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The con man has long been a powerful figure in American history and fiction. This study examines that figure in three popular novels: Jim Thompson's The Grifters (1963), Stephen Robinett's Unfinished Business (1990), and Lawrence Sanders's Sullivan's Sting (1990). These novels trace the con man from the street hustler to the swindler, using worldwide modern technology. The authors' insights into the character, motivation, jargon, and methods of the con man will illuminate him for students, who will be exposed at the same time to the syntactical and narrative skills of fiction writers.  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》作为一部融志怪、考证、著书诸特质于一身的志怪小说集,集合了纪昀的学术考据成果与个人情感及观点表达,是一部以学术思维写就的具有鲜明学者气质的小说集,具体表现为以考据之法写小说、以志怪内容说学理、以著书立言为旨趣,较为典型地反映了学者创作小说的手法和以小说“载道”的文学理想,其面貌之驳杂与当时的学术环境、政治环境及纪昀的学者身份有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

This essay identifies a genre of popular fiction for children and young adults, prevalent in the 1990s and continuing into the early twenty-first century, that incorporates computers and the internet, e-mails and chat rooms, into its plots. However, along with a focus on technology, this fiction frequently features the supernatural. So, too, ghosts have been recurring images in popular culture surrounding past emergent communications technologies. I argue that the figure of the ghost in these novels about cyberspace dramatizes the tension between the liberating possibilities of disembodiment and the desire for embodied relationships. Despite the presence of dystopian elements, this fiction remains optimistic overall about the potential of technology to connect individuals in positive ways and to create communities modeled on tolerance and inclusion.Marla Harris is an independent scholar who holds a PhD from Brandeis University, and whose research interests include popular fiction and childrens literature. She has published in African American Review, Childrens Literature Association Quarterly, and Topic: The Washington and Jefferson College Review.  相似文献   

当代作家韩松的科幻小说几乎每一部都创造出了一个比较独立的完整时空,而且具有相对闭合的特点。多部小说之间存在相通之处,即对异空间中两性的刻写和隐喻、对超智灵魂的描述与肯定、对扭曲时空的建构以及对乌合之众的讽刺性塑造皆有动人的力量。大开大合的异时空将过去与未来无缝连接,小说人物所处的当下,宇宙变成了一个可以被修改的生命精神的载体。当代科幻小说正是在预见未来的可能性中呈现并思考过去和当下,以"异时空"的警喻来唤醒人类对失范行为的反思。  相似文献   

晚清小说主要以报刊杂志为载体,其广告宣传方式已具近代特色。传播者在各大报纸上登载征文广告;或在杂志上开辟广告专栏做各种广告宣传;或者在随报附送的单页小说上登载广告;或者在单行本的封底上介绍小说作品等。晚清小说的传播者通过广告,宣传救国救民的办刊宗旨、阐明小说理念,指导作家借鉴中外小说艺术规则,提倡千奇百怪的小说类型,强调版权、标明稿酬,或者在杂志上登载与小说无关的商业广告来扩大经济来源。晚清有关小说的广告宣传,推动了小说的发行,对晚清小说的繁荣起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

