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从女性的社会性别出发,分析阻碍或削减其休闲行为的主要因素,建立女性休闲限制模型。从社会限制因素、家庭限制因素和个体限制因素三个方面,分析中国女性休闲限制的主要因素。第一层面的休闲限制来自于社会给予女性的价值判断,包括社会文化和家庭角色,这两方面内化和决定着女性的休闲定位。中国女性处于政治权利的边缘,文化地位仍然不高,不同的家庭角色使女性的休闲状态产生较大差异。第二层面的限制来自于女性个体,最主要相关的因素就是经济地位、受教育程度和健康状况。中国女性已经拥有一定休闲决策权,但受教育程度偏低、休闲教育缺失,导致休闲意识缺乏;老年女性的健康状况堪忧,休闲能力亟待提高。  相似文献   

High sensation seekers (HSS) prefer messages that allow them to maintain an optimal level of arousal (i.e., highly arousing messages). Transportation theory suggests that narrative immersion in a story may moderate reader arousal, and thus HSS message selection. To test this idea, a survey was administered to 120 fourth and fifth graders. In addition to measuring sensation seeking and transportation, the survey assessed interest in reading outside of school (i.e., leisure reading). HSS were found to be less likely to engage in leisure reading. Consistent with the activation model of information exposure, a moderated mediation analysis revealed that whether HSS engaged in leisure reading hinged on their level of narrative transportation (moderator) and subsequent reader boredom (mediator). HSS who successfully transported while reading were no different than their low sensation seeking peers. From a genre standpoint, high sensation seeking children with high narrative transportation scores were found to be especially interested in science fiction/fantasy books. Strategies for increasing leisure reading as well as constructing narratives that are engaging to high sensation seeking children are discussed.  相似文献   

在休闲、工作、家庭三分天下的今天,我们重新审视"女性休闲"的状况,发现女性休闲不仅与男性存在着差距,而且在女性群体内部也存在着差异。造成这种差异的原因包括休闲意识、经济条件、年龄、文化程度、职业等。  相似文献   

Women are playing a major role in community colleges as students, staff, faculty, administrators, and presidents. Yet despite increasing representation, disparities exist between women and men in various roles within these institutions. This study reviewed literature published between 1997 and 2007 to examine the conceptualization of roles of women faculty members or senior-level leaders within the context of the community college. The emergent themes focused on faculty topics, leadership representation, and implications for institutional practices.  相似文献   

The true emancipation of women should become a common European concern and a common European goal. Emancipation means that no socio‐cultural or biological constraint should prevent women from obtaining the same chances and opportunities as men. True emancipation, which is still a distant objective in most of the European countries, implies that access to professional life should not have to be paid for by an exhausting cumulation of domestic and professional roles. A recent research programme on the student population of the University of Geneva provides data which are relevant in this respect. Female students are less likely to have internalized norms of behaviour which facilitate adaptation to a competitive environment in which women have to compete with men. Being subject to cross pressures and torn between two sets of behavioural norms, young women are often ambivalent in their attitudes. The conclusions of the Geneva research are consistent with other research results in other countries. The major explanatory factor is early socialization. True emancipation of women requires a long‐range education policy aiming at gradually reducing the differences in the socialization patterns of boys and girls.  相似文献   

通过对安徽省部分高校在校大学生的调查,分析了安徽省大学生休闲体育活动的需求状况及特征,结果表明:大学生休闲体育项目的需求多样化,男女之间存在较大差异;大学生休闲体育活动参与形式的需求、场地设施的需求及体育指导的需求中,男女之间没有差异;大学生休闲体育消费结构的需求中,男女之间存在着差异.  相似文献   

理查德·赖特在文学作品里把女性人物描写成缺乏个性和主见、生活堕落、愚不可及的“他者”,把男性人物在生活中遇到的一切挫折都归咎于女性,渲染女性是祸水的男性偏见,严重扭曲和丑化了女性人物的真实意象。赖特的写作方法沿袭了“妇女是为男人而造”的父权制观点,对女性人物的失真描写显示出男性作家在塑造女性人物时的局限性和败笔。  相似文献   

《柳荫记》《上天台》《三世缘》《解石钟》《孟丽君》等几部记述"女扮男装"故事的黄梅戏,通过语言和非语言手段建构话语角色,塑造了一批敢于走出闺阁争取自由幸福生活的女性形象。"女扮男装"者最终恢复了女儿身,回归家庭,体现出深厚的传统性别文化意识。"女扮男装"故事的大团圆结局,符合平民百姓的审美趣味,反映出黄梅戏的民间性和平民化特点。  相似文献   

现代社会中,闲暇普遍地被误解为单纯的娱乐和消费活动,从而出现了闲暇观念深刻的异化,观念的错位带来个人生活的不幸和人类文明的瓦解。闲暇观的异化根源于近代以来西方的世界观、人生观。东亚传统的世界观能够为现代人创造性的闲暇生活提供人生视角。人是内在于“真我”的存在,人生的终极目的在于领悟和喜欢这个“真我”,创造性的闲暇生活也就意味着以“修行”和“乐道”来充实个人的闲暇时光。人类应该实现从劳动的世界到修行的世界、从消费的世界到乐道的世界的转换。在近代文明成就和在东亚传统思想的基础上,当人类学会享受创造性的闲暇生活时,才能获得真正的幸福,真正协调各文明的发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the masculinization of discipline and its interplay with power in the primary school through an exploration of teachers' gender and disciplinary work and roles by drawing on data from an ethnographic study conducted at a primary school in Taiwan. The research findings suggest that discipline was men's work due to women distancing themselves from discipline, the physical advantages of men and masculinity, and parental expectations. However, negative feelings and pressure towards disciplining were also revealed by men. This research evidence also indicates women were, or could be, as tough disciplinarians as men. More importantly, the masculinization of disciplining work and roles was linked to male domination in power. The teacher workplace culture may help to explain discipline as men's work and power as gendered.  相似文献   

