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A lengthy literature estimating the returns to education has largely ignored the for-profit sector. In this paper, we estimate the earnings gains to for-profit college attendance using restricted-access data from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY97). Using an individual fixed effects estimation strategy that allows us to control for time-invariant unobservable characteristics of students, we find that students who enroll in associate's degree programs in for-profit colleges experience earnings gains of about 10% relative to high school graduates with no college degree, conditional on employment. Since associate's degree students attend for an average of 2.6 years, this translates to a 4% return per year of education in a for-profit college, slightly lower than estimates of returns for other sectors found in the literature.  相似文献   

This study extends the analysis of the economic return of college education up to 10 years after college education and further examines the impact of college education on graduates’ hours of work. The results suggest that variation in hours of work explains a portion of earnings differentials among college graduates. Graduates from high-quality private institutions tend to work longer hours than their peers from other types of institutions. Female graduates spend fewer hours working than their male counterparts. As far as family background is concerned, graduates from high-income families tend to work longer hours and first-generation college graduates tend to work fewer hours. Finally, business majors seem to work longer hours while health and public affair majors less hours.
Liang ZhangEmail:

This paper presents measurements of the rates of return obtained from investment in university education and the changes in these rates which might be expected with expansion. The social internal rate of return varies between 5 and 11% on different undergraduate courses at the University of Bradford. The private return to the successful student averages 12.2% for those who pay their own expenses, but rises to 24.9% for students receiving the full public grant. By contrast the government is shown to receive an average of 5.1% return on its expenditure in terms of the income tax yield of the increased earnings of graduates.The authors believe that in planning future investment in higher education, marginal rates of return, rather than existing average rates, are the relevant yardstick. They show that, on the evidence of courses at the University of Bradford, marginal cost is likely to be substantially lower than present average cost, as expansion takes place. Lower costs, due to economies in staff and to the more intensive use of teaching accommodation, are shown to result in a marginal social rate of return averaging 10.8%, raising the average rate of return from its present 8.8% to 10.0%.  相似文献   

This paper examines the financial value over the course of a lifetime of pursuing a college degree under a variety of different settings (e.g. major, student loan debt, individual ability). I account for ability/selection bias and the probability that entering freshmen will not eventually graduate.I find the financial proposition of attending college is a sound investment for most individuals and cost scenarios, although some scenarios do not pay off until late in life, or ever. I estimate the present discounted value of attending college for the median student to vary between $85,000 and $300,000 depending on the student’s major. Most importantly, the results of this paper emphasize the role that risk (e.g. the nontrivial chance that a student will not eventually graduate) plays in the cost-benefit analysis of obtaining a college degree.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the spatial demonstration effects of local governments' fiscal expenditures on higher education in China. Using regional panel data from 1999 to 2015 and spatial econometric models, this paper finds that the developed region of Eastern China has not shown greater willingness to spend on higher education than the less developed regions of Central and Western China. Local governments' fiscal expenditures on higher education have significant spatial demonstration effects, which are strongest in Central China. The attenuation boundary test shows that, as the economic distance increases, the demonstration effect becomes weaker. Econometric models, including the interaction of economic growth and the spatial lag term show that the demonstration effect is enhanced by economic growth. Henceforth, this paper concludes that, to increase fiscal expenditures on higher education in China and save incentive costs, with the local governments being the main investors, the central government can achieve the goal of increasing the total fiscal expenditures on higher education by exerting the spatial demonstration effect. It will eventually drive local governments to spend more on higher education by strongly encouraging others beforehand.  相似文献   


Given the squeeze on national budgets and the need for priorities over investment choices in education, many governments have turned to communities in the search for alternative sources of revenue. In Kenya, there is a long and rich history of community involvement in the financing of education at all levels, rooted within the phenomenon of the dynamic self‐help movement harambee, which underpins much of Kenya's grass roots development activity. Within education, the conscious partnership between communities and government has been most manifest within the unaided harambee secondary school sector, although a more recent policy shift has witnessed the transfer to communities of all capital expenditures associated with a structural and curriculum reform, particularly at primary level. Despite opening up access to education to a high percentage of the school age population, there remain, however, fundamental questions associated both with the quality and equity of systems dependent upon community financing.  相似文献   

