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部分OECD国家高校财务危机与治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着规模扩大、社会角色增多、政府补贴减少,世界范围内许多高校可持续发展能力正经受着日益严峻的考验,甚至面临财务危机.对此,部分OECD国家进行了积极的应对,并在完善政府拨款方式、引导高校拓宽资金来源渠道、重新定位政府与高校的关系等方面开展了卓有成效的工作.  相似文献   

The following section is devoted to financial reform in higher education. As mentioned earlier, the reform in higher education in the 1985 decision was mainly one of decentralization, granting universities more autonomy in their administration and finance. The two aspects, which should have gone hand in hand, did not see parallel developments. The general shortage of funding (apart from the very necessary recurrent expenditures such as salaries) made administrative autonomy almost a burden. The autonomy was further hampered by the political incident in 1989 when the experiment of the "President Accountability System," as symbolic of party-administration separation, practically came to a halt. The autonomy notion, however, did give rise to numerous innovations in resource mobilization that are similar to those in technical/vocational education, but on a much larger scale. By the mid-1980s, most higher education institutions in China virtually relied on all kinds of joint ventures and external services to cover their nonrecurrent costs and staff benefits. As readers will see, the documents in this section are mainly on the financial implications of all kinds of unprecedented funding mechanisms.  相似文献   

梁文艳 《天中学刊》2011,26(1):18-24
面对经济危机给公立高校造成的经费困境,美国联邦政府积极调整高等教育财政政策,通过加大高等教育投入、改进高校学生财政资助政策、加大对高校基础科研和科技创新的经费拨款、推动以职业教育为导向的两年制学院发展等措施,美国的高等教育取得了长足的发展。在我国正式颁布《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》,并着手制定"十二五"教育规划的过程中,我国的高等教育财政政策应借鉴"他山之石",作出战略性、前瞻性的部署。  相似文献   

在扼要分析我国高等教育财政拨款体制特点的基础上,本文着重探讨了高校政府拨款模式的主要特点及存在问题.我国现行高校政府拨款模式主要是"综合定额+专项补助",这一拨款模式操作比较简便,但它所依据的政策参数较少,也缺乏公共问责和绩效考评机制,因而难以激发高校的办学积极性.今后高校政府拨款体制改革应该以绩效考评和公共问责制为指向.  相似文献   

England has a two-sector system of higher education and further education. Shaped by legislation in 1988 and 1992, the architecture of this system was intended to concentrate each type of education in separate institutions and separate sectors. In recognition of these different missions, each territory came under different funding and regulatory regimes, with little or no movement of institutions anticipated between sectors. These arrangements continue, although Government policy is now to support and expand higher education in further education colleges. This policy turnaround is part of a larger strategy or experiment to change the future pattern of demand for, and supply of, undergraduate education. However, the college contribution to this new higher education is neither co-ordinated nor protected. Rather, further education colleges compete as well as collaborate with institutions in the higher education sector, under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and dependency.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have addressed how state authorities and public funding bodies control, regulate, steer, supervise or oversee higher education institutions. There are fewer studies on how higher education institutions respond to the actions of the mentioned authorities. States have aimed at increasing the autonomy of higher education institutions. At the same time institutions are expected to generate social benefits and economic growth. There is an endless tension between a policy that will strengthen the autonomy and simultaneously retain a space for state steering. The Finnish polytechnic and university sectors have very different origins from which their financial autonomy takes its shape. This article sheds light on how six Finnish polytechnics aspire to enhance their financial autonomy. The polytechnics operate under two separate steering systems, the state and local owners, and both of these actors exercise their own steering. This article shows that polytechnics are willing and able to enhance their financial autonomy. They calculate their advantages and habitually engage with the Ministry of Education or their owners depending on the case in question. The financial autonomy of polytechnics does not culminate in a form of diversified funding sources, but as balancing between the two masters on whose resources they are heavily dependent.  相似文献   

