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Introduction What's Driving Your Instructional Cost? Faculty Compensation Faculty Productivity Financial Commitment to Tenure Summary Are There Cost Savings in Academic Libraries? Acquisition Costs Technology Impact on Academic Libraries Outsourcing in Academic Libraries Summary Can Plant Operations and Facilities Continue to Be Ignored? Deferred Maintenance Outsourcing Energy Management Summary Is Research a Facilitator or Barrier to Cost Containment? Sponsored Research University-Sponsored Research Direct and Indirect Cost Factors Summary Can University Student Services Remain Viable with an Increasing Cost Structure? Student Aid Administration Student Activities Supplemental Educational Services Summary External Cost Factors: Are States' Policies for Higher Education Institutions Helping or Hindering Cost Containment Opportunities? Assessment and Accountability Performance Funding and Budgeting Restructuring Summary Conclusion and Recommendations Summary of Chapter Issues (Were the Questions Answered?) Final Comments Notes  相似文献   

The Road Map to Cost-Efficiencies of Online Learning Why Be Interested in Cost-Efficiencies? The Framework for Unraveling Research on Cost-Efficiencies Tools for the Journey Necessary Assumptions Who Should Be Interested? The Road Ahead Research on the Elements of Online Learning Terms to Aid Our Understanding The Elements: Development, Delivery, and Administration The Cost of Development: Higher for a Reason The Cost of Delivery: The Potential for Lowering Costs The Cost of Administration: Transforming the Business of Higher Education Cautions and Other Necessary Points Research on the Factors of Online Learning Students Are Key Faculty Are Essential Other Staff Are New Costs Instructional Design Is the Gold Mine Content Is a New Opportunity Policies Are Needed Looking Ahead What Does It Mean for Institutions and States? Are the Institution and the State Ready? What Should Institutions Do? What Should States Do? What Do We Know? What Research Is Needed? What We Know Today The Holes The Elements The Factors The Research Challenge References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

The Status of Diversity Enrollment The Role of Student Characteristics The Challenge of Involvement Theories of Involvement Cultural Pluralism Intergroup Relations Demography Summary Institutional Responses to Diversity Approaches of Successful Institutions Summary Implications: An Expanded Focus Organizing for Diversity: Fundamental Issues Diversification of Faculty and Staff Mission and Values Dealing with Conflict The Quality of Interaction on Campus Educating for Diversity The Perceived Conflict Between Access and Quality The Changing Climate Assessment and Implications Institutional Assessment Research Coordination Among Sectors National Issues Costs and Commitment Leadership Conclusion Appendix: Institutional Characteristics References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Introduction Postsecondary Attainment Economic Implications of Low Educational Attainment Organization of This Monograph Demographic, Social, and Cultural Background A Demographic Dividend? Ethnic Subgroups Cultural and Social Influences Summary Classic and Contemporary Theories of Latino Identity Development Ethnic and Racial Identity Development in College Students Supporting Latino Students in Identity Development Summary Challenges to Latino Student Success Casting Success Within a Broader Societal Context Role of Resources Summary Mainstream Approaches to Latino Student Success Academic Capital Financial Capital Cultural Capital Social Capital Summary Culturally Responsive Approaches to Latino Student Success Family Concerns Assumptions About Latinos' Background and Potential Campus Racial/Ethnic Climate Conclusion The Role of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Access and Equity Historical Background and Funding of HSIs Students in HSIs Faculty and Administrators at HSIs Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions Challenges for HSIs Summary Conclusion and Implications Role of Demographics and Social and Cultural Factors Developing Culturally Responsive Research, Policy, and Practice Institutionalizing Strategies to Serve Latino Students Teaching and Learning in the Classroom Role of Finances Collaborative Research Role of State Legislators and Policymakers Role of Federal Representatives and Agencies Final Thoughts References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

