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多糖的结构修饰能够提高或赋予多糖各种活性、降低某些多糖的毒副作用。本文主要对多糖结构修饰的方法,包括化学、生物和物理等方法进行了介绍,对修饰后多糖的活性加以阐述。并指出对多糖结构修饰进行系统深入地研究将推动糖药物学和糖生物学的发展。  相似文献   

孙艳涛  由欣 《科教文汇》2011,(28):134-136
糖是植物生命现象中重要的生物高分子化合物。本文研究了近十年植物组织中糖类化合物的测定方法,为植物组织中的糖化合物的测定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

白杨 《科学中国人》2006,(4):103-103
满载青春的十年,成就了一剑,也成就了心怀壮志者。这就是中国生物工程学会糖生物工程专业委员会副主任委员、中国化学会甲壳素专业委员会副主任委员、辽宁甲壳质研究会副理事长、享受国务院政府津贴的年轻学者杜昱光。糖生物学(glycobiology)诞生于1988年,被誉为“生物化学中最  相似文献   

鲁建清  满维祥 《内江科技》2009,30(12):32-32,51
糖是运动过程中的三大能源物质之一,对于运动能力的维持有着极其重要的作用。而体内糖的储备情况对于运动时间的维持,提高运动成绩有着密切的关系。运动前和运动中合理的补糖,可延缓中枢疲劳的出现;运动后,补糖90min后,中枢神经5-羟色胺(5-HT)含量增高,可加速中枢疲劳的产生,兴奋性减弱,抑制加强,糖原合成加强,提高机体内糖的储备。上述的研究对竞技运动的研究有一定的参考和应用价值。  相似文献   

王国初 《科教文汇》2009,(11):281-281
赛艇运动是以有氧能力为主的耐力性体能类项目,糖的有氧代谢在其供能系统中占有重要地位。赛艇运动员在运动前、中、后进行合理补糖,有助于运动能力的提高,延缓疲劳的出现和加速技能的恢复,补糖对赛艇运动员具有重要意义。  相似文献   

段可勤 《大众科技》2005,(12):52-53,71
糖产业是云南省的重要产业,在云南若干主产糖地区更是重要的支柱产业.文章论述了云南糖产业在发展中存在着物流、资金流、信息流不畅等问题,指出可以应用多赢互惠、合作共享等供应链管理方法和思想,把云南糖产业做大做强.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)的生长和发酵与其己糖转运蛋白家族紧密相关.酵母己糖转运蛋白家族包括Hxtlp至Hxt17p、Ga12p、以及同源蛋白Snf3p和Rgt2p这两个葡萄糖感应器.其中Hxt1p~Hxt7p对酵母生长及发酵发挥重要作用,缺失这7个蛋白的酵母无法从培养基中摄取己糖进行生长和发酵.根据对己糖的亲和力的不同,这几个转运蛋白可分为低亲和力转运子.包括Hxt1P和Hxt3p;高亲和力转运子,包括Hxt6p和Hxt7p;以及中等亲和力转运子Hxt2p和Hxt4p;而Hxt5p在生长发酵过程中没有发现有任何诱导表达.本文介绍了Hxt1p-Hxt7p等己糖转运蛋白在酵母生长发酵不同阶段中所发挥的作用,以期为构建高乙醇发酵效率的工业酵母菌株提供参考.  相似文献   

糖酯(sugarester)是天然活性剂中最具代表性的一类,是糖与脂肪酸发生酯化反应而生成的一类有机化合物的总称,以糖(单糖、二糖、多糖,衍生多元醇)作为亲水基团,脂肪酸作为亲油基团,表现出良好的双亲性,是一种优良的非离子表面活性剂.  相似文献   

周军明  崔艳丽  毛建卫 《科技通报》2007,23(1):37-40,45
研究了苯酚-硫酸法和氯化钡明胶比浊法分别测定褐藻糖胶中多糖和硫酸根含量的影响因素,并分析了用正交试验设计法超声波辅助提取工艺的褐藻糖胶,优化提取工艺中褐藻糖胶含量达到36.97%.硫酸根含量达到22.49%。  相似文献   