The authors, two French specialists on the financing of higher education, reflect on the conclusions they drew in an article, "Rethinking the Financing of Post-Compulsory Education", which they published in this review ten years ago. As they foresaw, higher education funding became increasingly based on mixed sources with students being required to pay a greater share of the costs of their education. But mechanisms to make cost sharing increasingly equitable have been refined. At the same time, the determination of actual costs per institution, per course programme, and even per course has become increasingly accurate, and funding is increasingly taking into account the verdict of performance indicators of various kinds. The funding of research is being increasingly differentiated from funding for teaching/learning. Across the board, higher education institutions have had to do more for less.  相似文献   

民办高校现已成为我国高等教育体系的重要组成部分,对民办高校进行财政资助是促进其发展的重要举措。基于历史制度主义的分析视角发现,自改革开放以来,我国民办高校财政资助制度历经初步形成、法制化建设、多样化发展以及差别化扶持四个阶段,其制度变迁深受宏观制度环境、民办高校发展受重视程度以及财政资助目标转变的影响,变迁过程中存在路径依赖现象,在整体上呈现出以诱致性变迁为主、强制性变迁为辅的变迁逻辑。后续民办高校财政资助制度的发展,将注重经费投入增加与支出结构优化相协调、充分体现财政杠杆的三重作用、平衡好财政资助的效率与公平。  相似文献   

在高等教育领域,随着入学率的不断提高和教育成本的快速上涨,政府资金难以单独支撑高等教育的发展,所有国家都在寻求非政府资金来分担一部分教育成本,高等教育成本分担成为世界性的趋势.然而,高等教育财政是极其复杂的,与成本分担政策相关的一系列问题仍需厘清,包括学生与家庭分担的成本比例问题、学费问题、学生贷款问题等.本文分十个命题详细讨论了上述问题,试图以此指出并廓清高等教育财政政策中存在的普遍误解.  相似文献   

随着金融体制与教育体制改革的不断深入,教育机构与金融机构的关系也越来越紧密。通过对金融融入高等教育产业的必要性与可行性等方面进行深入探讨,并对高等教育投资的收益以及对经济增长作用较为全面的研究分析,结合发达国家的成功经验,对今后金融业如何加大对高等教育产业的支持,促进高等教育发展,最终为经济发展作出贡献,提出了一些建议及对策。  相似文献   

高等教育公平与学费政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育学费政策取决于政府效用与教育公平的匹配情况,当存在完善的贫困生资助制度时,二者能在一定程度上得到兼顾,高学费、高资助政策是满足激励相容条件的最优选择.但就我国当前而言,由于资助制度不完善,高学费仍会冲击教育公平,政府必须通过高财政投入来控制学费水平.此外,高等教育的个人收益率有较大不确定性,应据此制定差异化学费政策.  相似文献   

This article describes the changing face of institutions of higher education in Russia in comparison with other countries. It is shown that the ratios of funding sources for higher education in Russia are similar in structure to those in other countries. However, the absolute amounts of funding from these sources are three times less in Russia than the level of the OECD countries. We analyze the following two strategies that Russian universities have used to cope with reduced public funding: diversification of sources of income and changing the structure of expenses. These strategies have been borrowed from the experience of foreign universities that have reformed their financial management. We identify the following main trends in the financing of Russian higher education: concentration of support on leading universities, reliance on public support for higher education as a main source of funding, and the weak use of public-private partnership mechanisms as well as endowment funds. We provide an assessment of the impact of these trends on the economic position of universities.  相似文献   

中国大众化高等教育财政政策及其改革问题探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
社会主义市场经济体制建立以来,中国的社会经济发展进入了快车道,GDP持续稳定增长。社会经济发展对高层次人才的需求推动着高等教育由精英教育向大众化教育发展,高等教育财政状况、财政政策和管理体制也随之发生了显变化。高等教育财政改革为高等教育发展提供了重要的财力支持和政策保障,但也存在一些亟待解决的问题。本从公共财政角度,分析评价中国当前高等教育财政政策、经费筹措情况及存在的主要问题,并提出公共财政框架下促进大众化高等教育发展的一些财政政策建议。  相似文献   

