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This paper explores the role played by part-time Women's/Gender Studies (WGS) courses in women's lives in the UK through interviews with 35 women who were among 8000 students who studied one of the UK Open University's undergraduate interdisciplinary WGS courses between 1983 and 1999. A thematic analysis of these interviews shows how these mainly working and lower middle-class, mature women were living through a time of great social change for women. The WGS course they studied helped them understand these changes and grasp the educational, social and employment opportunities that opened for UK women after 1980. The authors reflect on these social and educational changes and using Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach (2011) analyse the capabilities these women developed through their study of these courses, which helped them to change their own lives and the lives of others around them. Looking forward, the authors argue that WGS courses have the potential to develop these capabilities in a time of economic recession and reduced opportunities for women.  相似文献   

社会思潮的多元化一直是大学生思想政治教育面临的主要外在环境,而当今时代在受到西方社会思潮冲击的多元文化背景下,各种社会思潮之间相互激烈碰撞.自由散漫的新自由主义、唯利是图的实用主义、金钱至上的消费主义这些社会思潮给当代大学生造成一定的消极影响.社会思潮具有着广泛传播性、潜伏性和迷惑性的特点;大学生身心发展的不全面性,阅...  相似文献   

,近代中国社会处于重大的历史转折时期,社会的剧烈动荡引发了人们对国家现实问题的深入思考,代表着不同阶级和阶层的人们在各个历史时期纷纷提出种种主张,从而形成了中国历史上空前规模的颇为壮观的文化思潮。由于社会处于转型之时,在这块社会土壤中产生的文化思潮也就呈现出社会转型期的突出特征。  相似文献   

This paper presents a qualitative study conducted with faculty members who participated in a project funded by the National Science Foundation focusing on student development with Calibrated Peer Review (CPR)?, a web‐based tool created to promote writing and critical‐thinking skills. The purpose of the study was to gain an understanding of faculty members' thoughts and opinions about CPR. Interviews with 12 faculty members – six in biology, three in physics and three in mathematics – were audiotaped, transcribed and analysed. Findings revealed various aspects of instructors' experiences, thoughts and opinions regarding CPR. Findings provided information about how instructors used CPR, how CPR helped their teaching and enhanced students' critical‐thinking skills and writing skills, and positive and challenging aspects of CPR, as well as various observations and suggestions for others using CPR.  相似文献   

通过对中国当代社会思潮对高职生影响的现状进行调查,结果表明:高职生并不主动关注社会思潮问题;对不同社会思潮的了解程度差异非常大;对各种社会思潮的认同度不高,但对某些错误思潮和错误观点有较高的认同度;思政课教学和网络是学生了解社会思潮的主要渠道。提出了引导高职生正确应对各种社会思潮的策略:高职院校应客观认识到引导学生正确应对各种社会思潮影响的战略意义,用社会主义核心价值体系引领高职校园里的社会思潮,使学生最大限度地形成思想共识。  相似文献   

陈瑛 《培训与研究》2007,24(6):85-86
高职院校新闻传播广告专业的实践教学应适应社会的需要。通过带领学生以承担企业横向课题为依托,开展社会实践,提炼出广告专业实践教学的思路、研究方法、主要观点,从而构建新的多雏度的实践教学模式。  相似文献   

当前,我们正处于一个世界多极化、经济多元化,各种思想、文化相互撞击的复杂时代。高职高专学生作为未来中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,必须具备高素质、高能力。而学生的自我教育作为高校思想政治教育的延伸,是促进当代高职高专学生全面发展的催化剂。由此可见,加强大学生的自我教育是促进当代高职高专学生综合素质全面提高的重要途径。  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治教育是高校学生工作的首要任务,高校要适应后勤社会化改革和高等教育改革,通过加强制度建设,建立园区思想政治教育长效机制;通过健全园区工作网络体系,建立思想政治教育联动机制;通过解决学生实际问题,建立全面思想政治教育机制;通过占领新的教育阵地,建立多渠道渗透思想政治教育机制。从而引导学生开展自我教育、自我管理,自我服务,促进学生健康成长成才。  相似文献   

The autonomous fully‐fledged distance teaching universities (DTU's) that have been established since the early 1970 ‘s in Europe and in other parts of the world, and have been shaped to a great extent on the leading model of the Open University of the United Kingdom, were by their very nature designed to promote social equality and to enhance social accountability in higher education. The major goals on their agendas were to widen access to higher education, to reach out to potential students wherever and whenever they wished to study, to provide high quality learning experiences, to reduce the costs of university education, and to be responsive both to societal demands and to market trends. This article briefly describes the main policies, mechanisms, and measures that the DTU's adopted in order to achieve their goals and concludes with the implications and lessons that might be derived from the experience of the DTU's as to the planning and policy formation of higher education systems in the future.  相似文献   

