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渠诚 《档案管理》2008,(5):21-23
以“档案形成在前”学说的角度看来.档案馆中的部分“档案”并非真正意义的档案.而是被赋予档案信息的文件。档案是对历史事件的最为直接的记录.而历史事件的记录又大多是关于人的言行的记录.档案因此具有记录支配社会活动的人的观念与动机的价值。分析出档案的这种价值.对未来的档案实践工作具有指导作用。  相似文献   

权力与档案之间构成了互动,档案记录了权力的合法性,权力对档案建构社会记忆施加其影响,同时,权力借助档案去维护与发展其形成了的力量。档案文化的维系之道,基于保存完整真实的社会记忆,而实现的前提则是维护公民的文化权利。  相似文献   

档案界对档案定义一般采用“属+种差”的逻辑形式,因而揭示档案本质、确定档案属种就成为档案定义的根本问题。档案记忆理论认为,档案是记忆的物质形态。档案以自身历史选择的必然性和逻辑结构的客观优势,成为人类自觉建构的外脑记忆的典型形式。作为用来建构原始记忆的历史文件,档案在物质形态上表现为档案实体,在逻辑关系上表现为记录和再现两个维度。以档案实体为基点,沿时空维度,向后回溯是档案记录关系维度,在档案记录关系的另一端是档案记忆的历史事实,这是档案记忆的客体;向前表述是档案再现关系维度,在档案再现关系的另一端是档案客体加以证明的回忆事实,这是档案记忆的证体。在这种逻辑结构中,档案实体即档案本身是档案“二维”逻辑关系和档案“三重要素”的物质载体。档案现象的实质就是以“二维”逻辑关系,凝聚“三重要素”的实践过程。  相似文献   

对档案学核心期刊中244篇档案社会记忆研究论文进行文献计量及双聚类分析,可以直观、科学地反映我国档案社会记忆研究的发展状况。我国档案社会记忆研究目前已趋于成熟发展阶段,研究主体呈现出多元化趋势,研究主题主要集中在后保管时代档案社会记忆价值构建、档案记忆和权力与身份认同的关系、非物质文化遗产及边缘弱势群体的档案记忆、数字档案记忆资源的整合和开发等方面。建议在档案社会记忆范式构建期继续深化理论研究深度,将档案社会记忆的学理性与应用性相结合,发挥理论研究的现实指导和发展预测功能。  相似文献   

Developing a relativistic concept of the pre-modern archive, this article considers the relationship between knowledge inside and outside the archive to determine how Spain’s historical documents about its new American territories were kept and used. The starting assumption is that collections of documents about the Spanish Conquista circulated among people and were not permanently stored within fixed archival spaces, such as small lockable cases (arcas), private collections of documents (archivillos), or the actual state archives (archivos). This article thus re-evaluates the state of knowledge about the new American territories of Spain and its distribution across various archives and collections. It draws particular attention to the use of historical documents by official chroniclers of Spain and historians of the Conquista of the Spanish Americas.  相似文献   


This article is an exploration of oral history practice within the context of a performing arts archive. It addresses the deceptively simple question of what oral historians should actually ask their respondents and, ultimately, how much do we, as researchers, really want to know. The use of oral history material is discussed from a historical point of view in relation to archival collecting and the needs of scholars and researchers. The notion that oral history practice must both respond to and transcend this history is set forward. The article concludes by advocating an expansive approach to oral history as a means to more fully understand and preserve our pasts.  相似文献   

周文泓 《档案学研究》2019,33(2):104-110
充分诠释社交媒体平台的档案特质有助于形成更加成熟可行的社交媒体信息档案化管理方案,亦可推进档案管理理论与方法的数字转型。本文以理论构建的方法从社交媒体档案库的形成基础、档案特性、新特征三个层面逐级推导社交媒体平台作为档案库的内涵及特点。本文论证了社交媒体平台可被视作档案库这一提法,并提出形成的社交媒体档案库是基于社交媒体活跃的信息活动构建的信息资源库,因其具有档案价值和日益普遍的档案化管理行为而实现档案库的建构,这个档案库亦从时空、主体、关联性以及价值等方面呈现新特征,由此成为档案管理数字转型的重要阵地。  相似文献   

