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《青草在歌唱》作为英国女性作家多丽丝·莱辛的处女作,一经问世就引起英国文坛广泛关注。在这部小说中,女性白人殖民者的生存现状一直都是备受关注的话题。借社会空间,家庭空间,心理空间和地理空间等四重维度对小说中女主人公的生存空间进行深层解读,进一步探析主人公玛丽悲剧人生发生的背后原因。莱辛借这部小说揭露了殖民制度下白人女性的生存现状和悲剧根源。  相似文献   

国内外学界很少关注《一粒麦种》中"森林"这个象征意象,也忽视了它深刻的象征意义以及英国对肯尼亚的殖民统治问题。本文将"森林"作为切入点,将其置于英国殖民肯尼亚这一历史语境中,解读其深刻的象征意义,森林不仅象征爱情、同时也象征自由与希望,同时揭露英国在肯尼亚殖民的历史真相以及殖民对肯尼亚人民的迫害,分析肯尼亚人民对自由的向往和对肯尼亚的未来抱有的殷切的希望。  相似文献   

库切的小说《耻》表现了南非在后种族隔离时期的社会环境和殖民后文化冲突,特别是在白人特权消失后的社会里,黑人与白人的人性扭曲和道德伦理的严重错位。从伦理学批评的视角解读库切的小说,更能透视出作品的悲剧意识和对南非文化人生存窘况的思考。  相似文献   

美国作家乔治·桑德斯的短篇小说《关于桑蓓莉卡女郎的日记》中,来自第三世界贫苦家庭的桑蓓莉卡女郎迫于家庭生计来到第一世界,她们深受男权中心和白人中心文化下性别和种族的双重压迫。在后殖民女性主义视角下探讨桑蓓莉卡女郎在帝国主义主流文化中双重"他者"的生存困境,揭示出了第三世界妇女对双重"他者"身份的逃离和自我意识的觉醒。  相似文献   

在后殖民主义女性批评的语境中,解读美籍华裔女作家汤亭亭在其作品《女勇士》中对华裔女性文化身份的归属与建构问题的思考,认为华裔女性被以男性、白人为中心的主流社会双重边缘化。对于男权制的压抑,作者试图通过女性的经济独立和“双性同体”等寻求突破,但终归于失败;对于美国白人主流社会的压抑,通过文化融合,作者已经寻找到了突破之路。  相似文献   

澳大利亚作家凯瑟琳·苏珊娜·普里查德,在她的土著题材作品中,努力克服种族偏见,对土著民和土著文化倾注了同情、理解和尊重;不仅如此,作为一个女性作家,她还对土著女性的不利生存地位给予了特别的关注,这使得她的土著题材作品既有反对种族主义的一面,又有关注性别歧视的一面。本文结合《库娜图》等四部作品,探讨了澳大利亚土著女性在19世纪末至20世纪初的殖民时期所遭受的种族和性别的双重压迫。  相似文献   

后殖民女性主义将女性主义和后殖民主义相结合,揭露了白人霸权文化和传统父权文化对第三世界女性的歧视与约束。从后殖民女性主义的视角解读《华女阿五》,更能凸显女主人公黄玉雪在主体身份被双重边缘化的困境中重构自我的艰辛过程。  相似文献   

后殖民女性主义将女性主义和后殖民主义相结合,揭露了白人霸权文化和传统父权文化对第三世界女性的歧视与约束。从后殖民女性主义的视角解读《华女阿五》,更能凸显女主人公黄玉雪在主体身份被双重边缘化的困境中重构自我的艰辛过程。  相似文献   

《芒果街上的小屋》是美国墨西哥裔女作家桑德拉·希斯内罗丝的成名作.全书通过芒果街上少女埃斯佩朗莎的童年记忆,用貌似"诗话"的语言控诉了拉美裔女性遭受的白人文化和男权社会的双重压迫.本文从族裔文化和女权主义两方面尝试解读双重压迫的历史原因、社会原因以及拉美裔女性的反抗.  相似文献   

