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This study sets out to explore and model selected aspects of the approaches to, and conceptions of, learning by Indonesian postgraduate students. Meyer's Experiences of Learning Inventory was administered to 105 postgraduate students at the University of Indonesia in 1995. In 1996, Meyer and Boulton‐Lewis's Reflections on Learning Inventory was administered to a separate group of 94 postgraduate students studying at the same University. An initial finding is that, for a Javanese subgroup of responses, some established operationalised constructs collectively associated with a broader ‘meaning orientation’ to learning, in particular a ‘deep approach’, exhibit low values of internal consistency (alphas between 0.18 and 0.51; ‘deep approach'= 0.28). In contrast, non‐Javanese responses exhibit acceptably higher values of internal consistency (alphas between 0.54 and 0.76; ‘deep approach’ = 0.60). Further contrasts between these two subgroups emerge in terms of exploratory factor structures (of conceptions of learning and related effects). It is argued that an understanding of variation in students’ conceptions of learning, and the influence of these conceptions on the experiences of postgraduate students, can assist supervisors and support staff to better assist them during their candidature. Such assistance, while being important for local postgraduate students, takes on an added dimension when students and supervisors are working within a cross‐cultural setting.  相似文献   

Discerning Pedagogical Quality in Preschool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A well‐developed and researched conceptual framework exists for identifying undergraduate students' conceptions of learning. In addition, research has been reported on teachers' conceptions of teaching as they relate to their conceptions of learning. The research reported in this paper takes the existing framework into a new area, postgraduate supervisors' conceptions of “research”. It is hypothesized that the development of a conceptual framework that identifies postgraduate students' conceptions of “research”, and how these articulate with the conceptions of research held by their research supervisors, will enable support mechanisms to be developed and used to assist students early in their candidature. In addition, supervisory practice will benefit from being aware of, and sensitive to, the variety and potential effect of these conceptions. While it is recognized that there are strong cultural influences on conceptions of research, this project has focused initially on the conceptions of research generally adopted by Western academic institutions. However, the students involved in the study were not necessarily of a Western educational background. This paper outlines the results of research undertaken to date in identifying supervisors' conceptions. In addition, it discusses supervisors' views on: the purpose of research and what characterizes “good” research and good researchers. Various strategies reported by supervisors to assist their students to develop more comprehensive and sophisticated conceptions of research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Most postgraduate research students face the task of presenting an oral seminar on their proposed research early in their candidature. Those of us who work with international postgraduate research students know that they can find this task daunting, and the literature both in Australia and abroad confirms that these students often lack confidence in this task. This paper presents findings of a small case study which compared the influence of observing a seminar performance of a peer to that of a senior academic on the confidence, or self‐efficacy, for seminar presentations of participants in a bridging program for international postgraduate research students at an Australian university. Participants responded to a 19‐item questionnaire which measured self‐efficacy for four areas of seminar presentation: speech, display, content, and presenter presence. The results indicated that the use of a peer model performance was the more effective pedagogical method for enhancing student confidence in this context.  相似文献   

This paper describes strategies for enhancing postgraduate supervision procedures and practices developed at Sydney University in response to a national focus upon improving the quality of postgraduate research education. The results of needs analyses conducted in Departments and Faculties and amongst postgraduate coordinators, supervisors and students are reported, and the subsequent development of an ongoing and systematic training program for supervisors of postgraduate students is described. The structure of the program, training methods adopted, and participant evaluations of the constituent workshops and seminars are discussed. Finally, consideration is given to aspects contributing to or militating against the success of the program and to alternative or complementary strategies for improving the quality of postgraduate research supervision.  相似文献   

“本—硕—博”连续人才培养的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导师作为承担者来研究、统筹安排并实施本-硕-博连续人才培养计划,探索高质量人才的快速培养与高质量人才培养的长期性、艰巨性的矛盾处理的一般规律,并试图培养出本科、硕士、博士各阶段成才效果明显的优秀学生。实施方法是:从本科第七学期开始寻找培养对象即保研生或优秀考研生,从毕业设计开始,展开本-硕-博人才统筹培养的工作,通过本科阶段、硕士阶段、博士阶段的连续而全面的训练,进行研究生人才优质、快速培养。经过连续六届学生实践,该研究已取得了较为明显的成果。  相似文献   

Encouraging doctoral students to publish during their candidature is becoming more widely accepted and practised, both in Australia and internationally, although it is still less common in some fields. Almost all universities in Australia now offer candidates an option to include publications in their doctoral thesis. This paradigm shift has occurred over several decades as the role of doctoral education has been debated, but guidelines for students, supervisors and examiners have yet to catch up. While various benefits, challenges and criticisms have been discussed by established academics, the voices of the candidates themselves are limited. Using a narrative inquiry approach, this study helps to fill that void by reporting the personal experiences of the author, who recently completed a thesis with publications (TWP) in education. As such, this paper not only illuminates the potential challenges for doctoral candidates but it also offers possible ways in which universities, supervisors, examiners and candidates themselves can make the path to completing a doctoral TWP easier to navigate.  相似文献   

