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历史人物的评价,是史学界着力研究和讨论最多的问题之一。帝王将相、文人学士、技艺百工、农民领袖等等,全面地涉及到,其中以政治人物居多。如秦始皇、曹操、武则天、岳飞、海瑞、李秀成等。曾都是众说纷纭的著名人物,而论者褒贬毁誉,至有天壤之别。近年,随着理论战线拨乱反正,重新评价了许多历史人物,进一步探讨了人物评价的一些基本理论。现择要作一综述。一、阶级分析阶级社会中,任何个人都是一定阶级关系和阶级利益的承担者,任何个人的盾动,都受到所属阶级和社会阶级斗争情势的制约与规定。研究和评价历史人物,应该而且必须进行阶级分析。以“教条”、“框框”为由,拒绝或贬低阶级分析,是错误的。但简单化的唯成份论、公式化的贴阶级标签、以阶级“义愤”取代科学分析以及阶级斗争万能沦等等,都不是科学的阶级分析。把阶级分析仅仅理解为判别历史人物的阶级归属,不去考察社会阶级斗争形势对历史人物的孕育与规定,也是片面的。阶级分析不是评判历史人物功过是非的标准,而是一个基本观点与方法,它应当是把阶级社会的一切历史人物及其活动,无例外地归纳到  相似文献   

<正>诗词中的人物形象除了作者的自我形象(抒情主人公形象)以及其他人物形象两类之外,还有一类特殊的人物形象,即人物群体形象。所谓人物群体形象是指在某些方面相似,相同或具有相同特征,境遇,地位等的一群人或一类人的形象。人物群体形象既有外在的,但更多的是内在的反映与深华。由于诗词的内容,语言等方面是高度凝练的,篇幅  相似文献   

(一) 刘少奇同志在其“人的阶级性”一文中说: “在阶级社会中,一切的人们是作为阶级的人而存在的”。阶级社会没有超阶级的个人,个人的思想行动又是阶级利益的表现,因此我们不可能离开阶级来评价历史人物,也不可能离开思想行动来空谈历史人物。但是个人在阶级社会中,由于经济地位的消长或别的关系,他的阶级成份是可能转化的,现实社会如此,历史人物所处的社会也如此,当然有有意识和无意识的巨大区别。因此我们评价历史人物,必须掌握这个客  相似文献   

“十七年”文学的阶级审美标准是以权力主体对阶级社会中不同阶级的划分为前提,并借鉴中国传统面相学原理及相应的道德判断得以确立的,这使得“十七年”文学身体形象的书写打上了阶级话语和中国传统文化道德训诫的双重烙印,并形成了“十七年”文学中人物身体形象描写的类型化、脸谱化的特征.“身体形象”在“十七年”文学中基本上是表达人物阶级属性的一种工具和符号,它由外在的阶级分类所赋予,并不和人物的内在精神世界发生关联.  相似文献   

传统教材以政治史为主线,强调历史人物的阶级属性。新课程标准下的教材以模块的形式编写,可以说是政治史、经济史、思想文化史三分天下。在学生学习过程中,对几个历史人物的阶级属性模糊不清,不利于分析这些历史人物的历史活动,不利于对这些历史人物的正确评  相似文献   

周琛 《文教资料》2010,(2):143-145
本文通过分析几种中学生在历史学习中在历史人物评价问题上经常出现的误区.提出了教师应该引导学生遵循四个方面的原则.即评价历史人物不能脱离社会背景。应将其放到当时特定的社会背景下来判断;要考虑历史人物的阶级属性,任何阶级只为本阶级的利益服务;要辩证、全面地分析历史人物.要看其一生的主流;人民群众是历史的创造者,英雄人物只能影响历史.不能创造历史。  相似文献   

《西厢记》描写叛逆的爱情。崔莺莺的叛逆,不仅要触动她所属的那个阶级,而且她首先要背叛反映在她的思想性格中的她所属的那个阶级的习性、教养和观念。莺莺是勇敢的,虽然也有软弱;她的胜利是双重的。  相似文献   

