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你是否在网上跟你并不认识的人关系太近?在网上表现得跟平时生活中判若两人?抑或用伊妹儿或者文本文档给人发送信息,随即成为了公共信息?这是你上网时惹上麻烦的三种主要方式。以下指南由"儿童网"编写,有助于保持明智的上网方式,正确使用因特网。  相似文献   

妈妈说:“你看那个电话费,怎么一来又是300块。”老师说:“怎么老看你上网,书都不读啦?”同学说:“这网上到底有什么呀,把你迷成这样。”我说——“上网的27条理由:ABOUNDING丰富的电脑课上是怎么说的,网络的妙用就是资源共享。吃穿住用行,网上什么没有?什么叫上知天文下通地理?唉,不上网的人跟你是说不清的。  相似文献   

杜继凯 《教书育人》2008,(10):68-68
“你是否经常回想起以前的网上活动,或期待下一次上网?是否需要增加更多的上网时间才能获得满足感?是否在努力减少或停止上网时,感到烦躁不安、闷闷不乐或容易发怒?是否上网时间比计划的要长?是否虽然多次努力控制、减少或停止上网,但都不成功?是否因为上网,影响了学习?是否曾经对家人、好友或其他人撤谎,隐瞒上网的事?是否把上网作为逃避问题或缓解不良情绪(无助、嫉妒、内疚、焦虑抑郁)的方法?”  相似文献   

要说当今时代是密码的时代可能有些夸张了,不过在人们的日常生活中,密码确实扮演着重要的角色。登QQ、进电子邮箱、网上购物……,不用密码能行吗?密码是你最不愿意跟人分享的东西,是你的个人隐私和专属物。  相似文献   

唉!最近我可碰上烦心事儿了。这不,昨天早上上学路上遇到最好的朋友李云,他一见我就冲上来,大声叫我: “张小明,小明,我告你吧,昨天我们家电脑上网了!” “上网?我的眼珠飞出了眼眶! 要知道上网可是我一直以来满心盼望的事情啊!虽然我才上初二,可玩电脑已经有两年的历史了,不是我自夸,我的电脑水平已经有一点儿火候了。可我就是没有上过网。小云也真是的上就上吧,喊什么喊?好像想让全世界都知道。全世界?人家美国人有多少上网的?很稀罕吗?瞧把他给乐的! “嘿嘿!小云,那网上──好玩吗?都有点什么呀?你快说嘛。” …  相似文献   

在香港公开大学,为使网上学习系统发挥最大功能,除了有一个部门负责建立和维持每一个科目的主网页,还有三个方面的配合:学生和导师的上网设备,上网学习培训以及建立网上学习的文化。另外,还要对涉及学校、教师和学生现状的几个问题作出决定,它们是:学生必须上网还是自愿上网?网上学习系统应包括哪些功能?自建“网上学习”平台还是购买现成系统?网上教材应该取代印刷和其他媒体的教材吗?  相似文献   

今年中考,我省某市的一则作文题目值得注意。  八、阅读所给材料,按要求作文 (50分 )。  信息技术的高度发展给社会带来了翻天覆地的变化,国际互联网使人与人之间交流的时空大大地增加,给人们带来了极大的方便。在互联网上,你可以跟远在大洋彼岸的朋友直接对话;你可以随时翻阅世界各地的网上图书资料;你可以交流最新的科研成果;你可以坐在家里进行网上购物;你可以请最好的老师为你上课……  要求: 1.可写上网的经历,可写对互联网未来的预测,可写互联网给生活带来的影响,可写对互联网的看法……只要与“互联网”有关即可…  相似文献   

最近网上流行这样一句话:今天.你偷菜了吗?如果你不够时尚,或者很少上网。面对这样的问题.那你可真就是一头雾水了。前一段时间,一个朋友在网上玩得挺高兴的,我问她在玩什么.“偷菜啊。”  相似文献   

木图 《当代职校生》2008,(11):48-48
爱美的MM和帅气的男生们,经常上网,又怕受到电脑辐射的影响。鱼和熊掌毕竟不能兼得,选择在网上畅游,就难免受到辐射的影响;避开电脑辐射,上网又成了泡影。如何在上网时防止电脑辐射呢?现在小编教你几招:  相似文献   

美国大学校园到处都可以上网,无论走到哪里只要你带着电脑都可以在网上畅游,搜索有用的学习资料。上网的方式有两种,一种是有线上网,这种方式比较传统也比较麻烦需要你随时带着一根网线,校园里随处都有有线网络的接口,教室、餐厅、图书馆、宿舍等到处是电源插座和有网上网接学校图书馆里为学生提供免费上网服务。另一种上网的方式是无线上  相似文献   

This is a highly useful illustrative step‐by‐step resource for teachers and administrators planning for or already teaching online. It offers great ideas, strategies, practical examples, online tools and design principles for all those associated with online teaching, whether they are beginners or experienced. I recommend you buy a copy of this book for your own use if its content is likely to be relevant to you. Ramesh Sharma  相似文献   

