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In this paper, we discuss an experiment that we conducted in our teaching practice. Without teaching experience in the other's subject (Gardner is a graduate tutor in English literature; Turner is a graduate tutor in psychology) or prior knowledge of the formal curriculum, Gardner taught a psychology seminar and Turner taught an English literature seminar. We videotaped these seminars and, alongside the students we worked with, participated in two inter-personal process recalls (IPRs) facilitated by a third-party enquirer. Our goal was to understand the extent to which teaching without subject knowledge affected the experience of teaching. In the form of a dialogue, we reflect on the thoughts and feelings stimulated by these IPRs, as well as the process of interdisciplinary research in teaching. We find ourselves confronting some assumptions about models of teaching, and questioning the espoused gap between teaching and research.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the usefulness of three different approaches to facilitating reflexivity and a critical awareness of emerging academic identities for doctoral students. This paper stems from a longitudinal research project entitled The Next Generation of Social Scientists, which was conducted across three research-intensive British universities and based at the University of Oxford. The research examined how doctoral students in a range of social science disciplines develop (or do not develop) notions of ‘academic’ identity as they move along the doctoral trajectory and into academic positions. In what follows we describe how three different data collection tools – weekly logs, interviews and a card-sorting activity – were used to encourage doctoral students to consider the process of constructing academic identities more actively and self-reflectively. We then consider how the use of these tools at two workshops further revealed how they can be utilised by academic developers to explore the needs of doctoral students and improve the support in place for this student group.  相似文献   

To optimize students’ learning outcomes, educators are increasingly expected to use instructional practices shown to be effective by credible research. To help make this possible, organizations and scholars are producing resources that summarize research related to various instructional practices. However, as the collection of resources grows in size and complexity, it can be difficult and frustrating for practitioners to locate and utilize this information. In this article, we describe the 6S Pyramid (DiCenso, Bayley, & Haynes, 2009), a framework for efficiently and accurately prioritizing different types of research evidence. We also identify and briefly summarize Internet resources corresponding with each level of the Pyramid that can be used to identify research‐based practices for students with learning disabilities. To illustrate how the 6S Pyramid can be used in school and classroom settings, we begin and end the article with vignettes featuring a pair of co‐teachers seeking to improve instruction for their students who struggle with reading.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is threefold. First, we bring to the attention of the European and international research community the research evidence concerning within-class grouping. In a previous quantitative review, we computed 103 independent effect sizes from studies comparing within-class instruction and whole class instruction. The mean weighted effect size (ES) of within-class versus no grouping on student achievement was 0.17, which was significantly greater than zero (p < .05). We also reported that the findings were statistically heterogeneous and explored which of 26 study features accounted for the variability. Second, we address the issues related to our research integration raised by Prais (1998, 1999). We argue that our review focused only on grouping effects on students, not other features of classroom organization or teacher outcomes. We also believe that our data suggest that Continental Education would be further enhanced by the use of small group instruction. In particular, our findings are: useful; not so variable as to be meaningless; provide evidence of beneficial effects for students of all relative abilities; are thorough and detailed; and provide a rather complete picture of the available evidence. Third, we elaborate further on the pedagogical techniques which encourage effective small group instruction. We describe cooperative learning in general, the important elements of positive interdependence and individual accountability in particular, and summarize reviews of research on its effectiveness. We remain convinced that educators should group students within-class for learning and rely on the research evidence for guidance in doing so.  相似文献   

培养高素质创新型生物学人才 ,要求构建新的课程体系和更新教学内容 ,在新的课程体系下 ,改变传统的教学方法和手段 ,而实现这个转变需要一支高素质的教师队伍 ,在教师的指导和配合下 ,鼓励大学生尽早进入研究实践  相似文献   

随着信息技术和网络的发展,大学英语的教学模式也发生了变化。本文主要探讨如何利用网络环境进行大学英语阅读教学实践,促进学生自主性学习,有效提高学生阅读兴趣和能力。  相似文献   

