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Sans résuméRapport au Colloque International consacré aux problèmes de l'enseignement des mathématiques dans les écoles secondaires et supérieures des pays européens, 27 sept.–2 oct. 1968.  相似文献   

Sans résuméAllocution au Congrès sur l'Intégration des enseignements scientifiques, à Varna, 11–19 septembre 1968.-Quelques paragraphes proviennent d'un article publié enEnseignement 9 (1963), 28–44.  相似文献   

L'article a pour objectifs de discuter des rapports existant entre le système des disciplines scientifiques et la formation à l'enseignement conçue dans une perspective de professionnalisation. Après un rapide rappel historique du processus d'inféodisation de la formation professionnelle par le système des sciences, l'article introduit une distinction entre l'interdisciplinarité en éducation et l'interdisciplinarité scientifique. Il met en exergue, à la suite de ce double éclairage, la complexité des interrelations entre les différents types de savoirs dans un contexte de formation professionnelle à l'enseignement et la nécessité de dépasser les perspectives interdisciplinaires pour prendre en compte la circumdisciplinarité, c'est-à-dire l'insertion des savoirs qui résultent des pratiques professionnelles elles-mêmes au sein même de la formation. This paper discusses the existing relationships between the scientific subject matter system and teacher education from a professionalisation perspective. After a brief historical reminder of how professional training was subjugated by the scientific system, we introduce a distinction between interdisciplinarity in education and scientific interdisciplinary. The article then highlights the complexity of interrelationships between different types of knowledge, in a context of the professional training that is teacher education, and the necessity of going beyond interdisciplinary perspectives in order to take into account the circumdisciplinarity, which means the integration of knowledge that results from the very professional practice that is at the center of the teacher education. El objetivo central de este articulo es el de discutir de las relaciones entre el sistema de las disciplinas científicas y la formación a la enseñanza, dentro de una perspectiva de profesionalización. Después de una breve descripción del proceso histórico que llevó a la sumisión de la formación profesional al sistema de las ciencias, se introduce una distinción entre los conceptos de la interdisciplinaridad en la educación y la interdisciplinaridad científica. Se subraya el carácter complejo de las interrelaciones entre varios tipos de conocimientos dentro de un contexto de formación profesional a la enseñanza y de la necesidad de ir mas allá de las perspectivas interdisciplinarias para tomar en cuenta la circumdisciplinaridad. Este ultimo concepto suele significar la integración de los conocimientos o de los conocimientos que resultan de las prácticas profesionales en se, dentro del proceso de formación. Dieser Artikel untersucht die bestehenden Beziehungen zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und der Lehrerausbildung mit einer Professionalisierungsperspektive. Nach einem kurzen historischen Rückblick, wie das System der Berufsausbildung durch das Wissenschaftssystem geprägt wurde, unterscheidet der Artikel zwischen der Interdisziplinarität in der Lehrerausbildung und der in den Wissenschaften. Nach dieser Unterscheidung hebt er die Komplexität der Verhältnisse verschiedener Wissenstypen in einem Kontext der Berufsausbildung hervor, sowie die Notwendigkeit interdiziplinäre Perspektiven zu überschreiten, um die Zirkumsdiziplinarität zu berücksichtigen, das heißt, das Wissen, das sich aus der Praxis ergibt, in die Lehrerbildung einzubeziehen.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a kind of summary of research made from twenty years by historians and jurists about the question of philanthropy, ?patronage?, and the origins of the protection of children in Europe. The principal sources are the International Penitentiary Congresses between 1840 and 1914 and the International Congresses of protection of children (1880–1914).

Two periods and two generations of philanthropists have to be distinguished. The first one (1840–1850) that we can call the time of the ?Sainte Alliance? of European philanthropists against poverty and criminality, is characterised by individual action of personalities like prisons inspectors (Ducpétiaux in Belgium, Lucas in France) or private philanthropists like Suringar in the Netherlands who travel around Europe to visit reformatories and prisons to compare and promote their own solutions. This is the time of ?penitentiary tourism? and comparison between different models of treatment of juvenile delinquency, based on the concept of ?guilty children?, who have to be punish and re‐educated..

