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Community Participatory Ecological Art and Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a phenomenological case study on ecological artist Lynne Hull by investigating the connections between ecological art, nature, and education. The research examines Hull's ‘positive gesture towards the Earth’ as conceptualized in her work of creating habitats for wildlife (Hull, 2004, para 1). It illustrates how she seeks to inspire changes in human behaviour through her artwork in addition to developing action steps based on her works. Through an examination of Hull's work, the researcher explores how ecological art can inspire environmental education by presenting innovative ways of thinking about existing concepts. The paper discusses how educators can incorporate inquiries about ecological art into the school curriculum. Furthermore, it considers ways in which educators can adopt Hull's art‐making processes and integrate these into the curriculum. It argues that educators can help students to interact with these artworks and develop their own creative processes in a meaningful way that involves art, aesthetics, and nature – all of which may raise students' consciousness about the environment in themselves and others. Ultimately, appreciating the elements of nature and their connection to the aesthetic can become a vehicle for raising awareness about broader  相似文献   

“与物为春”乃是因和谐融洽的物我关系所引发的审美体验。具体而言,它表现为“万物与我为一”与“与物化而不以心稽”。前者意味着主体消解了自我与他物之间、他物与他物之间的人为界限,主体与他物在道的层面泯然相亲。后者意味着主体与他物之间无心的顺应,主体既不以一己意志去主宰他物,亦不因功利关系而迎合他物,物我相宜无逆。庄子与物为春的审美体验,启发了中国艺术精神。  相似文献   

庄子与萨特的自由思想有着各自的本体依据,前者为"道论",后者则是"存在先于本质"论;二人在自由观上有着诸多的差异性,主要表现在:实现自由的条件之差异、他人限制与人我和谐同一之差异、对客观规律和自然的认知把握之差异、对己负责与对全体负责之差异、积极行动与消极无为之差异、审美艺术倾向之差异;但从二人自由思想的差异性中也能透视出二者思想的共性,主要表现在自由思想都关注人,重视人的精神自由,都具有典型的美学色彩等。  相似文献   

This study examined the causal and mediating relations between students’ learning approaches, self‐efficacy beliefs, stages of reflective thinking, and academic performance. Second‐year undergraduate students (n = 241; 118 females, 123 males) in the South Pacific were administered the revised version of Biggs’ Study Process Questionnaire, the Reflective Thinking Questionnaire, and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. Latent variables analysis indicated that a surface learning approach contributed to the prediction of habitual action, and a deep learning approach predicted understanding and self‐efficacy. Self‐efficacy directly predicted the stages of reflective thinking, with the exception of critical thinking, and understanding negatively predicted academic performance. Finally, with the exception of critical thinking, the stages of reflective thinking were found to relate causally in a unidimensional manner.  相似文献   

哲学与诗性的交融构成王兆胜散文书写的关学特性,细腻独特的美感体验和宽厚慈爱的道德感悟,闪烁着对天道人心的沉思与追问的亮色。散文以敬畏自然和仁爱众生的美学情怀显现自我的艺术风格。  相似文献   

In this paper, I analyse the Deweyan account of thinking and subject and discuss the educational consequences that follow from such an account. I argue that despite the grouping of thinking and reflective thought that has largely appeared in the interpretation of Deweyan work, Dewey discloses an inescapable uncertainty at the core of human thinking. This move is even more challenging given Dewey's firm faith in the power of intelligent action, and in education as the means by which human beings grow and create meaningful existence. I argue that throughout his work, Dewey dismantled the understanding of the subject as a detached and self‐assured centre of agency. In Deweyan understanding, on one hand, the subject is empowered to reflect on experience and to use this reflection to evolve new ways of acting, thus pushing experience forward. On the other hand, by acting, the subject can create new points of interaction within experience. This understanding of thinking and subject has far‐reaching consequences for education, which must be conceived not so much as the attempt to master and control experience but as the means to create new, unpredictable experience by putting new points of interactions into our relationship with the environment, changing our being‐embedded‐in‐the‐world. Dewey repositions educational, intentional agency away from control and mastery and in the direction of growth and openness.  相似文献   