国标GB/T15038-2006葡萄酒、果酒通用分析方法中总糖、还原糖的检测方法有高效液相色谱法、直接滴定法和间接碘量法。通常实验室的常规检测方法采用直接滴定法,但该方法对样品中总糖含量、实验过程中的加热温度、滴定操作、滴定速度以及实验人员技术等都有严格要求。  相似文献   

Lectins, a group of specific glycoproteins present in animal as well as plant cells, are used as differentiating markers to study cancers and metastatic cell lines. This property of lectins depends on the process of cellular glycosylation. Glycosylation of some of the extracellular membrane proteins and lipids maintains the cell/cell and cell/matrix interactions. Chemical alterations in glycosylation play an important role in the metastatic behavior of tumor cells. Carbohydrate residues of the membrane glycoproteins can be detected using lectins due to their binding specificity to carbohydrates. Lectins, therefore have gained an importance in the field of cancer research. Galectins, a specialized group of lectin like proteins that are Ca+ independent and galactoside binding, are also considered as differentiation markers in some specific cancers like the carcinomas of thyroid. Thus the use of lectins and galectins to identify specific carbohydrates present on cell surface help in invasion and metastasis processes.  相似文献   

苗秀萍 《科教文汇》2011,(5):174-175
家庭是社会的细胞,社会是由千千万万个家庭所组成。完整的一个家,是一个完整的社会细胞,单亲家庭也是社会的一个细胞。一个孩子是一个家庭的希望,千万个孩子是一个民族的希望,单亲孩子也是我们灿烂的未来,我们有责任关注他们、帮助他们、爱护他们,一视同仁地对待他们,使他们在身心方面能够健康成长。  相似文献   

Changes in erythrocyte membrane glycoproteins during, leukaemia were investigated in one hundred patients. Control group contained normal ones. The total protein and protein bound total carbohydrates (neutral sugars) in the glycoproteins extracted from the erythrocyte membrane showed significant reduction in total protein and protein bound total carbohydrates before radiotherapy. However, after the radiotherapy there was further reduction in total protein by 10.41% whereas there was increase in total carbohydrates by 9.98%. Qualitative analysis reveals that with the help of lectins one can pin point the sugars which appear or disappear due to leukaemia. The test could be of a diagnostic value.  相似文献   

Microbiota in the gut play essential roles in human health. Prebiotics are non-digestible complex carbohydrates that are fermented in the colon, yielding energy and short chain fatty acids, and selectively promote the growth of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillae in the gastro-intestinal tract. Fructans and inulin are the best-characterized plant prebiotics. Many vegetable, root and tuber crops as well as some fruit crops are the best-known sources of prebiotic carbohydrates, while the prebiotic-rich grain crops include barley, chickpea, lentil, lupin, and wheat. Some prebiotic-rich crop germplasm have been reported in barley, chickpea, lentil, wheat, yacon, and Jerusalem artichoke. A few major quantitative trait loci and gene-based markers associated with high fructan are known in wheat. More targeted search in genebanks using reduced subsets (representing diversity in germplasm) is needed to identify accessions with prebiotic carbohydrates. Transgenic maize, potato and sugarcane with high fructan, with no adverse effects on plant development, have been bred, which suggests that it is feasible to introduce fructan biosynthesis pathways in crops to produce health-imparting prebiotics. Developing prebiotic-rich and super nutritious crops will alleviate the widespread malnutrition and promote human health. A paradigm shift in breeding program is needed to achieve this goal and to ensure that newly-bred crop cultivars are nutritious, safe and health promoting.  相似文献   

Surface engineering of synthetic carriers is an essential and important strategy for drug delivery in vivo. However, exogenous properties make synthetic nanosystems invaders that easily trigger the passive immune clearance mechanism, increasing the retention effect caused by the reticuloendothelial systems and bioadhesion, finally leading to low therapeutic efficacy and toxic effects. Recently, a cell membrane cloaking technique has been reported as a novel interfacing approach from the biological/immunological perspective, and has proved useful for improving the performance of synthetic nanocarriers in vivo. After cell membrane cloaking, nanoparticles not only acquire the physiochemical properties of natural cell membranes but also inherit unique biological functions due to the presence of membrane-anchored proteins, antigens, and immunological moieties. The derived biological properties and functions, such as immunosuppressive capability, long circulation time, and targeted recognition integrated in synthetic nanosystems, have enhanced their potential in biomedicine in the future. Here, we review the cell membrane-covered nanosystems, highlight their novelty, introduce relevant biomedical applications, and describe the future prospects for the use of this novel biomimetic system constructed from a combination of cell membranes and synthetic nanomaterials.  相似文献   