尤金·鲁宾(Eugene Rubin)博士,现任美国马里兰大学大学学院(University of Maryland University College,UMUC)管理和技术研究生院远程教育硕士教学计划主任。此前,他曾经在加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学(Athabasca University)担任研究生导师长达十二年之久。鲁宾博士在远程教育和培训、教育技术、教学设计和课程开发与实施等方面拥有宽厚的知识和经验。他负责主持的在线远程教育硕士学位教学计划已经赢得了多项荣誉奖励,其中包括2003年度远程教育实践界优秀教学计划UCEA奖(UCEA Award for Program of Excellencewithin the Distance Education Community of Practice)和2003年度斯隆-C(Sloan-C)最优异的在线教学项目奖(Sloan-C MostOutstanding Online Teaching &Learning Program)。马里兰大学大学学院也因此在2004年2月召开的国际开放与远程教育协会(ICDE)第21届世界大会上获得了成就突出机构奖(ICDE Prize of Excellence for Institutions)。  相似文献   

Introduction Levels of Institutionalization Overview of the Volume Intended Audience The Four Domains of Scholarship: Toward a Rethinking of Scholarly Role Performance Perspectives on Scholarship Before Boyer Contemporary Perspectives on Boyer: Concurrence and Criticism Assessment of Faculty Scholarship in Boyer's Four Domains The Scholarship of Application Service to the External Environment Service to the Institution The Function of the Scholarship of Application in the Scholarship Action System Faculty Engagement in the Scholarship of Application The Scholarship of Discovery The Function of the Scholarship of Discovery in the Scholarship Action System Faculty Engagement in the Scholarship of Discovery The Scholarship of Integration What Is the Scholarship of Integration? The Function of the Scholarship of Integration in the Scholarship Action System Faculty Engagement in the Scholarship of Integration The Scholarship of Teaching Perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching The Teaching Portfolio Post-Boyer Perspectives The Function of the Scholarship of Teaching in the Scholarship Action System Faculty Engagement in the Scholarship of Teaching Factors Affecting the Institutionalization of a Broader Definition of Scholarship Factors Affecting Structural Level Institutionalization Factors Affecting Procedural Level Institutionalization Factors Affecting Incorporation Level Institutionalization Approaches to Altering the Academic Reward System Essential Attributes of Tenure and Promotion Systems Administrative and Faculty Involvement Criteria for Altering the Assessment of Scholarship Specification of Forms of Scholarship for the Four Domains An Initial Recommendation Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Study and for Institutional Policy and Practice Summary and Discussion of Findings Conclusions Recommendations for Institutional Policy and Practice Recommendations for Further Study Closing Thoughts Appendix A: Faculty Professional Performance Study Appendix B: The Inventory of Scholarship  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments Introduction The Concepts and Mechanics of Fundraising Understanding How Endowments Work Significance of Contemporary Philanthropy in Higher Education The Great Wealth Transfer An Organizational Guide to the Rest of the Monograph The Influence of Philanthropy on American Higher Education British Support for the Creation of American Higher Education Support from the American Colonies Influence of Individual Donors Issues of Donors' Control Giving as a Collective: Alumni Giving and the Beginning of Systematic Solicitation Conclusion Who Is Philanthropic? Philanthropy by Nontraditional Donors Overview of the Landscape African American Giving and Philanthropy Latino Philanthropy Asian American Philanthropy American Indian Philanthropy Conclusion Women and Philanthropy Volunteering Giving Decisions Among Couples Organizational Choice Conclusion What Guides the Study of Philanthropy and Fundraising? Motivations Conclusion Engaging Students and Young Alumni: The Importance of Cultivating the Next Generation of Donors Giving Across the Generations Engaging Youth in Philanthropy Who Gives? Adding Science to the Art of Fundraising: The Power of Using Data in Fundraising Strategy A Critical Look at Philanthropic Giving Conclusion and Challenges for Future Research Notes Appendix A: Fundraising Mechanics Appendix B: Philanthropic Research Resources References Supplemental Bibliography Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments Women's Status in Higher Education: Background and