数字地球是地球科学、空间科学与信息技术交融的前沿,用新生研讨课的形式开设这门课程,通过小班化的学生自主学习和师生互动研讨,有助于学生在互联网技术高速发展的背景下对地球科学前沿知识的了解和掌握,也有助于学生批判性思维的培养,同时还可以帮助刚入学的新生尽快适应大学的课程学习。本文介绍了数字地球新生研讨课的开设背景、教学目标与内容体系,8个研讨的热点主题、教学效果以及存在的问题和未来课程改进的方向。  相似文献   

Mental health problems can significantly impact on the ability of university students to both meet their individual potential and contribute positively within society. This study evaluates the feasibility of embedding a strength‐focused resilience‐building seminar within a university curriculum. Participants were 247 students enrolled in an undergraduate psychology subject. The Staying on Track seminar, consisting of six building blocks for resilience, was delivered within a normal lecture period. Students completed post‐measures on satisfaction and usefulness, as well as follow‐up reflective journals entries noting changes made as a result of seminar participation. The seminar received high scores for satisfaction and 90% of students reported at least one of the six building blocks as being useful to them. Satisfaction also translated into self‐reported positive behaviour change for many students. Implications for the role of curriculum‐based resilience‐building programs within universities are discussed.  相似文献   

Social work programs undertake to educate competent professionals and to promote critical thinking among students who are expected to become lifelong learners. In addition, programs are called on to develop reliable and valid measures for assessing student learning outcomes and to use assessment results to reflect upon and strengthen curriculum. This study explores the use of a graduate integrative seminar to accomplish these goals. The authors describe the learning and assessment processes of the seminar. The authors used a mixed-method research design to analyze data from students over a 3-year period regarding the effectiveness of the seminar as well as from graduate faculty regarding student achievement of curricular objectives. Results indicate that formative assessment processes promote student learning in a manner that mobilizes students to strive for excellence, and that an embedded measure of learning outcomes in the form of a final integrative project may serve as a rigorous assessment tool.  相似文献   

Drawing upon critical reflections of staff and student experiences of teaching, learning and assessment on an undergraduate module entitled Key Issues in Sex Education, we discuss the strategies used to engage students in debates around sex and relationships education (SRE). To date, there is little research which evaluates how formal assessments can be made relevant to students' exploration of this subject. In the case of this module, assessment requires students to first deliver a seminar presentation that focuses upon a self-selected issue within the field of sexual politics, policy and practice. Students then submit a manifesto, in the form of posters, leaflets or flyers pitched at relevant stakeholders, and which adheres more to the conventions for political campaigning, rather than the standard essays or examinations commonly used to assess undergraduates. In the light of this, we critically reflect upon student evaluations in respect of this module, address various problems and paradoxes, and offer recommendations for encouraging students to find their own voices when debating complex issues of not only SRE, but also sex, gender and sexualities more widely.  相似文献   

The paper is an extension of a previous study, which examined student perceptions of a unique freshman seminar offered to Criminology and Criminal Justice students at Florida State University. The seminar is characterized by a heavy focus on interactive library sessions in which students learn how to conduct research and write a scholarly paper. The previous article reported on student perceptions of research and writing skills developed in the seminar. This report, using Multivariate Regression and Propensity Score Matching reveals that compared to a carefully constructed comparison group, first time in college students enrolled in the seminar have statistically significantly higher cumulative grade point averages and percentages of graduation within four years. The seminar’s emphasis on the library as a research tool is thought to have contributed to the differences seen on academic outcomes between students who took the seminar and a matched comparison group.  相似文献   

In Summary The Indian treaty rights seminar faculty taught me almost nothing about the subject for which they had ostensibly convened the seminar. The did not even define their terms. That is, we students were never instructed as to what an Indiantreaty is, nor were we shown how the courts extrapolated the controversial new Indian rights from certain treaty stipulations. What they did teach is that undemonstrable assertions, at least when they are grounded in correct politics, constitute legitimate support for scholarly conclusions. On the other hand, solid facts that undermine correct politics can be dismissed by “view[ing them] within the context of a larger view.” Furthermore, the faculty, who were supposedly dedicated to diversity, demonstrated in word and deed that people whose experiences and perspectives do not support political orthodoxy should be ridiculed and despised or at least ignored. To what degree the other students in the seminar accepted the faculty's ideologically motivated behavior as valid scholarly praxis, I do not know. I suspect that several of them have accepted it. But such a mockery of liberal education ought to be of concern to academics even if, as was true in my case, the politically correct classroom serves only to demoralize. Mona Walsh Holland completed her undergraduate work while raising a family and is now in the Notre Dame Law School  相似文献   