Conclusion Because of the recent trend toward commercialization of the Internet, and the immense proliferation of information online, searching has become one of the most time-consuming tasks of our workdays. Technology is meant to help us save time and make more time for the things in our lives that are important to us. We can control our work with technology or allow it to control us. Because creators of some Web sites are trying harder and harder to get you to buy things online and to build up ecommerce, they are set up with the intent of distracting you into areas that are not likely to help you find the information you really need. Avoid the “impulse buying” and time-usurping aspects of the Web by controlling your own interactions with it. Plan, set goals, remind yourself of your task, and enjoy happy andefficient searching. She holds a Master of Science, library Science, degree form the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her research interests include instrumental design and instruction for information retrieval. Her research and teaching interests include instructional design, educational systems design, and the impact of online learning.  相似文献   

This guide to the quality of online learning is an extremely readable and useful publication which anyone interested in the field should read in order to refresh or enhance their understanding of this complex and evolving learning environment. This is a highly recommended resource for all educators and managers of learning and teaching. If the content of this book is likely to be at all relevant to you, I recommend you download your own copy. Robyn Smyth  相似文献   

Summary There can be an untethered excitement connected with ever-expanding technologies and the vastness of educational opportunities that online learning generates. Yet, these new and exciting opportunities do not diminish the real-life concerns and issues that online professors face. Lack of planning often sets the stage for disastrous educational experiences. Problems with technology, the lack of professor guidance and the inability to build community, facilitate communication or humanize learning can sabotage educational efforts. Minimal or nonexistent evaluation can lead to a recycling of futile educational efforts in future online courses. Yet, you can circumvent these issues with proper planning-with the use of distance education plans  相似文献   

Increased enrollment in online programs and courses has prompted a plethora of research on instructional strategies that impact online students’ learning. Most of these strategies came from instructors, and others were solicited from students. While the literature notes that students who have more university experience tend to provide more substantive responses when solicited, there seems to be limited representation of online master’s students’ preferences on what instructional strategies work for them. There is paucity in the literature on how these preferred instructional strategies inform existing theoretical and practical frameworks that could impact online learning performance. This article discusses the Top Ten Instructional Strategies preferred by master’s students who responded to a dissertation survey question - What specific things would you like your online instructors do to help you learn successfully? - and relates these strategies to the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education and the Quality Matters Rubric.  相似文献   

Eric Crump is the learning technologies coordinator for the University of Missouri-Columbia Learning Center. He is working on a number of projects, all exploring ways to use computer networks to create new learning environments and to complement conventional learning environments. His pet projects at the moment are the Online Writery, an online community of student writers; Rhetnet, an experimental scholarly cyberjournal on rhetoric and writing, and the MU Institute for Instructional Technology, a mechanism for effecting technological and pedagogical change on campus. If you would like to contact Eric to inquire about the nuts and bolts of on-line learning or about his views on learning and the academy, you can send e-mail to him at wleric@showme.missouri.edu.  相似文献   

This reader‐friendly jargon‐free volume is a down‐to‐earth and visual guide for practitioners seeking new ways to improve educational opportunities in times when quality needs to be enriched by simple but effective online experiences. It is a must for those involved in integrating technology into the classroom. If this book deals with a subject likely to be relevant to you, I recommend you buy a copy. Jesus Garcia Laborda  相似文献   

阿尔卑斯山给人以绝美的视觉冲击,这种震撼美明信片捕捉不到,4x6英寸相片、网络数码相片或是出自文艺复兴时期著名艺术大家之手的巨幅油画也都展现不出。想要真正领略阿尔卑斯山的宏伟壮美,你一定要置身其中,全方位地去感受它——来一场优雅惬意的瑞士之旅再好不过了。  相似文献   

Imagine the challenge of being immersed in a dynamic learning network where you play brinkmanship with being overwhelmed by a plethora of information, comments, and conversations on a topic of intense interest to you. Through adept facilitation, the comments and encouragement of fellow participants, and your own perseverance, you develop a network of personal connections which serve as metaphorical flying buttresses creating enough stability that you are able to learn in a new, yet profoundly meaningful way – the connectivist massive open online course (cMOOC) way. Through the lens of autoethnography, five seasoned educators collaboratively reflect on their motivation for participating in their initial cMOOC. They analyze their lived experience, what they found most engaging, and most importantly, they grapple with why cMOOC communities often endure past official end-dates. This article attempts to provide insight into the thrill and depth of learning and connection possible through participation in cMOOCs.  相似文献   

Denise Shaver 《TechTrends》2017,61(5):438-443
Do you find it challenging to have discussions with instructors about designing online courses and best practices in teaching? This article will highlight key components to conducting effective Learning Design meetings. It outlines techniques used by this institution that inspires faculty to design coherent courses that lead to meaningful learning experiences. These meetings invite instructors to express their feelings about online formats, inform them about expectations and time commitment, and reassures them of support throughout the process. Learning Design (LD) meetings have proven to be a compelling manner of decreasing faculty resistance, while exposing instructors to best practices in pedagogy, andragogy and online learning. Instructional Designers (IDs), Instructional Facilitators (IFs), and Course Authors (CAs) who work in higher educational online settings should find this information useful. Novices in the field may find these practical techniques particularly beneficial.  相似文献   

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