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医学书评关注的是医学图书中学术思想及理论知识界的最新动态,推荐最新学术成果,所评医学图书必须具有学术传承价值并能直面医学发展中遇到的新问题及新挑战。对于医学院校图书馆的资源建设来说,书评可以说是医学知识积累与发展的助推器。本文梳理了中国医科院图书馆近20年医学专家书评工作,介绍了中国医科院图书馆医学书评资源建设的经验,还探索了书评网络平台发布与推广的方式。  相似文献   

This is the third part of a comprehensive, quantitative study of biomedical book reviewing. The data base of the total project was built from statistics of 3,347 reviews of 2,067 biomedical books appearing in all 1970 issues of fifty-four reviewing journals. This part of the study explores the duplication patterns in book reviewing among these media. It is found that 35.17% (727 books) of the 2,067 titles were reviewed more than once in 1970, these titles accounting for 2,007 of the total of 3,347 reviews. For the most part, reviews of the most frequently reviewed titles appeared in such journals as British Medical Journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, and New England Journal of Medicine. These five journals covered 93.53% of the 727 books reviewed more than once in 1970.  相似文献   

Online book reviews reflect readers’ attitudes and opinions and serve as a data source for book impact assessment. Most research has only focused on the number of ratings and reviews to assess the impact of books. However, it is necessary to more thoroughly explore online book reviews, to analyze the viewpoints and sentiments expressed in them and the identity and motivation of the reviewers in order to evaluate the value of different types of book reviews. In this study, we collect Goodreads reviews of books indexed by the Book Citation Index and consider them according to the following three aspects: the popularity of highly cited books in Goodreads, the influence of reviewer roles (of author, librarian, and ordinary user) on book reviews, and the emotions and opinions behind reviewers’ ratings. Results consider the number of books reviewed in different disciplines, the variations in ratings of highly cited and non-highly cited books, differences in book reviews given by the reviewer roles, and the way reviewers express their sentiments about the books. The study concludes that if online reviews are to be used as indicators of book impact assessment, key considerations should include the subject discipline, the reviewer's role, and the sentiment polarity.  相似文献   

书评应成为图书控制的一种有效形式。书评的生命在于随变而适,根据图书生产和图书传播的不同特点,用不同的书评品种和类型有针对性地实现对图书的控制。在图书生产领域提出了“版前书评”概念,讨论了其实施生产控制的具体步骤。在图书流通领域,提出了针对图书的纵向流通和横向流通的不同书评类型,并提出通过浓缩性书评以颠覆“选者”的先入之见,直接面向个体读者,真正实现书评的图书控制价值。  相似文献   

In a study of book reviews published in four general medical journals over a six-month period, 480 reviews were analyzed. Twenty-five features that reviewers address when evaluating a text were identified, and the frequency of commentary for each feature was determined. The mean number of features addressed per review was 9.0. Reviews averaged 389 words, but review length did not correlate with the length or scope of the book, with the number of features addressed, nor with the reviewer's assessment of the text. Extraneous commentary by the reviewer occurred in 16% of the reviews. This editorializing appeared in lengthier reviews that addressed fewer features. Favorable reviews were far more common than unfavorable ones (88.5% vs. 11.5%). Consequently, for the fifty-five books reviewed in more than one journal, agreement regarding rating of the text was high (86%). Results of this study may provide useful guidelines for reviewers of medical texts.  相似文献   

挖掘图书评论不仅有助于用户了解图书内容,还可帮助出版社优化营销策略。图书评论摘要能够大幅提升用户获取信息的效率,用户只需简短阅读摘要即可了解评论的重点内容。如何为用户提供简洁、准确的图书评论摘要具有重要研究意义。目前的评论摘要研究多是采用句子抽取式的方法,忽视了评论中细粒度的情感信息。此外,不同的图书评论平台在评论内容方面存在较大的差异,仅基于单一平台的评论构建摘要,用户难以通过评论摘要全面了解图书。本文提出了一种包含属性信息和内容信息的图书评论摘要模型,并设计了基于细粒度评论挖掘的书评摘要方法。实证结果表明,本文提出的评论自动摘要方法,生成的评论摘要能够提供细粒度、多维度的图书评价信息。  相似文献   

论文以探讨中国旧书业与社会文化之间的互动关系为基点,考察了《中国旧书业百年》的学术价值,并与书中有关史料相映证,论述了“旧书业的发达与繁荣,更多的取决于人们对旧书的喜好与追求能否获得自由的诉求渠道”这一命题。  相似文献   

This is the fourth part of a comprehensive, quantitative study of biomedical book reviews. The data base of the total project was built from statistics of 3,347 reviews of 2,067 biomedical books taken from all 1970 issues of fifty-four reviewing journals. This part of the study identifies the major American and British biomedical book publishers in terms of their quantitative production of book titles reviewed, and determines the relationships among these publishers. It is found that Williams & Wilkins, Charles C Thomas, Academic Press, and Springer Verlag are the most productive biomedical book publishers in terms of books reviewed in 1970. These four publishers accounted for 32% of the 1,674 books available in the United States and reviewed in the reviewing media in 1970. Williams & Wilkins is especially significant by virtue of reprint activity. The present study also explores the price trend of biomedical books. It is found that the mean price for 1,077 books studied was $16.20 per volume, with a standard deviation of $9.42.  相似文献   

在图书招标采购中,图书馆力争以最合理价格买到满意的图书,实现资金效益最大化,而中标的馆配商则追求利润最大化,意图以最小的成本履行合同,二者利益明显存在冲突。图书馆和馆配商为实现各自目标而各尽所能,效果体现在馆配图书质量上,馆配图书质量高低取决于它们之间利益博弈的结果。因此,图书馆应采取合理的评标标准,尽可能避免"最低价中标"导致合同不完全履行现象发生,并严格验收程序,杜绝不合格图书进馆,以期获得理想的图书采购质量。  相似文献   

