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Among more than 600 decorated tumuli in Japan, we focused on Hinooka tumulus in Fukuoka prefecture. In order to preserve the stone chamber and paintings, a reinforced concrete shelter was built in 1964 on the stone chamber. From the preservation point of view, one of the main problems in the shelter is condensation on the ceiling especially in winter. In order to understand the mechanism of the formation of condensation in the shelter for Hinooka tumulus and to consider countermeasures to prevent it, the thermal environment inside the shelter was investigated by in situ measurements and computer simulations. Since the relative humidity inside the shelter is almost 100% throughout the year, it turned out that dew condensation tends to occur especially in winter when the temperature on the surface of the ceiling becomes low. The results obtained by computer simulation suggests that the amounts of condensation on the surface of the ceiling can be reduced if the thermal insulation of the roof is increased by adding materials which do not attract pests. Synthetic heat insulation material is one of the candidate materials for reducing condensate on the ceiling of the shelter for the Hinooka tumulus.  相似文献   

Funori is a polysaccharide-based adhesive extracted from seaweeds and is generally used in the conservation of easel paintings for the consolidation of matte paint. It is appreciated since it does not change the optical properties of the consolidated materials and its mechanical properties do not change with ageing. Because of these characteristics, this research focused on the evaluation of Funori as a suitable material for the consolidation of powdering paint layers in wall paintings. Tests were carried out where Funori was applied onto painted plaster replicas, which were then artificially aged and investigated in order to evaluate the material's behaviour according to the specific properties and conditions of wall paintings. The effectiveness of the consolidation was evaluated from the point of view of adhesive power, as well as the interactions of Funori with some physical properties of the consolidated painting, such as colour and water vapour permeability and, therefore, its resistance to accelerated ageing and biological colonization. In addition, the behaviour of Funori applied on plasters contaminated with soluble salts, a frequent condition in wall paintings, was also evaluated.  相似文献   

洛阳汉代壁画是研究汉代社会的图像资料,具有重要的文献学价值。壁画的研究成果是地方文献特色资源的一部分,图书馆运用现代化科技手段和图书馆专业管理技能,参与对汉代壁画的保护和研究成果资料的整理推广活动,建立以汉代壁画研究为中心的成果资源数据库,为传承中华优秀文化做出贡献。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the influence of atmospheric humidity and temperature on the mural paintings in the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang by measuring the weight of a simulated mural block. Under open conditions, the daily changes in the atmospheric humidity and temperature have an apparent effect on the water content of these murals. There exists an obvious water exchange between atmosphere and mural, that is, there is a ±43?g?m?2 moisture absorption–desorption ‘breathing’ process between the two. Evapotranspiration from the tree-belt, precipitation, and extremely dry weather also have an effect on the moisture associated with a mural painting. If the cave is closed, a comparable study finds that closure can make the effects of temperature and humidity changes disappear. The mural water content in this case remains stable and the harm due to water-salt deterioration is greatly reduced. Under closed conditions, artificial condensation dehumidification and control of the cave's temperature and humidity stabilizes water activity in the mural paintings very effectively. This is a clear indication of the future steps required to protect the cave's cultural relics.  相似文献   


In the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China, the ambient relative humidity (RH) fluctuation in the caves is the main cause for the deterioration that has been observed, especially the deterioration of the earthen plaster and wall paintings linked to the presence of NaCl and Na2SO4 salt contaminants. To help identify the mechanism responsible for this salt-related deterioration and provide a theoretical basis for the development of a preventive conservation regime, this study addressed the basic moisture adsorption mechanisms of earthen plaster with soluble salts by taking an experimental approach. It is shown that, as ambient RH increases, the moisture adsorption process of the plaster containing the soluble salts can be regarded to have three basic stages, as evidenced by the results of the moisture adsorption tests performed on earthen plaster samples with different NaCl or Na2SO4 contents at various humidity levels. The moisture adsorption mechanism and its determining factors at each stage are also analysed. In addition, it is suggested that the hygroscopicity of the plaster structure and the interaction between the different kinds of salts in the plaster, which makes the dissolution or hydration of the salt in the plaster pores much easier, should be considered more seriously regarding increases in the ambient RH in the caves.  相似文献   