《汀克溪的朝圣者》是美国作家安妮·迪拉德的重要代表作,也是学界公认的生态文学经典文本。该书与传统审美迥然不同,呈现出生态审美的基本特征。本文从审美境域、审美对象与审美尺度、审美过程三个方面分析、发掘其中蕴含的生态美学价值:在本源自然和人之自然生命相通的本真体验中获取"诗意栖居"的生态智慧,并试图为理解生态美学开启更宽广的思维角度。  相似文献   

禅宗主张人人具有佛性,而佛性则是“教外别传,不立文字,直指人心,见性成佛”。只有通过“悟”才能去领会,去获得佛法真如。禅宗所主张的这种不藉语言文字、不假思计教理、单传心印、直达心性的妙悟顿修,是一种特殊思维活动的心理体验,带有某种神秘色彩的直觉感受,与艺术和审美活动有相似或相通之处,并且进入诗学,对中华审美心理体验和艺术思维产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   


Given that identity continually evolves within socio-cultural contexts of meaning, is there any perceived connectedness between place-based identity and the development of teacher identity? How might shifting personal and professional stories of experience influence teachers’ sense of place, whereby place is conceptualized through interconnected ways of living and working in time and place with others in early childhood contexts? In this ongoing Sydney-based project, six teachers working in prior-to-school (long day care) settings critically reflected on and represented their identity journeys across the professional experience. Using a new place-based framework for exploring identity development, teachers traced their encounters with the place(s), with multi-modal forms of representation and reflection supporting teachers’ re-examination of significant biography events and social-cultural locatedness. Using aesthetic ways of thinking and representing, this article provides insight into the place-based nature of early childhood teachers’ lives and work, illustrating the interwoven nature of teacher identity often formed “out of view”. Challenges associated with shifting personal and professional terrains are clarified, opening possibilities for renewal of pedagogies and transformation of identity understandings.  相似文献   

Although the French Renaissance sceptic Michel de Montaigne (1533–92) is a much‐admired thinker among many literary historians and some philosophical ones, his oeuvre hardly features in critical surveys of ideas in education. This is strange given that Montaigne offers modern educators an exemplary form of communicative discourse which anticipates contemporary education theory's emphasis on the importance of reflective practice and learning from experience. While each of these themes is capable of being rendered as repetitious slogans, sound‐bites even, Montaigne, through his emphasis on free thinking and self‐study, helps to rescue them from such a fate, identifying a dialectical method called ‘essaying’ which has genuine purchase on practice and its improvement.  相似文献   

Reflection represents an important form of human thought; from ancient to modern times, the human capacity for reflective thinking has held the imagination of various philosophers and educational theorists. Despite this interest, researchers define reflection in different ways. One of the purposes of this article is to explore the activity of reflection by examining characteristics and contextual factors associated with it. For this purpose, various philosophical and theoretical sources are considered including Socrates, Rousseau, and Bruner, among others. Following this, empirical research is examined to determine whether elements associated with reflection are consistently integrated within regular classroom instruction. Next, practical and theoretical obstacles to reflection are proposed. One of these obstacles is an over‐emphasis on the technical interest, a concept described by Jürgen Habermas. Last, some implications are suggested with regard to the use of reflection as a construct for infusing new points of discussion in teacher education and practice.  相似文献   

This study exemplifies how faculty members can develop instruments to assess affective responses of students to the specific features of the courses they teach. Means for assessing three types of affective responses are demonstrated: (a) student attitudes towards courses with differing instructional objectives and methodologies, (b) student self‐efficacy (confidence) in completing tasks common to practicing experts, and (c) interests in subject‐specific topics and associated intellectual skills. The iterative processes used in refining the instruments and performing the statistical analyses of their effectiveness are detailed. An analysis of data obtained using these instruments is also included. Positive attitudes towards courses emphasizing analytical thinking increased significantly over the course of a 14‐week semester, as did the measures of self‐efficacy. Despite the rigorous analytical nature of the course experience, the initial strong interest in cell biology topics and higher order thinking skills remained unchanged. There were no significant differences based on gender in any of the affective measures. We discuss the apparent dichotomy, revealed in these assessments, between students' idealistic, academic attitudes towards the course's effectiveness and their opinions of its effects on them personally. We conclude by reporting how insights garnered both from these formal assessments and from anecdotal communications have prompted experimental modifications in the design and conduct of the course. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 1057–1087, 2007  相似文献   

