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The global stabilization of a class of mixed states for finite dimensional stochastic quantum systems with degenerate measurement operator is investigated in this paper. We construct a measurement operator and control Hamiltonian that make the target state one of the system equilibria. Based on the proposed Lyapunov function, a control law is designed following Lyapunov’s method to steer system state to the target mixed state from an initial state in the convergence domain, which is obtained through the analyses of invariant set based on LaSella’s invariance principle. When the initial state isn’t in the convergence domain, a constant control is used to steer the system state so that it enters the convergence domain in finite time. The constant control and the control designed by Lyapunov method compose a switching control strategy, which can steer system state to the target mixed state from any arbitrary state in the state space, i.e., the target mixed state is globally stable under the switching control. The convergence of the switching control is proved based on state sample trajectories. Moreover, the numerical experiments on a three dimensional stochastic quantum system are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of switching control.  相似文献   

The observer-based feedback control for the two-level bilinear open stochastic quantum system is proposed in this paper. The state of open stochastic quantum system (OSQS) is described in the Cartesian coordinate system. The proposed state observer is designed by using state-dependent differential Riccati equation (SDDRE) and constructed for optimally estimating the state of OSQS from measurement output of the system. The state of observer is continuously updated by the output data of continuous weak measurement (CWM). A Lyapunov Feedback control is designed based on estimated state of the observer for the state transfer of OSQS. An exponential Lyapunov function is chosen to ensure the stability of the system. The observer-based Lyapunov feedback control (OLFC) strategy is developed according to the stochastic Lyapunov stability theorem. The numerical simulation results verify the achievability of the proposed OLFC strategy in terms of state estimation and state transfer of OSQS. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the observer tracks the state of system asymptotically with minimum error of ± 3%. The proposed OLFC has the ability to move the state of OSQS from arbitrary initial state to the final target eigenstate with high fidelity ≥ 90%.  相似文献   

Nowadays, all marketing companies are focusing on advertisements to maximize their sales and profit. Media mix models are used by advertisers to measure how advertisements would effectively, attract and motivate the consumers to buy their brands. However, due to large number of media mix variables, it is difficult to use these media mix models for producing reliable approximation, extending these approximations to infer causation (not as correlation), and parameterizing these models to handle the complex marketing interactions between consumers. In this work, we develop a novel model integrating causal inference analysis with a parameterized quantum stochastic gradient descent model to assess the relation between the marketing advertisements and sales forecasting. The proposed causal aware PQSGD model is experimented on two different media mix variables datasets. The proposed model outperforms the existing quantum approaches (Quantum linear/lasso regression, Quantum decision tree, Quantum LightGBM, Quantum random forest regressor) by achieving the MSE values of 4.36 for Dataset 1 and 19.24 for Dataset 2.  相似文献   

基于"随机局域操作和经典通讯"对2×5×5纯态量子系统的完全纠缠态进行了分类,共得到34个不等价类.其中有3个类对应的纠缠态含有连续参数.对含参数类的参数进行了详细研究,发现其中有2个类只含1个独立参数;另外1个含有2个独立参数.而且这些独立参数并不完全任意,它们有确定的对称性.对于1个独立参数情形,得到该参数具有D3群对称性.  相似文献   

利用二向光度计实测了4个物候期杨树单叶的偏振反射比与二向反射比数据,并对此数据进行了分析,得出了杨树单叶的偏振反射特征与二向反射特征之间的关系及其对物候变化的响应,为偏振光遥感、多角度遥感的深入研究与应用提供了依据,并且对森林遥感也做出了一种新的尝试.  相似文献   

自旋极化电子在许多研究领域有着广泛用途,目前国际上普遍采用光电离GaAs晶体产生自旋极化电子。本文介绍自旋极化电子产生的原理及一种设计简洁、结构简单的极化电子源装置。该十字型四通道装置内有一非常简单的900静电偏转器,新型的用于固定晶片的弹簧夹子可保证晶片加热均匀。用波长780nm圆偏振激光激活GaAs光电阴极可以产生极化电子,然后通过900静电偏转器及一组静电透镜将极化电子引、到反应区。  相似文献   

The existence and uniqueness of stationary distribution and ergodic properties of a stochastic system are obtained. Especially, different from the existing methods, a new method is introduced to analyze almost sure permanence and uniform boundedness of the stochastic predator–prey model. This new idea is based on geometric structure of invariant set for a stochastic system. More specifically, we obtain our main conclusions by showing the invariant set for the stochastic population system lies in the interior of the first quadrant. It is interesting and surprising that the stochastic population model can guarantee a uniform boundedness almost surely. Some numerical simulations are carried out to support our results.  相似文献   