During recent conservation work carried out on the Etruscan mural paintings in the Tomba degli Scudi, (Tarquinia, 4th C. BCE), the study of the execution techniques led to an amazing discovery: human figures were composed using templates of single body parts. In the Tomba degli Scudi, the perfect overlap of limbs, chests, and heads was confirmed after processing rectified photogrammetric images of the wall paintings with photo editing software. The study also highlighted that such templates were probably made of rigid material and each one had three different sizes, in order to represent the hierarchical organization of the painted characters. In the past, scholars have demonstrated that templates were used to realize a number of Etruscan wall paintings. However, they had reported that only whole figures were reproduced. The notion that such templates consisted of single anatomical parts purposely created to portray figures in different poses never occurs in their studies. In fact, the use of modular templates, also called patroni and antibola, is acknowledged only from the Middle Ages onwards both in western and eastern art. Earlier evidence had never been found. This article aims to predate the use of modular shapes by about ten centuries, thus changing our knowledge of technologies whose tradition spans from the Classical Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Consequently, a new approach to the study of transfer techniques of preparatory drawings in Etruscan wall paintings is established. Furthermore, this article shows that, as in the Middle Ages, the size of such templates was scaled up or down to create hierarchies among the painted characters.  相似文献   


A Roman wall painting of the first century AD, recently discovered in Rome, has been studied extensively, in situ, by non-destructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The coloured pigments, the medium and the plaster were all examined. The presence of potassium and calcium in all coloured layers demonstrates that the painting technique is of a type very similar to that used in Pompeian wall paintings, and described in the 1950s by Selim Augusti. In this type of wall painting, the pigments were dissolved in a lime/soap/water solution, the function of the soap being to mitigate the negative effects of lime on alkali-sensitive mineral-based colours.  相似文献   

洛阳汉代壁画是汉代文化的一个组成部分,它以鲜明的时代特征、生动的形象塑造,大气磅礴的艺术风格,深刻反映汉代社会的理想追求和精神面貌,是研究汉代社会历史的图像资料,具有重要的文献学价值。洛阳汉代壁画对古代文献具有考证价值,对于汉代的制度、文献、法律有考证、校勘价值,对于汉代社会创造的文化又因历史原因遗失部分提供补遗功能。  相似文献   

洛阳汉代壁画是研究汉代社会的图像资料,具有重要的文献学价值。壁画的研究成果是地方文献特色资源的一部分,图书馆运用现代化科技手段和图书馆专业管理技能,参与对汉代壁画的保护和研究成果资料的整理推广活动,建立以汉代壁画研究为中心的成果资源数据库,为传承中华优秀文化做出贡献。  相似文献   


Juan and Jerónimo del Corral, the former an architect and the latter a sculptor, developed their artistic activities in Castile during the second third of the sixteenth century. The originality of their work lies not only in their technique but also in their iconography: they combine the Spanish tradition of plaster work with the influence of the Italian Renaissance. This paper is a documentary and stylistic study of their work and discusses the problems of technique and conservation of the cupolas and walls of polychromed and gilded plaster relief. Due to its characteristics and its sensitivity to moisture, gypsum is a material which poses specific problems of behaviour and treatment. The various deteriorations it undergoes are shown as well as their causes and possible treatment. Scientific examination has been mainly directed towards the investigation of the support by IR and EDX spectrometry, the analysis of the polychromy by microscopy and the identification of the media by gas chromatography. The results show that the Corral brothers used a homogeneous technique for the plaster support, following the Hispano-Moresque tradition, whereas the polychromy shows various influences. As regards biological deterioration, two different groups of microorganisms were surveyed: bacteria and fungi. The results obtained in areas with and without polychromy and with various levels of moisture have been compared by different sampling techniques. Nitrifying and sulphate-reducing bacteria have been identified, which are responsible for the deterioration of stone monuments.  相似文献   