社会融入理论的应用在保障各类主体的社会权利、缓解社会矛盾、维护社会和谐、安定等方面具有重要的指导作用。近年来,随着我国有关档案记忆的研究逐步深入,社会融入理论在档案记忆建构活动中所具有的扩充档案记忆主体、保障公民档案权利、促进档案记忆服务于社会发展的价值被不断发掘。文章将从识别社会融入主体、建立信任与合作关系、针对性开发档案资源、扩大受众群体四方面对社会融入理论应用于档案记忆建构实践的基本情况进行探讨。  相似文献   

本研究首先梳理了我国档案社会组织发展的历程及其与档案主管部门的关系,其次探讨了改革后档案主管部门与档案社会组织之间存在的档案社会组织自治资源获取不畅、两者关系调整法规缺失、脱钩后现行档案社会组织运行方式不畅等系列问题及原因。最后针对上述问题,重构了党和政府与档案社会组织之间的新型关系,并基于SFIC模型提出了档案主管部门与档案社会组织协同治理对策。  相似文献   

本文认为,要认识后保管时代对档案学的影响,就要说明原有档案学逻辑起点存在着其逻辑极限,超出了这个极限,档案学理论就面临着体系上的重新构架;同时,理解后保管时代的档案学理论体系应具有的共同概念基础,如文件的构成要素、多维的文件运动,系统论与工程管理思想,三位一体的理论框架体系等.当然,从目前看,档案学界对于这种挑战也有一个适应过程,已基本上从仓促应战过渡到了从容应对的阶段.  相似文献   

Archives, records, and power: The making of modern memory   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

How do distinctive historical experiences and political regimes shape human rights archives? How do those archives and those experiences in turn influence the way painful pasts are remembered or forgotten? And what can historical accounts tell us about the wisdom of prevailing norms and practices regarding the management and control of human rights records? This paper explores these questions through a close analysis of the history and politics of the principal archive documenting human rights abuse in East Timor. It underscores the work of archival studies scholars who argue that human rights archives are always in some degree shaped by the historical and political context in which they emerge and that conflicts over matters of content, mandate, and rules of access are virtually inevitable. Noting that such conflicts typically pit political authorities against victims and their advocates, it argues that successful human rights archival programs hinge critically on sensitive historical and political analysis and that, under certain conditions, human rights archivists should play a more active role in facilitating the pursuit of justice for victims of human rights abuse. It also makes the case for a move away from large, state-controlled archives toward multiple, smaller archives with varied mandates. Finally, it proposes the adoption of a new hierarchy of interest in the management of archives; away from the long-accepted principles of national sovereignty and inalienability, and in the direction of access to the survivors of human rights violations and their advocates.  相似文献   

论档案职业的原动力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章首先指出了档案职业的源动力是社会主体对档案和档案管理工作的需要,进而详细分析了档案职业源动力的三个层次,即国家与社会发展需要、档案事业发展需要和公众个人发展需要对档案职业发展的推动作用,并在此基础上提出了档案职业源动力的强化措施.  相似文献   

This article analyses the role of national archives for the construction of national master narratives. It starts off by discussing the different origins of national archives, the merits of talking about proto-national archives and the importance of the French revolution for establishing the modern national archive system. It goes on to highlight the difficulties of historians with obtaining access to the archives in the nineteenth century. The importance of archives in authenticating and legitimating the authority of historical work meant that archives became increasingly important for the professionalization of history writing. As history writing saw one of its prime tasks in legitimating the nation-state, archives soon occupied an important position for nation-building projects. They got involved in editing sources regarded as being of national importance, and they played a role in projects of national pedagogy. The article also charts efforts to centralize archives at the national level which resulted in failure almost everywhere. Nevertheless, whilst archives were clearly important for imperial and also subnational projects, it was the national archives that captured the imagination of nation-states in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Despite the importance of national archives, the articles goes on to argue that it is striking that most national master narratives in the modern period were not based on archival work.  相似文献   

