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杨闻宇的历史散文创作,根系秦中,立足陇上.对于这一方经过周、秦、汉、唐,直至现代,历史积淀极其深厚的熟土,他怀善美之诗情,藏现实之忧患,叙历史之沧桑,用求新之笔墨,吟咏出一系列"熟悉而陌生"的篇章.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to encourage researchers in distance education to utilize, when appropriate, methodologies successfully used by sociologists and anthropologists. Specifically, the main strengths and weaknesses of ethnography, case study, and grounded theory are discussed. It is argued that these methods can improve the quality of conceptualization and theoretical development in research, thus contributing to the development of distance education as an academic discipline.  相似文献   


This article is both a personal response to Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and an examination of the concept within literature of making the strange familiar and making the familiar strange. It discusses the educative force and potential of Beckett’s strangers in a strange world by examining my own personal experiences with the play. At the same time the limitations of Beckett’s theatre are explored through the contrast with the work of Berthold Brecht, who sought to make the familiar strange as a method of political enquiry to facilitate the transformation of the capitalist state. Parallels are drawn between the possibilities of both theatre and education as tools for social transformation and change.  相似文献   

History,philosophy, and science teaching: The present rapprochement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper traces the use of, and arguments for, the history and philosophy of science in school science courses. Specific attention is paid to the British National Curriculum proposals and to the recommendations of the US Project 2061 curriculum guidelines. Some objections to the inclusion of historical material in science courses are outlined and answered. Mention is made of the Piagetian thesis that individual psychological development mirrors the development of concepts in the history of science. This introduces the topic of idealisation in science. Some significant instances are itemised where science education has, at its considerable cost, ignored work in philosophy of science. Arguments for the inclusion of the history and philosophy of science in science teacher education programmes are given. The paper finishes with a list of topical issues in present science education where collaboration between science teachers, historians, philosophers, and sociologists would be of considerable benefit.  相似文献   

功能主义传统与比较教育方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
功能主义与比较教育方法论的关系随着时代的发展而呈现出不同的风貌。本文分别从早期功能主义、现代功能主义与新功能主义三个阶段来展现比较教育学者在不同阶段汲取功能主义理论和方法的努力,并探讨功能主义作为一个多元的社会理论流派对比较教育方法论的启示。  相似文献   

论学校道德教育的生活空间   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生活空间是影响学校道德教育的一个重要因素。个体的道德发展不仅具有时间上的发展性,也具有空间上的迁移性(情境性)。学校道德教育应该通过反思性道德学习,帮助学生形成初步的道德智慧,为学生适应在熟悉与陌生、虚拟与现实的空间中穿行的现代生活做准备。  相似文献   

One of the major tasks of educational psychologists is the writing of reports. Often, all involvement, assessment and intervention culminate in the production of a report. This paper explores critically the tensions involved in writing reports which are closed down in their conformity to requirements of different bodies, while looking for possibilities of openings in this closure. We acknowledge that report-writing is caught in the economies of exchange and the impossibility of gift-giving, based on the writing of Jacques Derrida. This paper will draw upon a small qualitative study of seven experienced school psychologists, and using a Derridian framework, it makes the familiar strange and the strange familiar [Biesta, G., J. Allan, and R. Edwards. 2011. “The Theory Question in Research Capacity Building in Education: Towards an Agenda for Research and Practice.” British Journal of Educational Studies, 59 (3): 225–239.] on the process of report-writing.  相似文献   

Under today's conditions of rapid social modernization, adults concerned to keep their balance while striving for authentic identity are constantly confronted by the need to redefine where they stand with respect to the familiar and the strange. Here the task of adult education, as an institutionalized presence, is to explore links and to offer mediation, to interpret and to decipher. Indeed, one of its central leading paradigms today is interculturality. How, then, can adult education, as a vocational group and as a specialized field, attain and increase its proficiency in matters connected with intercultural and international communication and co‐operation? The following study attempts to trace out the background historical conditions against which such endeavours are likely to succeed. A large number of documents are reviewed in order to reveal relevant patterns of reciprocal perception, understanding and misunderstanding. The advantage of this research perspective is that it brings out the intricate way in which transnational endeavours of a cultural or pedagogic nature are bound up with the wider field of international relationships, such as these developed in the course of recent British‐German history.  相似文献   

依据命题的结构特点,精心地构造一个“数学模型”,把陌生的问题转化为熟悉的问题,把未解决的问题转化为已解决的问题。  相似文献   

2—3岁的孩子离开了朝夕相处的父母和长辈,离开了熟悉的家庭生活环境,来到一个陌生的幼儿园。面对陌生的老师,陌生的小朋友,陌生的环境,他们哭闹无所适从、情绪不稳定是普遍存在的现象。对此,家长要积极引导,提前帮助孩子建立对幼儿园的兴趣。入园前要注意培养孩子的听话能力,说话表达能力,使其在刚入园时,不会因为表达而焦虑。入园后家长还要端正态度,坚持不懈地送孩子入园。幼儿园老师亲切和蔼,平易近人的态度也是孩子尽快适应幼儿园生活的一种方法。  相似文献   

Marxist sociology of education has been criticised in recent papers by Hickox and Hargreaves. It is argued that these writers largely misunderstand and misrepresent the work they criticise. Hickox attributes a position to Marxist sociologists of education which few, if any, now hold. Hargreaves makes a more powerful case, but is insufficiently familiar with Marxist scholarship to grasp the nature of the Marxist project.  相似文献   