导师和辅导员是研究生思想政治教育工作队伍的主体,南开大学化学学院结合实验学科研究生特点,从课题组中推选出一名学生代表,作为连接导师和辅导员的联络员,搭建起第一、第二课堂合力育人的互动桥梁,开创了导师与辅导员合力育人的新途径,以多方合力的形式提升研究生思想政治教育工作的实效性。  相似文献   

As supervisors who advocate the transformational potential of research both to generate theory and practical and emancipatory outcomes, we practice participatory action learning and action research (PALAR). This paper offers an illustrative case of how supervision practices based on action learning can foster emancipatory and lifelong learning within a university context that is becoming ever more focused on throughput of students, rather than on the quality of their learning. Conference attendance offers an excellent opportunity for postgraduate students to develop as researchers and lifelong learners, yet anxiety often prevents them from making the most of the learning experience. We explain how we encouraged the development of capabilities in students through a PALAR support programme that assisted postgraduate students prepare for a conference to make overall participation, presenting a paper and subsequent publication a true learning experience. We generated and analysed data from the written reflections of 11 postgraduate students who participated in the programme. The findings suggest that action learning, specifically PALAR, can be used to enable a rich learning experience for postgraduate students attending conferences through fostering relationships, building trust, a supportive environment, collaboration, communication and competence among them. Postgraduate students who experienced our PALAR support programme developed not only skills, knowledge, confidence and deeper appreciation of learning opportunities through conferences, but also understanding of the principles of PALAR that apply not just to the conference context but across all aspects of learning and research and life at large.  相似文献   

Clutch-Starting Stalled Research Students   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This article describes the practice of postgraduate supervision on a blended professional development programme for academics, and discusses how connectivism has been a useful lens to explore a complex form of instruction. By examining the processes by which supervisors and their students on a two-year part-time masters in Applied eLearning negotiated the blended approach adopted to supervision, it illustrates the conditions that enable connections to occur and flourish. The socio-technical context for supervision was supported using learning technologies (VLE, research wikis and ePortfolios), small group supervision (two to three supervisors and students) and traditional individual supervision. Qualitative data were obtained through surveys and focus groups, and analysed using a framework which drew on connectivist principles. Findings suggest that for increased connections between supervisors and their students, a sense of sanctuary, community and regulation within the supervision process is important; the role of technologies in unifying postgraduate supervision in professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

研究生导师与辅导员合力育人是适应研究生成长成才需要的内在要求,是优化思想政治教育协同育人的重要途径,也是高校落实立德树人根本任务的现实需要。本文以湖南省高校为例,针对现阶段高校合力育人机制普遍运行不畅,育人成效不显著的实际问题,以研究生导师与辅导员为调研对象收集数据,从两个育人主体视角分析二者合力育人存在的问题以及原因,并在此基础上探索构建合力育人机制的有效途径,提出通过优化布局、完善机制、增进共识、搭建平台等多种渠道,确保两个育人主体的作用发挥出合力的最大功效。  相似文献   

"生导互动"对研究生培养质量有重要影响。基于扎根理论的研究发现,互动双方的参与意愿以及导师特征、学生特征、互动情境、学术氛围、管理服务等6个主类属是影响"生导互动"行为的要素。6个主类属及其所属12个对应类属相互作用,构成了影响因素的作用机制模型。由模型可知,激发互动双方的参与意愿是实现深度互动的前提,对互动个体特征进行调适有利于促进深度互动,改善导师指导方式和保障导师精力投放是创设良好互动情境及改善互动内部环境的基本途径,而通过营造氛围、管理规制及服务支持等,可以创造良好的"生导互动"外部环境。  相似文献   

研究生导师是研究生培养中的第一责任人,提升研究生培养质量的关键在于推进导师专业发展。研究生导师专业发展的素质标准是研究生导师专业发展的目标与方向。当前我国研究生导师专业发展素质标准包括导师入职标准和导师入职后的发展标准。科研水平是导师入职的主要标准,包括导师学历/学位、职称、科研经验、科研项目与经费等节点,是导师专业发展的前提条件;指导能力是导师入职后发展的主要标准,包括导师指导研究生的岗位职责、指导经验、课程与教学能力等节点,是导师专业发展素质的核心维度;师德修养是导师专业发展素质的基本要求,包括导师政治素质、职业道德、为人师表等节点;导师自我角色认知与管理能力是导师专业发展的基本维度,包括导师不断提升自己思想和业务素质、研究研究生教育等节点。推进我国研究生导师专业发展,不仅需要学校层面的导师专业发展机制,更需要导师自主、自觉地反思自己的指导实践。  相似文献   

