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More than ever, people are seeking substance use disorder treatment during the adolescent and young adult stages of development. Developmentally, many of these young adults new to recovery are in the process of making career decisions that may require attendance at a college or university. However, the collegiate environment is not conducive to a recovery lifestyle. Since the 1980s, several colleges and universities have implemented Collegiate Recovery Programs, offering students “safe havens” where they can obtain support from other students in recovery and from staff while they pursue a college education. The collegiate recovery programs have been successful at graduating students and supporting their recovery. Today, there are more than 75 collegiate recovery programs already established or in the process of development, serving more than 500 students across the United States. Although the various programs offer different types of services, each one seems to be having some type of success based on the research thus far. This article describes the emerging adult population of recovering college students, the history of Collegiate Recovery Programs, and what they offer.  相似文献   

Servant leadership is a leadership style complementary to a lifestyle of recovery from a substance use disorder. Across the country, thousands of students in recovery from substance use disorders are pursuing higher education. Support for students in recovery is increasing, primarily through collegiate recovery programs (CRP) that are being implemented to support student recovery, education and personal development. Servant leadership has been used successfully by many business, organizations, religions, and educational systems. In the 1960s, Robert Greenleaf brought new attention to the concept when he began writing about his observations and experiences in the business world. According to Greenleaf, many businesses and organizations had lost sight of their role and responsibility to serve others. The main philosophy of servant leadership is service to others, and through service, others will look to the one serving for leadership. This article is intended to share elements of servant leadership and how these elements can be implemented into a CRP to promote and foster the growth and development of students in recovery.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法,研究美国大学校际体育竞赛联合会(简称NCAA)管理规章制度建立机制,期望为中国大学生校际体育运动竞赛组织管理制度建立机制的完善提供一些有益的参考。NCAA为保障该联合会运动竞赛计划的顺利实施,建立了非常完善的管理规章制度建立机制。该联合会设立了不同层次的立法组织机构、制定了一系列关于立法权和立法程序的相关条款,形成了比较完善的管理规章制度体系。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法,研究美国大学校际体育竞赛联合会(简称NCAA)管理规章制度建立机制,期望为中国大学生校际体育运动竞赛组织管理制度建立机制的完善提供一些有益的参考。NCAA为保障该联合会运动竞赛计划的顺利实施,建立了非常完善的管理规章制度建立机制。该联合会设立了不同层次的立法组织机构、制定了一系列关于立法权和立法程序的相关条款,形成了比较完善的管理规章制度体系。  相似文献   

在全球化背景中,对高层次应用人才有着旺盛需求的态势,中国高校商科专业硕士教育发展迅猛,质量水平参差不齐,需要关切高校商科专业硕士教育的质量保障和评估活动。在比较不同商科专业硕士教育的专项质量评估的基础上,对高校商科专业硕士教育质量标准化的内涵与外延进行辨析,从我国商科专业硕士教育实际出发,择取我国高校商科专业硕士教育质量标准化评估的指标体系,对我国高校商科专业硕士教育质量标准化评估活动提出发展建议。  相似文献   

Positive Transitions for Student Athletes is a program designed to address the psychosocial and career‐related issues surrounding the inevitable sport retirement transition faced by the majority of collegiate athletes. A rationale for the development of sport retirement programs is provided, as is the Positive Transitions program and outcome data.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to determine whether interest test results obtained upon entering Ferris State College could differentiate between 30 successful graduating and 30 nonsuccessful students in collegiate technical programs. A “t” test of significance was used to analyze the differences between means on 46 subscales of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank. The successful male collegiate technical students had significantly higher mean scores on the architect, dentist, mathematician, physicist, engineer, aviator, carpenter, and policeman subscales. The nonsuccessful male students had higher mean scores on the forest service, personnel director, social science teacher, social worker, musician, sales manager, real estate sales, and life Insurance sales subscales. The findings suggest that successful and nonsuccessful male collegiate technical students may be differentiated on the basis of an interest measure.  相似文献   

Studies of collegiate success and attrition are generally conducted at the all-college level. The definition of academic programs that are homogeneous in the abilities and interests of their students and the grading standards of their faculties may lead to more accurate prediction of success and more effective control of attrition.
Homogeneous curricular groups were defined via Ward's hierarchical grouping analysis applied to curricular means on high school percentile rank, four ACT subscores, first semester GPA, and 16 Kuder scores. Programs so defined differed on scientific-verbal and competitive level dimensions. Prediction of grades was more accurate within programs than colleges. Drop and transfer rates were correlated with discriminant scores.
The programs are discussed as promising units within which differential selection and placement strategies might reduce attrition.  相似文献   

Collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) provide support for students in recovery from substance use disorders. Little research exists examining factors relevant to this population, making it challenging to prioritize recovery and educational goals. This study used a national sample (N = 80) of students involved in CRPs to investigate the relationships among self‐stigma, quality of life, psychological health, and vocational expectations. A regression model revealed these factors to explain 34% of self‐stigmatizing views in this sample.  相似文献   

Although the Collegiate Recovery Community is increasingly seen as the treatment modality of choice for students in recovery, relatively few such programs have been established on small residential campuses. In this article we examine the possible reasons for this reluctance and suggest ways in which the standard model for a Collegiate Recovery Community, as represented by its three benchmark programs, can be modified and adapted to better fit the small residential campus environment. We summarize the problem and review the concept of a Collegiate Recovery Community, and we then explain and recommend 1) a bottom-up initiative for planning and 2) scaled-down resource demand and utilization. We provide a 5-point plan for a “bottom-up, scaled-down” Collegiate Recovery Community on a small residential campus.  相似文献   

校际文化素质教育选修课的开设既有利于大学生综合素质的提高,又有利于学校优秀课程的建设。湖南大学与湖南师范大学充分发掘校际资源共享的有利条件,进一步整章建制,突出特色,监督管理,建立校际选修课的教务管理信息系统,加强对教学过程的管理,强化选课和学习指导,完善校际文化素质教育选修课优质资源共享,建立校际共享文化。  相似文献   

学分制教学管理如何既能标识学生学习的量,又能科学地体现学生学习的质,是高校教育管理工作者一直关注的问题。文章简要介绍了目前我国一般高校学分制教学管理中普遍使用的标准积点分计算方法,并在此基础上提出修正因子概念,举例论证了经修正因子修正后的标准积点分可以使不同课程、不同学生的成绩更具有可比性。  相似文献   

Community college graduates from all disciplines seek the opportunity to earn a four year degree. No longer do these potential transfer students earn their associate degree studying the traditional “transfer program.” Unfortunately, transfer for many of them means the loss of credit and being required to complete more than two years of additional full time collegiate study.

Many colleges and universities provide no special access programming for associate degree holders transferring to baccalaureate degree programs. Where access has been addressed, it often means an articulation agreement has been drawn up between two institutions. However, in a few cases “plus two” or “capstone” programs have been created which provide access to the holders of any associate degree without loss of credit. At question is whether such programs actually provide access to a four year degree with the completion of an additional two years of full time study. This research study addresses that concern.  相似文献   

对泉州师院学生在体育活动中的运动损伤的现状进行了调查分析,结果表明:篮、排、足三大球是运动损伤的主要项目;课外体育活动是运动损伤的主要高发时段;技术动作不正确、准备活动不充分和局部负荷过大等是造成运动损伤的主要原因,并指出:提高学生的运动技术技能水平,加强运动保健知识的教育是预防或减轻大学生运动损伤的重要方法。  相似文献   

海南国际旅游岛建设需要英语功底扎实的信息技术服务人才。高校信息技术服务人才培养中,英语教学存在课程体系失衡、语言能力测评机制不够全面和客观、忽视语言应用能力和跨文化交际能力培养等问题。要解决这些问题,应增加英语应用能力课时和课外学习活动;允许用国内外语言测试和比赛成绩作为能力评估参考;引进原版教材并加强双语教学。  相似文献   

高校图书馆与通识教育刍议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通识教育是大学教育重要的教育观念和模式。高校图书馆是高校的文献信息中心和大学生重要的学习活动中心,文章分析了通识教育的意义和高校图书馆在通识教育中的优势及作用,并提出了进一步发挥高校图书馆在通识教育中的作用的若干思路。  相似文献   

大学文化是大学建设发展的文化土壤,是大学间相互区分的基本标识。建设和发展优秀大学文化已经成为现代大学核心竞争力的重要组成部分。然而长期存在的主体性、结构性、组织性、建设性等难题严重制约了大学文化的建设和发展,损伤了大学文化在引领大学发展进程中的前沿地位和应有价值。从文化的多元性入手探究大学文化建设的基本规律,选择适合大学自身特点的文化建设,将是全面提升大学文化品位和质量的应然路径。  相似文献   

大学生的课外阅读倾向与教育对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对泉州师院学生的课外阅读情况进行调查,分析了高等院校学生课外阅读的倾向及其产生的原因,建议学校要切实加强学生的学习目的和专业思想教育,图书馆要切实加强学生课外阅读的指导.为培养未来社会的合格人才.充分发挥图书馆的作用.  相似文献   

关于加强高校国有资产管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校的国有资产是发展我国高等教育的物质基础和保障,加强和完善高校国有资产的管理,是高校管理中一个新的课题。本文从高校国有资产的状况及管理中存在的问题出发,提出了加强高校国有资产管理的一些措施和办法。  相似文献   

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