《儿女英雄传》虚构了一个封建家庭的兴盛,这"虚构"是以儒家思想、忠孝节义、伦理纲常为准绳的。本文通过对小说中的女性形象的分析来揭示儒家伦理对女性意识的压制规约以及在这儒家伦理背后潜在的男性意志的体现。  相似文献   

"二拍"中的婚恋小说有25篇,其中有12篇认为故事中男女之姻缘是前世注定的,约占所有婚恋小说篇目的48%。这些宿命婚恋小说虽明言宿命,实际上都表现青年男女争取恋爱自由和婚姻自主的时代主题,有浓厚的时代气息。宿命论思想是作者制造悬念的一种方法,为故事情节制造巧合、删枝削蔓的提供了观念支持。  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposition that the incidence of child sexual abuse by female perpetrators is underestimated. This may be due to a culturally based unwillingness to believe that women commit such acts. Female sexual offenders have been little studied and poorly understood. Until recently mother-child incest was considered to be virtually nonexistant and there remains a huge discrepancy in the incidence of male and female offenders. The predisposing factors contributing to this situation are examined for both men and women and an illustrative case history of mother-son incest is used to highlight our prejudices. The tentative conclusions reached are that (1) we underestimate the incidence of sexual abuse of male and female children by women and that (2) the changing roles of men and women in Western societies may lead to an increase in such abuse.  相似文献   

The effect of higher education upon student attitudes is one of increasing liberality and decreasing authoritarianism. In this study of 345 women students in a college of education similar trends were recorded concerning teacher‐role expectations during a three‐year period of anticipatory professional socialization. The early part of the course is seen as particularly significant in changing attitudes. The nature of the change is complex, for whilst on home‐school relationships, curriculum, organization and motivation students become more ‘open’ in their teacher‐role expectations, a hardening of attitudes was seen towards corporal punishment and teachers’ leisure time involvement with their school children. Some changes may be attributed to the orientation of the college towards certain professional beliefs and practices. The process of professional socialization is marked by increasing differentiation among students at different stages of their course on questions relating to teachers’ instrumental (task‐centred) roles. Further, this college's stress upon primary education may be responsible for only slight differences developing between the role‐concepts of groups training for different levels of school.  相似文献   

In comparing the average scores for men and women on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT, since revised and renamed as the Scholastic Assessment Test), sex differences in demographic and educational variables that influence test performance are usually ignored. In this study of 69,284 high school seniors (12th graders) who took the SAT in November of 1990, self-reported background information was used to compute adjusted scores for men and for women. On the Verbal section, the difference in observed means was 4.68 points while the difference in adjusted means was 9.87 points. On the Mathematical section, the difference in observed means was 45.38 points but the difference in adjusted means was 33.76 points (a reduction of over 25%). In all comparisons, the mean was higher for men than for women. It is argued that adjusted means may provide more appropriate comparisons of the performance of men and women on the SAT depending on the type of comparison to be made.  相似文献   

杨丽 《海外英语》2012,(7):215-217
美国作家博比·安·梅森的作品习惯于把关注点放在社会和环境变化下的个人角色转换问题上。其短篇小说《夏伊洛》是描写男女主人公追寻自我及其所带来困惑的心理小说,诺玛·简和勒罗伊对于身份的转换都感到茫然无助。文学评论家对《夏伊洛》有过很多精彩、动人的论述,涉及很多方面,但是他们很少人关注到作品里确实存在的一个深刻而明显的寓意,即男性不应该驾驭于女性之上,而女性也不应该排斥男性,任何一方的倾斜都是不可能的。这是《夏伊洛》阐释的男女之间的辩证关系。  相似文献   

干宝的小说《搜神记》,刻画了许多异类女子,其中女妖的形象一直被认为不够鲜明。其实,在这些女妖的身上,可以窥见那个时代男性视角之下对女性的复杂态度:女妖的美丽和主动符合男性对女性的情感和欲望要求;但是,根深蒂固的封建道德意识又使男性从理性角度否定和批判这些女妖,这种态度最终导致了《搜神记》中的女妖大多结局尴尬而悲惨。  相似文献   

近十几年来,北欧的小说家们推动的犯罪小说的复兴引起了文学界的普遍关注。对于犯罪文学中是否存在科学因素以及具体表现的研究,引起了学者们的重视。犯罪文学的文类属于文学,其下又可细分为侦探小说、悬疑小说、硬汉小说、警察程序小说、犯罪惊悚小说、历史性侦探小说等。从对典型的三种犯罪文学样式中科学因素的具体表现考察分析后得出结论:犯罪文学中科学的因素贯穿始终,但原因和目的并非为了科学本身,而主要在于文学自身:增强艺术感染力,提升作者在文学界的地位等。  相似文献   

在和谐社会里,城市中的休闲生活的作用被越来越凸显,而体育休闲是城市休闲生活的重要部分·从人的发展、生活方式、社会机制、城市经济、城市文化五个方面,讨论体育休闲在城市生活中扮演的角色·认为体育休闲将会给城市生活带来深远的影响·  相似文献   

This paper provides an exploratory discussion surrounding the views and experiences of women and men who work/train in the early years (0–8 years) by bringing together select findings from two independent doctoral research projects. In an effort to weave together the voices of females and males working/training in the early years sector, this paper focuses its attention on the different ways in which their working roles are constructed and the possible ways in which this leads to the imposition of gender roles upon professionals in the 0–8 workforce in England.  相似文献   

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