英国传教士傅兰雅1885年在上海创办了格致书室,这是中国近代最早的科技书店,在中国近代西学东渐史和图书出版发行史上,具有重要地位.格致书室的特点是:主营译书、兼顾编译出版,主营售书、兼营科教仪器,建立网络、扩大发行渠道,开展邮购、满足读者需要,备有书目、注重广告宣传,图书连载、开展新书评论,维护版权、坚决打击盗版,关心收藏、关注教育和图书馆.  相似文献   

This study examines the changing roles for women in academia from 1991 to 2001 through a content analysis of quality characteristics in 626 American Political Science Review book reviews. Results revealed increases for women over men in quantity of books and reviews published, as well as quality appraisals of books written.  相似文献   

In-depth interviews and genre analysis were conducted to derive the genre characteristics of commercial and noncommercial Internet book reviews in order to explore the judgment criteria for commercial (i.e., fake) and noncommercial (i.e., authentic) Internet book reviews. An empirical investigation was then performed to confirm which genre characteristics could serve as judgment criteria. Results indicated that structure and format, attributes of content, information orientation, number of words, lexical richness, personal pronouns, and paralinguistic features can provide useful clues to judgments. Moreover, commercial Internet book reviews with certain genre characteristics may hide their commercial intentions. These findings can provide reference for judgment criteria for online readers or librarians who want to select books based on objective book reviews, or on Internet bookstore marketing strategies that focus on electronic word-of-mouth comments.  相似文献   

针对Web环境下日益丰富的图书相关信息资源,如电子图书、随书光盘、网络书评等,其类型的多样性、平台的异构性以及隐蔽性使得读者难于全面获取这些资源。文章提出一种面向OPAC检索系统的图书相关资源发现和获取方法,对系统架构、相关资源发现接口、相关信息的获取及对全文对象的链接方法等技术进行深入分析,并介绍其实现方法。通过在多个高校图书馆的应用实践表明,此方法方便了读者发现和获取图书相关文献资源。  相似文献   

着意改革类书的研究方法,深入揭示类书的本质特征,客观描绘了类书的发展轨迹,系统构建了类书的理论框架,《类书通论》给类书研究开辟了全新的途径。该书承类书研究之传统,谱类书研究之新篇,探赜索隐,撷英集萃,新见叠出,是类书研究的又一力作。  相似文献   

The majority of scholars in the humanities and the social sciences, the scientific, technical, and medical, and the legal, tax, and regulatory fields are interested in the state of scholarly book publishing because these books often play a pivotal role in the often-opaque tenure, promotion, and grant application process. In the past, several studies analyzed new title output and scholarly book prices. However, no one investigated the impact of the Recession of 2007–2009 on scholarly books. This study looks at the impact of this recession, its impact on scholarly book prices and new title output between 2009 and 2016, and makes a series of recommendations for university presses.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 比较分析不同学科的外文学术电子图书影响力差异,丰富电子图书评价方法,为完善电子图书分类分学科的科学评价体系提供有益参考。[方法/过程] 采用Bookmetrix,以经管类、教育类的学术电子图书为研究对象,对其传统引文指标与Altmetrics指标(Mendeley读者数、关注量、下载量)、书评量的相关性与一致性定量分析,比较两学科外文电子图书各指标之间的差异并进行非参数检验。[结果/结论] 研究发现:被引量、读者数、下载量等具有较高的指标覆盖率;经K-S Z独立双样本检验,经管类和教育类电子图书的被引量、下载量存在显著差异,关注量、读者数、书评量无显著差异(p=0.05);指标相关性具有学科差异性,被引量与Mendeley读者数的相关性,经管类图书高于教育类图书;被引量测度的是学术电子图书的学术影响力,使用数据(下载量等)与补充计量学数据较多反映图书的社会影响力。评价中文学术电子图书应将多源异构数据处理转化,构建多指标综合评价体系,将定性与定量方法相融合,使评价更全面、科学。  相似文献   

以学术书评为分析样本的学术授信评价是对档案学经典著作的整体性评价,其评价指标Z’指数可作为档案学经典著作评价体系的重要组成部分。本文依据图书Z指数的计算方法,选取《档案学经典著作》丛书中的部分著作,以学术书评为计算对象,得出了它们的Z’指数并进行了比较分析,为档案学经典著作的评价提供了一种新的视角和方法。该评价方法虽然存在一定缺陷,但是随着经典阅读和相关研究的深入开展,其未来会有较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探讨用户在“豆瓣读书”发布短评的动机,尝试判断短评作为图书影响力的评估指标是否有效,以期为中文学术图书评价的Altmetrics指标建构提供参考。[方法/过程] 以CBKCI统计报告公布的被引前十的古籍类中文学术图书为样本,采用扎根理论对样本图书在“豆瓣读书”网的1 142条“短评”进行分析,探究短评的产生动机及相应短评数据的可用性。[结果/结论] 用户产生短评的动机包括讨论、分享、消遣娱乐、外界压力、情感宣泄和资料获取6个主范畴。其中,“讨论”动机是最主要的动机,其两个子动机“表达与图书有关的个人经验或想法”和“表达对图书的见解或个人解释”占所有短评数据的四成以上,表明用户不是仅复制图书部分句子或章节,而是试图找到并传播图书最有价值的部分,此类短评数据可用以评价中文学术图书价值;而“分享” “消遣娱乐” “外界压力” “情感宣泄”和“资料获取”等动机相对来说难以较好地反映用户对图书的态度和认知,不宜纳入中文学术图书Altmetrics评价指标中。  相似文献   

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