Focusing and sorting cells and particles utilizing microfluidic phenomena have been flourishing areas of development in recent years. These processes are largely beneficial in biomedical applications and fundamental studies of cell biology as they provide cost-effective and point-of-care miniaturized diagnostic devices and rare cell enrichment techniques. Due to inherent problems of isolation methods based on the biomarkers and antigens, separation approaches exploiting physical characteristics of cells of interest, such as size, deformability, and electric and magnetic properties, have gained currency in many medical assays. Here, we present an overview of the cell/particle sorting techniques by harnessing intrinsic hydrodynamic effects in microchannels. Our emphasis is on the underlying fluid dynamical mechanisms causing cross stream migration of objects in shear and vortical flows. We also highlight the advantages and drawbacks of each method in terms of throughput, separation efficiency, and cell viability. Finally, we discuss the future research areas for extending the scope of hydrodynamic mechanisms and exploring new physical directions for microfluidic applications.  相似文献   

细胞是生物体最基本的结构和功能单元,它蕴含了大自然几千万年进化所沉淀的智能。细胞外膜将细胞内部和细胞环境分割开,控制细胞内外物质的进出,而细胞内膜将细胞内部分成具有不同生物功能的细胞器,这使得细胞自身构成了一个分布式并行信息处理系统。文章介绍了研究细胞计算的背景,细胞的基本结构和功能,以及基于细胞的结构和功能而发展起来的计算机科学新领域:膜计算。膜计算目前主要有3类计算模型:细胞型计算模型、组织型计算模型和神经型计算模型,这3类计算模型分别以单个细胞、细胞群体和神经元作为计算载体。膜计算在生物系统建模等方面具有重要的应用价值。随着生物技术的发展,人们用大肠杆菌等实现了部分膜计算模型。最后,展望了膜计算在生物学、医学、大规模数据存储、大规模并行计算等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

分子生物传感器是由生物大分子通过基因重组或DNA合成所构成的传感器,能够实时、可视化探测活细胞及活体内关键分子事件。目前研究热度高、应用广的分子生物传感器包括分子信标(MB)、共振能量转移系统(荧光共振能量转移和生物发光共振能量转移)和分子荧光互补系统(如双分子荧光互补、三分子荧光互补等)。文章介绍了这几类分子生物传感器的原理和特点,重点强调了它们在活细胞分子影像学中的运用,如:研究细胞内蛋白之间的相互作用,探索生物大分子在细胞中的定位、运动和动力学等。此外,还讨论了分子生物传感器的局限性和面临的挑战,并展望了未来发展方向。"眼见为实",分子生物传感器在这方面发挥独特的作用,它使我们前所未有地深入到细胞内部去观察生物分子事件乃至生物学过程,从而解答更多的生物学难题。  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) derivative of l-arginine is an important signaling molecule that mediates a variety of essential physiological processes including vasodilation neurotransmission, and host cell defense. Many types of cells produce NO e.g., smooth muscle cell, endothelial cell, and leukocytes. Host defense functions are known for many bacterial and parasitic infections. In the present study we estimated the levels of serum NO in cases of salmonellosis and in controls. The nitric oxide was estimated by cadmium reduction method, Griess reaction. We observed that in controls the level of NO was (22 ± 2.06) μmol/l and in cases the level was (137.49 ± 29.84) μmol/l. The level of NO was significantly higher than controls (p < 0.001). The raised level of NO could be accounted for by host response to the infection. The host rapidly expresses iNOS, which in turn produces an excess amount of NO. Its cytotoxic effect is by its reactive nitrogen oxide derivative e.g., peroxynitrite. Apart from this it also has anti apoptotic functions. In future one can do follow up study of typhoid cases by bacterial culture.  相似文献   

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