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随着文化交流的不断发展,多元文化趋势在世界许多国家相继出现。在一定社会背景下,多元文化教育思想首先出现在美国,并已成为指导西方各国教育改革的理论基础。多元文化教育理论的核心是改变白人中产阶级文化标准,在课程中体现多民族多元文化内容,让学生掌握多元文化社会中必需的知识、态度和技能,促进多元文化社会的共同利益和发展。它主张整合课程内容,重视知识构建,开展平等性教学,促进各民族学生学业成功。  相似文献   

随着现代社会经济的发展和科学技术的进步,人类社会的家庭及其社会功能发生了巨大改变,其中家庭社会实践活动的功能经历了重大变革,特别是家庭的教育功能在家庭与社会发展变革的联系和作用中发挥着重要功效,以不断满足人们生存和社会适应的各种需要以及适应和改变社会环境的需要。在家庭社会功能发展与变迁的过程中,人们依然在不断地追求美好的理想,即接受均等的教育,尽管人们对"教育机会均等"问题的认识和努力存在着一定的文化、传统、观念上的差异,但是追求和实现教育机会的均等仍是社会各级各类教育所要达到的教育目的之一。以女性主义的社会性别理论为依据来反思和分析传统家庭社会功能发展中所充斥着的男性中心思想和意识,可以重新审视家庭社会功能变迁对教育机会发展的影响,不断思考并解决家庭社会功能发展和教育机会发展的关系问题,努力促进社会教育机会平等发展。  相似文献   

Studies by neo-institutionalists in sociology suggest that the institutions, organizations and governing rules in the environment are becoming more similar worldwide as the process of globalization continues. A so-called ‘world culture’ based on science was hypothesized to explain the phenomena related to standardization and convergence. While world culture theory paints a converging material world, an interesting issue is how the environment affects people's inner worlds. This paper investigates Taiwan's experienced teachers’ experiences and perceptions of educational changes to illuminate this issue. Using a qualitative method ‘Portraiture’ to understand the six participants’ values, worldviews and ways of thinking, the researcher finds that most participants adapt certain abstract world culture ideals and norms compatible with their own values. They developed respect for the value of equality and an increasing awareness of a global society. But they also had undergone major moral transformation and growth, and became more aware of the importance of moral and life education. These inner changes may be interpreted as their responses or reactions to the recent social trends or institutional norms that emphasize scientific rules and worldviews.  相似文献   

中国教育的文化复兴事业不仅关系到中国教育究竟能以什么样的文化来培养学生的"素质",更关系到下一代学子将来能创造怎样的中国文化与社会。为此,既需要中国教育界形成文化复兴的"集体认同",并有中心人物以其真挚的人格力量与文化复兴行动,引领教育界的文化复兴追求;又需要创新核心的教育制度即高考,使之成为文化复兴与社会重心重建的强力制度工具。在这两点上,宋代以来的经验可以提供有益借鉴,中国教育改革因此更应该能续写未尽的文化复兴理想。  相似文献   

家庭教育在本质上是人类在家庭代际之间进行的生存方式的传递。其基于结构、动力的生物—文化属性,并凭借与生活一体的"示范"与"效仿"的核心机制以及言语教育方式为辅助机制实现传递,这是家庭教育机制的本质所在。在现代社会,家庭教育与学校教育机制有所分化,因此,需要建立起彼此的联系,在本质上还原教育的完整。  相似文献   


The differences between present-day post-modern students and educators from older generations require changes in educational approach, but also challenge post-modern trends. Students' postmodern experiences may lead them to seek individuality among diverse sources of identity, seeing knowledge as a throwaway consumption good, and education promotes flexibility and “edutainment.” However, professional education trains people for structured managerialist organisations and the accumulation of shared professional knowledge. Social work education needs to be reframed as a process of emergence in which educators and students work jointly to create knowledge and identity in their professional area. To operate in an increasingly complex and changing society, students need to create a strong professional identity and learn how to transfer knowledge and values from one situation to another. In this way, social work education connects with the Danish managerial concept of “chaos pilots” in which students are prepared to deal with cultural and social change.  相似文献   

