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Timing of conditioned keypecking was investigated using a delay autoshaping procedure. In two experiments, the CS-US interval (ISI) was varied and the temporal pattern of responding during unreinforced probe trials extending beyond the reinforced ISI was recorded. Both experiments showed temporal control of keypecking at ISIs of 4, 8, and 16 sec, regardless of whether the probe duration was held constant (Experiment 1) or covaried with the ISI (Experiment 2). Analyses showed that the timing of keypecking was scalar. Increased responding near the end of the probe was due possibly to independent timing of the probe duration. In a third experiment, a group of subjects trained at an ISI of 8 sec were extinguished by presentation of only probe trials. Although the maximal response rate declined progressively, timing of keypecking did not change.  相似文献   

A series of experiments used food-deprived pigeons to examine several parameters of reinforcement omission in an attempt to control changes of keypeck response measures on a subsequent schedule. In Experiments 1 and 2, the pigeons were tested with a multiple fixed-ratio schedule on which reinforcement was occasionally omitted at the completion of the first component. The duration of the delay occurring in lieu of reinforcement was systematically varied. In Experiment 3, the stimulus that signaled the second component of the schedule was altered to appear either more or less similar to the stimulus that signaled the first component. Two principal results are reported: (1) Response latency decreased and, to a much lesser extent, terminal response rate increased as the delay occurring in lieu of reinforcement decreased; and (2) both latency decrease and response-rate increase were enhanced by a second component stimulus which was similar to the first. The results are evaluated in terms of Amsel’s frustration theory and an analysis by Staddon which suggests that reinforcement inhibits responding. The data appear to support Staddon’s argument that rate increases and latency decreases following reinforcement omission are largely a function of an attenuation of the inhibitory influence of reinforcement, an effect that is enhanced by stimulus generalization. Accordingly, it is proposed that an animal’s response to reinforcement omission is determined by a stimulus complex that minimally includes the omission event and component cues.  相似文献   

Four pigeons pecked keys and pressed treadles for food reinforcers delivered by several variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. Then the subjects responded on several concurrent schedules. Keypecking produced reinforcers in one component, and treadle-pressing produced reinforcers in the other. The changeover delay, which prevented reinforcement after all switches from one response to the other, was 0, 5, or 20 sec long. An equation proposed by Kerrnstein (1970) described the rates of treadle-pressing and keypecking emitted during the variable-interval schedules. The k parameter of this equation was larger for keypecking than for treadle-pressing. The R0 parameters were not systematically different for the two responses. The rates of keypecking and treadle-pressing emitted during the components of the concurrent schedules correlated with, but were not equal to, the rates of responding predicted by Herrnstein’s equation and the subject’s simple schedule responding. The ratios of the rates of responding emitted during, and the ratios of the time spent responding on, the components of the concurrent schedules conformed to an equation proposed by Baum (1974), but not to Herrnstein’s equation.  相似文献   

