the 25 girls (and 25 boys) who participated in the study were analyzed to understand how gender played in their perceptions of schooling influences upon their lives. As this project was grounded in the interpretivist qualitative research paradigm, discursive interpretivist approach was employed to interrogate how parental and domestic agencies, can play upon the aspirations of young girls for higher education in both complex and subtle ways. Recommendations for changes in policy and practice are made.  相似文献   

Individualized schoolwork and self-regulated learning has expanded in Sweden during the last decades. Such teaching methods affect the roles of teachers and students, and the demand for student responsibility increases. Upper secondary school in Sweden includes vocational and study preparation programmes, which both give general access to higher education. Since 2000 all students entering upper secondary school have to take a course called Project Work (100 credits). The preceding course Special Work (20 credits) was only part of the study preparation programmes. This expansion from 20 to 100 credits and from a few to all study programmes was a considerable change. The study is built on data from interviews with upper secondary school students about their approaches to Project Work, as an example of self-regulated learning practices. Qualitative analyse and classification is based on earlier developed categories, and to some extent tendencies in students' development over time are explored. The results throw light on the relationship between different types of projects, grades and students' approaches to Project Work. Special interest is given to approaches considered as problematic from an educational point of view. Socio-cultural aspects show some impact, although the students' difficulties turn out to be more of an educational challenge.  相似文献   

This study reported the findings of a survey from a broader study conducted to: (a) find out the level to which students use computers; (b) compare which gender is more proficient in computer use; and (c) discuss the relationship between students' age and their computer proficiency. Activity theory was adopted as the theoretical framework to explain behavioural intentions of computer interactions. The study used self-answering questionnaires with closed-ended items to collect data from a group of teacher-trainees. A total of 1,500 questionnaires were distributed using a stratified sampling to select respondents. The data collected were analysed using simple means, frequencies, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, Chi-square test, and cross-tabulation. Findings from the study showed a significant difference of computer usage in level of proficiency by gender. The main findings are: 1 Younger students have higher computer proficiency skills as compared to the older students; 2. The students use computers for various activities including listening to music, playing games, researching, chatting, and e-mailing; 3. The students get access to educational resources including electronic journals, e-books, open educational resources (OER), educational digital video disk/compact disc (DVD/CD), and online databases; and 4. Male students have higher technology literacy skills than female students. The study recommended that efforts should be made to provide more access time to computing facilities to increase students' computer usage. There is a need to bridge the computer usage gap between male and female students. Older students should be encouraged to improve their technology literacy skills. Furthermore, the results suggested that the students used technologies within the objectivist model of teaching and learning. From the findings, teacher education programs need to provide teacher-trainees with further training programs to help them enhance their skills in the use of computers as an instructional tool for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Motivational methods of teaching are topical subjects and much discussed issues regarding schools and education. The first question of our study covers student motivation and students' perception of their own schools' teaching methods. The second question reflects on how upper secondary school teachers perceive their roles as teachers, their thoughts on acquirement of knowledge and how learning takes place. The third question treats the subject of how school and education is organized. The upper secondary school the authors chose for the case study is a school that recruits students on a national basis and is directed towards the education of fire and rescue service personnel. The programme follows the national science curriculum and gives qualification for further studies at most universities. The school started in the autumn of 1998 and is known for being successful at working with student involvement, responsibility and subject integration. The study which was conducted during the autumn of 2007 included 32 students from two of the learning groups from the same year and started on the day of introduction of a new theme and finished with their presentation of results. The authors made observations, interviewed and through questionnaires studied how students comprehended the schools' working methods. We also interviewed their teachers and headmaster. The theoretic standpoint is Activity Theory (Chaiklin, S. & Lave, J. 1996; Knutagard, H., 2002; Vygotsky, L. S., 1986). The conclusions are that the students are encuitured into a school's activities that are similar to what students perceive as that of real life. It gives meaning and motivation to learning and makes it meaningful. They identify their own responsibility and cooperative learning as the most important parts. The teachers' own learning process and planning work is parallel to the work forms applicable to the students. They are all interdependent of each other since all the work areas are thematic. The school can be seen as an activity system where members interplay and communication develops a common culture.  相似文献   

