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以青稞麸皮为原料,采用酶法制得的青稞膳食纤维色泽深,为了得到色泽较好的青稞膳食纤维,利用过氧化氢进行青稞膳食纤维漂白单因素和正交优化实验研究。结果表明:将青稞膳食纤维用100%的过氧化氢溶液在pH为10、温度为60℃的水浴中保持90min,漂白效果最佳,其白度值达到83.03%。  相似文献   

贾燕芳  石伟勇 《科技通报》2010,26(3):458-461,476
以废弃笋壳为原料,开展了制备膳食纤维食品添加剂的工艺研究。采用纤维素酶酶解工艺,在酶添加量为1%,温度50℃,pH为4.5,反应1h,得到毛竹笋壳膳食纤维食品添加剂的持水性和溶胀性分别为5.01g/g,5.80mL/g,总膳食纤维含量为86.3%,比笋壳样品增加了18.03%。通过电镜分析,酶解后,笋壳纤维发生了局部溃裂,膳食纤维大部分呈现片层结构,体现了酶解后膳食纤维体积密度、口感得到一定改善,有利于降低笋壳膳食纤维的砂砾感,达到改善笋壳膳食纤维添加剂品质的目的。  相似文献   

许菲  白军飞  李雷 《资源科学》2021,43(12):2490-2502
价格工具在改善居民膳食结构与降低食物生产用水压力两个方面,发挥着重要作用。本文基于1781户微观家庭的记账式调研数据,构建了2-Step QUAIDS食物需求系统模型,估计了中国城市居民食物消费结构的变化趋势;在此基础之上,模拟了不同价格方案对膳食结构和水资源需求的影响。结果表明:①中国居民膳食结构将持续以肉类消费占比上升为主要特征的变化趋势。一方面,这种变化将进一步推升居民家庭的食物消费水资源需求;另一方面,由于对当前消费占比本就偏低的蔬菜以及包括乳制品在内的其他食物的挤出,居民膳食结构的失衡程度将进一步加大,影响健康水平。②肉类食品合理的价格管理方案在降低水资源需求的同时,将推动城镇居民膳食结构的均衡化。在家消费的肉类价格上升10%,将会使城镇居民食物消费水足迹期望值下降5.32%,此情境下,消费者通过减少肉类消费,增加蔬菜以及其他食品(包括乳制品、豆制品等)消费,使得其膳食结构偏离均衡模式百分点数由24.80减少到19.61,居民膳食结构得以改善。面对快速增长的超重及肥胖发生率和持续增加的农业水资源压力,科学探求并合理利用食物价格机制,以此实现改善居民膳食结构并减少农业水资源压力的双赢目标,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

以橙子皮为试材提取不可溶性膳食纤维。对PH值、提取温度及提取时间3个因素进行了单因素试验,最佳提取条件为:PH值为1.4,浸提温度70℃,浸提时间4h,在该条件下,橙子皮不可溶性膳食纤维的提取率达61.79%。水不溶性膳食纤维的持水力为3.0077g/g、溶胀度为9.7218ml/g。  相似文献   

古代作为直接为帝王制作膳食的管理部门光禄寺,尽管设在禁中,面对着帝王,但是有时管理也相当混乱,问题不少。明代嘉靖皇帝就抱怨御膳水平太差,气得要查伙食账。余继登《典故纪闻》记述了这件事。  相似文献   

范敏 《科教文汇》2012,(1):200-201
目的:了解服装设计专业女大学生饮食行为习惯和营养状况,为学校开展食品营养教育、指导学生合理膳食提供帮助。方法:选取湖南女大148名服装设计专业女大学生,采用自编饮食情况调查表进行问卷调查。结果:服装设计专业女大学生营养不良率为27.59%,女大学生中存在不良饮食行为习惯、食品营养知识缺乏,膳食搭配不合理等状况。结论:服装设计专业女大学生应加强食品营养教育和膳食指导,以提高本专业女大学生的营养状况。  相似文献   

目的:调查分析一所职业技术学院贫困生的膳食营养状况及其存在问题。方法:采用称重法和膳食询问法算出学生从学院食堂购得每份菜所含的各种营养素,再根据问卷调查和3天膳食记录,分析贫困生膳食营养状况。结果:25.93%男生和17.46%女生体质消瘦,有5.9%人常有腿抽搐症状,18.81%人常感乏力疲劳,17.82%人常觉得头晕气短,贫困生以谷类食物为主食,平均每人日食396.45克;以蔬菜为副食,每人日食2-4份蔬菜,人均424.36克。蛋白质、脂类、纤维、钙、铁、锌、维生素A、维生素B2、维生素C,均低于RNIs或AIs,热能的构成比较合理。结论:贫困生膳食质量不高结构单一,以谷类和素菜为主,很少吃鱼、禽、蛋、奶、瘦肉和水果,动物性食品提供的营养素明显不足,缺钙、缺铁、缺锌等矿物质和缺脂溶性维生素情况较为严重,与较大比例学生出现腿抽搐缺钙症状和头晕乏力的贫血症状相一致。但是贫困生的膳食热能比例合理,三大类营养素基本达到要求,其中豆类及其制品起到重要作用。建议学校与贫困生关注营养状况,采取相关措施方法,以达合理营养。  相似文献   