The authors argue that students in counseling practicum courses experience many self‐defeating thoughts and anxieties. These worries can impede their performance as new counselors and can have a negative impact on the supervision process. The authors outline innovative methods used by cognitive therapists to address this anxiety. In addition, a model is presented for counselor educators to use cognitive restructuring techniques as a supervision tool. Summary Throughout their studies, counseling graduate students face many possible fears and anxieties that arise from their classroom experiences. The greatest fears and anxieties seem to be related to the counseling practicum experience. This experience is one in which students may feel incompetent, vulnerable, and unskilled as they begin to put their classroom knowledge and experiences into practice. If these fears and anxieties persist, students have a hard time making progress in the area of the counseling relationship and skill building. We have examined how practicum students' fears and anxieties might be addressed, using cognitive interventions. Such interventions allow students to take irrational thoughts and change them to rational thought patterns. This is accomplished by asking students to state their fears verbally, to think about the effects of the fears and the consequences, to think about intervening beliefs and thoughts, and to restate the fears in a rational manner. Our experience suggests that cognitive interventions are useful strategies to help practicum students combat fears and anxieties. Further research might examine the use of other behavioral interventions to address these fears. For example, does role‐playing a counseling technique in supervision make a student less anxious about applying it in a real counseling session? In summary, fear and anxiety can impede the preparation of counselors during their practicum experiences. Understanding the underlying thoughts that cause these fears can help students overcome self‐defeating thought patterns. Cognitive restructuring techniques have been shown to reduce tension and can be used with counseling practicum students to help relieve performance and supervision anxiety.  相似文献   

According to the literature, in the 1980s the intended science curriculum exhibited a worldwide movement toward a curriculum for all, with a more contextually embedded approach. In writings about science teaching pedagogy, a trend can be observed to consider seriously students' conceptions, based on the premises of constructivism. This article examines consequences of these trends for teacher behavior and concludes that classes should become more student centered. In terms of the model for interpersonal teacher behavior (Wubbels & Levy, 1993), teachers must give their students more responsibility and act in a more understanding way. It is to be expected that teachers' beliefs and opinions have to change before this trend can be implemented in the classroom. We have therefore tested whether teachers' opinions about objectives and content of physics education, on the one hand, and the implemented curriculum, particularly teachers' interpersonal behavior, on the other, display the same trend observed in the intended curriculum. In 1984 and 1993, data on students' perceptions of their teachers' behavior were gathered from ninth-grade students of a random sample of Dutch physics teachers. Data on the teachers' self-perceptions of their behavior and their opinions about physics education also were included. The results show that teachers were more in favor of realistic teaching content in 1993 than in 1984, a shift that is in line with the trend in the intended curriculum. Students' perceptions indicated clearly that Dutch teachers behaved less dominantly and more cooperatively in 1993 than in 1984. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 447–466, 1997.  相似文献   

Notable gains have been made in understanding the factors that influence the student experience in higher education, particularly in the area of student engagement. While tremendous effort has been focused on identifying educationally beneficial activities for students, we must also consider where these activities are occurring. In recent years there have been technological advances that have paved the way for blended learning environments, however, physical learning environments continue to dominate the functionality of many universities. The development of purpose‐built informal social learning spaces as a strategy to enhance the student experience is becoming more prevalent, although empirical research in this area is lacking. This study explores the role of social learning spaces on the student experience using the student engagement framework within a qualitative research design. Informal interviews with 103 students were conducted within a social learning space. Findings reveal that social learning spaces can contribute to enhanced student engagement by fostering active learning, social interaction and belonging amongst tertiary students. The study also suggests that design is a contributing factor to students' perceptions of social learning spaces.  相似文献   

Social work students have few guidelines to help them evaluate the implication of their posted information on Internet-based social networking sites (SNSs). There is a national trend among employers of human services to cross-check publicly available online information on applicants. Based on data from a survey of 105 baccalaureate and master's social work students at a Midwestern university, this study explored students' perspectives on problematic information on SNSs. The majority reported that they had posted information on SNSs that they would not want their prospective employers to cross-check. Students offered a wide range of opinions, attitudes, and characteristics that contribute to the assessment of the risks that information they post on SNSs pose for their profession. The purpose of this study is to stimulate a conversation among social work educators on how to inculcate awareness and training of students on the ethical implications of SNS participation and to discuss directions for future research.  相似文献   