素描教学中的美学内涵包括了形式美(外在和内在的)、科学美和艺术美三个部分,其创作过程不可能脱离人类社会实践对自然形态的把握和运用,只有使形状沉积了更深层次的内涵和因素,进而达到客观实体与主体知觉结构的相互适应,才会引起审美愉悦。当黑白对比的强烈反差和线条构建在科学审美的规范下,才能体现出创造性思维的主客观协调,此时素描的艺术魅力才得以充分展现。  相似文献   

Lisa Borgerding’s work highlights how students can understand evolution without necessarily committing to it, and how learners may come to see it as one available way of thinking amongst others. This is presented as something that should be considered a successful outcome when teaching about material that many students may find incompatible with their personal worldviews. These findings derive from work exploring a cause célèbre of the science education community—the teaching of natural selection in cultural contexts where learners feel they have strong reasons for rejecting evolutionary ideas. Accepting that students may understand but not commit to scientific ideas that are (from some cultural perspectives) controversial may easily be considered as a form of compromise position when teaching canonical science prescribed in curriculum but resisted by learners. Yet if we take scholarship on the nature of science seriously, and wish to reflect the nature of scientific knowledge in science teaching, then the aim of science education should always be to facilitate understanding of, yet to avoid belief in, the ideas taught in science lessons. The philosophy of science suggests that scientific knowledge needs to be understood as theoretical in nature, as conjectural and provisional; and the history of science warns of the risks of strongly committing to any particular conceptualisation as a final account of some feature of nature. Research into student thinking and learning in science suggests that learning science is often a matter of coming to understand a new viable way of thinking about a topic to complement established ways of thinking. Science teaching should then seek to have students appreciate scientific ideas as viable ways of making sense of the currently available empirical evidence, but should not be about persuading students of the truth of any particular scientific account.  相似文献   

《个人的体验》作为大江健三郎荣获诺贝尔文学奖的代表作品之一,有着深刻的内涵。作为残疾儿父亲的大江不仅以写作来突显个人对人生困境的思考与抉择,而且他也致力于从个人的具体性出发,揭示人类共通的东西,探寻走出困境的途径。从《个人的体验》中鸟的成长,我们不难看出大江对人性的关怀,注重人的自我存在。从另一个层面来说,乌的成长也是一个由个人异化走向自我和谐的历程。在实现自我和谐的这个过程中突出了实践的作用,肯定了人与人之间的关系,这些都是促成人自身扣谐的重要因素。由此可看出大江的创作不仅注重人的存在,更是在构建和谐方面有着清醒的认识。  相似文献   

在生态美学视阈中曹禺剧作《雷雨》显示出崭新的意义:(1)为自然"复魅;"(2)揭示了人是如何由自然的人走向非自然的人的;(3)彰显了女性与自然的对应关系,不仅揭示了女性在颠覆男性(理性)中心世界方面的意义,而且彰显了女性在重建人与自然的关系方面的重要作用。合在一起,对人与自我、他人、社会、自然的关系进行了审美观照和书写。  相似文献   

《庄子》通篇以寓言为其言说方式,这使其与《老子》明确的区分开来,也使它在科学上、美学上产生了重要影响。《庄子》通篇以寓言为其言说方式的原因在于:其身份和职业所造就的语言风格、心性品质和思维模式;对"道"的"本体性、至大性、徐无形"理解和感悟;对语言的主观性、片面性和滞后性等特性的把握。  相似文献   

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