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严毅梅 《百科知识》2021,(16):33-35
对于今天的人们来说,全球变暖已经不是一个新名词.在人类有史以来最热的年份中,有9年出现在了过去10年里.如果这种状况没有得到根本转变,气候变暖将使地球上的生物面临一个灰暗的未来.  相似文献   

近年来,受全球气候变暖的影响,我国极端天气气候事件和海洋灾害呈现加剧趋势,如1998年夏季的长江特大洪涝、2008年黄海海域绿藻的大爆发、2009年冬春季西南五省市的连续大旱等,对我国人民生命财产安全和经济社会的发展产生极大的影响。  相似文献   

正肥胖会加剧全球气候变暖吗根据环境学家的研究,肥胖不仅威胁个人健康,也是毁坏生态环境的凶手。研究人员表示,粮食生产增多是导致全球气候变暖的一个重要因素。人类吃得越多,对全球气候变化的负面影响就越大。因此,肥胖的人是加剧全球气候变暖的重要元凶。据统计,全球大约20%的温室气体  相似文献   

正[导读]中科院新疆生态与地理研究所荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室科研人员发现,气候变暖加剧了西北高山区冰川的消融,改变了水资源的构成,加剧了干旱区水资源的不确定性,水资源管理亟待更新思路。专家建议亟待更新水资源管理思路中科院新疆生态与地理研究所荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室科研人员发现,气候变暖加剧了西北高山区冰川的消融,改变了水资源的构成,加剧了干旱区水资源的不确定性,水资源管理亟待更新思路。  相似文献   

张莉 《科学中国》2006,(8):14-15
最近科学界指出,多年冻土和海洋中储存的“天然气水合物”(或可燃冰)可释放大量甲烷,从而加速气候变暖,并且在生物地球化学过程的作用下,全球变暖的进程将进一步加剧。这一观点已引起人们的注意,该过程包括:二氧化碳等温室气体增加→气候变暖→多年冻土融化→封存的甲烷释放→气候进一步变暖→土壤与海洋中的细菌,微生物等更活跃→分解有机物使二氧化碳与甲烷释放更多→气候更暖→多年冻土更快融化(尤其是北极圈),最后导致气候变暖呈失控性增强。  相似文献   

全球变暖指的是在一段时间中,地球大气和海洋温度上升的现象,主要是指人为因素造成的温度上升。近百年来全球的气候正在逐渐变暖,与此同时,大气中的温室气体的含量也在急剧增加。许多科学家都认为,温室气体的大量排放所造成温室效应的加剧是全球变暖的基本原因。  相似文献   

如果地球过去的气候循环能为人们带来什么暗示的话,那就是本世纪末的温度将大大高于现有气候模型的预测结果。一项新的研究指出,当前的大气模型低估了未来全球变暖的趋势。科学家表示,这些评估结果没有考虑到随着气温升高而逐渐加剧的土壤分解以及其他自然进程带来的后果,而这些因素都将增加温室气体的排放。  相似文献   

气候变暖已经成为当今面临的严峻问题之一,如何高效率地应对气候变暖成为人们关注的焦点。从政治角度对气候变暖进行考量,依赖实际的国家政策,是遏制气候变暖的有效途径。针对气候变暖的现状、成因及其危害,我们可以根据吉登斯的气候理论,从国家和个人两个层面寻求应对措施。国家作为抑制气候变暖的主导者,应建立完善的应对制度和策略,增强气候政策的“经济敛合”和“政治敛合”;个人作为环境恶化的施加者和直接影响对象,则应树立并践行低碳环保的生活态度和方式。  相似文献   

我们已经知道,温室效应增强产生的后果有很多,比如将会导致地表温度的升高、高纬度地区和高原地区冻土的融化、两极冰川的消融、海平面的上升等等。有一些问题则是我们刚刚开始意识到,如温室效应增强会加剧热带海洋表面的蒸发作用,催生更多的热带气旋(即人们通常所说的台风、飓风)并加强热带气旋的威力。全球变暖影响了飓风近年来,全球气候变暖导致海面温度上升和飓风(台风)强度加剧的问题受到一些科学家的高度关注。《科学》杂志1998年就发表了模拟温室效应增强背景下飓风强度增加的文章,最近又发表了“全球变暖和飓风两者间可能存在联系”…  相似文献   

王艳红 《金秋科苑》2011,(10):93-95
气候:冷暖年来只自知 2010年12月上旬,在联合国坎昆气候大会紧张讨论如何应对全球变暖之时,严寒袭击了北半球,许多地区的气温打破10年来同期最低纪录,欧洲多国遭遇暴雪。气候到底是在变暖还是变冷又成热门话题。  相似文献   

Global warming is causing the climate to change, lakes to dry up and less rain to fall. In population ecology, researchers have found that climate change plays an important role in controlling the size of species populations. To proof this model, long-term observational data are crucial, making researchers to turn to historical records of locust outbreaks.[1]  相似文献   

Interest in real-time syndromic surveillance based on social media data has greatly increased in recent years. The ability to detect disease outbreaks earlier than traditional methods would be highly useful for public health officials. This paper describes a software system which is built upon recent developments in machine learning and data processing to achieve this goal. The system is built from reusable modules integrated into data processing pipelines that are easily deployable and configurable. It applies deep learning to the problem of classifying health-related tweets and is able to do so with high accuracy. It has the capability to detect illness outbreaks from Twitter data and then to build up and display information about these outbreaks, including relevant news articles, to provide situational awareness. It also provides nowcasting functionality of current disease levels from previous clinical data combined with Twitter data.The preliminary results are promising, with the system being able to detect outbreaks of influenza-like illness symptoms which could then be confirmed by existing official sources. The Nowcasting module shows that using social media data can improve prediction for multiple diseases over simply using traditional data sources.  相似文献   