This article provides a reconsideration of the intellectual altercation between John Dewey and Lewis Mumford in the 1920s, and a sketch of some educational implications that follow this reconsideration. Although past scholarship has tended to focus on ways in which the altercation obscured similarities in their thought, we consider whether important differences were also obscured, particularly regarding their outlook on science and technology, their potential place in society, and their ideas about the best means to positive social change. We also consider how these differences might play out in philosophy of education/educational practice, concluding that Mumford's commitment to regionalism can augment Dewey's philosophical vision while also helping deal with pressing contemporary social and educational needs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the life experiences of six mature undergraduate women at a traditional 4-year university in South Korea. It explores women's construction of their university lives in the context of their wider socio-cultural experiences, both past and present, which are shaped by the socio-historical context of South Korean society. The study is, therefore, concerned with the interplay of structure and agency in the formation of gendered social practices (Connell, R.W. 1987. Gender and power: Society, the person and sexual politics. Cambridge: Polity Press). The results from life-history interviews reveal that women's construction of university experiences cannot be fully understood without reference to their life off-campus and their wider social structures. These social structures are Confucian culture, severe academic credentialism, a heavily masculinised labour market, and the discourse of the ‘educational manager mother’ in neoliberal contemporary Korean society.  相似文献   

透过“他者”视角China’s National Minority Education—Culture,Schooling,and Development一书,记录和再现了20世纪90年代国外学者眼中中国西部少数民族地区少数民族教育的社会文化图景,聚焦了教育人类学领域关注的核心议题:族群、文化和教育,其中对少数民族高等教育入学优惠政策、少数民族学生学业成就归因理论、少数民族文化与学校教育等问题的探讨,在时下仍有其理论意义和学术价值。本书凝聚了一批研究中国民族教育的国际著名专家学者,包括本书的引介者、译者在内,这一代教育人类学人对中国民族教育相关政策、成功案例、研究成果起到了推介、传播等积极作用,并在20世纪90年代,推动了中国教育人类学学科发展和民族教育研究。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情已对全世界大多数国家和地区造成不可估量的冲击和伤害,人类正步入 与新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情共存的后大流行时代。在抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的过程中,虽然多数国家和 地区采取了关闭学校等措施,但我们仍积累了统筹防控疫情、线上授课、国际合作等诸多“停课不停学”的相 关经验。与此同时,这一过程中也暴露出教师和学生对基于人工智能的线上教学以及人工智能在现场教学 中的应用等方面的诸多不适应,以及由此诱发的种种心理与社会问题。其根源在于适用于工业社会的制度 化学校教育系统本身的封闭性与知识训练模式。在后大流行时代,亟待反思教育的本质,确立儿童(学习 者)在教育生态系统中的主体地位,构建以促进人的身心健康与发展为核心的教育生态伦理观,建构基于智 能技术的智慧教育生态系统,建构线上教育与线下教育融合、学校-社会-家庭多元互动的社会化教育生态 系统,从根本上变革学与教的范式,形塑融合学习、创新与体验为一体的教育生态机制,同时,着力破解教育 生态不均衡难题,营造个体与区域均衡发展的教育生态系统。  相似文献   

This article intends to re-examine Rousseau’s educational theory in the context of the nature/culture opposition. In contemporary discussions on the nature/culture dualism, it has been often stated that his educational theory is based on the assumption that a child is a natural being. However, the author demonstrates that Rousseau was instead committed to a duality of human nature; this influences his educational theory. In his model, human nature consists of a natural and a social side; these two parts are in conflict which seems unsolvable due to the present state of society. A child is regarded as a figure which is open to the future reconciliation of nature and culture. Thus, Rousseau’s model of education is presented not from the standpoint of the present state of society, but from the standpoint of an ideal state which might be built in the future. In addition, the examination of human duality allows one to show that Rousseau’s ideas on civil and private education are closely interrelated.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether and in what ways young people's perceptions and experiences of higher education (HE) can facilitate the transmission within their social networks of social capital both upwardly (from child to parent) and horizontally (from sibling to sibling), and thus can potentially provide bridging capital to family members, especially in families with little or no prior experience of HE. It utilises data from a project that explored the embedded nature of decision‐making about HE amongst a group of ‘potentially recruitable’ adults and their wider networks. The study researched 16 networks, and the resultant sample of 107 individuals included six teenagers and 15 young people in their twenties. The paper concludes that, despite the general emphasis within existing theoretical approaches to network capital on the downward transmission of social capital, the educational experiences of younger generations can be critical in shaping the perceptions of other (including older) network members, albeit not always in ways that encourage formal educational participation.  相似文献   

