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19世纪中叶,来自今叙利亚和黎巴嫩地区的穆斯林移民开始进入美国,美国穆斯林移民群体肇始并延续至今。穆斯林移民群体在美国社会发展进程中的变化与演进,实为特定群体跨文明交往的个案。美国穆斯林移民既承载着伊斯兰文明的文化基因,又在整体上逐渐形成对美国的公民认同。在穆斯林移民与美国主流社会的交往进程中,文化差异、身份认同、国际环境等诸多因素都可能成为这一群体融入美国社会的负面因素,但经过交往与碰撞的过程,穆斯林移民整体上还是体现出社会参与增加的融合倾向。"9.11"事件的发生,对于美国穆斯林移民来说,既是冲击也是契机:一方面,恐怖袭击对美国社会的冲击让穆斯林移民与美国社会的融合难度增加;另一方面,美国穆斯林移民群体也再次明确了与美国社会主动沟通的重要性,增加了深入文明交往的动力。  相似文献   

伊斯兰文化,无论在回族形成初期还是在其长期的历史发展中,都是回族穆斯林的信仰来源,也是回族穆斯林的民族心理积淀。《穆斯林的葬礼》就与伊斯兰文化紧密相关,作品中包含较多伊斯兰文化元素,既关涉回族穆斯林的基本功修、取名习俗、婚葬礼仪等丰富的信仰礼俗,又涉及回族作家霍达对本民族文化历史的感触与对民族文化冲突的思考。这对于理解回族穆斯林与伊斯兰文化的关系,进一步认识与反思伊斯兰文化都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

二十世纪八十年代,“寻根”的文化思潮曾喧嚣一时,但因种种局限,行之不远.回族女作家霍达却汲取了这次思潮的有利成果,在一定程度上克服了“寻根”文学的不足,凭借《穆斯林的葬礼》,在达到自己文学生涯顶峰的同时,也对之后的文学创作开辟了新的思路。  相似文献   

为了推动中国与伊斯兰世界关系的进一步发展,满足广大穆斯林在中国使用清真寺的文化需求,研究了多元文化背景下的清真寺庭院设计.清真寺由于其独特的设计形式,成为"中国-伊斯兰"多元文化融合中的重要代表,庭院作为清真寺中的一个基本构成元素,在多元文化融合背景下表现出来的形式亦各不相同.为了提升设计质量,且用户参与设计过程的需求也在不断增长,研究旨在总结传统和现代中国清真寺庭院设计在阿拉伯穆斯林使用者中现状评价状况,以评估其是否符合阿拉伯穆斯林使用者的需求.通过对居住在南京的阿拉伯穆斯林人群进行问卷调查,分析传统与现代清真寺庭院的设计要点,并对其设计方案的质量进行评价.通过清真寺庭院设计中的7个自然和人工元素,分析了清真寺庭院的功能及其结构特征.研究结果可应用于对未来清真寺庭院设计的改进提升,使其满足中国和伊斯兰穆斯林用户在使用以及审美方面的需求.  相似文献   

<上海清真寺成立董事会志>记述了清末上海穆斯林社团成立董事会的历史事件及其董事会管理机构的基本情况.它的成立折射了穆斯林社团为了生存竞争和维护文化传统的独特性而建立伊斯兰组织的原因.此外,从董事会负责人及其职能部门、清真寺寺产、宗教活动、教育等方面的状况,可以看出这是上海穆斯林社团为适应上海社会的飞速发展而作出的改革努力,因此上海成立董事会事件在中国伊斯兰教界中具有重要意义.  相似文献   

河湟穆斯林自形成至今已有好几个世纪,但在长期的发展过程中其教育的发展一直是一个难题,由于受传统文化的各种影响,在适应现代学校教育上表现出了许多的不适应。本文通过对河湟穆斯林四个民族学校教育中存在的问题进行分析,提出了一些改变河湟穆斯林教育的建议。  相似文献   

