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随着部分学科高中学业水平考试成绩被纳入高考招生的范畴,作为高考招生的直接依据之一,科学设计高中学业水平考试试卷,确保学业水平考试结果公平、合理,已经成为亟待解决的重大问题。本文通过建立题目绝对难度及其比较量规,采用矩阵表示试卷难度,建立了计量试卷难度一致性的指数,问题结构与基础知识、基本技能、基本能力及综合能力的对应关系,等级制高中学业水平考试试卷问题结构的准则,五级评分的规则,题目难度得分,以及基于五级评分划分学业水平等级和报告等级分数的规则,给出了一个只依赖于试题所蕴含问题结构的设计高中学业水平考试试卷的模式,并结合实例讨论了按照该模式所设计高中学业水平考试试卷的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

高中学业水平考试选考科目成绩等第转换是深化考试招生制度改革实施中面临的问题。本文利用教育测量学和统计学基本原理,在对高中学业水平考试成绩等第转换的必要性、等级划分的实用性、成绩相加科学性的深入探讨和分析基础上,建立学业水平考试成绩等第转换量表,给出具体的学业水平考试等第成绩赋值方法。该方法不仅能解决不同科目学业水平考试成绩等第转换问题,而且也可以解决高考选拔过程中高中学业水平考试成绩与高考成绩之间的可加性和可比性问题。  相似文献   

北京市教委日前发布《关于进一步推进高中阶段学校考试招生制度改革的实施意见》,明确北京将建立初中学业考试制度,将初中毕业考与高中招生考合二为一,并于2021年初步形成基于初中学业水平考试成绩、结合综合素质评价的高中阶段学校考试招生录取模式。  相似文献   

考试成绩的分数制和等级制评定方式各有优劣,均有区分成绩的作用,但等级制在一定程度上更能弱化学生分数竞争压力。部分发达国家大学入学考试成绩评定方式既有标准参照评定,也有相对位置评定。借鉴其经验,建议对我国高考新方案中学业水平考试成绩的等级适当细化,根据高校的层次特点及对高中学业水平考试科目的要求合理设定各等级人数比例,构建定量评价、半定量评价、定性评价相结合的高考招生评价制度,增强高校招生录取的自主权。  相似文献   

以初中学业考试取代升学考试,半数以上招生指标分配到初中,多种方式录取新生,逐步扩大高中招生的自主权。这是从山东省召开的中小学素质教育会议上传出的讯息。山东省提出从2008年起将对初中一年级新生实行初中学生学业考试制度。学业考试由市区教育行政部门统一组织,考试成绩根据各学科课程标准的基本要求确定合格标准,提倡使用等级制表达学业考试成绩。同时将实施初中学生基础性发展目标评价制度,评价结果包括等级和评语两个部分,由学校组织,一个学期或一个学年为一个评定时段,评价结果需向学  相似文献   

2014年9月,国务院出台了《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》,标志着新一轮考试招生制度改革全面启动。普通高中学业水平考试是此次考试招生制度改革的一项重要内容。目前,各省正在制定高中学业水平考试实施办法,各省对学业水平合格性考试与等级性考试方案设计不同,可能导致实施效果不一。本文从学业水平考试功能定位角度出发,探讨学业水平合格性考试与等级性考试设置问题。  相似文献   

教育部2013年12月公布的“考试招生改革总体方案”又被一些媒体称为考试招生“总纲”,它包含了从初中到博士生招生的整个考试招生系统的改革,其中有关高考的内容更为具体:全面实施高中学业水平考试制度,探索“减少考试科目”“不分文理科”“外语科目实行社会化一年多考”等改革。普通高校逐步推行基于统一高考和高中学业水平考试成绩的综合评价、多元录取机制。加快推行职业院校分类招考和注册入学,体现职业教育的特色,一些报考高职院校的学生可不参加高考,学校依据其高中学业水平考试成绩和职业倾向性测试成绩录取。  相似文献   