Recent research on student learning in higher education has increasingly focussed on experiential aspects of how students approach their studies and what they learn from their studies. In this paper we describe the results of a study using phenomenographic research techniques, which focusses on student learning in a first year university physics course. The study, using interviews with sixteen volunteer students from the course, shows that only those students who actively sought to change their conceptions of the subject matter did so, while those who sought only to reproduce that subject matter did not.  相似文献   

Action research refers to every research activity carried out by educational field personnel with the purpose of enabling them to arrive at wise decisions and to thereby improve their own work. It can serve as a useful instrument in formulating an inquiry approach in teacher candidates.

In this paper we describe an experiment wherein 133 Israeli students of teachers’ colleges were trained to perform diagnostic action research (DAR): the simplest type of action research. The following activities were mentioned as comprising the DAR dealt with in this article: precise formulation of the problem; reading of bibliography relevant to the problem; composition of a questionnaire to be used in examining the problem; interpretation of results; and drawing pedagogical conclusions.

The vast majority of the students willingly agreed to such work in place of an annual exam or a seminar paper and saw in it a useful tool in teacher training.  相似文献   

介绍了《信息系统分析与设计》这一综合类课程教学改革所进行的一些有益的研究探索与实践,研究设计了“双主体多维度”的教学模式,采取参与式与讨论式的教学方法以及小群体互动式的教学形式,从而提高了“双主体多维度”的教学模式的有效性。为保证“双主体多维度”教学模式的顺利实施,构建了双平台的保障体系,并设计开发了线上评价系统( OES)实时测评与记录教学效果。  相似文献   

新生研讨课在于帮助大学生加强自我认知、激发学习兴趣、建立同伴关系、参与大学等。而教学互动的本质在于教育主体间的交互作用,更利于实现高校新生研讨课目的和功能。以南京大学新闻传播学院杜骏飞教授的新生研讨课“媒介案例研究”为个案,主要运用问卷调查、访谈法和文本研究等研究方法对教学互动的现状进行了研究,从教学互动主体、互动时空和互动内容三个维度探索构建研究型大学新生研讨课的教学互动模式并加以诠释。  相似文献   

师范院校音乐美术专业互修是国家教育部艺体司牵头主特的研究课题,此项目已推广至全国多家师范院校,我院便是最早加入该项目实验的学校之一,在川内也仅此一家,每年都派代表参加全国研讨。如何使音乐学习者在最短的时间内获得美术学习的自信并能将自己较为熟悉的音乐语言转换为绘画语言,进而登堂入室,音乐兼修美术培养模式中素描色彩课程设置的合理具有重要作用。  相似文献   

We discuss our experience teaching undergraduate students about prisons. First, we describe the design of a course, including course goals, course content and some assignments. Then, we share the intellectual and logistical hurdles we have experienced and offer advice on how to overcome them for those planning to teach a seminar on prisons. Included is specific advice on how to successfully integrate prison tours as an experiential learning tool.  相似文献   

高考改革推进过程中不同利益主体基于风险收益权衡选科决策,引发了选科决断异化风险。澳大利亚制定了"考试中心指引、高校专业限定、高中选科支持、家社协同指导、成绩科学赋分、录取综合评定"的科目自选支持体系,但其也涌现出了"选科倚重成绩、走班编排冲突、大学限定缩水、考生趋易避难"的异化风险。以往鉴来,应配备学生发展专兼职指导教师,把生涯发展规划贯穿科目选择全过程;优化高中教学组织编排管理,建立规范、高效、有序的选科走班运行机制;激发高校科目限定主动权,提升大学人才培养与高中自主选科的关联度;优化科目加权赋分机制,防控"田忌赛马"机会主义风险;落实多元评价方式,提升生源甄别选拔精准度。  相似文献   

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