The second one, after 1880, is characterised by a new generation of philanthropists, members of government, ministers, lawyers, and the lobby of private associations of “hommes d'?uvres” and “dames patronesses” who try to change legislations and reform the ancient system of prison's children and reformatories. This the time of protection, “patronage” and prevention, based on a new concept of “children in danger? who have to be protected and not punish. The confrontation between European legislations and American experience of ‘juvenile courts” will give birth to a new model of treatment of juvenile delinquency, with more protection, less punishment. That stay the norm in Europe until these last years. But we can see today the return of a new American model, more punitive, based on the ideology of “tolerance zero” and the coming back to prisons.  相似文献   

In this article, we characterized the forms of reasoning of French high school students (from Terminal Scientifique) in the course of an exchange of messages around the solution of a mathematical problem. Our goal was to determine whether or not the students make use of creative and investigative forms of reasoning. The results show that in the experimental conditions of the ‘mathematical correspondence,’ the students displayed an unusual mathematical problem-solving activity, one that is indeed more creative and investigative than those typically found in a classroom activity. The results are accompanied by an effort to explain the conditions that allowed for this unusual activity to develop and to suggest some paths to use this setting in the classroom, so as to facilitate better learning in problem-solving contexts and the transition from high school to university.  相似文献   

L’organisation des classes homogènes selon le niveau de développement mental des élèves et celle des classes spéciales pour les enfants en retard scolaire eut lieu dans les écoles élémentaires de Belo Horizonte, au Brésil, pendant les années de 1930, dans le cadre d’une réforme du système d’éducation, à laquelle participèrent des spécialistes étrangers, et en spécial la psychologue russe Helena Antipoff (1892–1974). Le projet des classes spéciales alors établies et leurs transformations dans le contexte brésilien sont étudiés à partir de données documentaires publiées entre 1930 et 1940. Née en Russie, Antipoff a fait des études supérieures en France (1910–1911), comme stagiaire dans le laboratoire Binet-Simon, et à Genève (1912–1914), à l’Institut Jean-Jacques Rousseau, où elle exerça ultérieurement les fonctions d’assistante d’Édouard Claparède (1926–1929). Notre hypothèse est que les classes spéciales créées à Belo Horizonte le furent sur le modèle genevois, et constituèrent un important exemple de circulation et diffusion de connaissances au niveau international, ainsi que de construction de repères dans le domaine de l’éducation spéciale au Brésil. Ainsi, la division des classes par niveau intellectuel mesuré par des tests d’intelligence, l’idée de “l’école sur mesure” proposée par Claparède, le dialogue avec les méthodes suggérées par Alice Descouedres démontrent les relations avec le modèle genevois. En même temps, l’interprétation des résultats des tests comme manifestation d’une forme d’ “intelligence civilisée” et les adaptations des exercices d’orthopédie mentale pour développer cette intelligence demandée par l’école montrent les transformations du modèle dans le contexte brésilien.  相似文献   

The use of radio for educational purposes in high schools expanded considerably between 1920 and 1970. Education scholars generally qualify radio for schools as a failure. This conclusion is based on the accessibility of radio sets in schools, the interest of teachers in radio for schools, and the budgets allocated for the purchase of radio sets. A wider investigation shows that educational radio resulted from collaboration among school personnel, radio broadcasters and the political authorities. We agree with communication scholars that using a means of communication for educational purposes involves many spheres of society. An examination of the origins, development and decline of radio broadcasting for schools also reveals that this was a technical substitution phenomenon; one means of communication was replaced by another. The use of radio in schools gradually declined, following the introduction of television in schools during the 1960s. Taking all these aspects into account, our study identifies the social mechanisms whereby radio was used for teaching in high schools. This clearly illustrates on a more general level the change in use of audiovisual tools in schools. The Montreal Catholic School Board (CECM) — the largest French‐language school board in Canada — is an institution of particular interest for the study of radio broadcasting for schools. Because of it size, the CECM had sufficient resources and personnel to be a pioneer in education. From 1931, CECM personnel went on the air on CKAC radio to popularize instruction in music, literature and language. Members of Montreal's educational community, parents and students alike, and listeners interested in learning, began to view radio as a means of conveying knowledge. In 1936, Société Radio‐Canada (SRC), the French‐language section of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, appeared on the Quebec radio scene, and educational radio gradually became more clearly defined. The programs that were aired, of which the best known was Radio‐Collège, gave the green light to educational radio in francophone Quebec. Before emulating SRC initiatives, the CECM used radio as a tool for social communication. In the early 1950s, the school board used radio mainly as a forum for explaining educational issues to the public; for example, teachers' salary negotiations. From autumn 1950, the CECM School and Family Committee aired a series of ten programs about the role of the school in society. Post‐war Montreal society was in a state of flux. Urbanisation and the emergence of mass communication and consumption were transforming the entire social structure. The francophone elite was starting to question traditional values taught by the Church, and religious practice was declining. Reacting to these new realities, the CECM appealed to parents for their help to ensure that together, family and school would succeed in the task of educating children. The board also used CKAC to discuss the shortage of schools. When parents demanded schools for their children, speakers from the School and Family Committee explained how the problem would be solved. As these examples show, Montreal schools initially made use of radio for social communication.