论德国高等学校科研经费筹措的现状、问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨明 《比较教育研究》2007,28(12):71-75
德国高等学校的科研经费制度是由基本资助和科研项目资助组成的双轨制,第三渠道经费来源多样化且极富特色.德国高等学校科研经费筹措中的主要问题是:与非大学系统相比,高等学校的科研竞争力有所下降;宏观和微观方面的科研资助组织体系尚不够健全;科研经费管理制度缺乏一定的灵活性.当前德国高等学校科研经费筹措的主要改革举措包括:逐步增加高等学校科研经费投入的数量和比例,促进地区和高等学校间科研经费投入的均衡化,促进科研直接成本和间接成本的相匹配并提高使用效率.  相似文献   

1996 年,南卡罗来纳州议会通过“359 法案”确立绩效拨款制度。该绩效拨款制度面向所 有州公立高等院校, 由州高等教育委员会主要负责制定、解释和修订绩效评价体系和绩效拨款方 式,开展绩效评价工作。通过绩效拨款,南卡州公立高等院校在公共责任和教育质量方面都有所改 善,但其并未解决财政拨款充足问题,且在教育质量与教育效率、绩效评价体系应用等方面存在一 定的问题。  相似文献   

国家财政预算内拨款仍是我国高等教育经费的主要来源,但正在逐年下降。与此同时,非财政性教育经费占总经费的比例越来越大。在非财政性经费来源中,事业收入是主要渠道。1999年普通高校开始的大规模扩招没带来充足的教育经费供给,加之财政不堪重负,导致了生均预算内事业费明显下降。从高校生均事业费指数可以看出,我国近些年来为提高资源使用效率而采取的一系列举措,取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

何雪莲 《比较教育研究》2012,34(1):18-22,38
自1989年苏东剧变之后,转型国家高等教育实行双重市场化:公立高等教育机构市场化;私立高等教育开始建立。公私立高等教育机构在行为和精神气质方面越来越接近,不少转型国家在财政资助和质量保证方面对公私立高等教育机构也越来越一视同仁,以至于出现了公私莫辨现象,通常区分公私立的标准——所有权归属、资金来源、政府监管力度和机构使命——在转型国家高等教育面前失去了辨别效力。  相似文献   

英国高等教育在从精英教育迈向大众化、普及化的进程中,英国政府及高校通过制定走向扩招的入学政策、探索多元入学途径、建立招生服务机构,形成了以扩大参与为导向的高等教育入学政策。与此同时,英国政府也通过立法保证公平入学,并通过成立公平入学办公室、建立公平入学论坛、采取经费资助入学等方式,形成了一套行之有效的公平入学的政策。英国高等教育的这种扩大参与、公平入学二者兼顾的入学政策取向,为英国院校的入学政策带来巨大影响,也值得我们反思与借鉴。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展与完善,以实现高等学校财务管理的法制化、规范化、科学化、制度化为目标,建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的财务管理制度,坚持依法理财,从严治财,强化财务监督,严肃财经纪律,加强对高等学校办学经费的筹集和使用的管理,充分发挥和提高教育经费的使用效益。  相似文献   

论高校教育经费筹资渠道及方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前中国高校教育体制改革的深入,高校办学自主权的扩大,办学模式的转变机遇和挑战并存给高校带来资金困难的现状,提出了高校应改变观念,积极探索新的筹资渠道,以缓解高校经费紧张的局面,从而使高校在保证社会效益的前提下,努力提高经济效益,最终实现高校以较低的人力、财力、物力的投入,培养更多更优秀的人才的办学目标。  相似文献   

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