孔子是我国春秋末期顽固维护没落奴隶制度的反动代表人物,是二千多年来一切反动统治阶级奉为神圣不可侵犯的最高反动精神权威。“孔孟之道”,本来就是没落奴隶主阶级的意识形态。然而,地主资产阶级的代表人物刘少奇、林彪一类骗子,乞求于孔子的亡灵,把“孔孟之道”乔装打扮成什么“马列主义”,大肆叫嚷孔孟的“德”、“忠恕”、“仁义”是什么“历史唯物主义”。难道这仅仅是单纯的滑稽可笑、荒谬无知吗?不是的,绝对不是。这是极其严肃的两个阶级、两条路线的斗争在哲学上的尖锐反映。他们妄图把二千多年来极其腐朽的剥削阶级意识形态重新恢复过来,作为向无产阶级进攻的武器,为他们的反革命复辟目的服务。因此,为了识破林彪一类骗子尊孔的反革命阴谋,为了战胜剥削阶级的反  相似文献   

创造典型系列是《子夜》的杰出成就。典型系列是“大规模描写中国社会现象”和“人物是本位”的必然是不同阶级阶层群体的再现,是单个典型与系列整体的辩证统一.典型系列的特点在于互补性、直观性,充分正示了逻辑思维在茅盾小说创作中的重要作用。  相似文献   

徐美燕 《文教资料》2007,(34):153-156
《汤姆·琼斯》是菲尔丁的代表作之一,在这部小说中,作家塑造了形形色色各个阶级的众多人物,且很多人物都性格鲜明,人物是小说成功的重要条件。本文主要叙述了菲尔丁在《汤姆·琼斯》中塑造人物方面的特点。  相似文献   

辛亥革命时期乡村民变的特点及成因探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辛亥革命时期是近代中国社会变动非常明显、社会矛盾非常尖锐的时期,中下层民众的反抗活动很频繁。这些反抗活动呈现出广泛性、低质性以及过渡性的特征。这些特征的形成有各自的原因,造成民变广泛性的原因主要是当时民众的死亡恐惧和文化归属感的幻灭;造成民变低质性的原因主要是由于民众落后的权威崇拜;造成民变过渡性的原因主要是由于时代和阶级关系变动所致。总之,民变特点是由经济的、政治的、文化的各方面因素综合作用的结果。它从一个侧面反映了近代中国社会变迁的复杂性。  相似文献   

The effects of teacher-delivered social reinforcers on the task persistent behavior of children enrolled in an intermediate class for the educable mentally retarded were studied. These children were grouped with a regular fourth grade class during a social studies period in which the study was conducted. The special education children were randomly divided into two groups, with seven children in each group. Using a reversal design, social reinforcers were delivered contingent upon the task persistent behavior of the seven target children. The seven youngsters in the control, or nonreinforcement, group were essentially ignored as they engaged in appropriate task-related behaviors. The results clearly show that increases in the level of task persistent behavior and the administration of social reinforcement were functionally related. The level of task persistent behavior emitted by the control children was not affected by reinforcement delivered to their peers.  相似文献   

Thirty-six mothers whose children had been abused were interviewed and compared with 36 mothers matched for social class and ethnic background. The abuse group mothers had lower self-esteem than the comparison mothers as judged by their desire that their children should not grow up to be like themselves or their partners. They were also less likely to discuss their problems with other people. They were less likely than the comparison mothers to have been brought up by their own parents. They had significantly more negative feelings than the comparison mothers towards their fathers when they were children and these negative feelings persisted into adult life. It is important that emphasis on treatment programs for these mothers should be placed on building up self-esteem and skills in interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

《金瓶梅》用现实主义的笔触塑造了形形色色的市井妇女形象,明代中晚期经济的转型所带来的人文思潮的涌动,促进了她们自我意识的觉醒,她们以身体欲望的满足来展示生命存在的价值,追求平等权利和个人尊严。但根深蒂固的伦理文化的拘囿和所处社会环境的影响,又使这种有限的觉醒带有不可避免的盲目性和局限性。  相似文献   

河汾诸老是金朝诗歌发展过程中一个重要的作家群,他们生活在金元之际,经历了朝代鼎革的社会大动荡,亲身体验了惨痛的现实,产生了深沉低徊的忧患情怀.他们忧患社会动荡、生灵涂炭,忧患自己的艰难处境,更有黍离之悲、故国之思的家国忧患.  相似文献   

