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中国诗歌会是30年代的一个革命诗歌团体。现实主义是其诗歌的基本内容。文章从四个方面探讨了中外诗歌现实主义传统对中国诗歌会的影响。  相似文献   

试评华兹华斯的自然诗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华兹华斯关于自然的诗歌优美动人,他的这类诗歌的一个突出特点就是——寓情于境,情景交融。这种风格的体现是作通过对诗歌的题材、诗歌所用的语言以及对诗歌所用的格律、诗体和作对诗歌词汇的选择体现出来的。  相似文献   

文章主要从表现手法、诗歌语言与艺术风格三个方面对文天祥的艺术特征进行了剖析,认为在表现手法上兼用赋比兴等传统手法扣用典对比等修辞手法;在诗歌语言上既做到平淡自然又能不琢自工;在艺术风格上兼具清丽淡雅、沉郁悲凉、雄放悲壮之美,对我国诗歌传统艺术的继承扣发展做出了相应的贡献。  相似文献   

李白、杜甫的诗是中国古典诗歌宝库中的两颗明珠,自唐代就有了“李杜优劣”的论争,迄今仍在继续。考察“李杜优劣”争论的历史,对于进一步认识李、杜二人诗歌的独特贡献具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

向武云  白萍 《体育科学》2005,25(11):82-84
通过文献资料调研,从历代描述武当山的古代诗歌中,主要对武当山唐宋以来至清的兴衰史进行了考证,体现了古代诗歌在武当文化挖掘与开发中的价值。  相似文献   

真、善、美是湖畔诗派区别于同时代其他诗人的特殊的美学风格。湖畔四诗人对爱情的大胆表白是前所未有的,因为他们敢于真实地袒露内心最隐秘处的情感。他们的诗表现了争取个性解放的时代精神,客观上起到了反封建的作用。湖畔诗人怀着美化现实的理想放情地歌唱爱情、颂美青春。他们为努力使真各美融合到诗歌中去作出了可贵的探索和尝试。  相似文献   

试论蒲风的现实主义诗歌理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒲风的诗歌理论包括:新现实主义的诗歌学、诗歌大众化、国防诗歌运动、创建我国新诗的基本理论。  相似文献   

论英语诗歌教学的方法与要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过联系实际教学过程,探讨了英美文学课程中英语诗歌的教学与学习应该把握的要素与方法。并从三个方面分别论述了如何把握英诗的形式特点,语言特点以覆时代与主题的联系。最后通过实例分析阐明了这些方法与要素在诗歌教学中的运用问题。  相似文献   

文章认为文天祥的诗歌理论应和他的人生经历、诗歌创作一样随着社会时代的巨变分为前后两个阶段,并以此为着眼点从诗歌本质论、功能观以及源泉论三个方面分析了文天祥前后期的诗学观。  相似文献   

从对曹操现存22首诗歌作统计分析,可以看出曹诗所体现出的主导思想仍是传统儒学精神。这表明人作为社会个体,其较为表层的人生价值、行为准则、道德标准、生活方式等诸方面均较易随外物变化而发生变迁,而其灵魂深层的某些早已形成烙印的东西(如精神意识)却恒久难变。这正是曹操诗歌的化意义所在。  相似文献   

体育舞蹈能提高学生对美的感受力、鉴赏力和创造力 ,有助于培养学生的形体美、动作美、乐感美以及树立正确的审美观  相似文献   

当代体育活动已超出单纯锻炼身体、增强健康的狭义理解,被看成是现代人高品质的生活方式,是个人、群体、物种的精神面貌和文明水准的重要反映.健身气功是我国传统体育健身项目,社会大众对健身气功的审美认知不足已经成为影响我国健身气功推广的重要原因.文章着重研究挖掘健身气功的审美元素及美学价值,研究健身气功中的美如何能够被感受、被欣赏、被表现、被创造,从而进一步更好更快地推广健身气功.  相似文献   

审美教育贯穿于一切学科及其教学的全过程之中。在大学英语教学中,教师调动一切审美手段激发学生的好奇心、想象力,以艺术般的魅力,寓教于乐,产生一种富有强烈感染力的,鲜明持久的教学艺术的美感、对大学英语教学产生不可忽视的影响力。  相似文献   

