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《新媒体联盟2014地平线报告(图书馆版)》由美国新媒体联盟、瑞士应用科学大学的库尔技术与经济学院、德国国家科学技术图书馆和瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院图书馆合作完成。报告旨在呈现新兴技术对高校图书馆的挑战与应对措施。本年度报告所揭示的是"驱动高校图书馆中技术采纳的趋势"和"阻碍高校图书馆技术采纳的重要挑战",要求高校图书馆实现自身角色的转化。  相似文献   

计算机网络技术的发展造就了 1 990年代以后图书馆模式最主要的变化。国外一些高校图书馆以计算机网络技术为媒介 ,在图书收藏、管理模式等方面有了长足的发展。本文旨在通过一些实例介绍网络时代图书馆的新特点 ,以展望我国高校图书馆的发展前景  相似文献   

随着计算机技术、通讯技术和网络技术的发展,高校图书馆电子阅览室获得了迅速的发展。但是由于各种原因,高校图书馆电子阅览室在发展过程中出现了一些问题,需要采用相应对策予以解决。  相似文献   

虚拟专用网VPN技术对于高校数字图书馆的建设发挥着巨大的作用,它能够很好的解决非校园网校外用户对于图书馆电子图书资源的远程访问问题。本文主要阐述如何利用VPN技术结合R_HEL5(RedHatEnterpriseLinux5)来构建高校图书馆VPN服务器。  相似文献   

高校图书馆资源共享途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆资源校内、校际以及与社会共享是当代图书馆事业发展的方向。本文以哈工大(威海)图书馆为例,探索了我国高校图书馆资源共享的几种途径,为其它高校图书馆更好的利用资源提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

本文分析了高校图书馆对于高校开展高等职业技术教育的重要作用,探讨了图书馆如何积极开展工作,服务于高等职业技术教育,并尝试提出了一些具体建议。  相似文献   

本文从青海地(县)级图书馆的实际出发,结合几年来联姻帮扶地(县)级图书馆的实践,提出了青海高校图书馆文化援助地(县)级图书馆的必要性和援助的具体措施。  相似文献   

孙朋  王蔚 《教育技术导刊》2009,19(10):25-28
新冠肺炎(COVID-19)防控期间,高校图书馆利用最新的技术手段开展线上服务势在必行。采用文献分析与实证研究等方法,分析高校图书馆以新媒体、VPN、文献传递等方式进行线上服务的弊端,并探讨在新冠肺炎防控期间,高校图书馆利用AI技术开展智能咨询、智能推送、知识库及阅读增强等线上服务的方式。实践结果表明,利用AI技术可有效解决疫情防控期间各种文献资源难以获取的问题,提升了文献服务质量与效率。  相似文献   

对广东省高校图书馆评估指标体系的几点看法──兼谈高校情报工作的再认识许尧丰,黄容笑(五邑大学图书馆江门市529020)广东省普通高等学校图书馆评估指标体系及实施办法(试行稿),最近在“广东高校图书馆十年1979~1989”与读者正式见面了.虽说,自1...  相似文献   

本文以某高校图书馆无线网络的建设作为实例,对高校图书馆无线网络的技术架构的、应用与管理图书馆WLAN技术,组网过程需注意的事项,以及对网络管理制度的规范进行了简要分析,并对网络拓扑结构、安全管理等问题的加以研究,提出了解决策略。希望得以有关工作者提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

While students are increasing their use of emerging technologies such as text messaging, wikis, social networks, and other Web 2.0 applications, this is not the case with many university faculty. The purpose of this study was to assess faculty's awareness of the benefits of Web 2.0 to supplement in-class learning and better understand faculty's decisions to adopt these tools using the decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB) model. Findings indicated that while some faculty members feel that some Web 2.0 technologies could improve students' learning, their interaction with faculty and with other peers, their writing abilities, and their satisfaction with the course; few choose to use them in the classroom. Additional results indicated that faculty's attitude and their perceived behavioral control are strong indicators of their intention to use Web 2.0. A number of implications are drawn highlighting how the use of Web 2.0 could be useful in the classroom.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide insight into the several aspects of instructional use of emerging web-based technologies. The study first explores the extent of Web 2.0 technology integration into face-to-face classroom activities. In this phase, the main focus of research interests was on the types and dynamics of Web 2.0 tools used by community college instructors. In the second phase, we were predominantly interested in instructors’ preferences toward tools and the major barriers instructors confront in integrating these tools in a traditional educational setting. The study reveals the extent of instructors’ use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom relates to a) their level of education and b) training on the tools. Results clearly indicate that level of education and current use of web 2.0 technologies in instruction are major determinants of the instructors’ preferences toward different groups of Web 2.0 tools. Finally, lack of faculty training opportunities was identified as the main barrier for using Web 2.0 technologies. The study offers research based evidence which undoubtedly represent the current trends and issues in the process of technology integration into course curriculum at a community college level. Considering obtained findings, we suggest implementation of an institutional and systematic approach to reinforce inclusion of Web 2.0 technologies in traditional teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Encouraging reflective practice and developing reflective practitioners is a goal of many disciplines in higher education. A variety of pedagogical techniques have been used to promote critical reflection including portfolios, narratives and reflective journals. Over the past decade, the use of Web 2.0 technologies with students has been increasingly adopted in higher education settings and many educators have integrated these technologies into reflective assignments. These educators assume that students, who are members of the Net Generation, are technologically savvy and have the ability to integrate the use of Web 2.0 technologies into learning. However, while there have been studies examining the outputs of reflective assignments using Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, e-portfolios and wikis, there has been little research examining whether or not students actually use technology for these types of assignment if given the choice. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore if technology was appropriated or rejected by students for a reflective journaling assignment. Results are based on a content analysis of 42 student journaling assignments and interviews with eight students. Findings suggest that (1) students are not as technologically competent as assumed; (2) students chose to use basic/fundamental technologies (e.g. word processing) because they viewed it as the easiest way to complete the reflective journaling assignment; (3) student perceptions of what makes an assignment ‘good’ influenced their choice to use Web 2.0 technologies; and (4) overarching student perceptions of higher education and learning impacted their appropriation of technology. Implications are discussed and recommendations for both research and practice are made.  相似文献   