In three delayed matching-to-sample experiments, pigeons were given distinctive stimuli that were either correlated or uncorrelated with the scheduled retention intervals. Experiment 1 employed a single-key, go/no-go matching procedure with colors as the sample and test stimuli; lines of differing orientations signaled short or long delays for one group, whereas the lines and the delays were uncorrelated for the other group. The function relating discriminative test performance to delay length was steeper in the correlated group than in the uncorrelated group. In addition, the line orientation stimuli controlled differential rates of sample responding in the correlated group, but not in the uncorrelated group. In Experiment 2, subjects extensively trained with correlated line orientations were exposed to reversed cues on probe trials. Miscuing decreased discriminative test responding at the short delay, but enhanced it at the long delay. As in the correlated group of the first experiment, rates of sample keypecking were higher in the presence of the “short” time tag than in the presence of the ”long” time tag. Experiment 3 used a three-key choice-matching procedure and a within-subjects design, and equated reinforcement rate at the short and long delays. When auditory stimuli were correlated with delay length, the function relating choice accuracy to delay was steeper than when the stimuli and the delays were uncorrelated. The consistent effects of signaled retention intervals on memory performance may be understood in terms of differential attention to the sample stimuli.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we assessed whether rats optimize the number of reinforcers per response. In Experiment 1, one group of rats was trained to leverpress for food reinforcement on a simple variable-interval (VI) 60-sec schedule. For another group, a negative fixed-ratio component was imposed on the VI schedule to produce a conjoint contingency in which reinforcement became available on the VI schedule but was omitted when the ratio criterion was satisfied. In Experiment 2, one group of rats responded on a VI schedule and also received response-independent food. For another group, responding above a certain rate canceled the response-independent food. Despite the negative contingency experienced by the groups in Experiments 1 and 2, responding was maintained at a level at which the number of obtained reinforcers was reduced substantially below the maximum number possible. In addition, in both experiments, the groups that experienced the negative contingency responded at a lower rate than did a yoked control group that experienced the same frequency of reinforcement but lacked the negative component. These results demonstrate that although rats do not optimize their behavior with respect to reinforcement, they are nevertheless sensitive to some aspect of the instrumental contingency in operation.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained to peck red or blue keys for food reinforcement at variable intervals, while food was contingent on withholding key pecks in the presence of a vertical line (omission training). When the line was briefly superimposed on red or blue in a compound test, responding was reduced. When the orientation of the line was varied during extinction, generalization gradients were variable but often had most responding at or near vertical. In Experiment 2, pigeons were trained in a discrete trials procedure that made food contingent upon pecking in the presence of triangle, and upon the absence of pecking in the presence of red (omission training). Food was never given on green-key trials (extinction). When red or green backgrounds were presented with the triangle in a compound test, responding was reduced similarly in the presence of both key colors. Subsequent resistance to auto-shaping was also similar for red and green. These data, taken together with reports in the literature, suggest that the inhibitory effects of omission training are quite similar to those of extinction. Thus, the crucial condition for obtaining inhibitory effects is not a negative stimulus-reinforcer correlation, as in extinction, but simply the establishment of low rates of responding to the inhibitory stimulus.  相似文献   

The effects of changeover delays of fixed or variable duration on concurrent variable-interval performance in pigeons were investigated in a series of three experiments. Experiment 1 compared the effects of a fixed, variable, or variable signaled changeover delay on interchangeover times and responding during and after the changeover delay. The duration of the changeover delays was systematically varied in Experiment 2, and the relative reinforcement frequencies were manipulated in Experiment 3. Interchangeover times were found to be shorter when changeover delays of variable duration were compared with those of fixed duration. Changeover delays of fixed duration produced higher response rates during the changeover delay than after the changeover delay had elapsed; changeover delays of variable duration produced such differences to a lesser extent. It was concluded that the changeover delay in concurrent variable-interval schedules of reinforcement functionally acts as a delay period to the next opportunity for reinforcement, possibly serving as a conditioned reinforcer for the behavior preceding it (the interchangeover time) and as a discriminative stimulus for the behavior in its presence (response rates during the delay).  相似文献   

Control of pigeons’ keypecking by conditionalities in the spatial arrangement of two element stimuli (designated A and B) was investigated. In Experiment 1, reinforcement for keypecking was made conditional upon the left-right location of A and B: Reinforcement was available when A was on the left and B was on the right (AB), but not on BA, AA, or BB trials. The pigeons successfully discriminated the rewarded AB configuration, but only after a stage in which a particular element in a particular location (e.g., A on left) primarily controlled pecking. Experiments 2 and 3 systematically replicated these findings and included controls to discount discrimination of the AB compound on the basis of the temporal order (e.g., A followed by B) rather than the spatial configuration of the elements. During a generalization test in Experiment 4, the elements were presented singly either in the left (AX, BX) or right (XA, XB) positions. As would be expected had the animals learned “A on the left, B on the right is rewarded,” responding on AX trials exceeded that on XA trials, and responding on XB trials exceeded that on BX trials.  相似文献   