在《穆斯林的葬礼》中,绿色意象营造出自然的纯净与安宁,给读者以审美体验,同时也衬托出作品中主要人物所"经历的高洁、纯净的意境"。作为伊斯兰的象征色,绿色亦成为穆斯林的身份认同标志,具有某种向内排他的特点。内地穆斯林社会从形成之初,在维系和巩固回族人的宗教信仰的同时,也积极与中国传统文化相互交融,绿色也象征了伊斯兰文化的平和、开放和包容。  相似文献   

传统文化多将女性与月亮相联系,《穆斯林的葬礼》也以反复出现的“新月”意象隐喻主人公新月的悲剧命运。在伊斯兰文化中,新月却是崇高、清静和希望的象征。通过文本细读,不难发现:作者笔下的“新月”意象是一游离于以上两种“新月”意象之外的第三种存在,它揭示了文本的间性特征。这有助论者从《穆斯林的葬礼》对《白蛇传》、《牛郎织女》、《梁山伯与祝英台》等民间爱情传说的继承与创新,从文本与《金锁记》、《伏羲、伏羲》等文本的互文关系入手分析新月爱情悲剧的成因,为《穆斯林的葬礼》提供一种新的解读方式。  相似文献   

本论文主要研究穆斯林服饰与伊斯兰文化之间的关系,研究服饰纹样、色彩、款式、着装等方面穆斯林服饰中的宗教意义。其次研究穆斯林服饰在伊斯兰教中的作用,最后阐明伊斯兰文化对穆斯林服饰发展与研究的作用。  相似文献   

穆斯林流动人口在城市的社会资本决定了流动穆斯林就业途径的同质性和职业类型单一性。这对穆斯林流动人口住房、宗教生活和社会支持产生很大影响,对穆斯林流动人口进入城市具有引导性,能让穆斯林在短时间内适应城市环境。然而从长远来看,流动穆斯林传统的社会资本某些方面则不利于其社会融入。广州穆斯林流动人口的社会资本在是血缘、地缘基础上建立起来的强关系,既有利于他们在信息获取、就业、生活适应、宗教信仰方面有作用,但其社会交往的局限性,不利于其在城市重新构建新的社会网络。  相似文献   

In this article I ask a seemingly simple question—How can a Muslim be a liberal citizen? In order to explore this question I define who and what was indexed by the term “Muslim” at various points in United States history. I argue that the figure of the Muslim has existed as an existential other upon which otherness, violence, and suspicion was written. I ask how the historic construction of Muslim identities fuels contemporary surveillance programs predicated on an intrinsic fear of Muslim bodies. Drawing upon a decade of ethnographic research with Muslim communities across the United States, I examine Countering Violent Extremism programs. I argue that such policing function re-inscribe and normalize White supremacy and Muslim suspicion of, and within, Muslim communities. Finally, I examine the question of citizenship in neoliberal times and ask how we might understand citizenship rights, particularly for Muslim communities, in the contemporary United States.  相似文献   

霍达的作品《穆斯林的葬礼》获得不少奖项,而其中一项便是中国最高文学奖。此著作曾以各种方式传播,直至今日,其文学影响力仍不减。在这部小说里,霍达通过不同的艺术形式,使内容精彩纷呈,这些艺术形式中,其叙事手法的娴熟运用值得关注。作者采用不同的叙事手法,令文本的内容与形式交相辉映,呈现出不同的悲剧内容,产生历史厚重感和较强艺术魅力。本文借鉴小说叙事学和小说写作的相关理论,从时间的控制、空间的设定这两个方面,探讨增加叙事频率、设置悬念、戏中戏手法、平行蒙太奇手法的运用,并分析其所达到的艺术效果。  相似文献   

The devolution of control over education policy in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao of the southern Philippines has led, in recent years, to efforts to Islamise education in the region, a trend reflective of similar efforts in other Southeast Asian Muslim countries but often seen as worrisome by secular observers concerned about the alleged radicalising influences of Islamic education. This essay critically examines two approaches to the Islamisation of education proposed by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas and Fazlur Rahman, arguing that Islamisation of education in Muslim Mindanao is more likely to take a pragmatic than fundamentalist course.  相似文献   