国务院发布的《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》要求探索基于统一高考和高中学业水平考试成绩、参考综合素质评价的多元录取机制。价值理性分析表明,高中学业水平考试、综合素质评价与统一高考存在互补关系。这种互补关系是多元录取的逻辑基础。技术理性分析认为:把学生所选三科学业水平考试成绩转换成标准T分数,计入考生总分,比使用"等级分"更公平,区分度更高。综合素质评价使用"等级分"更为合理。  相似文献   

初中毕业学业考试(中考)是义务教育阶段的重要考试,它既是初中毕业学业水平考试,又对义务教育阶段的课堂教学具有重要的导向作用,又是高中阶段学校招生的重要依据,备受社会关注。一、试题结构及考查范围(一)试题结构  相似文献   

化解应试教育需科学推进 《上海教育》2013年第28期刊登浦家齐文章指出,目前,以学业水平考试为基础的高校招生改革已经启动。这是一个期待了多年的举措,在全社会引发关注。特别是对于学业水平考试成绩将作为高中毕业的重要依据、高中教学质量监测的重要手段和高校招生的霞要参考依据,令人期待。笔者认为,  相似文献   

普通高中学业水平考试是高中阶段教育教学质量评价体系的重要组成部分,科学开发其学业质量评价功能,是有效服务于高中教育教学的前提。本文讨论了开发普通高中学业水平考试学业质量评价功能的缘由、应秉持的理念、应遵循的原则以及利用其开展学业质量评价的主要环节,并针对该考试及其评价功能开发存在的主要问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

Although college readiness is a centerpiece of major educational initiatives such as the Common Core State Standards, few systems have been implemented to track children's progress toward this goal. Instead, college‐readiness information is typically conveyed late in a student's high‐school career, and tends to focus solely on academic accomplishments—grades and admissions test scores. Late‐stage feedback can be problematic for students who need to correct course, so the purpose of this research is to develop a system for communicating more comprehensive college‐readiness diagnoses earlier in a child's K‐12 career. This article introduces college‐readiness indicators for middle‐school students, drawing on the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS), a nationally representative longitudinal survey of educational inputs, contexts, and outcomes. A diversity of middle‐school variables was synthesized into six factors: achievement, behavior, motivation, social engagement, family circumstances, and school characteristics. Middle‐school factors explain 69% of the variance in college readiness, and results suggest a variety of factors beyond academic achievement—most notably motivation and behavior—contribute substantially to preparedness for postsecondary study. The article concludes with limitations and future directions, including the development of college‐readiness categories to support straightforward communication of middle‐school indicators to parents, teachers, and students.  相似文献   

Test scores and high school grades were correlated with end-of-second-year college grades for 2,707 students in 12 curricular groups at 27 2-year colleges. Optimally weighted combinations of the aptitude/achievement predictors were found to predict grades for occupational curricula with about the same accuracy as they predict grades in academic criteria. For women, however, the aptitude test scores correlated much less with grades in occupational curricula than with grades in academic curricula.  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined the relation of academic motivation to school achievement using the Self-Determination Theory perspective, the results have been inconsistent. The present investigation represents the first systematic attempt to use a meta-analysis and controlled, longitudinal studies to examine the relations of specific types of motivation to overall academic achievement. The meta-analysis (Study 1) pointed toward a potentially important role of intrinsic motivation in predicting school achievement. Three empirical studies of high school and college students in Canada (Studies 2 and 3) and in Sweden (Study 4) showed that intrinsic motivation was the only motivation type to be consistently positively associated with academic achievement over a one-year period, controlling for baseline achievement. Amotivation was significantly associated with lower academic achievement in Studies 3 and 4. Interestingly, intrinsic motivation was also associated with reduced amotivation in two of our studies and it was reciprocally associated with higher school achievement in another study. Overall, our findings highlight the unique importance of intrinsic motivation for the future academic success of high school and college students.  相似文献   