针对几类重要的随机非线性系统, 提出了一些新的概念,发展了一些基本分析工具, 研究了几类控制器的设计问题. 主要成果包括:(1) 针对一类部分动态不可量测的非线性随机系统,引入了随机输入状态稳定(SISS)的概念, 借助于分析概率理论,发展了随机系统改变能量函数方法, 成功地处理了随机微分中的伊藤项,给出了随机非线性串联系统SISS的小增益类条件. (2) 对一类具有SISS随机逆动态的大规模随机非线性系统,给出了分散自适应输出反馈镇定控制器的构造性设计方法. 既解决了实用镇定问题也解决了渐近镇定问题. 在分散控制框架内,给出了处理随机非线性逆动 态的方法. (3) 对一类具有不稳定零动态的随机非线性系统,引入了随机输入状态可镇定的概念,给出了全局输出反馈镇定控制器构造性设计方法. (4) 对一类具有线性增长的不可量测状态的随机非线性系统,针对方差未知的噪声和一般随机输入,引入了广义随机输入状态稳定(GSISS)的概念,分别给出了随机干扰抑制和渐近镇定的输出反馈控制器的构造性设计方法.(5) 对一般的时滞随机非线性系统, 给出了解存在唯一的判定条件,引入了依概率全局(渐近)稳定的概念及相应的判定准则,丰富了随机时滞非线性系统的控制器设计理论. 对一类不确定随机时变时滞系统,构造性地设计出了自适应输出反馈镇定控制器.  相似文献   

量子特性在信息领域中有着独特的功能,在提高运算速度、确保信息安全、增大信息容量和提高检测精度等方面可能突破现有经典信息系统的极限。我们以液态NMR技术实现量子信息处理中的应用主题开展研究,所取得的成果包括:1)利用NMR实验实现了两个无直接耦合自旋之间的量子密集编码和三个量子位之间的量子密集编码过程。实验结果表明:量子密集编码只需传送N-1个量子位便可以传递N个经典位的信息。2)利用NMR实验实现了三种多量子算法;提出了一种实现n阶耦合变换的理论方法,根据这种方法可实现任意量子位的Deutsch-Jozsa算法。3)提出了一种基于量子克隆的量子编码和纠错方案。该方案一方面说明了量子克隆与量子纠错存在一定程度上的联系,另一方面也反映出一些量子克隆过程本身具有一定的抗消相干的能力。4)提出用二维NMR中的多量子相干实现无消相干子空间(DFS),并在实验上验证了该DFS的避错能力。本方法有效地利用了甲基中三个磁等价的氢核,把原本需要四个化学位移各不相同的核自旋构造的二逻辑位的DFS变成了只需两个化学位移各不相同的核自旋体系构造的二逻辑位的DFS,虽然用的核自旋数“更少”,却能避免更多的错误算符。用多量子相干作为量子计算中的量子位,是一种全新的概念,可以充分利用磁等价的原子核自旋来构造多个量子位,从而扩展了可利用的量子位的数目。  相似文献   

以智慧芽专利数据库的量子信息专利文献为数据源,基于专利计量的研究方法从时间、地域、专利申请人等多个层次进行专利数据分析,及时追踪量子信息技术发展态势,重点分析了发达国家的量子信息技术发展状况,挖掘典型机构和高价值专利。研究发现:量子信息技术正处于发展上升周期,美国是量子计算的强国,中国在量子通信稍占优势,量子保密通信、量子计算机是量子信息技术的研究热点。最后根据研究结果,提出要从国家层面做好量子信息顶层规划,加强基础研究,培养一批高水平人才,产学研融合发展,打造量子信息产业生态。  相似文献   

This paper is dedicated to the stochastic bipartite consensus issue of discrete-time multi-agent systems subject to additive/multiplicative noise over antagonistic network, where a stochastic approximation time-varying gain is utilized for noise attenuation. The antagonistic information is characterized by a signed graph. We first show that the semi-decomposition approach, combining with Martingale convergence theorem, suffices to assure the bipartite consensus of the agents that are disturbed by additive noise. For multiplicative noise, we turn to the tool from Lyapunov-based technique to guarantee the boundedness of agents’ states. Based on it, the bipartite consensus with multiplicative noise can be achieved. It is found that the constant stochastic approximation control gain is inapplicable for the bipartite consensus with multiplicative noise. Moreover, the convergence rate of stochastic MASs with communication noise and antagonistic exchange is explicitly characterized, which has a close relationship with the stochastic approximation gain. Finally, we verify the obtained theoretical results via a numerical example.  相似文献   

