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田小飞 《考试周刊》2012,(36):49-50
"师生互动"在课堂教学中日益受到关注和重视。有效互动是提高课堂教学质量的重要途径。新的教学观认为,师生互动不是教师对学生或学生对教师的单向、线性的影响,教学过程不是一种纯粹的给予和接受的静态过程,而是教师和学生之间相互交流、相互影响的动态过程。教师适时地进行师生互动,有利于课堂教学的开展,使学生在学习数学的过程中能够充分理解吸收课堂上老师教授的新知识,发挥其学习的积极主动性与创造性。  相似文献   

教师在与学生一起展开课堂教学时,既要参照教学方案组织教学,又要及时了解和把握学生的活动情况与生活情形,关注学生在课堂中的生命状态;教师在组织教学时既要适度考虑教学方案,也要注重与学生一起互动,重视在互动中与学生一起生成新的教学过程以及新的课程资源和教学资源;教师既要关注教学方案,又要及时调整原有的方案组织教学,开发和利用互动中形成的新资源,并把这些新资源转化为学生的新知识和新能力。预设与生成应服从和服务于促进学生发展这个教学的元目的,促进高效英语课堂教学的形成。  相似文献   

宋士国 《考试周刊》2011,(76):166-167
思品课堂教学是教师与学生、学生与学生之间"思维碰撞、心灵互动、情感融合"的动态发展过程,会出现许多意外和惊喜。因此,教师在课堂中如果灵活处理这些课堂"生成",突破"预设",就能使学生在参与和感受的过程中,内化知识、形成品德,打破传统品德教学的说教、被动接受的模式,使品德教学变得异彩纷呈。  相似文献   

课堂教学是一个动态生成的过程,是教师与学生、学生与学生、学生与文本之间不断地交流、互动、对话、碰撞而产生知识,产生智慧的过程.课前预设教学方案固然重要.但在实际操作中往往会因为灵动的生成性资源而难以按部就班.  相似文献   

在传统物理教学中,教师强调知识教学的逻辑与效率,却忽视了学生生命体验过程,学生获得的是"死"的知识,没有得到能动发展。而"生成性教学"能弥补上述不足,关注学生自主建构与生命体验,在多向互动中生成理解,得到意义提升。对此,笔者以初中物理课堂教学为例,研究了生成性教学的实施方法,使物理课堂教学变成激情与智慧有机融合的过程。一、整体规划,弹性预设,孕育生成在课堂教学中,生成绝非被动盲目的,以预设为前提,  相似文献   

林鸿 《辽宁教育》2008,(11):39-40
课堂教学是一个动态生成的过程,教师要关注课堂生成,不断捕捉、判断、重组课堂教学中,从学生群体中涌现出来的各种信息,随时把握课堂教学中闪动的亮点,把握促使课堂教学动态生成的切入点,抓住稍纵即逝的教学机遇,引领学生全身心地投入到知识的建构与再创造中去,互动生成,使课堂在不可预约的精彩中焕发出生命的活力。  相似文献   

在教学过程中,教师与学生共同发现规律、探究知识的生成过程。这种蹲下来的对话行为,作为师生互动和生生互动中交流信息的基本行为,从教学交往的本质上确定了新型的师生生存方式,即教师与学生、学生与知识之间不再是主体与客体之间的关系,而是平等的"对话"关系。  相似文献   

杨小微 《中国德育》2006,1(5):78-78
在当今社会价值多元的实存背景之下,中小学课堂教学因教学文本和过程互动而使学生德性成长的资源愈加丰富,学生通过课堂教学从道德价值资源中获得个体意义的过程也更富有生成性。教师与教学文本的“互动”过程中,选择与解读是价值信息“注入”教学过程的前提,预设与生成则是价值信息在教学过程中的“加工方式”。学生与教学文本的  相似文献   