There are numerous academics who have also been novelists, including several prominent writers of children’s literature. Yet the relationship between academic writing and the writing of fiction has not been systematically explored, nor have the kinds of knowledge gained from the experience of writing fiction always been easy to incorporate into the scholarly and institutional contexts of academic criticism. The author discusses some of the ways in which academic and fiction writing can complement and inform each other, drawing on his own experience in both fields. He also argues that ‘the act of writing’ needs to be far more thoroughly integrated into English studies at both a practical and a theoretical level. Charles Butler was a fiction writer before he was an academic, writing his first novel before he went to London University to study English Literature. He readily admits that his first and second novels remain deservedly unpublished, the influence of other authors hanging too heavily over them. The Darkling (1997) was the first of his six fantasy novels published to date and, as he relates in this article, he has also written a number of critical works. As Charles is one of that rare breed of writers who have managed to combine these two careers (though he has some illustrious precursors, in Tolkien, of course, C.S. Lewis and Ursula Le Guin), we invited him to share his views on both the rewards and possible pitfalls of trying to keep both activities buoyant. Charles Butler is a Senior Lecturer at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where he specializes in children’s literature. He is author of Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children’s Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones, and Susan Cooper (Scarecrow/ChLA, 2006), and editor of Teaching Children’s Fiction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). He is also the author of six children’s fantasy novels, of which the most recent are Death of a Ghost (HarperCollins, 2006) and The Lurkers (Usborne, 2006). His web site is http://www.charlesbutler.co.uk  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable developments in British publishing for young people in the last decade was the emergence of several paperback series aimed at the “reluctant reader” market-teenagers who could read adequately, but who had found little to interest them in the fiction they had met. The way was pointed by Macmillan's Topliners, which remain the most successful series, publishing not only British titles but also American novels, such as Paul Zindel'sThe Pigman and Glendon Swarthout'sBless the Beasts and Children. Nelson's Getaways and Longmans' Knockouts have followed suit. Increasingly, these series have published authors who have written with their audience firmly in view. John Crompton has published three titles in Topliners:Up The Road and Back (1977), which follows the adventures, mainly sexual, of an adolescent boy hitchhiking from South-East England up to Scotland;Wild and Penned (1978), which is a compilation of animal stories by various authors, such as Gerald Durrell and Henry Williamson, who is John Crompton's favourite nature story writer and who is represented by four pieces; andA Fox Under My Bed (1979), which is an interlinked set of stories and reminiscences of his own adventures with animals and birds in the countryside of Hampshire and Kent. Cle invited him to give a personal view in response to the question, “Why do you write for reluctant readers?”  相似文献   

智利小说在现代尤其是二十世纪涌现出很多在拉美和欧洲享有较高声誉的卓越的作家作品,然而因为智利诗歌比小说更为悠久的历史和两位诗人曾先后获得诺贝尔文学奖,智利小说总是掩映在诗歌的光辉之下。揭开智利文学的面纱,将智利小说作为研究对象,以小说作家为纲,对其所属流派、写作手法、主要作品和中国对其研究情况进行综述,通过梳理智利十九世纪和二十世纪的作家作品及中国对这些作品的译介和研究,旨在充实我国的国别文学研究,将千里之外的智利小说系统地介绍给中国的读者和学者。  相似文献   

通俗小说是中国现代文学的重要组成部分。民国通俗小说分为南北两派,分别以上海与天津为创作出版中心。南派通俗小说起步较早,在民初至20世纪30年代中期以前形成狂潮。北派通俗小说虽比南派起步晚,但在20世纪30年代以后,却以作品质量胜出南派,至今大多数作品仍在读者中流传。北派通俗小说勃兴原因与清末民初天津报刊业的繁兴与竞争密不可分。大批通俗小说不是由出版机构付梓,而是由各报馆连载后出版单行本,便成为民国时期北派通俗小说创作与出版的最大特征。  相似文献   

晚清时期,"穿越"一度成为小说中风行的题材,这种题材多半出现于翻新小说中,其成因既有时代的因素,也有社会心理的影响,既有本土文学的传统,又有外来小说的启迪,同时又与小说的市场化密切相关。"穿越"可分为三种模式,是晚清小说中最具新意和时代特色的题材之一,其得失对今日的文学亦有深刻的启迪。  相似文献   

West Germany's universities have undergone significant reforms since the student protests in 1968-1969. In addition to major structural changes, the patterns of internal governance were revised to include students in all decision-making and voting bodies. Unrest, however, has continued at several universities (although it has outwardly subsided during the winter of 1971-1972), mainly because leftist-oriented students aim at more radical changes in the universities and in society at large.  相似文献   

在1949年以来的中国当代文学中,17年文学的经典文本,是对现代“民族国家”形成的史诗式的展现。在新时期文学中,“现代性”则更多表现为对“个人主体”的探索。80年代初期,启蒙现代性又回到人们的视域,“现代性”一度成为文学主题,为文学提供了终极价值和梦想。但直到90年代以来的“后新时期”文学,对“现代性”的追问才成为一个主要趋势,寻根小说、先锋小说、新写实小说、女性小说、新生代小说等都从不同角度去积极反思“现代性”,并走向多元价值判断的文学道路。  相似文献   