Significance Guiding Assumptions and Questions Historical Context Legislative and Policy Initiatives Women in the Curriculum Scholarship Organization of this Monograph Framing Women's Status Through Multiple Lenses Why Theory? Why Feminist Theory? Multiple Frames Summary Examining Women's Status: Access and Representation as Key Equity Indicators Women's Access to Postsecondary Education Representation of Women Students in Higher Education Cocurricular Representation Graduate Students Faculty Women Staff in Higher Education Women and Governing Boards Summary Examining Women's Status: Campus Climate and Gender Equity Classroom Climate Climate Beyond the Classroom Climate for Women Staff, Faculty, and Administrators Salary Equity Summary Advancing Women's Status: Analyzing Predominant Change Strategies Organizing Schemes Enhancing Gender Equity Summary Implications and Recommendations Recommendations for Further Research Implications Recommendations for Practice Summing Up References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments Dedications Introduction, Context, and Overview of the Volume The National Context: Important Trends in Racial Demographics and STEM Fields The Urgency of Fostering Minority Students' Success in STEM Purpose and Overview of the Volume Key Concepts and Definitions Limitations of the Volume The Current Condition of Minority Students in STEM The Impact of Race and Racism on Minority Students' Success in STEM Factors in K–12 Education That Influence the Success of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students in the STEM Circuit The Link Between Academic Preparedness in K–12 Education and Minority Students' Success in STEM K–12 Contributors to the Insufficient Academic Preparation of Minority Students in STEM K–12 Factors That Promote the Success of Minority Students in STEM K–12 Initiatives That Contribute to Preparedness and Success Among Minority Students in STEM Conclusion Factors That Influence Success Among Racial and Ethnic Minority College Students in the STEM Circuit The Role of Colorblind Meritocracy and Affirmative Action The Impact of Economic Influences The Impact of Minority-Serving Institutions and Selective Institutions The Impact of Campus Environments The Impact of Institutional Agents The Impact of Psychological Factors The Impact of STEM-Specific Opportunity and Support Programs Conclusion Implications for Future Research, Policy, and Practice in STEM Education The Racial and Ethnic Minorities in STEM Model Implications for Future Research Implications for Future Policy Implications for Future Practice Conclusion Notes Appendix: The K–16 STEM Education Model References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

质量保证在远程开放教学中起着至关重要的作用。电子技术的普及使得更多的学生能够参与到学习中。远程教学已经由教师为中心转变成以学生为中心,此外借助最新的技术,教学质量也得到了很大的提升,远程教学可以通过印刷品、音频、视频或者数字媒介提供各种课程,而且互联网、卫星、微波设备以及光学纤维都可以保证教学内容的有效传输。如今教学质量已成为全球关注的问题,因此,本篇论文研究影响远程开放教育教学质量的不同因素,以求在不断变化的全球局势中满足学生需求。在如今这样的竞争环境中,除了教学活动和学习项目,学习项目的实施以及学习资源中心(学习中心)的建立也对确保教学质量和学生满意度有着十分重要的作用。在以知识为主导的社会中,远程开放教育院校利用不同的教学方法,对整个教育起着至关重要的促进作用。远程开放教育院校在教与学的过程中特别针对不断变化的全球情况,采取了多样的方法。通过在教学进度和课程选择上提供适当的灵活性,教学设计更容易被学生所接受。学生可以了解整个课程的设置从而在保证终身学习的同时,更能准备好迎接具有竞争力的就业市场的挑战。  相似文献   

特里·安德森(Terry Anderson)博士是位国际知名远程教育专家。目前任职加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学教授,同时任职设在该校的加拿大全国远程教育研究会的主席。安德森教授在远程教育和教育技术领域涉猎广泛,发表了大量的研究论文,并于近期与他人合著出版了两本新书:《电子研究:方法、问题和战略》(E-Research:Methods,Issues and Strategies),《21世纪的电子学习:研究与实践的框架》(E-Learning in the 21stCentury:A framework for research and practice)。 安德森博士是当地阿尔伯特省、加拿大乃至国际远程教育组织的积极参与者。他主要承担着远程教育硕士教学计划的教育技术课程,并具体负责主持着若干教育技术应用方面的研究课题。 安德森博士同时兼任《加拿大远程教育杂志》(Canadian Journal of Distance Education)、《教育中的互动媒介杂志》(Journal of Interactive Media in Education)、《国际远程教育研究评论》(International Review of Research in DistanceEducation)、《高等教育中的国际互联网》(Internet in Higher Education)、《加拿大学习与技术杂志》(The Canadian Jour-nal of Learning and Technology)等采用同行评审制度的多种学术杂志的编辑评审委员会成员。  