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目前大学生思想活动的多变性和差异性越来越突出,大学生的个性心理困惑和矛盾明显增多,班级是广大学生成长和发展的基本环境,是同学交往和联系的基本载体。构建班级管理,为他们组织和设计良好的班级平台,调动所有同学的积极性与创造性,才能做好班级工作,促进学生思想的工作的开展。  相似文献   

分析了高校课堂教学中普遍存在的沉闷现象,认为造成这种局面的原因是教师和学生双方都尽力维系课堂上的“和谐”气氛,害怕伤及对方的“面子”;提出了打破这种“和谐”,活化课堂教学的方法。指出要尽力消除师生双方的等级观念,拉近师生距离;教师和学生都要提高专业水平,使教师不再害怕学生提问,学生不再害怕回答错误,教学活动真正在活跃、轻松、动态的和谐气氛中进行。  相似文献   

课堂讨论是教学中一项经常进行的活动,教师的教学调控贯穿于课堂讨论的全过程,教师要充分运用心理学原理来设计教学活动,有效设计的课堂讨论应具有生成性和探索性.本文提出课堂讨论的十大心理学原则,说明课堂讨论的一般性特点和应遵循的科学框架.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe an internet‐based mass customization assignment in Operations Management/Supply Chain Management classes where students utilize the Web site of a company that offers a customized product. Students evaluate the user interface, judge the value proposition of the product they demonstrate, and discuss issues of product design, process design and scheduling, inventory management, Supply Chain Management, marketing, and competitors. The students learn about mass customization from both the producer's perspective and the consumer's perspective. Through their own research and the class presentations students are able to develop a better understanding of the implementation requirements and challenges of mass customization. The assignment is highly interactive and has been successfully used in Operations Management and Supply Chain Management courses at under‐graduate and graduate levels and at multiple universities. In addition, practitioners interested in implementing a mass customization process can use the assignment as a brainstorming or benchmarking exercise.  相似文献   

在学生工作中,班主任的言行会体现出对学生期望的差异,学生也能够通过班主任的言行感受到老师对自已的期望值,平时表现不突出的学生更加需要来自班主任的积极的期望。班主任期望的表现形式是自我实现预言期望和维持性期望。班主任应该在教育、管理中建立对学生积极的期望并通过各种方式间接表达出来,激发学生的积极性。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new type of latent class analysis, joint latent class analysis (JLCA), which provides a set of principles for the systematic identification of the subsets of joint patterns for multiple discrete latent variables. Inferences about the parameters are obtained by a hybrid method of expectation-maximization and Newton–Raphson algorithms. We apply JLCA in an investigation of adolescent violent behavior and drug-using behaviors. The data are from 4,957 male high-school students who participated in the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System in 2015. The JLCA approach identifies the different joint patterns of 4 latent variables: violent behavior, alcohol consumption, tobacco cigarette smoking, and other drug use. The JLCA uncovers 4 common violent behaviors and 3 representative behavioral patterns for each of 3 other latent variables. In addition, the JLCA supports 3 common joint classes, representing the most probable simultaneous patterns for being violent and being a drug user among adolescent males.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine whether class climate and class moral disengagement each contribute to explain different levels of victimisation among classes. Eight-hundred-and-ninety-nine children from 43 Swedish elementary school classes participated in the current study. Class moral disengagement, class relational climate and peer victimisation were assessed by a self-report questionnaire. In order to account for the clustered nature of the data with students nested within school classes, a multilevel regression model was analysed. Consistent with our hypotheses, and after controlling for age, gender and ethnic background at the individual level and class size and the proportion of boys at the class level, both class relational climate and class moral disengagement uniquely contributed to explaining the between-class variance in victimisation. Thus, the findings suggested that victimisation is less likely to occur in classes characterised by a positive, warm, fair and supportive relational pattern between children and between teachers and children, and by lower levels of class moral disengagement.  相似文献   

为了培养大学生的行政管理实践能力,行政管理专业班级的班主任,必须抓住班级生活的主要环节,培养大学生正确的生活实践观念,帮助大学生了解行政管理实践活动的基本关系。  相似文献   

高校班级管理者的误区是把自己作为管理者被动地去管理班级,因而缺乏主动性、积极性和创新性。在当今日新月异的变革中,辅导员要转变思维模式,学会用老板的思维经营班级,不但能成就学生,成就学校,成就社会,还能成就自己未来的事业,实现学生、个人、学校、社会四方共赢。  相似文献   

课堂教学是一个动态、生成的过程,是学生自主探究、主动发现问题的过程。有效生成是素质教育的要求,也是课堂教学的根源所在。在课堂上,活动的主体应是学生而不是老师,让他们带着问题参与课堂活动,并自主合作,探究学习,彰显课堂生命与活力,让课堂教学充满智慧的灵光。  相似文献   