This essay examines Eleanor Estes's critically neglected 1960 novel The Witch Family, arguing that the novel anticipates some of the major preoccupations of later children’s literature in its early concern with issues of textuality. While Estes is largely known as a writer of simple family stories, The Witch Family is an innovative work of metafiction, which explicitly engages with a number of philosophical and literary-critical issues central to postmodern and poststructuralist discussion. Posing central and overt questions regarding the relationship between reality and fiction, the novel illustrates the contextual, communal, and relational aspects of language and finally suggests that the ability to tell stories ethically is tied to the recognition of one’s own contingent position within language.  相似文献   

《申报》是旧中国出版时间最长的报纸,该报在晚清小说的传播中独树一帜:在报纸上刊登小说征文,登载理论文章,大量登载小说出版广告;开辟小说专栏登载著、译小说或附送石印绘画小说;创办文学杂志登载小说;与其相关的书局大量出版各类小说。因此《申报》在晚清小说传播中的作用值得深入研究。  相似文献   

The relation of fiction to society may be interpreted from several points of view. As any other medium of mass communication, fiction is a source of information and attitudes, and an indicator of popular perspectives. In addition, fiction responds to its own rules. Necessities and conventions of representation in a particular form lead to certain combinations that are attributable neither to reflections of the situation nor to the intention to influence.

This paper examines the place of the aged in novels published in the United States during the years 1931‐1970. Because of the different ingredients that go into the creation of characters in novels, no simple relationship of contact with social conditions or attempted influence by an author can be discerned. A realistic picture of the presentation cannot concentrate on the status of old heroes and heroines, but on the manner in which old people become part of the general scene or setting within a whole presentation of a novel. One can contrast this approach with that of looking at the traits of the principal characters in novels and other media (Aronoff, 1974; Charles, 1976; Peterson &; Karnes, 1976). The relation of the reader to particular characters is ambiguous, and the influence of clear stereotypes is not clearly understood; one has only to consider the controversy surrounding Archie Bunker. The position of the aged as an integral part of novels may be more enduring because of the less obvious influence on the audience, corresponding to the place of salience in learning and media influence (Krugman, 1965).  相似文献   

作为小说家,劳伦斯对小说有着自己特殊的见解,他的小说充分体现了他的小说观,同时,他还以散文的形式论述自己的小说观。在他的散文中,劳伦斯对小说的重要性、小说与情感及小说与道德的关系发表了自己独特的见解。以劳伦斯的小说和散文为依据,对他的小说观进行分析评价。  相似文献   

对科幻小说审美特征的论述是葛兰西文艺思想和政治思想的重要组成部分。葛兰西重点论述了凡尔纳和威尔斯等人的科幻小说作品。他对凡尔纳科幻小说的科学性、幻想性和乐观精神等特点给予了高度评价,也指出这些特点给凡尔纳创作所带来的局限性;他重点论述了威尔斯科幻小说的现实批判性特征,对威尔斯小说中的道德说教倾向进行了批评。葛兰西对科幻小说审美特点的论述具有理论家的深刻性和革命家的现实性。由于从既定的理论出发,葛兰西对科幻小说审美特征的分析也有先入为主的缺陷。  相似文献   

晚清乌托邦小说创作曾经出现过短暂的繁荣,将此阶段的乌托邦小说与当时的域外小说进行比较,便可发现晚清作家的这部分作品受到了西方乌托邦小说和日本政治小说的共同影响,其中又以《回顾》的影响最大。在列强环伺、国运衰微的特定历史语境中,《回顾》中的“拟乌托邦”思想由于切合了晚清知识分子急切渴望翻转现实的心态而在晚清知识界引起广泛关注,其创作模式更因此而成为一时圭臬,对晚清乌托邦小说的时空结构、叙述方式皆有决定性影响。而由于日本政治小说对晚清作家的直接影响亦同时发生,客观上便使得当时的政治小说、理想小说、科学小说等文类概念相互混杂。  相似文献   

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