This article uses poetry to show how we might reimagine the body and movement in ways that speak back to and subvert dominant and neoliberal conceptions of health and physical education (HPE). Drawing on the notion of poiesis and Arnold's conceptualisation of physical education as ‘in through and about movement’, I explore possibilities for poetic responses to the body and movement. These responses aim to unearth the emotional and political elements of movement experiences and highlight how much we lose in positioning movement as transactional, and HPE as only justifiable through extrinsic outcomes.  相似文献   

服装,作为中华民族人类历史上最古老的文明标志。更承载着一种历史文化、礼仪、民族自尊和自豪,体现出了一种风采。随着历史的变换,时代的更新,服装作为传承和发展,推动着中国武术服装的内容不断变化丰富与创新发展。武术服装所给人的神秘、悬垂、内敛、典雅、飘逸等美感也不容忽视。武术服装的美起着画龙点睛的效果,同时也具备了美学的价值。武术服装所传达的人文精神,使武术文化增添了特色化和内涵化的品质。为更好地继承和弘扬武术文化,武术服装的改革历程很值得关注、研究和探索。  相似文献   

孙刚  朱瑞琪 《体育科学》2007,27(10):94-96
从文化学视角审视现代散打运动的文化审美情趣,指出现代散打运动不仅是运动员精湛的拳法、凌厉的腿法、巧妙的摔法、灵活的战术给人带来赏心悦目的直面感受,而且折射出运动员健康的体魄、内在的自信、不挠的斗志、拼搏的精神、机警的睿智、高尚的人格给人带来的情感上的审美体验。现代散打运动所彰显的运动员健壮的形体美、技击美、战术美、意志美、人性美、智慧美的审美特征都是以中华民族文化特征为审美前提的。  相似文献   

体育传播与社会价值重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴小坤 《体育科研》2007,28(6):7-12
主要从体育传播在现代社会中所表现出的新特征入手,着重讨论体育传播、尤其是影响社会价值的体育传播层面对个人情感、审美感知、价值判断等方面的影响,以及对社会群体在民族文化、生存状态等方面形成的折射等。  相似文献   

In this article we explore aesthetic experience as an aspect of embodied learning with focus on the moving body. Our theoretical framework is mainly based on the work of John Dewey. In the first part of the article we identify our understanding of central concepts and draw some lines to their implication for physical education (PE). In the second part we then use the theoretical framework in an empirical study inspired by the tradition of pragmatism. The aim is to study how physical education student teachers (PETE students) feel when participating in ball game, and how their feelings are related to the moving activity. Empirical data were mainly generated through observations from two ball game lessons and stories written by 16 PETE students. All stories were subjected to a categorical analysis of content. After analysing the empirical material, four categories emerged built on two pair of words: familiar or unfamiliar, and pleased or displeased. In the discussing section of this article, we put forward that moving activities in PE often are regarded as being technical or instrumental. By using an aesthetic perspective on embodied learning, however, we can go beyond that impression and show other dimensions of participation in ball game. It may become an important shift from exploring performance only to studying learning connected to feelings.  相似文献   

Dance has been a part of the physical education (PE) curriculum in several countries for a long time. In spite of this, studies demonstrate that the position of dance in the subject of PE is contested and that little time is devoted to dance. The overall aim of this article is to examine the position of dance as a pedagogical discourse in Swedish steering documents over time. The empirical material consists of five Swedish curricula for PE over a period of 50 years (1962–2011). Discourse analysis is used to identify organised systems of meaning, including privileged and prioritised values. Our theoretical frame of reference draws on Bernstein's concept of codes. Three different knowledge areas within dance are found in the text material: ‘dance as cultural preserver’, ‘dance as bodily exercise’ and ‘dance as expression’. Three pedagogical discourses emerge from these knowledge areas: an identity formation discourse, a public health discourse and an aesthetic discourse. The identity formation discourse in earlier curricula focuses on the perpetuation of Swedish and Nordic cultural traditions, while in later curricula, it emphasises the construction of a broader multicultural identity formation related to the understanding of different cultures. The public health discourse constitutes a prioritised understanding of dance as physical training related to a healthy lifestyle. The aesthetic discourse, which has the weakest position over time, represents the valuing of embodied experiences and feelings expressed through movements. This discourse is closely linked to the construction of gender. Over time, a new performance code came to surpass the former competence code in the steering documents. The performance code positions dance in PE as mainly a physical activity with little artistic or aesthetic value. The pedagogical discourse of dance remains within a highly disciplinary framework of social control.  相似文献   

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