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments Dedications Introduction, Context, and Overview The Importance of Workforce Diversity in Higher and Postsecondary Education Literature and the Integrated Review Chapter Overviews Status of Ethnic and Racial Diversity in College and University Administration Academic Leaders Student Affairs Administrators Conclusion Barriers Encountered by Administrators of Color in Higher and Postsecondary Education Legal and Conceptual Frameworks Established Barriers for Administrators of Color The “Double Burden”: A Barrier Specific to Women of Color Conclusion Factors Influencing Engagement, Retention, and Advancement for Administrators of Color Employment Challenges Success in Corporate America: Lessons for Higher Education Role of Leadership Programs The Importance of Mentoring What Universities Can Do What Individual Administrators Can Do An Emerging Model Conclusion Concluding Remarks Regarding the Importance of a Racially Diverse Administrative Workforce Emergent and Aggregate Challenges for Administrators of Color Directions for Future Research Implications for Practice Conclusion Notes References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Contemporary Contexts for Service: The Engaged Campus The Many Meanings of Service Forces Shaping Contemporary Calls for Engagement Engagement as a Response to these Challenges and Trends The Role of Service in Engagement The Legacy of Service in Higher Education The Colonial College (1636–1770) The Denominational College (1770–1860) The Research University (1860–1945) Mass Education (1945–1975) The Contemporary Era (1975–present) Conclusion Internal Service: Faculty at Work as Institutional and Disciplinary Citizens Service to the Campus Service to the Discipline Service to Students The Difference That Difference Makes Conclusion External Service: Faculty at Work Meeting Societal Needs A Word About Nomenclature Extension Consulting Service-Learning Community-Based Action Research Community and Civic Service The Difference That Difference Makes Linking Service to Scholarship Definitions of Scholarship Scholarship of Engagement Assessment and the Scholarship of Engagement Faculty Motivation and the Scholarship of Engagement Scholarship of Engagement in Practice An Integrated View of Faculty Work Moving Toward Engagement: Policy Questions and Their Responses Recommendations for Research and Practice  相似文献   

Understanding and Facilitating Organizational Change in the 21st Century: Recent Research and Conceptualizations Distinctive Contribution Focus of the Monograph Audience To Change or Not to Change? Providing a Common Language for Understanding Organizational Change What Is Organizational Change? Diffusion, Institutionalization, Adaptation, Innovation, and Reform Forces and Sources Degree of Change Timing of Change Scale of Change Focus of Change Adaptive/Generative Intentionality: Planned Versus Unplanned Change Response Time: Proactive and Reactive Active and Static Target of Change: Change Process and Outcomes Summary Theories and Models of Organizational Change Typology of Organizational Change Models Evolutionary Teleological Life Cycle Dialectical Social Cognition Cultural Multiple Models Summary Appendix Understanding the Nature of Higher Education Organizations: Key to Successful Organizational Change Interdependent Organizations Relatively Independent of Environment Unique Organizational Cultures of the Academy Institutional Status Values-Driven: Complex and Contrasting Multiple Power and Authority Structures Loosely Coupled Structure Organized Anarchical Decision Making Professional and Administrative Values Shared Governance System Employee Commitment and Tenure Goal Ambiguity Image and Success Summary Higher Education Models of Change: Examination Through the Typology of Six Models Evolutionary Teleological Life Cycle Dialectical Social Cognition Cultural Multiple Models Summary Research-Based Principles of Change Promote Organizational Self-Discovery Realize That the Culture of the Institution (and Institutional Type) Affects Change Be Aware of Politics Lay Groundwork Focus on Adaptability Facilitate Interaction to Develop New Mental Models and Sensemaking Strive to Create Homeostasis and Balance External Forces with the Internal Environment Combine Traditional Teleological Tools, Such As Establishing a Vision, Planning, or Strategy, With Social-Cognition, Symbolic, and Political Strategies Realize That Change Is a Disorderly Process Promote Shared Governance or Collective Decision Making Articulate and Maintain Core Characteristics 120 Be Aware of Image Connect the Change Process to Individual and Institutional Identity Create a Culture of Risk and Help People to Change Belief Systems Realize That Various Levels or Aspects of the Organization Will Need