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正我生在茂名南路,住的弄堂与文化广场一路之隔。从上世纪50年代到90年代,与文化广场做邻居三十多年。有人问我家在哪?我总说:住文化广场旁边。在我读的三个小学中,有两个与文化广场比邻相望:五年级在文化广场4号门对过的永嘉路小学,六、七年级在复兴中路茂名南路口的茂名南路第二小学。文化广场坐落在一个长方形区域里,南到永嘉路,北至复兴中路,  相似文献   

5月15日,来自本市18个区县和各市直系统的33个体育参赛队的1500多名运动员作为3万名专兼职档案人员的代表,在北京第一师范学校体育场英姿飒爽,龙腾虎跃.  相似文献   

AS museums respond to changing forces in our increasingly complex world, we who must make the changes find ourselves in the throes of discomfort and even conflict with formerly comfortable colleagues. We blame those on opposing sides of our views as obstinate, ignorant, or self‐serving. Why then does change invariably engender conflict? This article explores the underlying factors — the world‐views that each of us brings to the table — and presents a model of archetypes that hints at where museum professionals might fit. The aim is to expose the existence of fundamental differences in how each one of us approaches change so that we can navigate through disagreements, retain professional relations, and contribute positively to our museums.  相似文献   

前些日子<北京档案>编辑部的同志曾经到家里来访问过我,所以今天能有机会跟大家一起来参加<北京档案>出版一百期的座谈会,我感到非常的高兴.  相似文献   

党的十七大报告在总结改革开放以后特别是十六大以来我国取得巨大成就及丰富经验的基础上,对科学发展观进行了准确界定和深刻论述,进一步阐述了“科学发展观第一要义是发展”的重要意义。为发展几经拼搏亲历亲为的河南广播人.联系河南电台近几年在科学发展观的统领下,实施跨越式发展战略的实际.更是深切地感受到.发展是广播媒体的生存之本、命运所系。  相似文献   

曹希平 《情报学报》2000,19(3):276-279
人类有大量活动离不开地理信息 ,故提高地理信息的利用效率有着重要的意义。数字地球是网络环境下高效利用地理信息的一种设想 ,也是未来地理信息系统的模式之一。作者介绍了地理信息系统在网络环境下的特点和趋势 ,并探讨了我国地理信息工作现代化的主要任务。  相似文献   

正曾在上海市普陀区粮食局工作的孙林祥先生,真是有心人,在长期从事计划票证与粮籍管理工作之余,一直辛勤搜寻、潜心研究各类票证档案,编著了《中国票证大观》《中国粮票珍品鉴赏》等图集。2003年,因工作关系,笔者荣幸获赠两书。大16开铜版纸彩色印刷,洋洋洒洒400余页,不要说仔细翻阅,端起来都会觉得手臂酸痛。于是,它们就静静立在书柜里成了摆设。此次笔者为撰写"改革开放40  相似文献   

国外著作权补偿金制度对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国外著作权补偿金制度的发展历程及其主要内容进行简要的概述,通过对国外著作权补偿金制度的了解,引起对我国导入著作权补偿金制度的思考,并从我国导入著作权补偿金制度的必要性和可行性两方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

档案利用规律告诉我们:一定时期,一定背景下,某方面档案可面临较大的利用需求.而这里最为关键的是看准机遇,抓住机遇. 近半个世纪前的1949年10月1日,毛泽东主席亲手启动电钮将第一面五星红旗升上高空,随后,一句庄严的话语震撼寰宇:"中华人民共和国中央人民政府已于本日成立了!"  相似文献   

This article describes initiatives undertaken by one academic medical library to support patrons using handheld mobile devices. These initiatives included efforts to assist patrons with installation and use of mobile information resources, educate librarians regarding content and navigation of mobile apps and websites, and leverage tools to promote the library in a mobile environment.  相似文献   

Kay Chadwick 《Media History》2015,21(4):426-442
This article focuses on representations of Britain to occupied France by the BBC French Service via its flagship programme Les Français parlent aux Français [The French speak to the French]. It first examines the establishment of the service and the formulation of a British propaganda strategy on occupied France. It then explores the service's efforts to foster French belief in Britain as France's friend and ally, and to rationalise key issues and incidents which challenged that narrative. Simultaneously, it positions French Service endeavours alongside the propaganda delivered on French national radio, known as Radio Vichy, in order to explore the exchanges about Britain between French propagandists who spoke on behalf of different Frances. In so doing, the article provides a close reading of the original French Service broadcasts which covers a larger corpus of material than has hitherto been documented in published collections, and which extends existing knowledge on the topic.  相似文献   

This article introduces a selection of presentations from the 21st International Rights Directors Meeting held at the 2007 Frankfurt Book Fair It offers an overview of a variety of issues related to negotiating digital rights, in particular, and the development of digital publishing, in general. Topics covered include current business models, opportunities for licensing, and methods for negotiating contracts. Publishers are sanguine about the possibilities; though acknowledge that the digital rights business is still in its formative stages. Agents and author advocates are concerned that digital advances may lead to devaluation of writer’s works. Downloadable audiobooks have already created a new market, though e-books have yet to gain traction and are awaiting a device or software application that make them available to a wide audience.  相似文献   

日历最初为史官逐日撰写的有关朝政事务的史册,后发展为记有年、月、日、星期、节气、纪念日等的出版物,在民众生活中扮演着重要角色.后受电子产品冲击,日历逐渐在人们的生活中消隐.当下,其又以"日历书"的形式复兴,呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势,并体现出创意与图书的"无缝对接"、众筹营销、竞争日趋激烈等特点,对其进行分析与解读,有助于我们更好地认知这一出版形态以及其带来的影响与启示.  相似文献   

借这次中国广播电视学会第四届理事会议闭幕会的机会,我就当前广播影视的重点工作谈点意见。  相似文献   

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