本文基于282个地级市2007—2016年“市辖区-县域内”两部门的面板数据,利用固定效应估计方法检验了中央政府对于财政性教育经费投入相关规定的政策表述对地方政府教育支出努力度的总体影响及其空间分布效应。研究发现:在“4%”表述明确出现在国务院政府工作报告的年度里,地方教育支出占公共财政支出和GDP的比例、教育经费增长率、生均教育经费等各项指标均有显著增长;教育支出在公共财政经费中的占比以及教育经费的环比增长方面,县域内的增长显著低于市辖区;在GDP占比和生均支出等指标上,县域内的增长显著高于市辖区。本研究对“后4%”时代教育财政投入长效机制建立、教育城乡一体化发展等问题具有现实价值。  相似文献   

This article uses individual data on 10,000 higher education students and 5,000 graduates in the Philippines in 1977 to assess theex ante student perceptions of the labour market against actual labour market outcomes. A comparison of mean expected and actual earnings by various sample characteristics reveals a high degree of realism from the students' viewpoint. Individual self-assessed foregone earnings are used to estimate theex ante returns to higher education and to investment in particular fields of specialization. The expected returns are close to the actual returns. Expected and actual waiting time to first job are of a short duration and a sharply declining function of age. Family background and college performance strongly influence the expected and actual labour market outcomes. The policy implications of the results are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

合理、准确的进行普通高中教育效率评价有利于引导教育投资方向,提高教育效率,推进教育改革。利用DEA模型,在假设规模收益不变条件下,采用基于投入的视窗分析方法研究1999-2009年我国各省市区普通高中的教育效率发现:同一时间段不同省份之间的教育效率差别很大,但同一省份不同时间段间的效率差别不大;与经济发展情况不同,中西部地区的教育效率高于东部地区;经济发达地区的各种投入的影子价格均低于欠发达地区。针对各地教育效率现状,政府应针对不同地区实际,制定鼓励民间资本投资普通高中的优惠政策,扩大对自然条件恶劣或少数民族聚居区异地教学支持的帮扶,加大财政转移支付,改善欠发达地区教育投入不足的现状,从而从总体上提高全国普通高中教育的效率水平。  相似文献   

This study aims to improve the efficiency of fiscal assistance programs for higher education by investigating those variables that influence college graduates’ employment rates. An empirical analysis of 2010–2011 higher education statistics shows that two variables – educational expenditure per student and the number of students per full-time faculty member – consistently and significantly affect college graduates’ employment rates, even after location and type of school are controlled. Although scholarship rates also affect employment rates positively, the number of students per industry–academe liaison officer does not have a statistically significant effect. Moreover, as educational expenditure per student or the student/faculty ratio increases beyond a certain level, graduate employment improves at an increasing rate. The two variables also affect the employment rate interactively. At a relatively higher level of per-student expenditure, employment rates increase even as the student/faculty ratio rises. However, at a relatively lower level of per-student expenditure, employment rates decline as the student/faculty ratio rises.The policy implication is that fiscal assistance programs for higher educational institutions should accord a much greater weight to these key variables when selecting and assessing institutional recipients.  相似文献   

大学生的就业状况不仅直接影响到毕业生的预期收益,而且影响家庭和个人对高等教育投资的积极性,进而影响到高等教育的发展。高校毕业生就业难的成因是多方面的,其中区域经济发展对大学生就业机会的影响也值得我们探讨研究。  相似文献   

在构建的教育投资收益—成本函数模型中,投资成本分为直接成本、机会成本和心理成本,投资收益分为经济收益和非经济收益,将心理成本和非经济收益转化为经济价值形式进入模型分析过程.教育效率、工资水平和就业概率等因素直接影响教育投资收益,而受教育者的天赋、当前人力资本水平、家庭和国家教育投资水平等对教育效率具有正向效应.通过比较物质资本收益率、家庭教育投资收益率和国家教育投资收益率,从短期和长期角度,对家庭、国家教育投资决策及其均衡状况进行探讨,可以看出深化教育投资需要健全教育环境、完善劳动市场、注重个体天赋和以经济社会可持续发展为目标.  相似文献   