真实的教学过程是师生或生生的有效互动,在这种动态发生的过程中,需要教师善于捕捉各种资源,把握动态生成的机会,巧妙运用信息,以保证课堂教学始终充满活力.那么,如何捕捉学生动态资源,值得我们教师予以关注与思考.  相似文献   

贺银花 《考试周刊》2015,(24):69-70
教学互动是让教师和学生充分参与课堂教学的重要宗旨,只有教师和学生充分互动,才能让学生在一节课上获得较多的知识。只有关注数学教学过程,关注学习过程中的学生,才能促进学生可持续发展,在过程中成长,在过程中创新。  相似文献   

关注知识生成过程的教学,必须从数学的学科特点和学生认知特点出发,同时关注数学知识的静态形式和动态形式,合理重组、拓展数学知识的生成点,并在课堂上捕捉和提炼学生学习过程中的教学资源,推进学生数学经验的自我生成和数学知识网络的自我构建。通过对数学知识生成过程中的生成性目标的定位、生成性内容的开发、生成性资源的捕捉、生成性评价的构建等环节的思考,可以构建数学知识生成过程的教学活动方法和实践过程。  相似文献   

西北师范大学的“中学数学课程标准与教材研究”于2013年被确立为首批教师教育国家级精品资源共享课立项建设课程。多年来,该课程的建设主要围绕“教材建设”与“教学改革”两个方面展开。在教材建设中,采用了“单元—主题—活动”的编写体例,教材凸显参与式活动主线、凸显案例研讨、凸显选择性及二维码技术与数字化课程资源的整合;在教学改革方面,尝试了翻转课堂的教学模式、注重了生成性资源的利用、关注了学生创新能力及实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

生成性教学强调教师、学生、文本三者之间的互动,即学生在原认识的基础上,通过与教师、文本的对话交往,实现意义的获得和提升。同样阅读教学是学生、教师、文本之间的一个相互对话的过程。在阅读教学过程中坚持生成性教学,能够让学生在主动积极的思维和情感交流中,加深理解和体验,有所感悟和思考,受到情感熏陶,获得思想启迪,享受审美情趣。以《繁星·春水》为例,在具体的阅读教学过程中,通过这种生成性的教学,使学生在问题的生成与解决中加深对作品内涵的理解,同时也提升了阅读理解的能力。  相似文献   

This qualitative case study explores how a teacher directed himself in implementing assessment for learning (AfL) among his students in a constrained context (i.e., a lack of institutional support in offering effective teacher education programs). The data included a Chinese college English writing teacher’s reflections over two courses, interviews, and dialogues with the students, coupled with field notes. The qualitative analysis shows that in a constrained context, self-directed AfL was buttressed by the teacher's existent pedagogical knowledge. In the process, the teacher’s self-agency empowered him in synergizing existent knowledge with external resources and revamping his teaching based on the students’ needs as reflected through AfL. These student-centered practices contributed to reduced complexity of AfL implementation, and yielded a more or less beginning cycle: the students echoed the teacher’s purpose of assessment, which considered knowledge appropriation as pivotal, and the teacher felt professionally rewarded from self-directed development using assessment-based information to improve his instruction and benefit his students.  相似文献   