R. Inglehart (1990, 2005) considers values to be one's reactions to changes in the environment. According to his approach values develop in the socialisation process. Values can be divided into traditional, modernist and postmodernist. According to Rokeach (1973), values are an element of culture, an image of the desirable that might not be directly expressed in human behaviour. Kalmus and Vihalemm (2004) found, based on Rokeach's and Schwartz's (1992) questionnaires, that Estonians consider most important values to be health, strong family ties, peace in the world, clean environment, happiness and state security. Also, the results of the study “infants' and toddlers' intelligence and the impact of the growth environment” financed by Estonian Science Foundation, allow to conclude that parents consider most important that children are healthy, happy and smart (Veisson, 2001). In the framework of the state financed project of Tallinn University “school as developmental environment and students' coping” (2003-2007) questionnaires were administered to 3838 students, 2048 parents, 620 teachers and 120 school directors. According to the mean value a hierarchy of 14 values was formed. It appeared that students and parents think that the most important is academic success, whereas teachers place academic success on the 3rd-4th place and school directors even on the 8th place. Teachers and school directors consider the most important is their school students' security and the second is honesty. Also students and parents think that honesty is the 3rd most important value at school. Students consider politeness and parents discipline worth giving the second place among school values. Students' health is relatively highly valued by teachers and school directors (in case of both groups the 3rd place). Unfortunately, children themselves and their parents think that in their school health is not very highly valued (10th place). Joy of school came on the last place in the values hierarchy.  相似文献   

It is difficult for teachers to track student learning on a daily basis. However, the Intemet and new technologies that students use every day can make this much easier and more accessible. This article intends to make evident that using student response systems, such as Socrative and a smartphone, teachers can get more control of their students' pace of learning and their progress. Socrative is a very useful tool that helps teachers track student learning in real time. Socrative software can be downloaded on students' smartphones, tablets, or laptops and can facilitate online testing with immediate feedback and access to test results. Students receive immediate feedback as soon as they finish answering test questions. It can also promote cooperative learning when students work in groups discussing coursework. Use of the software can increase motivation, self-esteem, and understanding of concepts discussed in class.  相似文献   

Key to renewed concern on the affective domain of education (Fensham, 2007) and on school graduates' readiness for a world of work (DEST, 2008; WDA, 2006) is the student's inclination-to-reflect when engaged in a learning or problem-solving task. Reflective learning is not new to education (Dewey, 1933; Ellis, 2001). Since the inclination-to-reflect may not be obvious even among adults at work (Seibert & Daudelin, 1999), how much more can we expect from school students? This article presents part of a research on secondary school students' inclination-to-reflect when engaged in chemistry learning tasks. The instrument used is the three-part Chemistry Learning and Thinking Instrument (CLTI). The first part seeks to characterize students' inclination-to-reflect while attempting chemistry learning tasks and the other parts aim to characterize their learning-thinking preferences in the subject. This article shares the construction of the learning tasks in the first part and how students' reflective responses to these tasks are encouraged, scored and analyzed. Since assessment is said to drive teaching and learning, an alternative form of assessment, such as these CLTI items, may help students become more reflective in their learning habits and hence mare adantable tn the world of work.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the instructional practice of teachers who have similar language and culture as their students in a bilingual cluster (Cluster A) involving three schools and seven teachers in delivering the curriculum to year 0 (5-year-old) to year 8 (12/13-year-old) students. The 30-40 minutes baseline observations conducted on teachers' instruction during a reading session were part of a Ministry of Education's (MOE) professional learning and development project (in progress) to increase student achievement in English literacy in these classrooms through evidence-based in-class facilitation. We hypothesized that teachers in these bilingual classes were perhaps not making optimal use of children's prior knowledge, particularly their linguistic and cultural strengths, to increase robust and in-depth oral discussions for understanding the texts during the reading lessons. The baseline observations were coded under exchanges known to enhance reading comprehension and specifically related to vocabulary, checking, incorporation, extended talk, awareness, and feedback, and were analyzed for the purposes of: (a) feeding back to teachers what their instruction looked like; (b) creating discussions around teachers' strengths and weaknesses that had arisen out of the instructional and student achievement data; and (c) identifying professional development needs for teachers and their students. It was found that teachers and students' discussions around a concept or word were limited and that students' oral strengths were not fully optimized for understanding. We report here the first phase involving Samoan teachers teaching Samoan students in Samoan bilingual classrooms. The second phase is in progress with the last phase starting midyear. The findings from these two phases will enable some discussions to be made around shifts in instructional practice, if any, their impact on student achievement and how these might be sustained.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of Prompt Sentences (PSs) in lower level Chinese classes. By asking three types of PSs to students and quantitatively analyzing their responses, the author tried to answer the questions (1) whether it is effective to use PS in the beginning Chinese class, and (2) when to apply which type of PS to which group of students and what situations. The author found that using PSs in beginning Chinese classes is only effective when students have some grip on vocabulary. No particular type of PS stood out as more or less effective in terms of developing language skills. PS's have an insignificant impact on students' pronunciation in the short term.  相似文献   