幼儿身体健康是幼儿园教育的首要任务,幼儿的身体健康需要均衡的膳食营养作保障,但是当前幼儿园普遍忽视饮食营养工作.我园通过开展幼儿饮食营养课题的研究发现,幼儿园的饮食营养工作存在膳食管理机制不健全,饮食营养教育被忽视的问题.针对存在的问题,应该建立健全幼儿园膳食管理机制;加强幼儿一日三餐的管理;增加幼儿饮食营养课程,让幼儿成为活动的主人;充分利用家长资源,家园协作共同促进幼儿健康饮食.  相似文献   

学校后勤保障在学校工作中具有重要地位,俗话说:“兵马未动,粮草先行”。加强管理,满足师生的膳食、饮水、住宿、洗浴等基本生活,是学校后勤工作的主要内容,其中加强食堂管理是后勤保障的重中之重。  相似文献   

李洋 《华夏星火》2011,(9):66-67
2008年,在中国医药质量管理协会及专业调研公司联合发布的营养及膳食补充剂零售终端市场占有率排名中,汤臣倍健以32.5%的市场占有率位列第一,足足领先第二名整整24个百分点。从那时起,汤臣倍健就成了中国营养补充剂市场零售终端第一品牌,并成为行业的标杆。  相似文献   

为解决人工饲料育蚕发育不齐问题 ,就饲料的不同调制方法对桑蚕幼虫发育的影响以及同一蚕品种个体间的差异进行了研究 .结果发现 :1)在饲料制作上必须进行蒸煮灭菌 ,微波炉加热灭菌与蒸煮的效果相近 ,不经加热杀菌简易化制作的效果都不理想 ;2 )同一蚕品种个体间对人工饲料的摄食性存在差异 .对桑叶粉及蔗糖等摄食促进物质的感受性 ,高食性蚕比低食性蚕敏感 ;而对豆粕粉中摄食阻碍物质的感受性 ,低食性蚕比高食性蚕敏感 .研究认为 ,要提高人工饲料育蚕的群体摄食性和发育整齐度 ,应尽量消除饲料中的摄食阻碍物质或选育出对摄食阻碍物质具适应性的蚕品种  相似文献   

李英 《科技通报》1994,10(5):311-316
论述了浙江省食物结构发展的现状与90年代食物发展的基本目标,提出到本世纪末实现小康食物结构发展的指导思想:(1)坚持食物生产与消费协调发展.根据科学消费的需求,大力发展食物生产,增加食物有效供给.(2)坚持素食为主,荤食为辅的膳食模式,继承我国饮食习惯中的优良传统.按照营养卫生原则,改革膳食结构,逐步提高动物性食物比重,增加豆类蛋白,使食物消费和营养水平有较大的改善和提高.文中提出了实现食物发展目标的若干措施.  相似文献   

Antioxidant property of flaxseed chutney was evident by decreasing lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and predictor enzyme γ-glutamyl transpeptidase profile and micronuclei formation in azoxymethane treated rats. After 10 weeks, rats fed with either fiber-free basal diet or Antioxidant diet exhibited over sevenfold increase in γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity and nearly fourfold increase in micronuclei load in comparison to controls (p<0.001). A significant reduction in both γ-glutamyl transpeptidase level (52%) and micronuclei formation (47%) was observed in fiber-free basal diet/Antioxidant diet/flaxseed chutney diet fed rats. Relative to rats fed fiber-free basal diet, the profile of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase and micronuclei load was not significantly altered.  相似文献   

Aqueous root extract ofAchyranthes aspera was incorporated in the experimental diet ofLabeo rohita (rohu). Control diet was prepared without root extract. Feeding of fishes with experimental diet has significantly (p<0.05) enhanced the serum anti-proteases level than fishes fed with control diet.  相似文献   

Habitual consumption of moderate amounts of fish is associated with reduced mortality from coronary heart disease. However the beneficial effects of fish enriched diet seem contradictory, due to the susceptibility of the PUFAs in them to oxidation. It is also acclaimed that vegetarians in general, have a lower serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol and a better antioxidant status. This contradiction was the basis for the study, where the validity of the above finding was tested in a general population consuming a vegetarian or predominantly fish diet as a regular dietary habit. The oxidant status and the lipid profile of 23 vegetarians and 22 fish eaters was studied by estimating the plasma lipid peroxides measured as malondialdehyde (MDA) and the lipid parameters viz. Total Cholesterol (TC), HDL-Cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG). Statistical analysis was carried out to compare the MDA values and the lipemic status between the two groups. MDA was also correlated with the various lipid indices among the study groups. None of the compared and correlated values was statistically significant, although certain altered trends were seen. From this study, it may be concluded that oxidant status and lipid profile does not vary significantly in the two groups, suggesting that neither a vegetarian diet nor a fish diet has a definite benefit over the other.  相似文献   