During the 1960s and 1970s the bulk of the hard coral cover of reefs in the central region of Australia's Great Barrier Reef was killed as a result of population outbreaks of the coral-eating starfish, Acanthaster planci. Millions of starfish were involved. Renewed outbreaks have recently been noted on reefs where extensive recolonization has occurred since the mid-1960s, giving rise to concern that reefs in the region will be impoverished for long periods of time. The causes of the population outbreaks are unknown, but there is evidence of human involvement in triggering the population outbreaks.  相似文献   

Unstructured tweet feeds are becoming the source of real-time information for various events. However, extracting actionable information in real-time from this unstructured text data is a challenging task. Hence, researchers are employing word embedding approach to classify unstructured text data. We set our study in the contexts of the 2014 Ebola and 2016 Zika outbreaks and probed the accuracy of domain-specific word vectors for identifying crisis-related actionable tweets. Our findings suggest that relatively smaller domain-specific input corpora from the Twitter corpus are better in extracting meaningful semantic relationship than generic pre-trained Word2Vec (contrived from Google News) or GloVe (of Stanford NLP group). However, domain-specific quality tweet corpora during the early stages of outbreaks are normally scant, and identifying actionable tweets during early stages is crucial to stemming the proliferation of an outbreak. To overcome this challenge, we consider scholarly abstracts, related to Ebola and Zika virus, from PubMed and probe the efficiency of cross-domain resource utilization for word vector generation. Our findings demonstrate that the relevance of PubMed abstracts for the training purpose when Twitter data (as input corpus) would be scant during the early stages of the outbreak. Thus, this approach can be implemented to handle future outbreaks in real time. We also explore the accuracy of our word vectors for various model architectures and hyper-parameter settings. We observe that Skip-gram accuracies are better than CBOW, and higher dimensions yield better accuracy.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of foodborne illness generally receive abundant print media coverage. However, the framing of outbreaks and representations of foodborne pathogens in the media discourse are not necessarily homogeneous. Drawing on previous research on media coverage of emerging diseases and on the conceptual tools of framing theory, this paper explores the diversity of frames and representations used in the media coverage of two listeriosis outbreaks that occurred in Canada in fall 2008. In the dominant war against microbes frame, microbes are portrayed as posing serious risks that call for stringent control measures. This frame coexists with other frames which rather emphasize economic, ecosystem or nutrition issues and which are supported by representations of microbial risks that either mitigate these risks, present them as inevitable or as less serious than others. The implications of these observations for the public understanding of foodborne microbial risks are discussed.  相似文献   

太湖蓝藻对生态环境的影响及其生态学治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,蓝藻已成为太湖的常客,每到夏天蓝藻都有不同程度的暴发,2007年的这次蓝藻暴发影响之大是前几次无法相比的,它严重影响了周边人民的日常生活,从而受到党中央国务院的高度重视。蓝藻问题已不是第一次出现,而为何到蓝藻严重影响人们的生活、生产了才引起社会各方的关注?本文将试图从生态伦理的角度探讨蓝藻暴发的深层原因并在生态文明建设过程中寻找出解决这一难题的途径。  相似文献   

彭耀进  周琪 《中国科学院院刊》2021,36(11):1288-1297
生物技术日新月异,给人类社会提供巨大效益,但同时其发展与变革所伴随的伦理、安全、负外部性等问题日益凸显。生物技术伦理挑战及其应对已成为当今中国国家治理体系和治理能力现代化研究的重要议题之一。当前,生物技术仍处于早期发展阶段且发展方向、路径及其应用等均具有高度不确定性,技术变革具有更强的颠覆性、复杂性和社会关联性等特征。世界正面临生物技术大发展、伦理新挑战爆发、伦理治理再变革的交织互动复杂局面。中国应借此机会一方面推动生物技术高质量发展,另一方面应从风险研判、制度构建、多元主体参与和全球治理等维度,多管齐下、交错互动,以期达到综合性、灵活性、可持续性的治理愿景。  相似文献   

Proliferations of harmful algae in coastal waters, i.e., harmful algal blooms (HABs), popularly known as "red tides," have attracted the concern of governments and scientists worldwide. In recent years, HABs have occurred in China with increasing frequency and scope. These outbreaks have seriously affected the economy along the coast through fish kills, heavy losses in aquaculture, threats to human health, and other effects detrimental to the marine ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the ecology and oceanography studies related to the outbreak of HABs. Only through the combination of the advancement of such knowledge with the strengthening of the monitoring network can we develop a HAB warning system for the sustainable development of the coastal economy.  相似文献   

2003—2005年高致病性禽流感在亚洲、欧洲等多个国家大范围爆发,引起了全世界的关注,并将视线集中在候鸟身上。结合最近疫情,文章对野生鸟类在禽流感爆发和传播中的作用与影响予以简要分析,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

国际生物安全战略态势分析及对我国的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,全球人口增长和气候变化显著,极端天气和自然灾害频发。随着现代生物技术的颠覆性发展和经济贸易的全球化进程,世界范围内生物安全风险环节和不安定因素增多,动物源性新发突发传染病疫情的暴发性增长趋势抬头,这些给我国生物安全治理体系和治理能力现代化发展提出新挑战。文章针对当前全球生物安全面临的主要风险与挑战,分析了美国、英国、日本等国2018年以来的国家生物安全战略和战略分析研讨的内容要点,提出了加强构建我国国家生物安全战略体系、法律法规体系和协同创新体系,以及进一步完善国家生物安全治理体系和治理能力建设的建议。  相似文献   

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