为了减少大学教师的班级管理工作负担,应以管理学的授权理论为基础,建构大学班级授权管理模式,也就是教师先用适当的方法选拔、培训、任命和监督班干部,然后把班级日常管理工作的职权授予班干部,授权后教师只参加班级的重要事务和例外事项管理,以及保持对学生的激励和与学生的沟通。大学班级授权管理不但可以减少教师的压力,而且还可以改善班级管理工作绩效并培养学生的自我管理能力。  相似文献   

近年来大学生在英语课堂上使用手机已经日益成为一个普遍现象,大学英语课堂的权力格局发生了相应的变化。借助于福柯的权力理论,可以更清晰地考查学生、教师或学校之间由手机引发的权力网络的新态势,分析手机何以使学生有可能从课堂对身体的宰制中突围,如何对大学英语课堂既定的权力∕知识关系造成影响,进而探讨化解课堂危机的有效策略。  相似文献   

针对目前虚拟学习班级缺少活力,由师生共组的学习共同体欠凝聚力,缺乏有效的互动,师生尚未摆脱传统班级中权威-依存的层级关系,班级氛围不够活跃等问题,依托ZLMS(Z-Learning Managed System,上海卓浪通网络科技有限公司推出的以课程管理为中心、以学习活动为驱动的在线学习管理系统),分别从虚拟学习共同体的构建、学习领袖的生成、班级活动的设计、知识共享城堡的搭建、班级规范的设计以及班级文化的设计等多方面构建虚拟学习班级,以期能形成一个具有活力的、高度自治的、富有凝聚力的虚拟班级。  相似文献   

随班就读是指我国在普通教育机构中对有特殊需要的儿童实施教育的一种形式。对随班就读的学生除了按普通教育的基本要求教育外,还要针对随班就读学生的特殊要求,提供有针对性的特殊教育和服务,对他们进行必要的康复和补偿训练,努力使他们和其他正常学生一样学会做人、学会求知、学会创造、学会合作、学会健体、学会审美等。使他们在德、智、体、美、劳各方面得到发展,潜能得到开发,为他们今后自立、平等地参与社会生活,成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人打好坚实基础。  相似文献   

由于职业学校学生语文基础知识和基本能力普遍较差,只有增加语文课的趣味性,增强课堂教学效果才有可能提高其语文水平。课堂艺术运用得当可以活跃课堂气氛,集中学生学习的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,突出教学重点和难点,有利于迅速获取反馈信息。所以运用课堂艺术对于提高语文课堂教学质量有着很重要的关系。  相似文献   


This paper examines how drawing classes can contribute to moral education in primary schools. This paper uses class observation, interviews with teachers and students, and analysis of students’ work to highlight how the students articulate moral concerns by drawing and designing future-oriented architectures, which aims at preventing natural and social catastrophes. It suggests that the design of this drawing class provides new possibilities of doing moral education in China’s primary schools. The drawing class made possible the articulation of becoming moral subjects, which is able to integrate ‘harmony’ into the younger generation’s value system, world views and the possibilities they envision for themselves and human-nature relationships.  相似文献   

中等职业学校的学生大多数学基础较差,程度差异大.普遍对公修课尤其是数学课感到厌倦.把教学课授课内容与其专业相结合不仅能增加学生学习数学的兴趣,更能促进其专业素质的整体提高.  相似文献   

本文从对一节公开课教学片断的观察,通过与执教者的对话交流和对教学片断设计意图的分析,对阅读课教学的设计作了一些探讨,对阅读课中教师如何设计教学环节来提高学生的语用技能做了几点思考。  相似文献   

差生转化是班主任工作的永恒话题。特别是中职差生转化工作更是一项复杂、耐心细致的思想教育工作。班主任应特别关注差生成长,认真研究差生的表现,仔细分析差生形成因素,了解、帮助、关爱他们,满足他们正当需要,让他们感受到关爱和尊重,克服自卑心理和消极情绪,提高自我意识,正确认识自我,增强自信心,激发上进的动力,使他们在中职毕业后,以积极的心态面对社会。  相似文献   


Flipped classes are well-known for reversing the typical in-class lecture and out-of-class homework structure by instructing students to learn by themselves from on-line learning materials and inviting them to ask questions based on their individual difficulties in class. Many attempts at integrating this teaching method into English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms have proven to be beneficial to students’ learning achievement and motivation. However, there is little research on how to organize interactive, engaging and effective in-class activities for an EFL flipped classroom. In this study, a student response system (SRS) is proposed to support teachers in organizing in-class activities in a flipped class. To investigate the effectiveness of this approach, a quasi-experiment was conducted in an EFL classroom in an engineering school. The experimental group used the SRS to do in-class activities while the control group followed the conventional method. The results showed that the use of the SRS increased students’ learning motivation and self-efficacy in learning English grammar and improved their participation and engagement in the in-class activities of the flipped learning process. Furthermore, the questionnaire results showed that students accepted the SRS as an instructional method in an EFL flipped class. However, the use of the SRS was not effective in improving students’ grammar learning achievement.  相似文献   

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