Built from data collected through three-phase in-depth interviews, this study explores from cultural and social perspectives why Chinese students may initially be termed silent participants when they first commence group work with western students; and then examines the impact of cultural interaction through group work on their adjustment. ‘Discourse system’ is used to categorise how they adapt over the course of the year, with changes in expressing opinions, holding ground and self-autonomy. The study suggests that preparation for the new educational system and cultures of learning before students' departure, a facilitative environment in which students have interactive contact with different cultures and tutors' support are essential for Chinese students to achieve a fulfilled learning experience in the UK.  相似文献   

For high-ability students to develop their full potential, they require evidence-based interventions tailored to their exceptional needs. Educational acceleration has proven effective with many high-ability students, but educators sometimes express concerns about social issues, and such concerns may block access to accelerative interventions. Despite these concerns, little is known about students' thoughts on placing high-ability students with older classmates. In this study, we used group concept mapping methodology to investigate students' beliefs about grade-based acceleration. Sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students in inclusive classes generated ideas about acceleration, and then sorted and rated a synthesized list of factors to consider when deciding about acceleration. Using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, the authors identified five key concepts in the structured data: (a) better for the fast learner, (b) concerns of moving up, (c) benefits for others (d) potential barriers to acceptance, and (e) uncomfortable feelings. Practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生突发性群体事件的社会关注程度高,网络传播扩散快,且容易向社会波及。网络舆情常直接引发群体性事件,或间接推动群体性事件的恶性发展。健全网络舆情长效监控机制,建立相对完善的应急预案,促进大学生的自我教育,提高网络部门的技术支持是处理网络环境下大学生突发性群体事件的有效对策。  相似文献   

随着新媒体时代的到来,各种网络传播技术对大学生的思维、生活等方面产生各种影响。同时也给一线辅导员带来诸多新课题,新挑战。本文通过对大学生利用新媒体途径传播和关注公共求爱事件的处理分析,探索和思考大学辅导员在新媒体时代下开展大学生思想政治教育工作和应急突发事件处理中的新途径,新经验,提出有针对性和可操作性的建议,进而提高工作的实效性,达到更好的育人效果。  相似文献   

Christine Van Peer 《Compare》2006,36(1):105-123
In 1996–1997, within the framework of the European Observatory for Population Education and Information, a comparative survey was conducted among students in final classes of secondary education in several European countries. On the one hand, the survey attempted to assess the effects of education on population in terms of knowledge acquired; the issues addressed in the questionnaire pertained to knowledge of demographic facts and trends (such as the ageing of Western societies and immigration). On the other hand it tried to ascertain students' opinions on demographic trends. What are young people's views on intergenerational solidarity, how tolerant are they towards immigrants, what are their views on recent changes in family structures? This knowledge is important since it is young people's attitudes and future behaviour that will help to shape both the social tissue and the economic prosperity of the European and world population. In this article we present a comparative analysis of survey results obtained in five European countries. We examined the question whether knowledge acquired in the course of scolarisation influences opinions. The results evidence a significant relationship between knowledge of the migrants' issue and attitudes of tolerance towards migrants. By means of multivariate analyses, the impact of factors such as social origin, study orientation and gender on both students' knowledge and attitudes, are investigated. We conclude that adequate educational training on population issues can have a significant positive impact on attitudes of tolerance.  相似文献   

This study investigates what preservice elementary school teachers assume about children's capacities to learn about equity issues and how teachers might translate teaching for social justice into actual classroom practices. Participants said they did not see the age of their students as a barrier to teaching for social justice, although their ways of conceptualizing this varied considerably, and those teaching grade 4–6 students were generally more risk-taking in the curricular and pedagogical choices they made. We found that the concepts of childhood innocence and developmental appropriateness mediated the topics and approach to topics that beginning teachers considered. Roughly half the participants believed that younger children are relatively uninterested in the events of the day, are incapable of forming nuanced opinions, and are unable to analyze political issues; while the other half disagreed. Participants concerned about engendering negative emotional responses from elementary students made more limited and generic responses to name-calling or teasing rather than naming specific forms of oppression or prompting students to reflect critically on hurtful language and behavior.  相似文献   

失语原指患有语言障碍,本文的“失语”是指具备语言能力,但由于不善沟通或疏于沟通而导致的不能有效表达自己思想和见解的现象。大学生人际交往中的“失语”现象与大学生自身的性格和心理状态有关,应从培养积极心态、创设交流机会、构建社会支持系统等方面帮助学生克服“失语”及其带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

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