Different Change Models Know That Strategies for Change Vary by Change Initiative Consider Combining Models or Approaches, As Is Demonstrated Within the Multiple Models Summary Future Research on Organizational Change References  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Overview Defining Interdisciplinarity The Disciplines, Interdisciplinarity, and the University Interdisciplinarity, Learning, and Cognition Interdisciplinarity and the Practice of Research Faculty and Institutional Structure: The Conflict of Interdisciplinarity Best Practices Related to Interdisciplinary Education Implications for Practice and the Future of Interdisciplinarity Defining Interdisciplinarity Conceptualizing the Disciplines Conceptualizing Interdisciplinary Knowledge Conclusion The Disciplines, Interdisciplinarity, and the University The Historical Influence of the Disciplines on Teaching and Learning Interdisciplinary Initiatives in Twentieth-Century American Higher Education Conclusion Interdisciplinarity, Learning, and Cognition The Disciplinary Basis of College Student Learning Defining Interdisciplinary Curricula in Higher Education Conclusion Interdisciplinarity and the Practice of Research Challenges to the Practice of Interdisciplinary Research Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education Conclusion Faculty and Institutional Structure: The Conflict of Interdisciplinarity Interdisciplinarity, Faculty, and Change in Higher Education Achieving Institutional Goals and Interdisciplinary Faculty Engagement Fostering Faculty Connections Across Institutional Boundaries Modifying Activity Systems to Encourage Interdisciplinarity Conclusion Best Practices Related to Interdisciplinary Education Dedicated Organizational and Physical Space Student-Centered Pedagogy Focus on Problem- or Theme-Based Learning Curriculum Shaped Through a Variety of Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences Culminating Capstone Project or Student Portfolio Focus on Collaborative Learning Rather Than Mastery of a Particular Content Use of Independent Study, Internships, and Experiential Learning Goal of Preparing Students for a Complex, Modern Interdisciplinary Future Conclusion References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Overview A Profile of Community College Faculty Full-Time Faculty Part-Time Faculty Conclusion Faculty Work in the Context of the Community College The Community College's Missions and Students Role Expectations for Full-Time Faculty Members Role Expectations for Part-Time Faculty In-Service Training and Professional Development Job Satisfaction Conclusion Dimensions of the Community College Faculty Career Preparation to Become a Community College Faculty Member Entry Requirements The Search Process Career Stages Conclusion Institutional Factors Affecting Community College Faculty Work Life Background Collective Bargaining Faculty Involvement in Shared Governance Other Institutional Factors Extrainstitutional Factors Affecting Work Life: Legislative Actions Conclusion Looking to the Future: The Status of Community College Teaching as a Profession Characteristics of a Profession and Professionalization Is Community College Teaching a Profession? Possible Future Influences on Faculty Professionalization Conclusion A Fresh Look at Community College Faculty Challenges in Understanding Community College Faculty Conclusions Note References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Considering the Third Sector: The New Prominence of For-Profit Higher Education Why Now? Taking Aim The Target Organization of the Volume From the Beginning: Development of For-Profit Higher Education in the United States Eras of For-Profit Higher Education The For-Profit Sector Today Institutional Diversity: Classification of the For-Profit Sector A New Classification Elements of the Classification Types of For-Profit Institutions Continuing Difficulties with Classification Shareholder Owners: Defining an Era History of Shareholder Institutions Current Owners Implications of the Wall Street Era Measure of Success: Students in the For-Profit Sector Historical Perspectives National Datasets Current Trends Student Outcomes Student Motivation, Experiences, and Campus Life Remaining Questions The Academic Mission: Teaching and Learning in the For-Profit Sector Curriculum Faculty Do Students Learn? External