Researchers have identified general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) as a relevant category of teacher knowledge. However, hardly any study has examined the relationship between GPK of teachers and the instructional quality delivered to their students. This article therefore investigates the relationship between teachers’ GPK assessed via a standardised paper–pencil test and the quality of their instruction rated by their students. A sample of 246 in-service teachers at vocational schools in Austria is used. Teachers’ GPK positively correlates with students’ perceptions of effective classroom management, generic teaching methods/teacher clarity and teacher–student relationships. Regression analysis shows that GPK is a significant predictor for instructional quality even when controlled for teacher education grades, teacher personality (Big-Five) and teaching experience. Implications of teachers’ GPK as a resource for their teaching, limitations of the study and perspectives for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers’ self-efficacy and value represent two central components of their motivation. However, there is a scarcity of knowledge regarding the relevance of value for teaching quality and student outcomes, as well as the extent to which interrelations depend on contextual resources and demands. Engaging students in their learning is an essential aspect of teachers’ work which should promote warm and positive relationships between them and their students. Not only teachers’ self-efficacy for student engagement, but also the value they attach to being able to engage students, should be important for teacher-student relationship quality. Using longitudinal structural equation models, we analyzed relations between self-efficacy and value for student engagement, reported teacher-student relationships, and the potential moderating roles of perceived excessive work demands and the resource of school belonging. Data from 395 Australian teachers in primary and secondary schools encompassed 3 timepoints from the end of teacher education, during teachers’ early career (average 3 years teaching), and midcareer (average 10 years teaching). Informed by social cognitive, expectancy-value and job demands-resources theories, key findings revealed that teachers’ reported relationships with their students at midcareer were predicted only at low levels of perceived excessive demands, by early career self-efficacy and early career value in interaction with self-efficacy. At midcareer, value associated with teacher-reported relationships with students only at low levels of excessive demands, and school belonging. Conversely, perceived teacher-student relationship in early career predicted teachers’ value for student engagement at midcareer. Implications for theory, teacher education and teachers’ professional practice are discussed.  相似文献   

生命化教学的理论构建与实践样态   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
生命化教学所追求的是人的生命的完整,即人格心灵的完整、个性的发展和情感的满足。生命化教学是教师与学生以生命发展为基础,通过对生活世界的关注,使学生得到情感体验、人格提升、个性张扬,同时使教师的职业生命活力得以焕发,师生生命在交往互动、共同经历中不断发展的过程。它具有生命的体验性、教学的交往互动性和生成性。在生命化教学中,以生活世界为根基,师生共同促使书本知识成为生成性的知识,师生形成健康的情感和人格,师生、生生之间多向和谐交往,师生生命共同经历成长。  相似文献   

教学个性是教师个性在教学中的体现,具有个体独特性和社会规约性的双重属性。教学个性作为一种生成的、潜在的教学资源,是学生个性发展的辐射力、教师专业发展的内驱力、课堂灵动的生命力。走出教师教学个性日渐稀缺的困境,需要学校教学制度的合理赋权和教师个体的自主增能。  相似文献   

学生资源的开发是新课程改革深入推进中的一项新课题,政治教师必须遵循“取之于学生,用之于学生”的原则,善于从理论和实践两个层面,经营好学生资源,其开发策略包括:挖掘学生动力资源,激发学习兴趣;引入生活素材,激活学生的生活经验;抓住生成性的东西再创造,收获更多的精彩;坚持因材施教,用好学生的差异资源;彰显学生的闪光点,为学生潜在优势的发挥提供舞台;经营好学生的错误资源,让错误成为学生成长的跳板;利用学生环境资源熏陶,提升学科素养;调动学生的情绪资源,帮助学生“破茧成蝶”;开发学生的家庭资源,增强理论教学的感染力;同时不断拓展教师的专业知识和能力,提升教师的生命价值。  相似文献   


This study investigated two science teachers’ meta-strategic knowledge (MSK) of argumentation teaching by applying the repertory grid technique (RGT). One teacher was a novice, while the other was experienced in teaching argumentation. Using the RGT, we elicited the objectives and strategies of the two teachers regarding their argumentation teaching involving two social scientific issue (SSI) scenarios. The results showed that the experienced teacher had more varied and organised MSK for teaching argumentation than the novice teacher. Meanwhile, the novice teacher indicated a belief that the learning of argumentation should occur in a more student-centred manner, rather than relying on a traditional lecture-based environment. Consequently, she spent a considerable amount of time engaging students with their peers’ ideas through discussion and collaboration. On the other hand, the experienced teacher noticed that most of students had the ability to generate arguments, but that few knew how to argue based on evidence. Therefore, she helped students to collect data from various resources and suggested that they construct their own knowledge framework in order to improve students’ ability to incorporate their understanding of scientific knowledge into scientific argumentation.  相似文献   

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