In 1954, following the third congress on the French language in Canada (Troisième congrès de la langue française au Canada), the CECM devised a wide‐ranging campaign to improve the spoken language of students. This was the beginning of educational radio. With the help of executives at CKAC radio, the board created school broadcasting designed to improve everyday language in students from grades 1 to 12. After the first series of programs proved a success, the board repeated the project the following year, broadcasting twice as many lessons. The glory years of Améliorons notre langue parlée would follow, with the series airing continuously from 1954 to 1963. As a result of this enduring venture, the government extended teaching by radio to other school boards across the province of Quebec. This marked the institutionalization of school radio broadcasting. Transistor radios, the democratisation of high school teaching and active pedagogy were all elements that boosted the use of radio in schools. Radio was now present in every classroom, but television was also being introduced. Radio had earned pride of place but was gradually superseded by television. The range of academic subjects widened, and the numbers of hours set aside for television broadcasting increased. Meanwhile, the use of school radio broadcasts gradually diminished. We therefore attribute the decline in radio broadcasting for schools to the emergence of television for schools, in other words, a phenomenon of technical substitution.

Finally, our research shows that the contribution by social agents incidental to schools and the influence of various factors external to schools are of major importance in explaining the mechanisms whereby educational radio became part of school life. It shows that radio changed in status from a public communication tool in the 1930s, to a pedagogic tool supporting the teaching of French twenty years later. Our study also shows that radio for schools was created not only by school‐related actors and institutions but also by the mass media and government. Far from being a failure, as education scholars maintain, educational radio was a success, but was replaced by television in the late 1960s.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to question the conditions of the Utopia “That all the schools and teacher education colleges become learning organizations: that the teams of teachers and teacher educators become learning professional communities”. This questioning will be structured in three stages: 1. 1) to clarify the direction of the desired evolutions, particularly to establish the awaited characteristics of the teachers so that they work effectively in schools which would be learning organizations;

2. 2) to clarify the types of changes necessary to introduce into teachers education schemes and practices and into the organisational schemes of management of the professional development;

3. 3) to highlight some critical points as for the conditions necessary for the changes to be realized in the teacher education colleges.

Le but de cet article est de questionner les conditions de l'utopie «Que toutes les institutions d'enseignement et d'éducation et les établissements de formation initiale d'enseignants deviennent des organisations apprenantes: que les équipes d'enseignants et de formateurs deviennent des communautés professionnelles d'apprentissage». Ce questionnement est structuré en trois étapes: 1. 1) expliciter le sens des évolutions souhaitées, tout particulièrement dégager les caractéristiques attendues des enseignants pour qu'ils oeuvrent efficacement dans des écoles qui seraient des organisations apprenantes;

2. 2) mettre en lumière les types de changements nécessaires à introduire dans les dispositifs et les pratiques de formation initiale des enseignants et dans les dispositifs organisationnels de gestion du développement professionnel en cours de carrière;

3. 3) mettre en évidence quelques points critiques quant aux conditions nécessaires des changements à réaliser dans les institutions de formation initiale des enseignants.

