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人格测验(personality test)也称个性测验,它是根据人格理论,从特定的几个方面对被试的人格特征进行考察的标准化测量工具。  相似文献   

为了研究在押犯的人格特点,并提出相应的教育改造对策,本项研究选用了男性在押犯210人,用明尼苏达多相个性调查表(MMPI)进行了测试,并与明尼苏达多相个性调查表中国修订版常模样本中的男性被试820人的特征进行了比较。结果发现:在押犯具有明显的人格异常偏向,并且这种偏向具有整体性和一致性;在押犯人格异常偏向突出表现为忧郁、焦虑、对未来悲观失望等六个方面。在此基础上,提出了对在押犯教育改造的七条对策。  相似文献   

绘人测验是一种重要的心理测评技术,是投射技术的一种。文章简要论述了绘人测验的发展、实施过程、信效度分析及研究状况,修改Koppitz(1968)系统的30项情绪指标,并将各项指标采用5点式评分法,施测于吸毒人群,建立绘人测验人格量化分析体系。以漳州劳动教育研究所30名吸毒人员为被试,通过绘人测验、访谈法以及统计分析法来收集分析数据。采用专家命名法建立的绘人测验人格量化分析体系具有六个维度:对外界的探索性(主动探索、被动探索)、自我接纳性、性生理自我、安全感、自尊、能力自我,各指标间具有较高评分者一致性信度。  相似文献   

写作教学渗透心理健康教育的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨写作教学渗透心理健康教育对大学生的写作心理素质及心理健康水平的影响。方法:采用自然实验法,用《写作心理调查问卷》及《大学生健康统合人格量表》对实验班被试和对照班被试进行调查和测试。结果:在写作心理方面,实验班比对照班有更多项更具写作心理优良品质及更富心理健康意义的因子达到显著性变化;在健康统合人格方面,实验班共有多项因子发生显著性差异,而对照班则没有一项达到显著变化。结论:写作教学渗透心理健康教育是提升大学生写作心理素质以及心理健康水平,有力地促进他们健康统合人格形成与发展的成功有效的重要途径。  相似文献   

本研究采用卡特尔十六种人格因素测验为测试工具,随机抽取职业院校就读的高职学生91人,在普通院校就读的高职学生167人进行测试。发现:(一)高职学生的人格特征与一般大学生有多项差异;特别是女生之间的人格特征存在着多项非常显著的差异。(二)不同类别院校的高职学生在人格特征上具有共同特点,差异项不多。(三)文理科高职学生在人格特征上存在多项差异。(四)城乡高职学生在人格上不存在差异。(五)不同年级的高职学生在人格特征上存在多项差异。建议:(一)进一步深化教育改革,大力培养高职学生的创新精神和创新能力。(二)进一步扩大高职学生的活动领域,增强高职学生的社会适应性。(三)重视培养高职学生的实践能力和动手能力。(四)进一步加强学校心理健康教育工作,健全学生的人格。  相似文献   

本文用明尼苏达多相个性调查表(MMPI)对男性在押犯210人进行了测试,并用明尼苏达多相个性调查表中国修订版常模样本中的男性被试820人,进行了比较,结果发现:在押犯具有明显的人格异常偏向,而且这种偏向具有整体性和一致性;在押犯人格异常偏向突出表现为忧郁、焦虑、对未来悲观失望等六个方面。在此基础上,提出了对在押犯教育改造的七条对策。  相似文献   

采用卡特尔十六种人格因素测验量表为测试工具,对306名小学班主任进行施测。结果显示,小学班主任(女性)的个性有着明显的群体特征:乐群、敏感、情绪化、思维简单;其个性的某些维度在不同班主任群体内存在着教龄差异、年龄差异、城乡差异、性别差异、年级差异。  相似文献   

优秀人格是以高尚的道德品质为核心的行为特征的总和。在大力发展社会主义市场经济 ,迎接知识经济挑战的新时期 ,我们培养的大学生不仅要有一定深度和广度的基础理论和专业知识 ,更重要的还应具有较高的思想道德素质和心理素质 ,而塑造优秀的人格是一个人思想道德素质的基石 ,是完美心灵的内核。人格在心理学上即性格 ,是个性心理特征之一 ,表现在对现实的态度和行为方式的较稳定的心理特征。在日常用语上 ,人格指做人的资格和为人品德的总称。一般包含三个方面 ,即为人是正直、诚实 ,还是圆滑虚伪 ;待人是忠实信义、富有同情心还是冷酷无情…  相似文献   

利用图书资源培养学生健康人格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人格的内容是指一个人的人品、情操等。作为心理学范畴的人格,其内涵要丰富得多,它包括人的动机、兴趣、理想、信念、世界观、情感、意志、能力、气质、性格。 从人格的内涵来看,人的心理素质、道德素质、社会化程度主要受后天环境的影响,因此,良好的育人环境有助于青少年人格的健康发展。从人格的发展来看,随着年龄的增长,知识的积累,经验的丰富,实践的参与,人格将不断走  相似文献   

