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校企合作是职业教育的人才培养模式,学生到企业的实习实践以协议的形式明确各方的权利和义务。荷兰萨克逊大学的工作实习协议主体适格、法律关系确定、能力培养目的明确、内容详尽。对我国高职教育的启示在于:需确定协议的法律属性、依法为学生缴纳保险、制定合作企业的标准、拓展境外实习单位、三方主体权利义务清晰且具可操作性。  相似文献   

从今年开始,我国已正式进行统一司法考试。统一司法考试不仅有利于司法机关选拔精英法律人才,而且将成为检验法学教育的标尺。鉴于传统法学教育的培养目标和培养模式已不能适应法制发展的需要,因此,重新定位我国法学教育的培养目标,就显得尤为迫切。  相似文献   

李德进 《高教论坛》2014,(1):26-28,66
法学实践教学的重要性非同小可。它对检验学生理论知识掌握程度、锻炼学生法律专业思维、提高职业技能、实现应用型人才培养目标均具有重要意义。我国目前法学实践教学面临诸多困难和障碍,实际效果有待提高。两大法系国家对实践教学环节均非常重视,其在法学人才培养方案中占的比例很高。如何借鉴国外法学实践教学的先进经验和新型模式,改进我国法学实践教学,是值得深入探讨的课题。  相似文献   

随着教师教育的发展及非校本培训弊病的日益彰显,校本培训越来越受到学校和教师的青睐。更多的教育研究者把目光投向校本培训,其理论基础也成了研究的内容之一。教师专业化与教师专业发展理论、终身教育理论、终身学习理论、成人教育理论、主体需要理论、人本主义教育理论等被大多数的研究者普遍引用。本文对此作一简单的归总。  相似文献   

职业教育法律是促进职业教育有序发展、保障公民接受职业教育权利的基本规范,科学立法、民主立法、依法立法是职业教育法治化的重要保证。民国时期职业教育立法具有内容比较全面、主体相对明确、技术较为规范等特点,形成了完整的职业教育法律体系,不仅构成了近代教育法制的重要组成部分,为近代职业教育发展提供了法律支持和制度保障,而且对于当前我国职业教育法治建设中职业教育立法的科学性和民主性、可操作性、适时修法、确保统一性、完善体系、强化执法等方面仍有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于社会需求的法学教育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法学专业毕业生素质与现实需求之间还存在极大的距离,社会对法学教育人才的培养质量提出了更高的要求。因此,探讨新时代背景下社会需求对法学教育培养目标的确立、社会需求对法科学生培养的要求以及探索当前法学教育的改革思路,是法学专业教育亟待解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

职业高校的法律专业注重的是培养实用性、实践性的法律人才,这就要求法学教育和教学要紧密地与本专业培养方向相结合。当前我们如何从教育体制、教育方法、教育观念和教师自身问题入手,激发和培养学生学习法律的积极性主动性以及创新能力,这是职业高校法学教育的一个根本问题。  相似文献   

本阐述了依法治校和以德治校对高等学校,特别是对民办高等学校的发展和育人的重要作用,并扰《民办教育促进法》的颁布实施,谈该法对民办院校发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

法学教育的宗旨是什么 ?随着我国法学教育的蓬勃发展 ,它越来越受到关注并引起了争议。由于国情的不同 ,“普法教育”应是我国现阶段法学教育的宗旨之一 ,重视并加大对普法教育的投入是促进我国现阶段法学教育健康发展的必备条件。公民的法律意识是法治国家的重要条件和保证。  相似文献   

德国职业培训作为现代四大职业教育模式之一,被人们誉为德国经济快速发展的秘密武器。德国职业培训立法具有健全的职业培训合同制度、明确的企业主导职责、严格的教师任职资格以及独立客观的质量考评体系等特点。我国虽已初步建立职业培训法律体系,但立法的缺陷制约着我国职业培训的发展。应寻求德国职业培训立法可供借鉴之处,使我国的职业培训法律体系趋于合理,从而激励更多的人接受职业培训。  相似文献   

当今教育体系分为国民教育体系和培训教育体系两大板块,培训教育看似是国家强调的减负项目的绊脚石,但调查表明,二者并不矛盾。文章将从社会调研出发,探究培训机构内部存在的问题,对培训教育提出合理化建议,希培训教育能成为国家国民教育的有力补充,进而达到国民教育体系与培训教育体系的和谐、共生。  相似文献   

法学教育中应用型人才培养模式的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在法学教育领域,如何应对建设创新型国家的需要,培养高素质的人才,值得法学教育工作者深入思考。法律学科本身是应用性极强的社会学科,法律本身就是源于实践又必须回归社会实践的强制性行为规则,因此法律的生命力在于它的实践。对于法律人才的培养,也必须符合法律学科的社会需要及其本质要求。法学教育所培养的绝大多数人才都要为法律的应用和实践服务,因此必须树立培养应用型法学人才的目标。根据培养应用型人才的需要,必须强化案例教学,规范实践教学环节,彻底改变考核机制,逐步形成适应法学专业需要和社会需要的应用型人才培养模式。  相似文献   