In recent years public libraries have experimented with user-generated or community-contributed content through the interactive tools of Web 2.0. For some commentators this not just establishes a new relationship between libraries and their publics, but signals the end of information hegemony and an ‘expert paradigm’. Such claims need to be treated with caution. This article argues that public library experiments with user-generated content can be more usefully analysed in the context of wider institutional mandates around literacy, civic engagement and access. This article critically examines some recent library developments in this field, with a particular focus on Australian libraries.  相似文献   

Evidence-based practice in education entails making pedagogical decisions that are informed by relevant empirical research evidence. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss evidence-based pedagogical approaches related to the use of Web 2.0 technologies in both K-12 and higher education settings. The use of such evidence-based practice would be useful to educators interested in fostering student learning through Web 2.0 tools. A comprehensive literature search across the Academic Search Premier, Education Research Complete, ERIC, and PsycINFO databases was conducted. Empirical studies were included for review if they specifically examined the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on student learning. Articles that merely described anecdotal studies such as student perception or feeling toward learning using Web 2.0, or studies that relied on student self-report data such as student questionnaire survey and interview were excluded. Overall, the results of our review suggested that actual evidence regarding the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on student learning is as yet fairly weak. Nevertheless, the use of Web 2.0 technologies appears to have a general positive impact on student learning. None of the studies reported a detrimental or inferior effect on learning. The positive effects are not necessarily attributed to the technologies per se but to how the technologies are used, and how one conceptualizes learning. It may be tentatively concluded that a dialogic, constructionist, or co-constructive pedagogy supported by activities such as Socratic questioning, peer review and self-reflection appeared to increase student achievement in blog-, wiki-, and 3-D immersive virtual world environments, while a transmissive pedagogy supported by review activities appeared to enhance student learning using podcast.  相似文献   

Emphasis on 21st Century Skills development has increased expectations on teachers to take advantages of emerging technologies to support student learning. Yet it is not clear whether teachers are well equipped with the necessary skills, support, and positive attitudes toward integrating them in their practices. Even though student-centered teachers are considered receptive to collaborative technologies and likely to use technology meaningfully in teaching, to what extent teaching style influences their Web 2.0 adaption requires further investigation. This study attempts to identify K12 teachers’ attitudes toward the use of Web 2.0 technologies in their teaching. 161 teachers from eight middle and high schools in both rural and urban locations of West Virginia participated in this cross sectional survey study. Overall, the findings indicate that while teachers are fairly proficient in their computer and internet skills and have fairly high computer self-efficacy, their workload and a structured and standardized curriculum were inhibitors of Web 2.0 adoption. Age, self-efficacy, workload, and views about Web 2.0 in teaching were observed to be significant factors predicting teachers’ likelihood to find Web 2.0 appealing for teaching. Teaching style was not a significant predictor. The findings suggest infrastructural improvements, workload adjustments, and increased professional development opportunities allowing teachers to observe, discuss, and practice Web 2.0 technologies in their particular disciplines.  相似文献   

This paper focuses primarily on the integration of Web 2.0 technologies into social studies education. It documents how various Web 2.0 tools can be utilized in the social studies context to support and enhance teaching and learning. For the purposes of focusing on one specific topic, global connections at the middle school level will be the overlapping theme across the Web 2.0 technologies.  相似文献   

有效的个人知识管理,能不断更新和完善个人知识体系,提高个人核心竞争力。Web2.0作为新一代互联网的统称,以其技术优越性而获得广泛应用。在浅析个人知识管理和Web2.0技术基础上,探讨Web2.0技术为个人知识管理的有效支持。  相似文献   

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