Grammar is an important aspect of English language pedagogy in China and is taught as a subject of study in Chinese primary and high schools. Despite studying grammar for several years, however, high school graduates find it difficult to express their ideas in English especially when they are asked to write essays at university. This article reports a study that investigates students' views regarding the study of grammar when contextualized to their writing courses. It was found that students appreciate contextualized study of grammar as opposed to isolated learning of grammar using memorization, drills, and practices. The study suggests that a shift in the aims and methods of teaching English in high schools is necessary if students' preferences, which are consistent with research literature in second language teaching, are to be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The paper discusses an on-going research project that studies students' and teachers' conceptions and dispositions of mathematics. Conceptions are the views that students hold on a subject, and what they believe is required in learning and doing the subject. Dispositions are the beliefs or tendencies to exhibit a frequent, conscious and voluntary behavior directed towards learning a subject. The participants are high school students, higher education students and mathematics teachers. The study utilizes self-reporting tools as well as focus groups and interviews in a three-stage research model. This is a work on progress. Results to date are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This research project focuses on the question: Which effects do teachers' attitudes have on students' academic self-concept and students' competences? The study is informed by the theoretical perspective that competences and individual skills can be improved especially when students and teachers are confident about the possibility of change of these variables and when teachers make this explicit as a central theme. In our intervention study, we investigate whether a change in the teaching and learning setting (moving from a focus on deficits to a focus on strengths) is able to enhance students' academic self-concept and students' competences, even across domains.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence abounds in Hong Kong to the effect that students entering tertiary education are predisposed to a "rote" learning approach. With the internalisation of higher education in many countries, there is still insufficient understanding of how Chinese students approach their learning. Except few studies were conducted locally, there have been no systematic studies undertaken and there is a tendency to rely on anecdotal statements about Hong Kong students' approaches to learning. This study was designed to see if Hong Kong Chinese students who enrolled into a 3-year undergraduate programme in occupational therapy predisposed to a surface or deep approach to learning react differently when moving progressively from one stage to the next stage in their curriculum. The study adopted a longitudinal design method and measured students' changes in their approaches to learning using the Biggs' Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ). The internal consistency reliability estimates for SPQ scales for samples of Hong Kong, Australia and UK were compared. The results of this study indicated that Hong Kong Chinese students demonstrated a higher mean for the deep approach learning and a lower mean for the surface approach, similar to other Hong Kong studies conducted in other tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and Australia.  相似文献   

The idea of digital game-based learning (DGBL) is that students (or players) learn something by playing a computer or video game and that an educator can employ digital games to assist and boost both formal and informal learning. There is game software that is not specifically produced for educational use but which is nonetheless regularly implemented in educational settings by educators. These so-called COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) games are particularly effective in socialization processes. COTS sports computer and video games can be divided into three main categories: sports simulation games, sports arcade games and sports management games. After taking a closer look at these sports computer and video games, specifically sports simulation games, it is possible to posit dimensions of competencies that are developed by playing those games. Various examples for each dimension of competencies can be generated: motor competence, cognitive competence, meta-cognitive competence, social competence, emotional competence, personal competence and media competence. Furthermore, examples of implementing digital sports-games in physical education can easily be generated. After comparing the postulated dimensions of competencies of COTS digital sports-simulations with those of "real" sports, the following question arises: Are their respective educational results comparable?  相似文献   