By considering heterogeneity in abilities and self-selection in educational choice, this paper adopts the heterogeneous human capital model to estimate rate of return to university education using data from the 1990 and 2000 Taiwan's Manpower Utilization Surveys. The Taiwan empirical study shows that significant heterogeneous return to education does exist, and that the educational choice was made according to the principle of comparative advantage. The estimated rates of return for attaining university were 19% and 15%, much higher than the average rate of return of 11.55 and 6.6%, for 1990 and 2000, respectively. The declining trend of return to university education may have been caused by the rapid expansion of the number of colleges and universities and the increasing supply of college graduates in the 1990s.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of fertility and relative wages on occupational choice (teaching versus non-teaching) and labor force participation decisions of female college graduates using selectivity-corrected panel estimations.We find that the presence of a new born baby is not particularly important to the choice of occupation, but significantly discourages female labor force participation, especially among teachers. Higher relative wages are found to effectively attract female college graduates into teaching. College major in education is one of the most relevant determinants for female college graduates to become teachers. Though investing educational expenditures on teachers’ salary seems to be a valid policy, providing incentives for female college students to major in education will be an alterative way to secure teacher supply.  相似文献   

1. With regard to the funding channels of vocational secondary schools (including agricultural schools, similarly hereinafter), the provisions contained in documents Guofa, no. 252 (1980) and Jiaozhongzi, no. 006 (1983), issued by the Ministries of Education, Labor, and Personnel and Finance, as well as the State Planning Commission, should continue to be implemented. With regard to the funding for vocational secondary schools run by education departments (including those transformed from former regular secondary schools), there is already a separate heading "vocational education expenditure" under educational expenditure in paragraph 179 of the "Headings of Revenue and Expenditure of the State Budget," and it is stipulated that this fund should be included as expenditure under educational expenditure. That is, both general education expenditures and vocational and technical education expenditures are to be included in the budget set for local educational expenditures for the sake of better coordination. To this end, vocational education expenditures should be included in the budget of local educational expenditures. Capital investment for vocational secondary schools should also be included in that for local educational captial investment, again for better coordination. In setting the estimates for their respective local expenditures, the people's governments at various levels should also give active support to the development of this educational undertaking.  相似文献   

教育财政投入是教育事业发展的物质基础,为持续办好“更加公平更高质量”的基础教育事业提供了经费支持。伴随着我国“要办重点中学”和“择校费”等普通高中办学政策的实施,县域与城区普通高中在师资、办学条件与经费投入等方面的异质性特征进一步加剧。基于2009—2020年江苏省内12个市本级与41个县域的面板数据,选取普通高中生均公用经费作为代理指标,采用断点回归模型,围绕普通高中阶段实施的“择校费”政策改革对市县间普通高中教育财政投入差异的影响展开实证分析。实证结果表明,取消“择校费”能够显著缩小市县间普通高中教育财政投入差异,在县中振兴行动计划的推进过程中,可以围绕供需两侧进一步深化有效市场和有为政府相结合理念在教育投入中的应用。  相似文献   

考生择校是为了获取高等教育投资的最大内部报酬。基于这种假设,影响考生决策的主要因素是高等教育投资的个人直接成本,拟选择学校所属行业的平均职工工资水平以及目标学校的综合实力和就业率等。但考生个人的理性经济行为有可能导致生源和人力资源地域和校际间分布的失衡,为此需要通过国家公共政策调控,社会舆论引导和高校综合实力的提升与优质教育服务的提供来调节地域、行业、校际间的分布。  相似文献   

This paper compares graduates of the formal vocational and technical education (VTE) system in Côte d'Ivoire with those of informal apprenticeships, in terms of access to jobs, earnings, and the internal rate of return to investment in education. The structure of the labor market is explicitly considered in the analysis and the selection process into each segment is modelled. It is found that formal and informal VTE are not substitutes but prepare people for different careers. Within the “optimal” career path, each type of VTE carries similar returns. Promotion of informal VTE could increase society's returns to educational expenditures and contribute to realizing the employment creation potential of the informal sector.  相似文献   

Lifelong Debt: Rates of Return to Mature Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High rates of return to first degrees have been used to justify increased student financial contributions to higher education. However, no discrete study of rates of return to mature graduates has been carried out although mature graduates now form a significant proportion of the student population. The General Household Survey 1983–1992 was used to examine the earnings of mature graduates compared with those of matriculates. The GHS yielded 616 mature graduate men in full-time work and 296 mature graduate women who were in full-time employment. It was found that the rate of return to mature male graduates was just above one per cent. With recent added costs, new male mature graduates can be forecast to make a sizeable loss on their study. Rates of return to women mature graduates were higher, between five and six per cent, and, based on these figures, the recent increased cost of mature graduate study should be covered by increased earnings. However, these calculations are based on average earnings for the modal age cohort of mature graduates. Those who are older when they complete or earn below the average (a large percentage) will not recoup the costs of study.  相似文献   

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