非裔美国女作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者托尼·莫里森一生都致力于探索黑人的命运和精神世界。在其处女作《最蓝的眼睛》中描述了发生在1941年俄亥俄州洛林市黑人社区里一个11岁的黑人小姑娘佩科拉的悲剧生活,反映了生活在美国白人至上文化霸权中的黑人在面临黑白两种文化冲突时逐渐被扭曲了的自身价值观、生存现状及其心理世界。运用后殖民理论和女性主义理论分析主人公佩科拉在黑白两种文化的冲突中,在种族和性别双重歧视下社会环境和家庭环境对她的侵袭和压迫,以及她对白人至上的文化价值观的内化而产生的自卑、扭曲的文化价值观并最终迷失了黑人女性的自我,以此来论证莫里森在作品中所再现的不仅仅是文化殖民对黑人的侵害,而且还证明了美国并非是一个民主、公正和道德的社会。  相似文献   


Since women struggled to access higher education during the colonial era, tackling gender imbalances post-independence became a major focus for Kenya and South Africa. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that affirmative action has not guaranteed gender equity in South African and Kenyan higher education systems. the author argues that, although higher education is generally available to all in both countries, women still struggle with access and “success”. This is besides the existence of post-independence higher education policies and parallel gender frameworks meant to bolster women’s access. The article uses a critical and thematic exploration of secondary literature, theory and data. The article contends that the unresolved gap between policies and the reality of the lived experiences of women exacerbates inequalities. It is suggested that both countries refocus and recalibrate existing policies and remedial action measures in order to ensure that academically deserving women are able to access and participate meaningfully in higher education.  相似文献   

The feminisation of teaching is an important topic in education and gender studies. Discussions have been enriched by comparative and international studies as well as a gendering perspective in which a complicated view of the role of the state has emerged. In colonial Hong Kong, although the government was limited in its support of teacher training, its strategic control was not ineffective. Through regulating the teaching force, the colonial regime was instrumental in training women to help civilise the young and in creating a dead end job – that of a ‘primary school teacher’. It also constantly (re)constructed the nature and role of ‘Chinese teacher’ and ‘Chinese women’. By revealing some seldom-explored strategies and disrupting the fixed meanings of ‘Chinese teacher’, ‘Chinese women’, and ‘primary school teacher’, this paper unravels the intervention and (re)invention of the colonial regime in the teaching occupation and probes their implications for a patriarchal society.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the study of citizenship by interrogating how young people in Nairobi (Chege and Arnot 2012) perceive their rights of citizenship. It builds on previous analyses of the connections between gender, education and poverty's poor urban settlements by focusing on the political dimensions of the young people's lives. The findings are based on in-depth interviews with 24 young men and women (mainly siblings aged 16–25) from 18 urban households which explored how they define their national identity and citizenship rights and their expectations of the Kenyan government. All youth felt a connection with the Kenyan nation and actively engaged with rights discourses, but secondary schooled youth demonstrated a noticeably more reflexive and challenging approach to the norms and responsibilities of citizenship. Young men focused on the public sphere, emphasising voting rights, political corruption and their role in leading community change, whilst secondary educated young women recognised the importance of ‘freedoms’ associated with national membership, their rights to choose within cultural traditions and the need to support their families. Gender is shown to play an important role in framing their understanding of themselves as citizens.  相似文献   

斯大林在继承列宁的民族殖民地观的基础上,更加重视东方和东方革命.他把广大殖民地和附属国的民族解放运动纳入世界革命运动中,把民族与殖民地的解放运动作为推进世界革命新战略的重心和世界革命运动的重要支援力量.提出了“不要忘记东方”等口号,以此指导了联共(布)和共产国际的国际共运实践,帮助和扶持了东方国家无产阶级政党特别是中国共产党,指导了中国革命.  相似文献   