西北是回族重要的聚居区,近代以来回族社会面临重要的社会转型,回族教育也以一种多元化的不同类型呈现出来,回族传统的经堂教育、新式教育和陕甘宁边区的回族教育是其主要的几种类型,同时还有"化彼殊俗"的汉化教育、私塾性质的回族教育和分别由政府、回族上层人士、寺院创办的民族教育、新式回族女子教育、回族幼儿教育等类型。  相似文献   

始于明末的沧州回族经堂教育,是带有回族特色的一种宗教教育体系,它的主要目的是培养宗教人才和普及宗教知识。沧州回族经堂教育作为回族民间教育的主流,它在伊斯兰文化的传承、回族人才的培养以及回族社会的进步与发展等方面发挥了巨大作用。  相似文献   


In a transnational world, Muslim cosmopolitanisms are both numerous and diverse. These cosmopolitanisms constitute a broad spectrum of views and practices, representing a range of interpretations and expressions of Islam, some of which are polarized and polarizing. In this reflective, theoretical paper, I discuss the potential implications of Muslim cosmopolitanisms for the education of Muslims in a transnational world and argue that the teachings of Islam are sufficiently open to interpretation to support various Muslim cosmopolitanisms. While resistance to change has typified the education of Muslims historically in many parts of the world, this resistance is being challenged in new ways, characteristic of the Information Age, wherein near-instantaneous, transnational exchanges of information and ideas are democratizing and adding complexity to Islamic hermeneutics and praxis. In this context, I contend that Muslim cosmopolitan discourses have become necessary, and the outcomes of these discourses will be crucial in shaping the future education of Muslims. Given historical precedents, however, I posit that the triumph of Muslim educational orthodoxy is expected if these discourses lead to or reinforce polarization.  相似文献   

Muslim communities in the United Kingdom are expressing an increasing discontentment with life in the UK and education is the focus of many of these concerns. This paper examines the conflicts that are exposed by the establishment of Muslim girls' schools by highlighting three main areas. The first two reveal the inadequacies of provision for Muslim pupils within the maintained sector and the problems caused for them by existing legislation. The resulting disaffection from the state system has led to the establishment of an increasing number of private Muslim schools. Over half of these are for Muslim girls and some of these are bidding for public funding. The third and final section concerns itself with a discussion of the dilemma that these schools pose for a pluralist society, its policies and its legislation.  相似文献   

This article explores and analyzes private Muslim schooling in France using ethnographic research performed in 2013–2014 in Lille-, Lyon-, and Paris-based Muslim schools. The article discusses the course content and the interpretations of Islam that are taught, demonstrating how French republican values are fused together with Islam to promote a specific brand of French Muslim citizenship and identity. I argue that Muslim schools should be seen as part of the process of the normalization of Muslim-based civic engagement and that they represent a particular response to France's new plurality that reinterprets the boundaries of “French” and “Muslim.”  相似文献   

The purpose of this chapter is to examine how Muslims operate within and outside of the US public education system. The case of Muslims in the US is instructive because, as a group, their religious faith allows no differentiation on the basis of ethnic, racial, or linguistic lines. Thus, educational policies within the US place significant strains on American Muslims. This chapter explores social divisions among Muslims, Muslim identify and the role of education, Muslim students in public schools, Muslim schools and the development of Muslim education, and challenges facing the Muslim minority.  相似文献   

《穆斯林的葬礼》的悲与奇   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《穆斯林的葬礼》将民族、宗教、历史、爱情溶为一体,以独特的视角、冷峻的笔峰,讲叙了六十年间的兴衰历史三代人的沉浮命运,全文笼罩着浓厚的穆斯林宗教文化色彩,弥漫着催人泪下的悲剧气息,展现了一段新奇的人生历程。  相似文献   

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