To promote economic and personal growth, higher education students' employability, ensuring their preparedness for the workforce, is emphasized. From the employer's perspective, judging whether a graduate is employable depends upon whether the graduate exhibits the attributes which employers value. Yet, with the growing emphasis on lifelong learning, it is important for higher education to re-consider and reframe the development and assessment of attributes of graduates in the context of lifelong learning. In this paper, these attributes will be explored in that context, and the issue of how assessment helps the development of graduate attributes is to be considered. Student engagement is proposed in this paper as the holistic, useful approach for the development of employability and lifelong learning. The holistic approach reflects the fact that what is required in a workforce is not the acquisition of knowledge, skills and dispositions per se, but the capability to make an engagement through which knowledge, skills and dispositions are connected as a whole. The lack of emphasis on students' engagement could lead to mistakenly selecting as important for the focus of assessment simply the acquisition of skills, knowledge or dispositions, rather than the holistic connection of these to their application in the workforce.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of emotional intelligence with career development and the moderating role of gender in the relationship. This study adopted a survey research design. Questionnaires were used to obtain data on emotional intelligence, career development and demographic factors from 485 secondary school students (male=255, female=230) randomly selected from 5 states in southwestern Nigeria. Data analysis included regressing career decision-making self-efficacy and career maturity on emotional intelligence and gender. Results indicated that emotional intelligence and gender predicted career development and gender moderated the relationship between emotional intelligence and career development. The implication of the findings is that counseling psychologists should assess the emotional intelligence of the male and female students when conducting career counseling. In addition, the findings suggest that the students need to be exposed to counseling interventions for enhancing their emotional intelligence. This study is able to demonstrate the relationship of emotional intelligence and career development of secondary school students in Nigeria and the first to explore the moderating role of gender in the relationship.  相似文献   

叶潇潇 《海外英语》2012,(15):59-63
Since 1970s,the research on second language acquisition has been developed with times.The research focus of lLanguage teach ing has shifted from the study of how to teach students to how to learn for students,with particular attention to explore the influence that students’psychological factors such as learning motivation,learning attitude and learning anxiety have on learning outcomes.Among those emotional variables,anxiety is considered to be one of the most critical psychological variables.English classroom anxiety is different from the ordinary classroom anxiety and receives much attention from scholars.Horwiz(1986) pointed out that foreign language anxiety is a unique phenomenon in language learning.In China,English learning in senior high school is a very important period.It is a common phenomenon to see students behaving anxiously in the English class.Therefore,the anxiety in the English class of senior high school de serves attention.This paper will analyze the main reasons of students’anxiety and points out several effectively methods to relieve their anxiety so as to enhance English classroom teaching and learning effect.  相似文献   

Higher education is the product of three constituents, the policy makers or government, the executors or faculty and the recipients or the students or scholars. Steadiness among different constituents in given social interaction can act as facilitating motive and it could make higher education more smooth and productive. The “steadiness” in the pilot study is “a parameter that helps the three constituents of higher education to communicate to each other without ambiguity or say on a same frequency” and is very close to the factor “similarity”. Studies prove that “similarities” help group cohesion, improve performance and social relations etc. So to assume that the presence of like-mindedness or “similarity” or say “steadiness” in the field of higher education has the potential to decrease the amount of stress and to increase the productivity or outcome (successful policies, objective assessments, scholars, research, utility etc.), is justified. And the assumption possesses the testable potential to study policy, assessment, implementation and other allied issues objectively. Many methods of social research and experimental designs are feasible for such study. A pilot study of a biography proves that the study of “similarity” in higher education for quality and assessment is viable and possesses the potential to produce better scholars, can enable the government to improve economy, can help to produce a strong next generation, can positively contribute to strengthen the social institutions and society and above all can bring a positive change in higher education that has been merely claimed for last many years. It is recommended that the proposed “similarity” may be studied in the field of higher education to help the government to formulate and execute policies based on social psychological evidence to enable the executors to best utilize their potential to help the recipients and learners to grow as per their full potential.  相似文献   

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