Dieser Artikel beabsichtigt, die Bedingungen der Utopie zu befragen “daß alle Unterrichts‐ und Erziehungsinstitutionen und die Schaffung von Erstlehrerbildung Organisationen werden, die lernen: daß die Teams von Lehrern und von Ausbildern professionelle Lehrgemeinschaften warden”. Diese Fragestellung wird in drei Etappen strukturiert: 1. den Sinn der gewünschten Entwicklungen klar zu formulieren, die erwarteten Eigenschaften der Lehrer ganz besonders hervorzuheben, damit sie wirksam in Schulen arbeiten, die lernende Organisationen wären;

2. die in die Vorrichtungen und die Praktiken von Erstbildung der Lehrer notwendig einzuführenden Arten von Änderungen und in die organisatorischen Vorrichtungen der Verwaltung der professionellen Entwicklung während der beruflichen Laufbahn aufzuzeigen;

3. einige kritische Punkte hervorzuheben, was die notwendigen Bedingungen hinsichtlich der zu verwirklichenden Änderungen in den Institutionen von Erstbildung der Lehrer betrifft.

El proyecto de este artículo es cuestionar las condiciones de la utopía “que todas las instituciones de enseñanza y educación y los establecimientos de formación inicial de profesores se convierten en organizaciones que aprenden: “que los equipos de profesores y formadores se convierten en comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje ”.” Esta cuestionamiento se estructurará en tres etapas: 1. aclarar el sentido de las evoluciones deseadas, muy especialmente lograr las características esperadas de los profesores para que trabajen eficazmente en escuelas que serían organizaciones que aprenden;

2. sacar a la luz los tipos de cambios necesario para introducir en los dispositivos y las prácticas de formación inicial de los profesores y en los dispositivos organizativos de gestión del desarrollo profesional durante la carrera;

3. poner de relieve algunos puntos críticos en cuanto a las condiciones necesarias de los cambios que deben realizarse en las instituciones de formación inicial de los profesores.


This report presents some initiatives taken at the Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) to improve the standard of engineering education. Some particular efforts are described: the entrance examination and the related problems, the definition of the curricula, the collaboration between teachers teams, integrated collective projects, ‘;Study years’ Committees, teachers evaluation, tutor-students, international exchanges, industrial contacts, thesis projects, continuing education.

RÉSUMÉ Cet exposé presente succinctement quelques initiatives prises à l'Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) dans le but d'améliorer la formation de ses ingénieurs. Parmi celles-ci on détaille quelque peu: l'examen d'admission et sa problématique, le dosage des programmes de cours, les cotitulatures entre professeurs de sciences et professeurs ingénieurs, les exercices intégrés (projets entrepris par les étudiants dès le début des Etudes), les comités d'années et leur rôle, 1'évaluation des enseignements, les étudiants-moniteurs, les stages, les échanges internationaux, les Journées de l'lndustrie, les travaux de fin d'études. On mentionne aussi les initiatives en matiere de formation continue.  相似文献   

Girls’ access to higher education in Burkina Faso: parental choices, student trajectories, challenges – What motivates parents from less well-off backgrounds to invest in extended schooling for their daughters? What drives the girls from these backgrounds to stay in the school system up to university level? Many studies on Burkina Faso’s education system show that there are still disparities between girls and boys at all levels, with the gap widening as the level of studies gets higher. Under these conditions, the prospect of pursuing higher education is less certain for girls from less well-off families. Yet, girls from these backgrounds are relatively present at the University of Ouagadougou. Based on a qualitative survey of students and their parents, this article highlights the social rationale determining the specific educational trajectories of these girls. The level of schooling of the older siblings, the girl’s positon in relation to her siblings, or concern for equity are factors in some parents’ decision to enrol their daughters in school. Parents invoke several reasons to justify sending their daughters to university, one of the most frequent being the argument that their daughters faithfully help them in return. As for the students, they mention various motivations to explain why they have persisted with their schooling and university studies, often in difficult circumstances, notably the desire to help their parents. The article also highlights the importance of family support as a factor in girls attending school and university, as well as in the pursuit and success of their studies.  相似文献   

In the first half of the nineteenth century, the monitorial system was for some elites the pedagogical invention that could realize the project to provide education for all children of the popular classes. Despite this not being the main pedagogical method, its diffusion was large at first but after a few years it was gradually abandoned. To understand this pendulum movement, this paper tries to show the political, ideological, social and pedagogical involvements of the method. What was its role in providing education for popular classes? Which social and political projects sustained it? Which actors and factors supported it and then gave it up? What were its practices? What was the evolution of the method? From the viewpoint of social and cultural history, this paper aims to analyse and explain the process of this pedagogic innovation through the case of the monitorial system in Geneva from 1815 to 1850.  相似文献   

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