The shift to archives as rhetorical places creates opportunities to examine environmental accessibility, the role of archives in legitimating official public memory, and tactics to evoke memory at the margins. I conceptualize the relation between archival environments, feeling, and memory as “archival ambience.” Ambience challenges modern theories of invention and foregrounds the entanglements of sensory culture, corporeality, sensation, feeling, and memory. Ambience reimagines invention and circulation as the relational materiality of bodies and as central to the generation of intimacies. This essay models a sensory engagement with archives at the American Heritage Center and Grace Hebard and Agnes Wergeland collections. Guided by the settler colonial environment of the American Heritage Center (AHC) and what remains of Hebard and Wergeland, I craft a queer sense of their “intimate friendship” and argue that perception of Hebard and Wergeland's intimate friendship takes shape through the sensory culture of the AHC and that their queerness is an effect of the archive.  相似文献   

Located in the Vancouver apartment of gay liberation activist and retired professional librarian Ron Dutton, the BC Gay and Lesbian Archives continues to be a major repository of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) historical materials in British Columbia, Canada, after 40 years of activity. This paper draws on ethnographic fieldwork to examine the motivations behind, perceptions of and activities associated with maintaining the BC Gay and Lesbian Archives as a “semipublic” organization that provides archival services for the public in a private home. By creating a textured account of the BC Gay and Lesbian Archives as a home-based organization, this paper articulates an LGBT, community-based approach to archiving. The findings demonstrate that locating an archives in a private home involves a constant negotiation between issues of the public/private divide of what is considered accessible and inaccessible, sustainable and unsustainable, safe and unsafe. This article also articulates how home-based archiving more broadly challenges the divide between personal and institutional archives and contributes to scholarship pertaining to personal, autonomous, grassroots and social movement archives.  相似文献   

庞博 《档案学研究》2019,33(5):78-82
在后现代思潮和马克思主义唯物史观的影响下,以人为本的“全球历史观”与“社会史观”兴起,促使了“档案记忆观”的诞生。作为集体记忆和社会记忆的重要再现形式之一,影像档案的编研也必然是根据当时的社会意识形态、伦理道德、社会价值取向和利益关系等因素进行的有目的、有意识的社会记忆建构行为。本文选取了中国电影资料馆为纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,利用馆藏历史影像档案资料拍摄制作的首部以真实影像全景式记录中华民族抗日战争历史的优秀文献纪录片《燃烧的影像》,试图探讨文献纪录片这一影像档案编研产品的社会记忆属性及其功能。  相似文献   

This article is based on a study which aimed at broadening archival representation by investigating how to bring the contemporary history of the South African Portuguese community into the country’s archival heritage. To achieve this aim, the study sought to develop an archival collecting model for the records generated by Portuguese community-based organisations, since these materials are deemed an important source for preserving the social history, memories and experiences of an under-documented group, such as the Portuguese in South Africa. National and international sources were analysed and reviewed, and an empirical investigation to examine the Portuguese community organisations was conducted, in order to gain an understanding of the most effective strategies for collecting, managing and preserving these records. This article therefore proposes an archival collecting model for the records generated by South African Portuguese community-based organisations which demonstrates the processes, resources and other factors that are necessary to establish and sustain an archival collecting initiative for the Portuguese community in South Africa. It is hoped that, in addition to benefitting the Portuguese community, the model will also benefit other underdocumented communities in South Africa interested in preserving their histories and experiences.  相似文献   

Digitised versions of archival fonds with micro or regional significance daily join mass digitisation projects of books and documents in the global digital space. For historians, the exponential expansion of searchable digital archival material has required the revision of traditional research methods. The digital age has also shifted disciplinary boundaries such as the distinction between historian and archivist. This article concerns a micro digitisation involving collaboration between historian and archivist, not in archive access as is usually the case, but in archive creation. The experience of this collaboration is generalisable to other micro-scale uploads of scanned material enabled by digital technologies. This article is a case study of this experience. It uses autoethnography to explore the practicalities and ethical processes of decision-making to create a new digital archive of wine history during the pilot stage of an Australian Research Council Industry Linkage Grant. The decision-making process that transformed a historian as traditional archive end-user to archive creator highlights the challenges for both professions in the decision to digitise, the implications for expenditure of public funds and questions of digitisation and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

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