This paper advances the idea that ‘education for the social inclusion of children’ is similar but different to ‘inclusive education’ as it has come to be understood and used by some authors and UK government documents. ‘Inclusive education’ tends to carry an inward emphasis on the participation of children in the education system (with discussions on school culture, transitions, truancy, exclusion rates, underachievement, and school leaving age). In contrast, education for the promotion of children's social inclusion requires an outward emphasis on children's participation in ‘mainstream’ society while they are still children. The latter emphasis is seen to be lacking in educational policy discourse in Scotland though a recent shift in policy towards education for active citizenship is noted. Examples are provided to show how many policy statements enact a limitation on the scope for education to promote children's social inclusion by emphasizing children's deficits as social actors and focussing on the ‘condition’ of social exclusion. The paper draws on an empirical study of children's participation in changing school grounds in Scotland. The analysis shows how the enclosure of learning in books, classrooms and normative curricula was challenged. Learning from school grounds developments was constructed relationally and spatially, but the scope of what was to be learned was often delineated by adults. The paper closes with a discussion of how education that promotes the social inclusion of children will benefit from seeing both children and adults as current though partial citizens and using socio-spatial opportunities for the generation of uncertain curricula through their shared and/or differentiated participation.  相似文献   

This qualitative research explores women's experiences of accessing higher education (HE) in England, through the mother–daughter relationship. Women's pathways to university and their funding histories are presented from both past and recent generations, to contextualise an understanding of funding HE in light of the 2012 tuition fee increase. Interview data indicate that the middle-class mothers in this study continue to engage and mediate their social, cultural and economic capital to enhance their daughters' education beyond secondary school and into the tertiary sector. Subsequently, social and educational mobility has been reproduced or transformed positively in all of the dyads. A Bourdieusian approach is used to explore the class-inflected patterns and themes between habitus, capital and field in the process of accessing HE. The advantage of mothers' continuing support through the mobilisation of capitals, along with their suggestions of anxiety surrounding tuition fees exacerbate the possibility of the marginalisation of access to HE for those from more disadvantaged or less-supported social backgrounds.  相似文献   


This article shows that an awareness of students' use of their own experiences and a consistent promotion of critical literacy skills throughout a child's, adolescent's, and adult's life strengthens awareness of the social, political, economic, and cultural implications of education. The article expands on John Dewey's (1938) theory of experience as the means and goal of education to show that middle school and college graduate students use their different levels of both personal and academic experience to respond to and interpret similar issues in the same text. Specifically, the authors discuss their use of Roald Dahl's (1983) The Witches to show how teachers might approach a children's book as the backdrop for teaching different age groups an increased awareness of gender issues, the effects of stereotyping, and the influence of popular culture on students' lives. They argue that educators need to use creative teaching strategies to provide opportunities for students at all educational levels to expand their literacy skills. The final section of the paper provides possible ways in which teachers can use literary texts at various levels to engage students not only with the material itself but also connect the text with their personal/ professional experiences and their own literacies.  相似文献   

怨恨是一个哲学的范畴,是伴随着现代代和工业化的快速推进所衍生的一种负面社会情绪。在西方,尼采和舍勒对怨恨理论进行了深刻的研究。尼采主要从现象学的角度分析了怨恨的效用和后果,主张启用希腊意志中的狄奥尼索斯精神——"酒神精神"来战胜人生的悲剧。舍勒分析了怨恨形成的根源、机制和后果,提出恢复和重建基督教的爱的秩序的价值观。文章借鉴现代西方关于怨恨的基本理论,提出消除转型期中国社会可能存在的怨恨情绪的相关方法。  相似文献   