Approval: Accrediting the For-Profit Sector Background on Accreditation History Regional Accreditation For-Profit Accrediting Agencies Regional Accreditation of National Institutions Creating the Playing Field: State and Federal Regulation State Oversight Federal Oversight Diploma Mills Current Regulatory Issues Reflections and Future Direction Research Agenda Conclusion Notes References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments The Development of Doctoral Students: Phases of Challenge and Support Why Do We Need to Understand Doctoral Students' Development? Why Have Doctoral Students Been Forgotten? How Do Doctoral Students Develop? A Model of Doctoral Student Development Organization of the Monograph Student Development Theory: A Primer Defining Student Development Psychosocial Development Social Identity Development Racial Identity Development Cognitive Development Conclusion Understanding Doctoral Education Doctoral Degrees and Their Purposes The Structure of the Doctoral Program Today's Doctoral Students Key Constituencies in the Doctoral Program Phase I: Entry Challenge: The Initial Transition Support: Orientation Challenge: Coursework Challenge: Changes in Thinking Challenge: The Transition from Undergraduate to Graduate School Expectations Support: Initial Relationships with Peers and Faculty Student Departure in Phase I Conclusion Phase II: Integration Challenge: Coursework Support: Peer Relationships Support: Advisor Relationship Challenge: Examinations Challenge: Changing Role Student Departure in Phase II Conclusion Phase III: Candidacy Challenge: Transition to Candidacy Challenge: The Dissertation Experience Challenge: Isolation Support: The Dissertation Advisor Challenge: The Job Search Challenge: Transition to Professional Role Student Departure in Phase III Conclusion Summary and Recommendations Implications for Phase I Implications for Phase II Implications for Phase III Implications for Future Research Conclusion Appendix: Details of Research Conducted to Construct the Model References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary Academy Defining Academic Entrepreneurialism Whence Academic Entrepreneurialism? Overview of the Volume Theoretical Traditions of Entrepreneurship Theorizing Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, Individuals, and the Environment Summary The New Economy and the Entrepreneurial Academy An Overview of the Entrepreneurial Economy Higher Education in the New Economy Academic Capitalism and Entrepreneurship Critiques of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Summary Contemporary Issues in the Entrepreneurial Academy Resource Constraints and Dependencies: Research Universities Beyond Research Universities Beyond Profit Seeking: Social Entrepreneurship Beyond Research: Entrepreneurship and the Teaching Mission Summary Entrepreneurship Education The Emergence and Expansion of Entrepreneurship Education Activities and Outcomes of Entrepreneurship Education Summary Professional Implications and Future Research Directions Public Policymakers Institutional Administrators Faculty Students References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

This article describes the Engineering Professors' Conference (EPC) approach to quality assurance for Higher Education Institutions, which is currently the only formalized alternative to British Standard 5750 'Quality Systems'. The EPC approach is based on principles of quality assurance and Total Quality Management which have been developed in industry. These ideas are briefly outlined, and an opinion expressed on the interpretation and application of BSS7S0 for HE. The EPC model is explained, illustrated with example elements taken from the EPC Specification and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. A top-down approach to the development of an institutional quality system is described, based on a quality policy statement. Areas of activity which have an important impact on the quality of education are identified, emphasising the quality assurance requirements of academic departments. Supporting and administrative quality system requirements are also described, as these also play an important role in the quality of education. Formal quality procedures and documentation in key areas are proposed.  相似文献   

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