A new college admission policy will be implemented in Taiwan in 2022. The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between admission criteria and college success. Data was obtained from the Taiwan Higher Education Database; a sample size of 8443 students from 156 universities was used in this study. By using the structural equation model, this study tested a research model that included factors such as motivation, standardized test scores, high school achievements, and college success. The findings revealed that the General Scholastic Ability Test scores (in Chinese, English, Social Studies) and high school average academic grades are significantly associated with college success. A student’s motivation to complete a certain major can significantly predict the quality of student effort and influence college success. These findings highlight the importance of some admission criteria and provide practical implications for educational policy-makers, school administrators, students, and parents.  相似文献   

以随机整体分层抽样的300名农村初中生为被试,采用学业成就归因(MMCS)量表和中文版考试焦虑量表(TAI)进行学业成就归因方式与考试焦虑的问卷调查,探讨初中生学业成就归因方式特点、考试焦虑现状及其关系。结果发现:(1)初中生学业成就归因方式倾向于内归因,存在性别及年级间的差异。(2)当前初中生考试焦虑状况良好,年级差异显著。(3)初中生学业成就归因方式与考试焦虑存在显著的相关。为引导初中生合理归因、保持适宜考试焦虑,提出相应的教育训练措施。  相似文献   

Urban learning environments pose distinct instructional challenges for teachers and administrators, and can lead to lower achievement compared to suburban or rural schools. Today’s educational climate increasingly emphasises a need for positive academic outcomes, often measured by standardised tests, on which student educational opportunities, teacher benefits and school funding can be based. By applying an ecological framework to the urban school environment, it could be possible to better understand and ultimately improve the educational context at multiple levels. This study examined how classroom management, staff relations and school climate contribute to academic achievement, as measured by ACT scores. In a large urban American public school system, 208 teachers from 38 high schools were surveyed. A model was tested in which, when academic achievement was accounted for over time, classroom management and staff relations contributed positively to school climate, and climate in turn contributed to academic achievement. Structural equation modeling revealed that the data fitted the proposed model. Results illustrate the roles of school and classroom factors related to academic performance and underline the importance of classroom management strategies and positive learning environments. Results suggest avenues for interventions to increase academic achievement by supporting students through the lens of an ecological framework.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between academic rational/irrational beliefs, academic procrastination, and time preferences to study for exams and academic achievement by using the structural equation model. The sample consisted of 281 undergraduate students who filled in questionnaires at the 7-week-long summer course. Students responded to questionnaires assessing their levels of (a) academic procrastination, (b) academic rational/irrational beliefs, and (c) time preferences to study for exams and demographic information sheet. In general, the results showed that rational academic beliefs have a direct impact on academic procrastination and time preferences to study for exams. Academic rational beliefs also have an impact on academic achievement indirectly by mediation of academic procrastination and time preferences to study for exams. The results also showed that academic procrastination has an impact on academic achievement both directly and by mediation of time preferences to study for exams. This study suggested that there is a relation between academic procrastination and rational academic beliefs, which should be addressed further in counseling intervention. Knowledge about the role of irrational academic beliefs and their relations with academic procrastination may assist school/ college counselors to develop interventions for students that suffer from delaying behaviors that negatively affect academic success.  相似文献   

The academic performance of minority high school students, particularly in urban inner-city settings, is of great interest to educators and individuals concerned with the academic development of these students. It is widely recognized that in order to positively influence academic achievement related factors such as learning and study behavior, motivation, attitudes, self-concept, and other pertinent psychosocial characteristics should also be targeted for positive change. The present study compared 20 sophomore students who participated in a special program and 128 of their nonprogram peers on achievement and related measures. The program at a target high school was structured to positively impact achievement, as well as related student behavior and attributes. Significant differences were found on achievement, attendance, learning and study behavior and skills, self-concept, and other pertinent psychosocial attributes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive relationship between initial student attitudes, admissions test scores, years of high school math taken, and subsequent achievement in introductory college chemistry. Included in this study was a sample of 179 students who began as new freshmen during the same fall semester and took an introductory chemistry course during their first year of college. The results of this study indicated that noncognitive variables were significant predictors of student performance. These findings also indicated that, for some types of academic outcomes, noncognitive variables may be better predictors of achievement than traditional measures such as admissions test scores.  相似文献   

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