The degradation of coupled building stones has been simulated in a laboratory chamber using an artificial acid rain solution (‘wet’ deposition) with wet/dry cycling. The reaction of individual and coupled stones with the artificial acid rain was assessed from the pH, and confirmed by measurement of calcium ion content in the run-off. For the coupled stones, it is evident that there is a build up of damaging reaction products in the region of the lower stone closely adjacent to the upper stone. This behaviour is related to the increased time of wetness due to retained solution, containing calcium ions from runoff and anion species from the artificial acid rain solution, which allows locally enhanced reaction with the lower stone and subsequent development of salts. Where Leinster granite is the lower stone of the couple, calcium ions in the run-off from the upper stone, Portland limestone, accumulate in these regions, leading to the eventual development of gypsum in the near-surface regions of the granite, with extensive resultant degradation. The laboratory chamber allows rapid ranking of various stone combinations in the couple, and early insight into the degradation process which may ultimately assist in the development of conservation procedures.  相似文献   


Adsorbent materials can be used for the removal of organic acids from air in storage rooms with heritage collections. The organic acid removal efficiency of two commercially available activated carbon air-filters were tested in situ in two unoccupied stores with densely packed collections. One filter was designed for outdoor type pollutants (Filter A), while the other was designed for organic acids in indoor air (Filter B). Furthermore, the acetic acid removal efficiency of a desiccant silica gel rotor used for dehumidification was measured in a laboratory at different relative humidity levels. Finally, passive removal of acetic acid by silica gel and unfired clay brick were tested in a chamber, and for clay brick at room level as well. Filter B had the highest removal efficiency. The removal efficiency of both filter types depended on the airflow and the filter performance varied considerably in situ from the values reported from standard laboratory tests. Increasing the filter airflow reduced the removal efficiency from 77% and down to 7% for Filter A, and from 92% to 24% for Filter B. There was almost no effect of active air filtration on the concentration of organic acids when this was measured in the middle and in the corner of the storage rooms away from the ventilation inlets. The desiccant dehumidifier removed 98–100% of the acetic acid from the air, independently of the relative humidity. The desiccant rotor will, however, only be running when there is a need for dehumidification and as a result will only periodically remove pollutants. The high acid removal efficiency by dry silica gel was furthermore demonstrated in a chamber test. A clay brick wall in a test room established a concentration gradient across the room and reduced the concentration of organic acids by 56% compared to close to the emission source.  相似文献   


There is a need for a simple, rapid method which can be used with a minimum of equipment to evaluate whether microbial populations may pose a potential risk to the integrity of stone incorporated into buildings and works of art. Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and 2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) were compared for detection of microbial activity on stone, using both pure cultures of bacteria from stone and also natural stone samples. Both compounds could detect activity of bacteria and other microorganisms isolated from stone. INT-formazan was produced only by intact microorganisms whereas FDA was cleaved by extracellular enzymes as well. Use of FDA with stone samples was successful but INT required extended incubation times which gave little indication of in situ activity. A positive correlation was found between rapid cleavage of large amounts (> 15μg per gram stone) of FDA and production of INT-formazan after extended incubation periods. FDA was therefore found to be more appropriate as an indirect measure of metabolic activity of microbial populations on stone. The simplicity of the method makes it suitable for use by non-scientific personnel, with a minimum of scientific equipment, to identify stones at risk from active microbial populations.  相似文献   

One of the most important artistic circles in the first half of the fifteenth-century in Austria was the so-called ‘Older Villach's workshop’, founded by Frederic of Villach, a painter who was considered a master of fresco technique. A technical study was made of a number of wall painting cycles by the workshop of Frederic of Villach, first, to gain a broader knowledge of the painting techniques employed, and second, to allow comparison with a further group of wall paintings in Slovenia, which are stylistically related to this workshop and have been studied previously. Of special interest were artworks attributed to Frederic's son Johannes of Ljubljana and a number of other anonymous painters that show important similarities to Frederic's works. Samples of plasters and pigments were analysed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. An important difference in the composition of plasters was discovered between the selected artistic groups. The palette used comprised predominantly earth and other mineral pigments. The construction of the paintings from incisions and preparatory drawings to the final modelling is basically similar and shows workshop connections. The principal painting technique was a fresco. The results contribute to a wider knowledge concerning the materials and techniques employed in gothic wall paintings in the Alpine region and offer new information that can be used to inform the future conservation of these selected wall paintings.  相似文献   


