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Needs assessment plays an important role in training and human performance improvement efforts, but the literature contains little research on this topic. This study extended previous research on the Performance Analysis for Training (PAT) model of needs assessment by examining its implementation to determine environmental and occupational health and safety training needs in a government agency. Using case study methodology and the lens of responsive evaluation, this study resulted in three perspectives about the actual needs assessment implementation. The three professionals' distinct areas of expertise (evaluation, health and safety, human resource development) informed the case in unique ways. The results can be used to improve the PAT model and also to give human resource development and performance improvement professionals insights about nuances of needs assessment practice.  相似文献   

Careful analysis of an organization's needs is the first step in developing programs for improving performance that are relevant to the organization and to the individuals who use the programs. The purpose of this article is to examine the perspectives of needs assessment that are described in the performance technology and human resource development literature. The first section of the article focuses on the terms used to describe the process of analyzing needs. The perspectives embodied in the definitions and conceptualizations of the terms need, needs assessment, needs analysis, front end analysis, and performance analysis are examined. The second section of the article focuses on various models of needs assessment. It presents different views about where the needs assessment process starts, where it ends, and what results are produced.  相似文献   

Margo C O'Sullivan 《Compare》2000,30(2):211-234
The literature endorses the critical role of needs assessment for effective INSET (In-service Education and Training). This view is not however, adequately supported by empirical research. There is also a dearth of literature on the process of needs assessment. The few studies that explore the process focus on the use of questionnaire and interview methods. The latter method was found to be inappropriate for the unqualified primary teachers participating in an INSET programme in Namibia (1995-97). This paper explores the process of needs assessment within this programme and presents an effective model of needs assessment which guided it. The model suggests the use of a multi-pronged qualitative approach to assessing needs.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between the discriminable components of quality of learning experiences (that is, resources, content, learning flexibility, student‐faculty contact, and involvement) and students’ summative assessment of their college. The relative explanatory powers of three alternative combinatory models — the compensatory (linear‐additive), conjunctive, and disjunctive — are tested for. undergraduate students from hard and soft sciences. The conjunctive model provides the maximal predictability for hard sciences whereas all three models have the same explanatory powers in soft sciences. In addition, the five quality of learning experience components explain a higher portion of the variation of assessment in hard sciences than in soft sciences. Finally, the two dominant predictors of assessment in hard sciences are flexibility and involvement while the best determinants of assessment in soft sciences are flexibility and student‐faculty contact. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between personality and two different academic performance (AP) assessment methods, namely exams and coursework. It aimed to examine whether the relationship between traits and AP was consistent across self-reported versus documented exam results, two different assessment techniques and across different faculties. There were 1,013 (622 female) university students from four British Universities in four faculties namely arts/humanities, social sciences, life/biological sciences and mathematical sciences. Participants completed a brief version of the Big Five inventory and a self-report measure of AP. Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were the strongest personality predictors of AP. Structural equation model showed that sex and personality effects on AP were invariant across different areas of study or degree types (humanities, social sciences, life sciences and hard sciences). Personality variables are stable, robust and predictable correlates and determinants of AP. Conscientiousness, Openness and Agreeableness were positive predictors as measured by good grades whilst Neuroticism and Extraversion were correlates of weaker performance. Implications of these results refer how teachers choose to examine their pupils and to what extent students choose courses because of their known examination procedures.  相似文献   


In order to increase student commitment from the beginning of students’ university careers, the Technische Universität Darmstadt has introduced interdisciplinary study projects involving first-year students from the engineering, natural, social and history, economics and/or human sciences departments. The didactic concept includes sophisticated task design, individual responsibility and a differentiated support system. Using a self-determination theory framework, this study examined the effects of the projects based on survey findings from two projects with more than 1000 students. The results showed that the projects were successful in fulfilling students’ basic psychological needs and in promoting students’ academic engagement. Basic psychological needs were found to be significant predictors of academic engagement. These findings suggest that interdisciplinary study projects can potentially contribute to improving higher education as they fulfil students’ basic psychological needs for competence, relatedness and autonomy and enhance students’ academic engagement.  相似文献   

应用型本科高校师资的知识结构和能力特质要求有别于研究型本科高校,队伍组构与管理策略应适于需要自成体系,然而由于各校学科实力差距过大,致使迄今尚无成型借鉴经验。针对师资队伍组构与管理过程中直接影响办学定位实现和教师队伍沉淀的学科规划与队伍组构、学科实力与业绩考核、专长特质与岗位聘任等关键问题,遵照策略对策与客观实际对等适用的原则,提出应用型本科高校应理智决断学科布局并按需量化组构师资队伍、客观评价学术平台支撑能力并以此调整教师业绩考核力度、动态监控各学科师资队伍能力结构发展趋势、岗位聘任考察项目中应包括专长  相似文献   

狄尔泰作为欧洲大陆现象学运动的开创者之一,促使哲学重新关注人的精神,他试图建立以心理学和人类学为根基,以其他人文社会科学为枝干的综合的、有层次的精神科学体系。他的精神科学思想促使哲学家重新评估人文社会科学的价值,从精神科学的角度看,由于人文社会科学有着和自然科学完全不同的研究对象、研究方法和研究目的等;所以人文科学教育就有其独特价值,这些学科的所有教育活动都应是促使人了解社会和历史整体,是一种不同于感觉的体验活动,是通过培育人的主体性获得自由的活动。  相似文献   

