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本设计采用单片机制作点阵显示屏,可用于滚动显示文字信息,可根据各种场地制作合适尺寸的显示屏,制作简约、安装简便、操作简单.  相似文献   

等离子显示技术并非近年才有的新技术,早在1964年美国伊利诺斯大学,就成功研制了等离子显示平板,但那时的等离子显示器为单色。等离子显示屏PDP是一种利用气体放电的显示装置,这种屏幕采用等离子管作为发光元件,大量的等离子管排列在一起构成屏幕,每个等离子管对应的每个小室内都充有氖氙气体。在等离子管电极间加上高压后,封在两层玻璃之间的等离子管小室中的气体,会产  相似文献   

排名全球第三、国内第一的显示器件厂商彩虹集团10月20日宣布,由其建设的国内第一条液晶玻璃基板生产线全线贯通,成功生产出我国首块第五代液晶玻璃基板。此举打破了国外公司对该产品的垄断,结束了我国液晶玻璃基板全部依赖进口的历史,标志着我国显示器件产业由传统产品向新型高端领域的突破。  相似文献   

10月6日,我国等离子体显示技术取得重大进展:通过863计划的攻关,我国不仅掌握了具有自主知识产权的荫罩式等离子体(PDP)显示技术,而且研制成功34英寸高清晰、全彩色、荫罩式等离子体平板显示器,42英寸技术正在攻克之中。  相似文献   

排名全球第三、国内第一的显示器件厂商彩虹集团10月20日宣布,由其建设的国内第一条液晶玻璃基板生产线全线贯通,成功生产出我国首块第五代液晶玻璃基板。此举打破了国外公司对该产品的垄断,结束了我国液晶玻璃基板全部依赖进口的历史,标志着我国显示器件产业由传统产品向新型高端领域的突破。  相似文献   

液晶功能膜的性能是由PDLC材料的结构、组成等决定的,通过设计制作液晶显示屏的创意产品项目式教学,让学生认识和理解结构决定性质的原理,并进行材料初步设计。设计制作液晶显示屏的创意产品是“设计制作液晶显示屏”项目式课程的一部分,是以现实生活中真实科学家的科研成果为基础,挖掘科学家在科研过程中要解决的问题、解决问题的思路和方法等,并以此为参照,按照“三步走”策略,将科研成果转化为科学课程的实践。  相似文献   

超薄液晶显示器(LCD)模块在经历了热压键合后,由于驱动芯片和玻璃基板之间的温度差异较大,会引起一定程度上的翘曲,并最终导致连接点界面分层现象的发生,影响器件连接可靠性。用实验的方法对比进行研究比较困难,我们用有限元数值模拟的方法并选择通用软件ANSYS对这一现象进行了分析;并详细分析了键合压力、温度、基板温度和IC/玻璃厚度对翘曲的影响。从分析中得知,导致玻璃翘曲的主要原因是键合温度。  相似文献   

薄膜太阳电池可以使用在价格低廉的玻璃、塑料、陶瓷、石墨,金属片等不同材料当基板来制造,形成可产生电压的薄膜厚度仅需数μm,目前转换效率最高以可达13%。薄膜电池太阳电池除了平面之外,也因为具有可挠性可以制作成非平面构造其应用范围大,可与建筑物结合或是变成建筑体的一部份,应用非常广泛。  相似文献   

道路标志牌是保证交通安全的重要措施 .夜晚乘车时会发现 ,道路标志牌具有良好的“醒目反光性能”,其夜间可视性源于道路标志牌上有一屋特殊的光学材料——回归反光膜 .现在它不仅被广泛用于路名牌、标志牌、标志杆等道路装置 ,还越来越多地应用于广告、装饰等行业 .回归反光膜由底膜层、反光层、粘合剂、玻璃微珠图 1层和透明保护层组成 (如图 1所示 ) .在粘合剂表面是单层排列的高透明度 ,高折射率 ,直径约为 10 μm的玻璃微珠 .底膜层由背胶和护纸构成 ,扯掉底膜上的护纸后 ,可用背胶贴在用普通材料 (如铝板 )制作的基板上 .反光层一般是…  相似文献   

你也许看见过液晶平板电视机(图1)或用过电脑液晶显示屏。这种液晶显示电视、电脑液晶显示屏所显示的彩色图像与玻璃显像管相比,更加清晰柔和效果逼真,并且质轻体薄。  相似文献   

简要介绍了等离子显示器的原理和特点,并与液晶显示器比较,来说明等离子显示器在当前的优势。虽然等离子显示器是采用了近几年来高速发展的等离子平面屏幕技术新一代显示设备,发展前景广阔,但要让PDP进入普通消费性百姓家庭,价格将是目前厂家首要解决的问题。  相似文献   

结石和气泡都是影响硼铝硅玻璃产品合格率的重要因素,有时甚至会成为制约生产的主要因素,尤其是液晶基板玻璃生产,因其对产品中存在缺陷要求极严,甚至目视无法观察到的极其微小的夹杂物都是不容许的.解决玻璃制品中发生气泡和结石的问题,历来都是玻璃生产和工艺研究中的重要课题,有非常显著的经济效益.本文试图通过对该玻璃的析晶及其对耐火物融蚀机理的研究,了解结石形成原因和发生源.研究减少结石的可能,从而达到提高产品质量和合格率的目的.  相似文献   