Two projects undertaken as part of a Unesco project for the conservation of the cultural heritage of Ecuador are described. Wall paintings in the dome of the church of EI Sagrario in Quito had been damaged by watersoluble salts carried by penetrating rainwater. The dome was protected with a hydrophobic coating and allowed to dry out prior to treatment of the paintings. As part of a programme to train Ecuadorean specialists, paintings on the south wall of a cloister in the convent of San Diego were selected as a model of conservation work.  相似文献   

Built in the early seventeenth century, the Chapel of Our Lady of Guia is one of the most important heritage sites in the historic centre of Macau. Its architectural features and wall paintings with Chinese and Western characteristics reflect the historical status of Macau as a hub for cultural exchange between China and the West. Since signs of deterioration have been observed on the wall paintings in recent years, it is very urgent and necessary to conserve them. In this paper, we will introduce the modern diagnostic techniques applied in the course of their conservation, including 3D laser scanning, high-definition digital photography, environmental monitoring, thermal infrared imaging, microwave scanning and penetration resistance tests. Comprehensive information on the current state of the wall paintings is collected, providing a solid foundation for their scientific preservation.  相似文献   

A great number of Central Asian wall paintings, archeological materials, architectural fragments, and textiles, as well as painting fragments on silk and paper, make up the so called Turfan Collection at the Asian Art Museum in Berlin. The largest part of the collection comes from the Kucha region, a very important cultural center in the third to ninth centuries. Between 1902 and 1914, four German expeditions traveled along the northern Silk Road. During these expeditions, wall paintings were detached from their original settings in Buddhist cave complexes. This paper reports a technical study of a wall painting, existing in eight fragments, from the Buddhist cave no. 40 (Ritterhöhle). Its original painted surface is soot blackened and largely illegible. Grünwedel, leader of the first and third expeditions, described the almost complete destruction of the rediscovered temple complex and evidence of fire damage. The aim of this case study is to identify the materials used for the wall paintings. Furthermore, soot deposits as well as materials from conservation interventions were of interest. Non-invasive analyses were preferred but a limited number of samples were taken to provide more precise information on the painting technique. By employing optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and Raman spectroscopy, a layer sequence of earthen render, a ground layer made of gypsum, and a paint layer containing a variety of inorganic pigments were identified.  相似文献   

This wall paintings technology study in Xialu Temple was carried out by in situ investigations and laboratory analysis. The techniques used to analyze pigments, ground/white preparations, and binding media were: optical microscopy carried out with visible reflected light and ultraviolet light; polarized light microscopy; micro-Raman spectroscopy; micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; and scanning electron microscopy. The characterization of pigments, including the discovery of two rare organic pigments, improves knowledge about traditional Tibetan paintings. The analysis of the binding media and different types of ground/white preparations (asbestos, kaolin, and illite) allowed us to identify different stratigraphic compositions. Our findings indicate that the study areas were painted during at least four different time periods.  相似文献   


The authors describe the application of TV holography, also known as electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), to the examination of wall paintings. The equipment usesfibre-optic illumination and a solid-state camera connected to a computer. Images made after the wall painting has been warmed slightly with an infrared lamp are compared with reference images; differences in the speckle pattern can be used to identify cracks and subsurface detachments. The system is robust and portable, allowing it to be used for the in situ investigation of wall paintings, including those exposed externally. It can also be used to monitor the condition of the work of art over time and to evaluate the success of any treatment.  相似文献   

赵怀忠 《图书情报工作》2010,54(17):143-134

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