生态危机不仅发生于自然界,同时也发生于精神领域,鲁枢元的《生态文艺学》一书,试图从一个新的维度,思考精神与生态,科技与人文的关系,他对现代性的反思,“文学是人学”这一命题的再探讨,以及人类价值的重估与艺术本质的发现,无疑有着积极意义。生态文艺不的创立不仅为生态学注入了人文内涵,而且为文学艺术的研究开拓出一片新的天地。  相似文献   

对于理工科学生来说,人文素质在某种程度上比科学知识更重要。加强学生的人文素质,尤其是文学素质的培养可从开设各式各样的人文学科的公共选修课程、大力实施人文学科公共选修课的教学和考试改革以及运用人文科学理论知识丰富校园文化生活等方面入手。  相似文献   

以胡适的“文学的历史进化论”为代表的文学进化史观是20世纪最有影响的文学史观念之一。而无论是主张白话是文言的进化、“中国文学史也就是一个文学上的语言变迁史”,还是主张文学的发展体现了心灵的进化、“文学的进步与人性的发展是同步的”,都不能准确而恰当地描述中国文学的历史。实际上,生物进化论被引入社会科学,用以概括人类社会的发展是不科学的,用它作为基础理论来清理中国文学的发展线索和运动规律同样也是不科学的。我们应该寻找发现中国文学发展规律的另外的途径和方法。  相似文献   

考试在人力资源管理中的作用主要表现在:开掘潜在人力资源和现实人力资源;调节和控制人力资源的流速、流向、流量、人才的结构比例;合理配置社会和组织中的人力资源。直接测评法、间接测评法和综合测评法等考试方法在人力资源管理中的具体应用,可满足各种人力资源管理的需要,主试在采用各种考试时也应掌握各种测评方式的特点,以达到考试活动效率的最大化。  相似文献   

Various data‐gathering and analysis methods available in our profession's literature, current and past, provide rich options for conducting quality needs assessments. These methods assisted with a thorough needs assessment for a billable hours issue in the parts and service department of a large, power tool and equipment retailer based in the Midwestern United States.  相似文献   

科学史证明,实证主义的方法是进行科学研究必不可少的重要方法,但它在文学研究中往往遭冷落。然而从学术的目的在于求知这一点来说,实证是每一门学科,包括文学学科都必须遵循的方法。对于文学研究来说,实证主义的科学性还表现在,作为一种方法,它不是一味排斥理性思辩的意义。用实证主义的方法进行文学研究也有不足之处,即它在文学的价值方面显得捉襟见肘。  相似文献   

假命题,真问题——谈人文与科学的分裂与统一性重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在知识/教育领域内,存在着认识论和工具论两种不同的知识/教育传统。从认识论的知识观来看,人文与科学不可分裂,它们是人类认识(教育)活动中不可或缺的内容。但从工具论的知识观来看,人文与科学又分属于两个不同的知识/实践领域。人文与科学的分裂,是学术由分工走向专业化的产物,也是西方知识观发展的必然结果。但不应忽视的是,在分裂的同时,存在着整体性思想的传统,这一思想是人文与科学走向融合的基础。  相似文献   

Although many appeals for reform include adopting more student-centred assessment, few studies have examined the postsecondary classroom. Using the 1993 and 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, the results of the current study revealed that faculty in the sciences were less likely to use student-centred assessment practices than faculty in non-sciences. Additionally, while faculty in the non-sciences showed a significant increase in their use of student-centred assessment between the two waves of data collection, no such increase was obtained for faculty in the sciences. Results are discussed in terms of public policy.  相似文献   

大学英语教学中的形成性评价及策略研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
形成性评价注重对学生的学习过程进行评价,及时提供反馈,调整教学,满足学生需求。将形成性评价恰当地运用到大学英语课堂,能显著改善教学效果,有效弥补当前大学英语教学与测试的一些不足,并帮助学生成为自主高效的学习者。  相似文献   

信息化时代的教育面临着严峻的挑战,外国文学课程是高等院校汉语言文学专业的必修基础课,如何在信息化时代的全球化语境下搞好外国文学的教学,是从事外国文学教学的所有教师应该深入思考的问题。从教与学两个方面对于外国文学的教学进行了探讨。就教师来说,应该在教学内容、教学方法、考核方式上适应信息化时代的需要。就学生来说,应具有不确定性思维、学习的主动性和参与意识。  相似文献   

Predicting faculty job satisfaction in university departments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study attempts to examine the relationships between several dimensions of organizational climate and faculty job satisfaction in university departments which offer Ph.D. degrees. The three dimensions of organizational climate examined are: power perception, the perceived organizational goals, and the assessment of rewards. The major findings of the study are:(1) Nonresearch perceived organizational goals are by and large weakly related to job satisfaction in both the physical and social sciences. (2) Power perception is a strong determinant of job satisfaction in the social sciences and considerably less dominant in the physical sciences. (3) The assessment of rewards is the strongest predictor of faculty job satisfaction in both the physical and social sciences. The major conclusion of the study is that the organizational climate is one of the keys to understanding faculty job satisfaction. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent work in the cognitive sciences provides new neurological/biological and evolutionary bases for understanding the construction of knowledge (in the form of sets of ideas containing functionally useful inferences) and the capacity for imagination (as the ability to run inferences and generate ideas from information) in the human mind. In recent years, a growing number of scholars are making use of cognitive science to understand and explain religious beliefs and behaviors in terms of these evolved cognitive capacities and structures of mind. Based on a literature review of cognitive studies of religion, this article examines relevant themes from cognitive science studies of religion toward drawing pedagogical lessons for religious education.  相似文献   

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