In order to have vigorous and adaptive academic disciplines it is imperative that there be a continual inflow of new generations of academicians into the university. It is noted that current socio-economic conditions in North America are such that young academicians are not entering the university. The predicted long-term undesirable effects of the above situation are arrived at by considering it in the light of both systems theory and generation theory. In considering the university as a system, it is argued that there must be a greater coordination between the university's goals and purposes and the needs of society if the university system is to regain critical inputs (students, staff, and funds) so necessary to maintain its functioning. Karl Mannheim's theory of generations and social change is applied to that predicted situation where there is no new generation of academicians flowing into the university system. Finally, it is recommended that the basic tenets underlying the discipline of the sociology of knowledge be transformed into normative statements, thereby providing the rationale for greater interaction between society and its institutions of higher learning.  相似文献   

Today's educational environment forms the stage for a host of debates, many of which centre on the use of standardized assessment in the classroom. With this push towards standardization, less time is being devoted to incorporating ‘experiential’ knowledge, or that knowledge which comes from hands‐on, travel, natural and other worldly experiences, into the learning environment. William Wordsworth and Thomas Hardy, two somewhat unlikely sources of educational insight, do have a pertinent message to add to this ongoing educational discussion. The two authors, through their personal experiences and through their literary works, draw from and examine the roles of formal education and the functions of various facets of knowledge in education. They exemplify the importance of finding a balance between formal educational experiences and informal avenues of education. Both men remind society that without the incorporation of experiential knowledge into the educational experience, students cannot reach the full potential of their intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social growth. Through an examination of the lives and works of Wordsworth and Hardy, the importance of non‐formal, non‐standardized experiences is reasserted at a time when it is of utmost importance to evaluate the components that make up modern education.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to tackle the changes in challenges associated with the education of the last three generations of the cobbler community in Mumbai. Data for this study has obtained using snowball sampling methods from 733 respondents of the cobbler community. The result indicates that most cobblers of the first generation (both male and female) were illiterate. On the opposite, however, a hundred percent of men and ninety-seven percent of women of the younger generation became literate. This community has suffered from casteism in schooling, having an education was not easy for them, and they had to do much struggle in their educational life. Before and after school/college, the last two generations assisted their fathers in cobbling work; they even had to do part-time jobs/work to meet their financial needs for continuing education. While there is a legacy of struggle and hard work for education, the young generation of cobblers is seeking to overcome certain socio-economic obstacles in order to achieve a brighter future for reaching their goals. As a result, there is upward educational mobility between generations with an overwhelming desire to change the current social standing.  相似文献   

The author of this paper considers the influence of Paulo Freire’s pedagogical philosophy on educational practice in three different geographical/political settings. She begins with reflections on her experience as a facilitator at Freire’s seminar, held in Grenada in 1980 for teachers and community educators, on the integration of work and study. This case demonstrates how Freire’s method of dialogic education achieved outcomes for the group of thoughtful collaboration leading to conscientisation in terms of deep reflection on their lives as teachers in Grenada and strategies for decolonising education and society. The second case under consideration is the arts-based pedagogy shaping the work of the Area Youth Foundation (AYF) in Kingston, Jamaica. Young participants, many of them from tough socio-economic backgrounds, are empowered by learning how to articulate their own experiences and relate these to social change. They express this conscientisation by creating stage performances, murals, photo-novella booklets and other artistic products. The third case study describes and evaluates the Honey Ant Reader project in Alice Springs, Australia. Aboriginal children, as well as the adults in their community, learn to read in their local language as well as Australian Standard English, using booklets created from Indigenous stories told by community Elders, featuring local customs and traditions. The author analyses how the “Freirean” pedagogy in all three cases exemplifies the process of encouraging the creation of knowledge for progressive social change, rather than teaching preconceived knowledge. This supports her discussion of the extent to which this is authentic to the spirit of the scholar/teacher Paulo Freire, who maintained that in our search for a better society, the world has to be made and remade. Her second, related aim is to raise questions about how education aligned with Freirean pedagogy can contribute to moving social change from the culture circle to the public sphere.  相似文献   

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