将48头育肥猪(杜×长×大)随机分为两组,每组三个重复,在同一玉米-豆粕型基础日粮中分别添加0.1%半乳甘露寡糖(GMOS)和50mg/Kg 金霉素(CTC),进行了46天的对比试验。饲养试验结束后从两个处理的每个重复分别选择一头阉公猪屠宰,结果表明1)生长性能:基础日粮添加0.1% GMOS与添加50mg/Kg CTC相比较,平均日增重提高10.2%(P<0.05),平均日采食量降低25.2%(P<0.01),料肉比下降13.2%(P<0.01);2)屠宰性能:基础日粮添加 0.1%的GMOS与添加50mg/Kg的CTC相比较,背膘厚下降了15.6%,皮厚下降了11.5%,瘦肉率提高了2.94%,但经统计分析,差异均不显著(P>0.05);3)血清生化指标:与添加50mg/Kg的CTC相比,基础日粮添加0.1%的GMOS可使育肥猪血清中的血糖水平升高120%(P<0.05),胆固醇水平下降3.86% (P>0.05),甘油三脂水平下降42.6% (P>0.05);4)猪肉品质:与添加50mg/Kg的金霉素相比,基础日粮添加0.1%的GMOS可显著降低肉中吲哚的含量(P<0.05),对其它肉质指标无显著影响。  相似文献   

Shilajeet, a polycrest ayurvedic drug hitherto unknown for its hypolipidemic effect has been shown to lower serum cholesterol, liver cholesterol, serum triglycerides and serum phosphlipids of wistar rats fed on a cholesterol (1%) supplemented diet, by 39, 55, 47 and 25 per cent respectively, when 0.2 per cent of it was incorporated in the diet. In comparison, gum guggal (2.0 per cent in the diet) lowered the serum cholesterol, liver cholesterol, serum triglycerides and serum phospholipids by 36, 60, 49 and 8 per cent respectively. The increase in HDL-cholesterol by shilajeet was much higher (53%) compared to that by gum guggal (29%).  相似文献   

Low-carbohydrate diets, notably the Atkins Diet, were particularly popular in Britain and North America in the late 1990s and early 2000s. On the basis of a discourse analysis of bestselling low-carbohydrate diet books, I examine and critique genetic and evolutionary explanations for obesity and diabetes as they feature in the low-carbohydrate literature. Low-carbohydrate diet books present two distinct neo-Darwinian explanations of health and body-weight. First, evolutionary nutrition is based on the premise that the human body has adapted to function best on the diet eaten in the Paleolithic era. Second, the thrifty gene theory suggests that feast-or-famine conditions during human evolutionary development naturally selected for people who could store excess energy as body fat for later use. However, the historical narratives and scientific arguments presented in the low-carbohydrate literature are beset with generalisations, inconsistencies and errors. These result, I argue, from the use of the primitive as a discursive "blank slate" onto which to project ideals perceived to be lacking in contemporary industrialised life.  相似文献   

Curcumin has a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may suppress inflammatory component of atherosclerosis. It has been demonstrated that curcumin derivatives can reduce the formation of arterial fatty streaks in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Therefore in this study we evaluated the protective effects of Curcumin on the progression of atherosclerosis. 20 mature rabbits were included for this study; they were randomly divided into four groups each of 5. Group 1: (normal control) were fed corn pellets diet and tab water, group 2: (high cholesterol diet control) were kept on cholesterol rich diet (2% cholesterol) and tab water. Group 3: (cholesterol and rosuvastatin treated group) were kept on cholesterol rich diet (2% cholesterol) and 2.5 mg/kg/day Rosuvastatin dispersed in DW and given orally, group 4: (cholesterol and curcumin treated group) were kept on cholesterol rich diet (2% cholesterol) and 0.2% curcumin added with corn pellets. The study continued for 12 weeks then assessment of serum level of high sensitive C-reactive protein, ICAM1, VCAM1 and PCSK9 was carried out at the end of the study. Total antioxidant activity of curcumin was also determined. Histopathological examination of aortic tissues for atherosclerotic changes was also carried out. Atherogenic (cholesterol rich diet) induced an increment in serum level of TC, LDL, VLDL and TG with concomitant decrement in serum level of HDL and increased atherogenic index. Treatment with curcumin produced substantial reduction in serum TC, LDL, TG with no effect on HDL level thus decreased atherogenic index. Rabbits treated with curcumin showed a significant reduction in the serum level of high sensitive C-reactive protein, ICAM1, VCAM, PCSK9 serum expression and aortic total antioxidant capacity. Curcumin has a potent anti-inflammatory and anti- oxidant effects against atherosclerosis so exerts a protective role by decreasing lipid oxidation and inflammatory markers.  相似文献   

作为一个同宗同源的民族由于历史原因成为两个跨界民族,原来相同的传统饮食、服饰、居住、交通饮食文化各自受本国主流文化的影响,民族传统文化向异向发展,随着社会文化的变迁,两个民族在衣食住行等传统物质文化方面都存在着一些差异。  相似文献   

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