The signaling function of the second-order CS (S2) was manipulated in second-order autoshaping by arranging a partial reinforcement schedule. S2 was paired with a well-conditioned first-order CS (SI) on a continuous reinforcement or a 25% reinforcement schedule in different groups. Schedule of reinforcement did not influence the number of S2-S1 pairings required to establish keypecking to S2. However, in the postacquisition sessions, responding to S2 was initially weaker but persisted for many more sessions on the 25% schedule than on the 100% schedule. The data indicate that S2-S1 pairings are responsible both for the acquisition of second-order keypecking to S2 and for the subsequent conversion of S2 into an inhibitory stimulus.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained to discriminate the duration (2 or 8 sec) of an empty interval separated by two 1325-Hz tone markers by responding to red and green comparison stimuli. During delay testing, a choose-short bias occurred at 1 sec, but a robust choose-long bias occurred at 9 sec. Responding in the absence of tone markers indicated that the pigeons were attending to the markers and not simply timing the total trial duration. The birds were then trained to match short (2-sec) or long (8-sec) empty intervals marked by light to blue/yellow comparisons. For both visual and auditory markers, delay testing produced a choose-short bias at 1 sec and a choose-long bias at 9 sec. In Experiment 2, the pigeons were shifted from a fixed to variable intertrial intervals (ITI) within sessions. On trials with tone markers, the duration of both the empty interval and the preceding ITI affected choice responding. On trials with light markers, only the duration of the empty interval influenced choice responding. Subsequent delay testing in the context of variable ITIs replicated the memory biases previously obtained. In Experiment 3, performance was assessed at various delay intervals on trials in which either the first or the second marker was omitted. The data from these omission tests indicated that the first marker initiated timing but that the second marker sometimes initiated the timing of a new interval. Explanations of these effects in terms of the internal clock model of timing are discussed, and a simple quantitative model of the delay interval data is tested.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported on the elimination of autoshaped keypecking in pigeons by introducing added feedings that have the effect of removing the contingency between keylight (CS) and feedings. In Experiment 1, added feedings were signaled, by an already conditioned stimulus, in one group but not in another. Contrary to the Rescorla-Wagner theory, but consistent with scalar expectancy theory, responding in these groups declined at equal rates. In Experiment 2, following acquisition, some groups were exposed to repeated sessions in which they received feedings alone prior to receiving both CS and feedings noncontingently. Although prior exposure to feedings did reduce the total amount of responding in subsequent noncontingent sessions, it did not, contrary to scalar expectancy theory, reduce the initial level of responding to the CS. It is suggested that a differential between reinforcing conditions in the CS as compared with neighboring non-CS periods is more fundamental to conditioning than is acknowledged in the Rescorla-Wagner theory or in scalar expectancy theory.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine whether the location of the discriminative stimuli affects the amount of positive behavioral contrast exhibited during discrimination learning by pigeons. When signals for reinforcement and nonreinforcement of keypecking were situated directly on the response key (different line tilts), pecking rates during the positive stimulus were higher than when the source of the signals was located elsewhere (changes in chamber illumination or auditory click frequency). These results are in general agreement with the additivity theory of behavioral contrast, which attributes contrast to the combined effects of stimulus-reinforcer and response-reinforcer correlations on behavior directed at signals of reinforcement. Some shortcomings of the theory were discussed, and the notion that behavioral contrast is a basic, unitary phenomenon was criticized.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained to discriminate short (2 sec) and long (8 sec) durations of tone by responding to red and green comparison stimuli. During delay testing, a systematic response bias to the comparison stimulus correct for the long duration occurred. Tests of responding without the tone reduced accuracy on long-sample trials but not on short-sample trials suggesting that the pigeons were attending to the tone and not simply timing the total trial duration. The pigeons were then trained to match short (2 sec) and long (8 sec) durations of light to blue/yellow comparisons. During delay testing, “choose-long errors” occurred following tone durations, but “choose-short errors” occurred following light durations. In Experiment 2, accuracy was assessed on test trials in which the tone and the light signals were simultaneously presented for the same duration or for different durations. Pigeons responded accurately to durations of light, but were unable to accurately respond to durations of tone simultaneously presented with the light. The data from Experiment 1 suggest that there are important differences between light and tone signals with respect to the events that control the termination of timing. The data from Experiment 2 indicate that pigeons cannot simultaneously time visual and auditory signals independently and without interference. Consequently, they are inconsistent with the idea that there is a single internal clock that times both tone and light durations.  相似文献   