The social class attainment gap in education is now attracting an increased level of concern. Despite the efforts of the British New Labour government to address the continuing underachievement of working class pupils in England, there has been little progress. This paper reports on one aspect of a wider research study carried out in an Initial Teacher Education department in which this persistent educational problem was explicitly addressed. In this study student teachers were prompted to explore their own understandings of social class and underachievement by acting as school‐based researchers. The data collected by the student teachers revealed both silence and resistance surrounding social class in educational contexts. They identified social class and underachievement as overlapping constructions that were inextricably linked to the perceptions and practices of the teacher. Importantly, in reflecting on their experiences of the research process the student teachers were able to identify significant implications for their own future professional practice. This paper concludes by emphasising that Initial Teacher Education (ITE) provides an important context in which to raise social class issues and to ensure that student teachers are effectively prepared to recognise and address the institutional barriers to learning faced by underachieving working class pupils.  相似文献   

Individuals with social phobias fear evaluation of their performance in social situations. They have a simultaneous need for self-control and for the acceptance and approval of others. Due to the frequency of evaluation of performance in the university setting, students are an especially vulnerable group. Being conscientious and often perfectionistic, their overwhelming fear of disapproval or failure in specific social situations is accompainied by autonomic fear responses and a despair of never finding a coping technique. In this paper suggestions are made for attitudinal change and for both some well-known and orginal techniques for behavior revision. A special psychotherapeutic style is suggested which is appropriate for working with students during the relatively brief period of time they are in college.  相似文献   

近代人力车夫群体意识探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人力车夫是伴随着人力车的传入而出现的一个新的城市下层社会职业群体。该群体由城市贫民、进城农民和其他失业人员构成,人数众多,具有素质低和流动性、分散性等特点。他们通过相互之间的微弱联系和与外界的比较形成了同行意识、同乡意识和穷人意识等初级的群体意识。经过知识界的启蒙和共产党的教育,他们的群体意识提升到阶级意识、民族意识的高度,并为了无产阶级的解放、为了捍卫国家和民族的利益进行了积极的斗争。文章指出,人力车夫群体意识的提升有赖于本阶级的认同,社会的接纳,国家的帮助,有赖于启蒙、灌输、培养。人力车夫所带来的社会问题的解决,需要全社会对他们更多的理解、同情、关怀和引导。  相似文献   

农民工和城市社会的关系分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农民工在城市社会处于底层地位,与城市居民的关系不够亲密和融洽,城市居民身份意识非常淡薄,尚未融入城市社会。“城乡分治”的二元社会结构、城市的社会歧视、各种正式组织对农民工的关注和容纳不够、农民工社会网络关系的匮乏及自身的局限性是造成这一状况的原因。应该破除城乡分割的二元社会形态,清除并杜绝任何针对农民工的歧视性和排斥性政策与做法,将农民工纳入其居住的社区和所在地区的工会组织中,实现农民工社会关系网络由内聚式团体网络向开放式团体网络的转变,加强对进城农民工的引导和教育。  相似文献   

This article reports on Phase 1 of a pilot programme on self-management of behaviour with challenging class groups of students as part of the evidence-informed practice of the National Behaviour Support Service. The Alert Program is a structured active learning programme using an engine analogy. The person’s engine runs on high, low or just right for the task in hand. The focus of this first phase of the pilot was on the appropriateness of module content, teaching approaches, resource materials and classroom management strategies. Eighty-five first year students (aged 12–13 years) and four teachers in four second level partner schools in areas of social disadvantage were involved. Trial 1 offered five class sessions and Trial 2 offered eight. Phase 1 was occupational therapist led with class teacher support. Perceptions from teachers and students were gathered by questionnaires. Teachers reported that the content and class management strategies were appropriate. Students gained an understanding of their behaviour and identified self-management strategies for use in the class. They recommended that all teachers working with the class group should be familiar with the language and techniques of the programme to reinforce learning. Feedback from 85% (72) of students confirmed that the learning tasks were considered by the majority to be enjoyable and relevant. The group of students perceived to be the most challenging gave the most positive scores, and 100% of these indicated their intention to use their new self-management strategies in class. The positive results led to Phase 2 of the pilot in which teachers took the lead role with occupational therapist support in a national pilot in 16 schools in areas of social disadvantage.  相似文献   

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