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In March 1981 the Consortium for Information Resources (CIR) was chosen by the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network to develop and automate a statewide biomedical union list of serials. Employing a commercial processor, ANSI standard Z39.42-1980, and SERLINE, CIR consolidated the journal holdings of six Massachusetts health-related library consortia. SERLINE, with its unique identifier as the single control element, governed the form of entry and bibliographic data for each journal. Additionally, SERLINE enhanced the union list by providing "see references" and general notations to map users to main titles or special information. An original feature of this union list is the "rolled" holdings and location statements intended to encourage even distribution of interlibrary loan transactions. The resulting union list of serials includes the holdings of 116 Massachusetts libraries, 94 of which are hospital libraries. The list includes nearly 3,000 unique titles and 15,000 holdings statements; production costs averaged $1.35 per unique title and 27 per holdings statement.  相似文献   

海峡两岸高校图书馆数字资源联盟采购各自都经历了十几年的发展,然而两地高校图书馆在联盟采购方面的交互合作仍然空白。鉴于海峡两岸高校图书馆在数字资源联盟采购上有着合作诉求,笔者对海峡两岸高校图书馆数字资源联盟采购进行比较研究,归纳出两地联盟采购存在的一些相同点,并分析两地联盟采购在发展的程度、运作流程、采购侧重点、资料的开放程度、组团偏好、联盟认知度上存在的差异,最后提出几点建议以促进海峡两岸高校图书馆数字资源联盟采购合作。  相似文献   

Union lists of serials are critical to the effective operation of interlibrary loan networks. The Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association used the OCLC union list component to produce the Michigan Statewide Health Sciences Union List of Serials (MISHULS). MISHULS, which includes the serials holdings of ninety-three hospital health sciences libraries, is a subset of a statewide multi-type union list maintained on OCLC. The rationale for a statewide list and the criteria for choosing vendors are discussed. Typical costs are provided. Funding sources are identified and a unique approach to decentralized input is described. The benefits of resource sharing in a larger, multi-type library network are also explored.  相似文献   

St. Joseph Mercy Hospital organized a cooperative association of area institutions (the Pontiac Area Instructional Resources group: PAIR) in order to (1) promote a forum in which to exchange ideas and information on software used for learning materials and hardware for using such materials, (2) provide a resource library system to lend such learning materials, and (3) cooperatively produce such learning materials for use in member institutions. In less than one year of cooperation, a union list of serials and a union list of software for the area have been produced. A forum has been created in which ideas and information can be shared, and a sound/slide program has been produced.  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of computerisation of library operations in Singapore from 1970–1989. Two levels of computerisation are examined, namely:
  • 1.(i) institutional level, and
  • 2.(ii) network or national level.
At the institutional levels, the National Library, National University of Singapore Library, Nanyang Technological Institute Library, Singapore Polytechnic Library, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Library, the Law Libraries Consortium, the Education Libraries Consortium and the ECOMNET Libraries Consortium are among the major libraries examined. At the network level, the development and progress, functions and organisation of the Singapore Integrated Library Automation Service (SILAS) are outlined. The author concludes that computers and related technologies are becoming increasingly important in the library scene of Singapore and that there is no perfect library computer system and upgrading is a necessary continuous process.  相似文献   

HTML5 is the newest revision of the HTML standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This new standard adds several exciting news features and capabilities to HTML. This article will briefly discuss the history of HTML standards, explore what changes are in the new HTML5 standard, and what implications it has for information professionals. A list of HTML5 resources and examples will also be provided.  相似文献   

The current interest and activity in the production of serials union lists has not by-passed small nonacademic libraries, although they often do not have access to the latest automated means of production. The Illinois Valley Library System found itself in this position and, consequently, needed to make some difficult bibliographic decisions as well as find an efficient means of production. The Heart of Illinois Library Consortium Union List of Serials which resulted is arranged by latest title and was produced on an IBM Office System 6 word processor.  相似文献   

In 1979 the State Library of Pennsylvania awarded a contract of $99,304 to the Pittsburgh Regional Library Center to begin development of an on-line union list of serials for Pennsylvania. This article describes accomplishments of the first contract year, October 1, 1979 - September 30, 1980; the second year proposal for which a contract was awarded for $99,848; and accomplishments to date in the second year of the Pennsylvania Union List of Serials (PaULS). Plans for production of the initial core list of 2580 titles in COM by June 30, 1981 are described. OCLC developments including the introduction of its union listing capability are discussed and implications of these for the long-range future of PaULS are considered. Planning for the third year and beyond is reviewed and possible applications against the file and its usefulness as a tool for regional collection development are presented.  相似文献   