Five rats responded on several concurrent schedules in which pressing a key produced reinforcers in one component and pressing a lever produced reinforcers in the other component (Experiment 1). Four pigeons responded on several concurrent keypeck treadlepress schedules (Experiment 2). The programmed rates of reinforcement varied from 15 to 240 reinforcers per hour in different conditions. Rates of responding usually changed systematically within experimental sessions, and the changes were similar for the two components of a concurrent schedule. These results imply that within-session changes in responding may not confound the predictions of theories that describe the ratio of the rates of responding during the two components of concurrent schedules. Instead, within-session changes may be controlled by a mechanism that integrates the reinforcers obtained from the two components.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a discrete-trial delayed reinforcement procedure with respect to one response key that was periodically illuminated. In some conditions, a second response key, or a tone, both previously paired with reinforcement, was interpolated in the delay-of-reinforcement interval. In comparison to a control condition with neither stimulus in the delay interval, the interpolated stimulus attenuated (blocked) the amount of responding that was maintained by the delayed reinforcement contingency. The degree of blocking was unaffected by whether the interpolated stimulus was the tone or keylight, in spite of the fact that the keylight evoked responding and the tone did not. A second study showed that the blocking effects involved the response-reinforcer association in that blocking occurred when the delayed reinforcement was response-dependent but did not occur when reinforcement was response-independent. The results thus show that response-reinforcer associations are affected by informational variables in the same manner as has been shown for stimulus-reinforcer associations. They also demonstrate that preexisting stimulus-reinforcer associations can block response-reinforcer associations, thus suggesting that both types of association depend upon the same associative process.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined within-session changes in responding during discrimination procedures. In Experiment 1, rate of responding changed significantly within sessions during symbolic delayed matching-to-sample tasks when the delay between the stimulus and the choice period was short (1–5 sec), but not when it was long (8–12 sec). The percentage of responses that were correct did not change within sessions. In Experiment 2, response rates increased and then decreased within sessions during both S1 and S2 when successive discrimination procedures provided high, but not low, rates of reinforcement. Discrimination ratios sometimes increased within sessions. These results question two potential definitions of attention as explanations for within-session changes in response rates. They are more compatible with explanations based on concepts such as arousal, satiation, habituation, and interfering responses.  相似文献   

Delayed-reward learning in pigeons was examined using a simultaneous red-green visual discrimination task in which the conditions during the delay interval were varied between groups. The nondifferential group received training in which the stimulus present during the 1-min delay was the same following a peck on the correct and incorrect colors. The other three groups received 1-min delay training in which different stimuli occurred in the delay interval following correct and incorrect choices. The differential group received continuous, differential stimuli during the delay. The reinstatement group received the differential stimuli in the 10 sec immediately following the choice and during the last 10 sec of the delay. The reversedcue group was treated in the same way, except that the 10-sec delay stimulus immediately following an incorrect response was also presented for 10 sec prior to reward on correct choices, and the stimulus following a correct response also occurred 10 sec before nonreward on incorrect choices. Nondifferential birds failed to learn the discrimination, while differential and reinstatement birds learned it readily. The reversed-cue birds learned to choose the incorrect stimulus. Differential and reinstatement birds showed no decrement in performance when the delay was increased to 2 min. These findings suggest that similarity of prereward and postresponse delay stimuli controls choice responding in long-delay learning, a finding compatible with both memorial and conditioned reinforcement interpretations.  相似文献   

The effects of different schedule requirements at reinforcement on patterns of responding by pigeons were assessed under conjunctive schedules with comparable response-number requirements, Under one conjunctive schedule (conjunctive fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedule), a response was reinforced after a 6-min interval had elapsedand a specific minimum number of responses had been emitted, Under a second conjunctive schedule, a response was reinforced after the 6-min fixed interval and upon completion of a tandem schedule requirement (conjunctive fixed-interval tandem schedule), This schedule retained the same required minimum number of responses as the first conjunctive schedule, but responses were never reinforced according to a fixed-ratio schedule; the tandem schedule was comprised of a fixed-ratio and a small (.1 to 10.0 sec) fixed-interval schedule, Under the conjunctive fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedule, responding was characterized by an initial pause, an abrupt transition to a high response rate, and a second transition to a lower rate that prevailed or slightly increased up to reinforcement, Under the conjunctive fixed-interval tandem schedule, pauses were extended, response rates were lower, and the initial high rate of responding was generally absent, The above effects depended upon the size of the fixed interval of the tandem schedule, The distinct pattern of responding generated by conjunctive fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedules depends upon occasional reinforcement of fixed-ratio responding and not merely on the addition of a minimum number of required responses.  相似文献   

In two experiments, pigeons were exposed to an autoshaping procedure in which a keylight was followed by food under delay or trace conditions, while measures were taken of keypecking and time spent near the key. In Experiment 1, the birds in the trace group spent less time near the key than did the delay birds. Moreover, the trace birds exhibited a pattern of withdrawal from the key during the trial. In Experiment 2, visual observations of the birds’ location and latencies to eat both indicated that the trace birds’ withdrawal from the conditioned stimulus was accompanied by goal tracking. The difference in performance between the delay and trace conditions was taken as evidence that a trace stimulus may exert control over behavior as an occasion setter.  相似文献   

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