影响和制约法律高等职业教育发展的因素多种多样。提高法律高等职业教育的质量,必须完善法律高等职业教育制度,构建法律职业人员培养体系,提升法律高等职业教育的办学层次。  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下中国高等法学教育改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界经济全球化要求各国遵循统一的经济活动规则 ,在全球建立统一的法律秩序。高等法学教育也应与法律这一变革保持同步发展 ,按照全球化的坐标重新定位。因此 ,中国高等法学教育应在教学目标、教学计划、国际教学合作和留学生培训、外语教学和资源拓展等多方面进行改革。同时 ,必须对法律专业的学生加强国家主权和民族文化意识的教育 ,警惕“法律全球化”的文化殖民主义思想。  相似文献   

The economic efficiency of vocational secondary schools in improving the employment prospects for graduates has been questioned, leading to policy recommendations in favor of enterprise-based training and training in non-formal training centers. The role of secondary education would be to impart basic skills, perhaps through reformed curricula that, while falling short of vocationalism, better prepare graduates for adult life. This paper examines trends in World Bank investments in vocational education and training for the period 1963–86 to answer three questions. Is there evidence to suggest that educational authorities in developing countries, as well as in the World Bank, have moved away from investments in secondary vocational schools? What does the record suggest about the patterns through which alternative training systems evolve in developing countries? Is there any evidence that a ‘new educational vision’ is emerging for secondary education? The paper concludes that investment in secondary vocational schools has declined substantially in favor of non-formal training systems. Nine characteristics of effective non-formal systems are identified. Diversified secondary schools, as one model of a ‘new vision,’ have not succeeded, raising important questions regarding possible directions for improved secondary education.  相似文献   

《华盛顿协议》作为各国之间高等工程教育学历互认协议,对各国的高等工程教育产生了很多积极的影响,推动了各国高等工程教育的改革,促进了本科教育培养方案的不断发展和完善,提高了教学质量。2016年6月2日,中国成为《华盛顿协议》的正式会员。为有利于工程教育认证背景下土木工程专业评价的规范化,文章进行了专业评价系统的研究。  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which the European Convention on Human Rights and its case‐law could be used to combat sexist education in State or private schools as well as the development of concepts of philosophical convictions, the duty of the State and the rights of children. Children could use the Convention if their parents imposed a limited education on them, and better opportunities were offered through the State. The provisions under the European Community, though more limited, apply to vocational education and training and access to it. Such access has implications for secondary schooling. European Community law on equality for women could be especially valuable. The difficulties of using English law are reviewed and aspects of English and European procedural law noted. I conclude with suggestions for a feminist strategy to improve girls’ education and that of other disadvantaged groups who could use similar arguments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Character education is a specific approach to morals or values education, which is consistently linked with citizenship education. But how is it possible for a heterogeneous society that disagrees about basic values to reach a consensus on what constitutes character education? This article explores how character education has returned to the agenda of British education policy, having been largely neglected since the 1960s in response to unsatisfactory attempts at character education going back to the nineteenth century. Between 1979 and 1997 Conservative governments attempted to reverse a perceived decline in moral standards, established State control of the schools curriculum, imposed on State schools the duty to provide for moral and other development, and established a National Forum which attempted to articulate a set of consensus values in education. Labour has extended these developments in the curriculum, introduced compulsory citizenship education, and its White Paper of September 2001 speaks of 'education with character'. The character and virtues Labour seeks to promote through schools are pragmatic and instrumental in intention, linked to raising pupil school performance, meeting the needs of the new economy, and promoting democratic participation. Otherwise the vision is pluralistic and evades explicit directives, and there is no explanation or analysis of its theoretical basis.
  The question of how agreement can be reached on what counts as character education may benefit from Sunstein's analysis of how law is possible in a heterogeneous society –'incompletely theorized agreements on particular cases' allow for common laws without agreement on fundamental principles. Many schools in fact operate in this way, but such a consensus is not entirely stable and runs the danger of teaching character education as a series of behaviour outcomes taught in a behaviourist fashion.  相似文献   

职业教育法修订首先必须对职业教育进行明确的定位,如职业教育法的性质定位、职业教育法的职能定位、职业教育法的作用范畴定位等;二是审慎对待职业教育发展过程中的热点入法问题,需要从轻重缓急来分别对待各类问题,需要从可行性上认真研究进入职业教育法的问题;三是职业教育法修订要从一个完整的职业教育法律体系建设来考虑,可以从不同的行政主体或调整关系分别从其他相关法律等多方面进行逐步立法共同组成职业教育法律体系。  相似文献   

桂春  龙启成 《高教论坛》2012,(5):114-116
分析医学研究生教育的培养目标及医学生医事法律素质的涵义,并基于提高医学研究生医事法律素质的意义和目前我国医学研究生医事法律素质教育的现状,初步提出了可能有助于提高医学研究生医事法律素质的培养途径。  相似文献   

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