This study problematises the contribution of India’s school textbooks in students’ national identity constructions in an overseas school in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The textbooks construct students’ national identity on the concepts of India’s secular democracy, colonial resistance and equal citizenship rights. Notwithstanding study participants’ ambivalent identification with these ideals, they mostly express confusing identities evincing religious tendencies, gendered beliefs towards women and antipathy for India’s neighbouring states. This entails implications for India’s national cohesion and students’ ability to live in harmony with other communities in the diasporic setting. It also poses risks to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 2030.  相似文献   

Focusing on British graduates from Gipsy Hill Training College (GHTC) in London, this article illustrates transnational history’s concerns with the reciprocal flows of people and ideas within and beyond the British Empire. GHTC’s progressive curriculum and culture positioned women teachers as agents of change, and the article highlights the lives and work of married and single graduates overseas after the Second World War. Some migrated to the dominions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand, while South Africa and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) were popular destinations for short-term teaching contracts. A few graduates went to the colonies as missionaries and colonial servants, and a handful taught in extra-imperial sites. Wherever they were located, these British women promulgated the college’s progressive ideals and shared their experiences with people at home in Britain, thereby shaping understandings of the Empire and constructing a world that was differentiated by class, gender, race and nation.  相似文献   

早期的澳大利亚是英国殖民地,有较深的男权烙印,妇女的地位很低。一直以来,澳大利亚的女性作家们都迎着逆境坚持从事文学创作,借助自己的小说来阐述自己的经历和人生感悟。克里斯蒂娜.斯特德是澳洲文学史上很重要的一位女性作家。她的代表作《仅仅为了爱》被普遍认为带有强烈的自传色彩。作品中的女主角为了自由,为了独立,为了追求个性自我而历经坎坷。小说中的女主角的经历从一个侧面也反映了当时的社会情况。本文试图分析女主角的成长经历以及社会文化因素对其成长的深刻影响。  相似文献   

The discourse of classroom interaction in Kenyan primary schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the role of classroom discourse in supporting children’s learning in Kenyan primary schools. The discourse strategies of 27 teachers teaching English, mathematics and science across the primary phase were intensively studied using discourse analysis and semi‐structured interviews. A survey questionnaire (n?=?359) was also used to explore teacher perceptions of classroom discourse practices. The findings revealed the dominance of teacher‐led recitation in which rote and repetition dominated the classroom discourse with little attention being paid to securing pupil understanding. The wider implications of the findings for improving the quality of classroom discourse in Kenyan primary schools are considered together with the need for further research into how the wider social order is influencing discourse practices in Kenyan primary schools.  相似文献   

This article examines the colonial encounters of gender, race and sexuality in the United States and the Philippines in the early 1900s. It traces the anxieties over US men's moral degeneracy and the representation of Filipinas as libidinal temptations, which mobilised US women's active participation in colonial biopolitics and governmentality. It contends that white women as imperial feminists asserted their principled crusade and superiority over white men and brown women by becoming bearers of racialised heteronormative traditions and feminine respectability and becoming barriers to inter‐racial sexual relations. White women focused on the white male domains of military and government and on the colonial education of brown women. Ultimately, the article supplements the Spivakian claim that “white men are saving brown women from brown men”, which has become the quintessential narrative of colonial justification and redemption, with “white women are saving white men and brown women from each other”. Drawing on government, newspaper and school documents, the article engages feminist discussions on the role of women in empire and education.  相似文献   

Missionary girl power: saving the ‘Third World’ one girl at a time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deborah Ellis’s The Breadwinner is a popular young adult novel about Muslim girls. In this paper, we offer an analysis of the representation of Muslim girls and women in the book as well as responses from undergraduate students enrolled in a children’s literature course to these constructions. Building on the work of postcolonial feminism (specifically the concept of paternalistic care) and critical pedagogy (the role of popular cultural texts as education), we argue that The Breadwinner, and similar historical fictions aimed at youth, wittingly or unwittingly focus on the real and/or imagined plight of ‘other’ girls/women. These representations build upon a care ethic central to the project and history of schooling in the West that in turn results in the stabilisation of colonial relations of domination between white women/girls and colonised women/girls.  相似文献   

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