研究生教育中,人格影响、教学过程、学术研究和资料积累等方面,导师与学生之间是互动的关系,导师必须学高为师,身正为范,心诚为友,与生共勉;既是指导者,也是学习者.而学生既是受教育者,也是教学的参与者,甚至是教学的促进者.师生的互动关系不仅能在人格和学术方面相互促动,还能增进师生的亲和力,达到师生共进,情感交融的目的.  相似文献   

本文提出了校所共同培养海洋地质硕士生的"三一二二二模式",即确定培养模式三个原则,优化一个培养方案,建立双导师制度,建立双基地制度,实行两段式培养。该培养模式具有鲜明的特色,并在实践中取得了显著效果。文章还对如何进一步做好校所共同培养海洋地质硕士生的工作提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

Universities worldwide strive to nurture socially responsible graduates to create a better society. Since ethical behavior of role models can stimulate followers’ professional standards and ethical values, it is crucial to focus on an appropriate path through which ethical values can be conveyed and learned by individuals. The current study seeks to examine if this objective can be facilitated through the positive role played by academic supervisors at higher education level. Owing to the very close leader-follower relationship, this study empirically investigated if ethical supervisors could stimulate prosocial behavior among students under their supervision. Data was collected from 240 postgraduate university students and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings of this study revealed that students demonstrated greater anonymous, emotional, and compliant prosocial behavior when they perceived stronger ethical supervision. Study implications and limitations have been discussed.  相似文献   

Supervision as mentoring: the role of power and boundary crossing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a current consensus in the literature and policy documents on postgraduate supervision that positions mentoring as the most effective supervision strategy. Authors suggest that this approach to supervision overcomes some of the problematic, hierarchical aspects embedded in supervision as a pedagogical practice. They portray supervision as an innocent and collegial pedagogy between autonomous, rational supervisors and students. However, mentoring is a powerful form of normalization and a site of governmentality. Therefore, I argue that rather than removing issues of power from the supervision relationship, describing effective supervision as mentoring only serves to mask the significant role played by power in supervision pedagogy. I have applied Devos’ investigation of mentoring to postgraduate supervision to highlight the work that mentoring does as a form of academic and disciplinary self-reproduction that can have paternalistic impulses located within it. In particular, I argue that supervisors need to be conscious of the operations of power in postgraduate supervision despite their best intentions. I have also begun to explore what implications this more nuanced understanding of supervision might have for people such as me, who are charged with the responsibility of providing academic development programs on supervision.  相似文献   

Supervision of postgraduate students remains an area of concern to university administration, to supervisors, to student unions and the individual research student. Many studies have examined student dissatisfaction with supervision. However, there is also considerable uneasiness among academic staff about the extent of their supervisory role and functions. In a series of workshops in several tertiary institutions problem areas were discussed with supervisors, both experienced and inexperienced; and practices and strategies were explored which facilitate effective supervision. Those provisions for and approaches to supervision which supervisors have found to be effective are presented and discussed as they apply at the institutional, departmental or individual level.  相似文献   

Today, many institutions of higher education support students in conducting practice-oriented research. This research refers to a broad array of approaches geared toward practitioners’ practice. The supervision of such research is of crucial importance, but little is known about its nature and characteristics. This study examined what research supervisors and postgraduate, in-service teacher students perceive are key elements of successful action research supervision. Four action research supervisors and eight postgraduate students were interviewed. Data were analysed by using theory and empirical data. Findings reveal 24 key elements of action research supervision, which refer to supervisors’ (1) skills in supporting knowledge development through and about action research and creating a supportive environment for developing knowledge, (2) knowledge and expertise in supervising action research, (3) attitude in the supervision of action research and (4) the motives driving supervisors’ actions in the student-supervisor relationship.  相似文献   

In the context of higher education as social space or field in the Bourdieusian sense, exploring the lived experiences of early career postgraduate supervisors allow us to (re)consider the institutionalised rhythms, procedures and practices that shape graduate supervision. At the intersections of, inter alia, increasing numbers postgraduate students, the urgent need to transform SA higher education, and the need for appropriately qualified and experienced supervisors, many early career postgraduate supervisors are caught between understanding the doxa and orthodoxy shaping postgraduate supervision, and the necessary symbolic capital to formulate, engage with and practice heterodoxy. This article employs Bourdieu’s doxic schema (doxa, orthodoxy and heterodoxy) along with symbolic capital to make visible the doxic lifeworld experiences and journeys of early career supervisors. The research found that early career supervisors are often under-prepared, lacking symbolic capital and experiencing (toxic) shame.  相似文献   

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