Personal development planing (PDP) is now a nationally required part of undergraduate and postgraduate education in the United Kingdom. Little is known about how universities in general are implementing personal development plans, nor how engaged students will become in compiling a set of records of their learning and progress, which they themselves make and keep. The aim of this article was to discover how higher education institutions were approaching PDP, to gather primary and secondary data on the implementation of PDP across the sector, and to identify good practice. Telephone interviews were carried out with a snowball sample of academics from a range of English universities, both pre and post 1992 institutions. The findings fell into two categories: those relating to process and those relating to the more complex conceptual elements of PDP implementation. The process findings indicated that a wide variety of approaches is being taken, that there is heavy reliance on computer‐based tools and that support for staff and the nurturing of internal champions was a significant part of successful implementation. Good practice within the conceptual aspects of PDP would include a clear vision of where responsibility lies for PDP within a university, a shared understanding of the purpose of PDP and the promotion of a culture which engages both students and staff. Overall, the research showed that implementing personal development planning is a continuing learning process for universities in England.  相似文献   

介绍公司研发和生产AlGaInP薄膜RS系列LED芯片产品产业化技术现状。通过采用多项先进工艺和质量控制技术.产业化生产的RS—LED外延片和芯片具有良好的性能及可靠性。其中RS—LED芯片产品通过采用全方位反射镜、衬底转移、金属键合和表面粗糙化等关键工艺技术.实现了良好的大电流特性和电流扩展性能,亮度指标大幅提升,红光RS—LED芯片最高亮度达550mcd,Au—T0封装后器件光通量可达3.51m。针对RS—LED芯片生产工艺的特点,探讨了产业化生产的关键工序、生产过程质量控制点以及质量控制关键参数等,提出了切实有效的生产过程质量控制方法,并付诸实践。  相似文献   

Progress files represent a major policy initiative involving the use of Personal Development Planning (PDP) aimed at the production of autonomous learners who are capable of planning for their own career and personal futures. The paper is organized in three parts and argues for a more critical approach, which locates PDP as part of broader shifts within educational policy and practice. The first part of the paper explores the lack of conceptual clarity associated with the term PDP. It argues that ‘evidence’ of ‘what works’ is unlikely to yield useful knowledge for practitioners as long as this evidence is based on untheorized accounts of PDP. The second part of the paper explores the concept of reflection, which underpins PDP, and argues for greater critical engagement with the conditions of reflection and an understanding of the limitations of reflection. The final part of the paper takes up the broader theme of individualization and returns to the major theme of the paper that the sorts of autonomy that are assumed in the practices of PDP are neither neutral nor an accomplished fact.  相似文献   

研究生培养是发掘研究生科研潜力、提高未来职业适应能力的过程。英国大学在研究生培养过程中采取了“个人发展规划”的策略。文章以利兹大学为例,从文本要件、实施步骤、特点分析和成效与挑战四方面就研究生“个人发展规划”策略作了述评。  相似文献   

In the UK, following guidelines set out by the Quality Assurance Agency, personal development planning (PDP) is now operational across all higher education (HE) awards. Like many policy initiatives, PDP requires change, and vital to its implementation are those who facilitate PDP at the grassroots level. Staff given the task of implementing PDP are instrumental to its success or failure. Little has been written about the introduction of PDP from the perspective of those facilitating it – in particular, from the perspective of those not involved in its development. This study seeks to identify the support needed by HE staff to facilitate successful student PDP.

The study, based in a university in North West England, uses a multiple case‐study approach (two schools within the university – nursing and business). Data were gathered from university documentation, consisting of semi‐structured interviews with three university PDP coordinators and with 15 staff who facilitated PDP between 2006 and 2007.

Support required for those new to PDP focused on time and credit, or on formal recognition of the time spent on facilitation of PDP. But, for this group at least, it was clear that basic information about PDP was also paramount. For those who had been involved in student PDP for some time, the focus lay on how PDP was facilitated, highlighting competing pressures between quality assurance, professional requirements and autonomous or self‐directed learning. Support needs were ‘hands off’, tied in with how PDP was interpreted, and indicated the need for clarity of information, roles and responsibilities. Of note was the importance of informal collegial support.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Most infant teachers have been prepared to be early childhood educators with minimal theoretical or practical exposure to infancy. This study highlights the outcomes of a professional development program (PDP) designed to support a group of infant teachers who lacked specific infancy preparation to re-envision their roles. Data sources included videotapes, focus groups, conversational interviews, reflective journaling, and artifacts. A PDP, tailored to the needs of the teachers, was developed in process in response to the outcomes of each step of the study. Findings highlight how teachers’ existing beliefs inform current practice, teachers gain insight through new PDP strategies, and teachers’ reflections on routines contribute to effective practice. Practice or Policy: Our PDP provided opportunities for reflection and pedagogical challenges as a means of creating space for educators to build a more grounded infant teacher identity. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to infant teacher preparation and in-service training.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSinceSagiv(1980)investigatedthereactionofoctadecyltrichlorosilane(OTS)moleculeswithslideglassplatestoformselfassembledmonolayersin1980forthefirsttime,manyresearcheshavebeenconductedtostudytheformationofOTSmonolayersonmica,silicon,silicaandglasss…  相似文献   

针对汽车玻璃角窗生产线上轮廓、材质与厚度相近似的汽车玻璃容易产生混淆的问题,提出融合轮廓特征与颜色特征的汽车玻璃混线检测算法。通过改进的几何矩匹配算法实现汽车玻璃的轮廓检测;利用色彩特征实现汽车玻璃的材质与厚度的检测,结合轮廓特征与色彩特征实现了汽车玻璃的混线检测。实验证明,提出的混线检测算法有效提高了汽车玻璃混线检测的准确率,有利于提升汽车玻璃检测的自动化水平。  相似文献   

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