HTML5: a new standard for the Web   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HTML5 is the newest revision of the HTML standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This new standard adds several exciting news features and capabilities to HTML. This article will briefly discuss the history of HTML standards, explore what changes are in the new HTML5 standard, and what implications it has for information professionals. A list of HTML5 resources and examples will also be provided.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对美国典型区域图书馆联盟OhioLINK和CARLI的对比研究,探析联盟成功经验,为我国区域图书馆联盟的建设发展提供借鉴。[方法/过程]从联盟起源和愿景、成员类别和章程、管理体系和运行机制、特色服务等方面对CARLI和OhioLINK进行详细介绍和对比。[结果/结论]基于OhioLINK和CARLI的成功经验,认为"天时"地利"人和"是区域图书馆联盟成功的3要素;联盟章程是图书馆联盟发展的前提,管理体系是图书馆联盟发展的保障,服务效益是图书馆联盟持续发展的动力,完善的联盟章程、科学的管理体系和较高的服务效益组成图书馆联盟发展的内在动因。  相似文献   

从2002年起渥太华市档案馆一直致力于探索建立城市电子文件管理体系,为此渥太华市档案馆进行了一系列的工作,包括将各种形式的现行和非现行的文件管理与其档案价值联系起来,按照业务分类法对各类电子文件进行分类管理,依据宏观鉴定方法确定档案保管期限与处置方案,并通过在线联合目录的方式为政府和公众提供利用服务等。渥太华市档案馆基于文件连续体理念,正在探索多元主体协同的信息治理新方案。  相似文献   

The success of the union list of serials in the Detroit network interlibrary loan program played a part in the development of a union catalog of monographs. The procedures involved and the two bonuses of the catalog are mentioned in some detail.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) charged a task force to update and revise recommendations that address cataloging practice and catalog access to electronic resources for libraries participating in the I-Share union catalog. This article presents the results of a survey and recommendations developed by the 2009 Task Force that cover all types of e-resources. Issues covered include: single or separate records for electronic and print versions of a title; the use of aggregator-neutral and provider neutral records; the construction and placement of the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and notes; and the use of vendor records.  相似文献   

吉林省图书馆联盟成员馆进行了不同程度的特色数字资源开发。在特色数字资源开发过程中存在建库意识薄弱,数量相对较少;建设标准不一,无法实现跨库检索;技术力量薄弱,维护力度不够;缺乏必要宣传,利用率低下;共享意愿不强,保护意识浓厚等问题。应成立协调委员会,建立统一建库标准和统一检索平台,合理解决版权问题,加强宣传力度,采用经济化运作模式,以盈利推进建设。  相似文献   

吉林省图书馆联盟成员馆进行了不同程度的特色数字资源开发。在特色数字资源开发过程中存在建库意识薄弱,数量相对较少;建设标准不一,无法实现跨库检索;技术力量薄弱,维护力度不够;缺乏必要宣传,利用率低下;共享意愿不强,保护意识浓厚等问题。应成立协调委员会,建立统一建库标准和统一检索平台,合理解决版权问题,加强宣传力度,采用经济化运作模式,以盈利推进建设。  相似文献   

台湾地区图书馆联盟在组织形式、管理体制、经费来源及运作、资源共享形式和内容等方面都积累了一些成功的经验,可以为广东省高职技术教育图书馆联盟的发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 调查和分析英国白玫瑰大学联盟图书馆数字素养培养的核心要素、培养体系、培养方式,以期为国内高校图书馆进行信息素养和数字素养培养提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 对英国白玫瑰大学联盟所属的约克大学图书馆、利兹大学图书馆和谢菲尔德大学图书馆的数字素养培养进行在线调查,并结合掌握的一手资料,总结和归纳其面向学生群体数字素养培养的核心要素、培养体系、培养方式。[结果/结论] 英国白玫瑰大学联盟图书馆的培养体系呈现出螺旋上升的特性;为用户提供层次化、个性化的培养方式;三所图书馆均把数字素养的培养提到战略高度,为用户融入数字环境、提高数字素养技能指明方向,为图书馆开展和推进数字素养提供指导依据。  相似文献   

A computer-generated catalog of nonprint media is described. Examples are given of four access points to the data base: (1) main entry, (2) title, (3) MeSH terms, and (4) broad subject categories. The data input procedure is summarized. The AV catalog as the basis for a union list is evaluated, and finally, the catalog in relation to certain local problems is discussed.  相似文献   

法国图书馆的信息资源共享模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从法国图书馆信息资源共享的概况、管理与组织、联盟经费来源、技术标准、共享内容与形式、特点等方面对法国图书馆信息资源共享模式进行研究分析,指出法国图书馆的信息资源共享实践既有世界各国图书馆的普遍做法,也有独特之处如信息资源共建共享经费筹集方式,值得借鉴。  相似文献   

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