健康人格是人本主义心理学研究领域的一个重要课题。本文在分析人本主义心理学健康人格的理论基础之上,对人本主义健康人格进行了阐述,并指出其对塑造现代人格的价值。  相似文献   

为了了解初任警官的人格特点和心理健康状况,采用明尼苏达多相人格调查表(MMPI)、卡特尔16种人格问卷(16PF)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)对新疆招收的785名初任警官进行了心理测试,测试结果显示,新疆初任警官心理健康水平良好,并有较好的人格特征。这一测试结果为新疆公安机关今后开展心理健康训练工作提供了科学和理论依据。  相似文献   

从国外学者对人格内涵的理解出发,分析了国外不同学派对人格类型的划分,着重探析了国外对职业人格测评的研究状况,介绍了国外有影响的明尼苏达多相人格测验量表、卡特尔16种人格因素测验量表、霍兰德自我导向搜索测验量表、"大五"人格因素测量表和职业人格问卷等主要测评工具的特点,旨在促进对职业人格测评的研究与应用。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to validate the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory‐2 (MMPI‐2) College Maladjustment scale (Mt) by comparing it with the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ). Significant negative correlations existed between the Mt scale and SACQ scores, indicating that the Mt scale measures maladjustment, especially emotional maladjustment, in college students.  相似文献   

Sign language interpreters in mental health settings face extreme linguistic and cultural difficulties in interpreting basic, everyday language used in these settings. This is particularly true when deaf clients have limited English proficiency, which often requires interpreters to use expansion techniques in order to render messages successfully. To examine how diagnostics may be affected by interpretation, Brauer (1993), Montoya et al. (2001), and Steinberg, Lipton, Eckhardt, Goldstein, and Sullivan (1998) translated two widely used psychological screening instruments into American Sign Language (ASL). The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule-IV (DIS-IV) were selected for translation, and data from the three studies are presented and discussed. Their implications in terms of the expectations and stresses placed on interpreters are described within a framework of demand and control theory. Finally, sections of the Code of Ethics of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) are examined relative to both the issue of confidentiality and what the interpreter's contribution should be in mental health settings.  相似文献   

Knoff (1995) indicated that Referral Question Consultation (RQC) can be applied to personality assessment and suggested several self‐report objective measures that could be consistent with this approach. The current article reviews the tools mentioned by Knoff, including the Children's Personality Questionnaire, The Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory, The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescents, The Personality Inventory for Youth, and The Self Report of Personality (SRP) from the Behavior Assessment System for Children. Each review addressed the reliability of the scales and composite scores, validity, usefulness of results for planning interventions, the empirical basis for analyses of individual items, and whether each measure accounted for response biases. The appropriateness of each for use with RQC, and individual strengths and weaknesses varied considerably. Therefore, practitioners should keep each test's limitations in mind when using it for intervention planning, and future research is needed to validate the tools for this purpose. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

为了解山东教育学院学生存在的主要心理问题及分布特点,探讨影响他们心理健康的因素,本研究采用心理测验法(大学生心理健康调查表、卡特尔十六种人格因素测验、自编的大学生心理调查问卷)和调查法对在校学生进行了普查和抽样调查,并对结果进行了分析。探究了矫正与治疗有心理问题学生的措施和途径,对了解学院大学生心理素质水平,提高思想教育工作的针对性、实效性具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to expand the knowledge about test anxiety (TA) and its interactive effect on personality characteristics among adolescents who suffer from learning disabilities (LDs). The 166 participants aged 14–18 years, were divided into the following four groups: (1) adolescents with TA and with LD; (2) adolescents with TA but without LD; (3) adolescents without TA but with LD; and (4) adolescents without TA and without LD. The participants answered the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent (MMPI-A) and Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI). MANOVA of the MMPI-A scales indicated that TA groups had more symptomatic scores than the No-TA counterparts on the measures of the TAI and in 38 out of 69 measures of the MMPI-A.  相似文献   

Within the context of a counterbalanced design, 102 students from either a high school or a large Southeastern university were administered two versions of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent (MMPI–A): a computer‐administered version (CA) and a paper‐and‐pencil version (PAP). Time between testing sessions was approximately one week. Differences in individual scale means between the CA and PAP were calculated using paired t tests, with the Bonferroni correction procedure; no mean differences were statistically significant ( p > .05). To determine if the scale distributions were similar Hartley's homogeneity of variance tests were conducted; there were no differences in the shapes of the scale distributions ( p > .05). Pearson product‐moment coefficients were calculated to determine if the relative rankings were similar across administration formats; coefficients for every scale were positive and statistically significant ( p < .01). © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 42: 605–613, 2005.  相似文献   

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