英语语言象其它语言一样,既是社会发展的产物,也是反映社会的一面镜子.英语语言中一些词法、词义和句法现象在一定程度上反映了西方社会存在的性别歧视现象. 语言学家、人类学家、社会学家甚至心理学家们都看到了英语日常交际中存在的性别差异,并积极地从各个角度寻找成因.在众多关于性别差异成因的解释中,"优势说 "和"差异说"被广为关注."优势说"将女性日常交际中的语言特点归因于女性附属性的社会地位;"差异说"则否定了"优势说",从男女不同的成长亚文化背景中寻找性别差异形成的原因.两种解释分别都有可取之处,因此,有必要将二者结合起来,形成一种更加完整和完善的解释.  相似文献   

主观范畴的“意”和客观范畴的“境”,它们在绘画“情景交融”的生发过程中,所产生的共鸣,是艺术家和欣赏用他们的生活经历、思想感情、审美理想去补充、再塑造的艺术意象。  相似文献   

柔婉清雅又丰厚多姿的吴地民间音乐对于当代中学生来说既熟悉又陌生,优秀吴文化传承的根应该在学校,研究吴地民间音乐融入中学校园,要从挖掘地方音乐教学资源入手,加强吴地音乐的课程化研究,在交流与实践中引导学生在熟悉的旋律中引起亲切的情感共鸣,让吴方言的民间曲调、歌谣能代代传唱下去,在全球化过程中留下吴文化的精、气、神,留住民族的根。  相似文献   

This article focuses on attempts to understand how the curriculum and pedagogy can help to reduce inequalities in the outcomes of schooling between those from higher and lower socio-economic backgrounds. In the 1970s, the author was involved with Michael F.D. Young and others in the development of the so-called 'new' sociology of education. Much of this work entailed laying bare the assumptions underlying the school curriculum and demonstrating how the selection of school knowledge was implicated in the reproduction of social inequalities. During the 1980s in England the curriculum was overtly politicised by the Thatcher government but the interests of sociologists of education moved increasingly away from the sociology of school knowledge to focus instead on the sociology of education policy. This paper identifies a recent tendency on the part of sociologists of education to return to the 'knowledge question'. In particular, it examines Young's own role in this and his attempts to revisit and revise of his earlier position. Contemporary developments in curricular policy in England and Northern Ireland are then outlined and discussed. Finally, the paper considers whether the work of Basil Bernstein, particularly his concepts of classification/framing and recognition/realisation rules, might help us to address one of the prevailing political problems of many modern education systems — the systematic failure of socially disadvantaged pupils to perform well at school.  相似文献   

"陌生化"(Defam iliarization)由20世纪俄国形式主义者什克洛夫斯基提出。所谓"陌生化",就是"使之陌生",将日常熟悉的事物加以艺术处理,使之与审美主体保持一定距离,从而使主体获得陌生美感。这一原则可以很好地概括英国17世纪的玄学派诗人在诗歌创作方面的艺术追求,同样也适应于玄学派代表人物约翰.邓恩所创作的散文。以《悖论》(Paradoxes)为例可以阐释玄学思维和陌生化表达在约翰.邓恩散文中的体现。  相似文献   

The theme of this presentation concerns the potential beneficial effects of children's illnesses on their behavioral development. Illnesses of a minor nature such as colds and gastrointestinal upsets are frequent events in the lives of all children at every age, but are most frequent in the preschool period. They are generally not life threatening and are managed within the family, day-care center, or school. These illnesses, like other life perturbations, can expand children's personal and social experiences in ways beneficial to their behavioral development. They provide many opportunities for children to increase their knowledge of self, other, prosocial behavior, and empathy, as well as a realistic understanding of the sick role. This knowledge is gained, not only from their personal feelings and social experiences while ill, but also by their observations of siblings, parents, and peers as they become ill and recover, often in quick succession after their own experience. This important subject has seldom been studied from a developmental point of view. The conceptualizations as presented are based on the author's clinical experiences and the existing related research. It is the author's hope that in the future developmental psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, and other behavioral scientists will study children's illnesses as part of normal behavioral development.  相似文献   

萨林斯的论文集《历史之岛》从不同的文化秩序中理解独特的历史实践。从结构与历史的辩证思考中,阐释了地方社会的宇宙观、本体论对于历史实践过程中不同关系的建构。在文化系统中,不同的事件产生不同的意义,从而强化或者改变不同关系的范式,使其稳定或者转型。历史来自结构,又修正结构,结构与历史并存于一种不可分割的牢固整合中。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(3):103-108
The presumption of mainstream schooling and the removal of core status for foreign language learning at Key Stage 4 are presenting new challenges to our ideal of foreign language learning for all. In the current climate, the case for including children with special educational needs in foreign language classes has to be made with greater clarity than ever. In this article Hilary McColl considers what foreign language learning is really for and how we can justify its inclusion in the curriculum of all our young people. She suggests that for all learners, whatever their ability, foreign language learning only makes sense if it is set within the context of the communities that use the language, and that for some learners these twin concepts of ‘communication’ and ‘community’ can only be understood if we make explicit links between what is distant‐and‐strange and what is close‐and‐familiar. She asks whether the courses we currently offer can achieve the outcomes we say we desire, and suggests what steps we need to take to make them more fit for purpose.  相似文献   

论社会结构变迁中“差序格局”的解构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
传统中国的"差序格局"在社会结构变迁中出现了向现代社会结构演变的趋势,它在人们社会生活中表现出来的特征逐渐为现代社会所湮没,即由传统的熟人社会向陌生人社会,礼治社会向法治社会,传统家庭结构向现代家庭结构,人们社会地位的获得主要依赖先赋条件向自致条件的演变.  相似文献   

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