Noise Induced Tracking Error (NITE) refers to the tracking error of the mean of the output in feedback control systems with nonlinear instrumentation subject to zero-mean measurement noise. Most of the previous work rely on the stochastic averaging for NITE analysis, the validity of which requires that the bandwidth of the zero mean measurement noise is much higher than that of the system. This is because the results obtained by stochastic averaging are asymptotic with respect to the noise bandwidth. Due to the asymptotic nature of the analysis tool, it is not straightforward to provide a quantitative argument for high bandwidth. An alternative method in the literature that can analyze NITE is stochastic linearization for random input, which is analogous to the well known describing function approach for sinusoidal input. Unlike stochastic averaging, stochastic linearization is not an asymptotic approximation. Therefore, analysis can be carried out for any given noise bandwidth. We carry out NITE analysis using stochastic linearization for a class of LPNI systems that are prone to NITE; identify the system conditions under which the averaging analysis of NITE may yield inaccurate results for a finite noise bandwidth; and prove that the results from the two methods agree as the noise bandwidth approaches infinity. In addition, an existing NITE mitigation strategy is extended based on the proposed method. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

量子计算机是一种新型的运算工具,它具有强大的并行处理数据的能力,可解决现有计算机难以运算的数学问题,因此,它成为世界各国战略竞争的焦点。本文综述了量子计算机目前的发展状况和可扩展、可容错的量子计算机物理体系的实验研究进展,并分析了美国最近启动研制量子芯片的微型曼哈顿计划对我国构成的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

This paper investigates a stochastic impulsive coupling protocol for synchronization of linear dynamical networks based on discrete-time sampled-data. The convergence of the networks under the proposed protocol is discussed, and some sufficient conditions are showed to guarantee almost sure exponential synchronization. Moreover, this coupling protocol with a pinning control scheme is developed to lead the state of all nodes to almost sure exponentially converge to a virtual synchronization target. It is shown that the almost sure exponential synchronization can be achieved by only interacting based on the stochastic feedback information at discrete-time instants. Some numerical examples are finally provided to present the effectiveness of the proposed stochastic coupling protocols.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the simultaneous exponential stabilization problem for a set of stochastic port-controlled Hamiltonian (PCH) systems. Due to the limited bandwidth of the channels, the phenomena of fading channels and transmission delays which are described by a time-varying stochastic model always occur in the communication channels from the controller to the actuator. Meanwhile, actuator saturation constraint is taken into account. On the basis of dissipative Hamiltonian structural and saturating actuator properties, those stochastic PCH systems are combined to generate an augmented system. By utilizing the stochastic analysis theory, sufficient criterions are given for the simultaneous stabilization controller design ensuring that the closed-loop system is simultaneously exponentially mean-square stable (SEMSS). For the case that there exist external disturbances in the systems, some results on stability analysis and controller design are given. The developed controller design scheme is proved by a three-helicopter model simulation example.  相似文献   

Semiconductors, a significant type of material in the information era, are becoming more and more powerful in the field of quantum information. In recent decades, semiconductor quantum computation was investigated thoroughly across the world and developed with a dramatically fast speed. The research varied from initialization, control and readout of qubits, to the architecture of fault-tolerant quantum computing. Here, we first introduce the basic ideas for quantum computing, and then discuss the developments of single- and two-qubit gate control in semiconductors. Up to now, the qubit initialization, control and readout can be realized with relatively high fidelity and a programmable two-qubit quantum processor has even been demonstrated. However, to further improve the qubit quality and scale it up, there are still some challenges to resolve such as the improvement of the readout method, material development and scalable designs. We discuss these issues and introduce the forefronts of progress. Finally, considering the positive trend of the research on semiconductor quantum devices and recent theoretical work on the applications of quantum computation, we anticipate that semiconductor quantum computation may develop fast and will have a huge impact on our lives in the near future.  相似文献   

In this paper, the pth moment exponential stability for a class of impulsive stochastic functional differential equations with Markovian switching is investigated. Based on the Lyapunov function, Dynkin formula and Razumikhin technique with stochastic version as well as stochastic analysis theory, many new sufficient conditions are derived to ensure the pth moment exponential stability of the trivial solution. The obtained results show that stochastic functional differential equations with/without Markovian switching may be pth moment exponentially stabilized by impulses. Moreover, our results generalize and improve some results obtained in the literature. Finally, a numerical example and its simulations are given to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the robust output regulation problem for stochastic systems with additive noises. As is known, for the output regulation control problem, a general method is to regard that the system is disturbed by an autonomous exosystem (which is consisted by external disturbances and reference signals), and for the system disturbed by the white noise, the stochastic differential equations (SDEs) should be utilized in modeling, accordingly, a controller with a feedforward regulator is constructed for the stochastic system with an exosystem, which can not only cancel the external disturbance, but also transform the trajectory tracking problem into the stabilization problem; In consideration of the state variables in stochastic systems cannot be measured completely, we embed an observer to the controller, such that the random interference can be suppressed, and the trajectory tracking can be achieved. Based on the stochastic control theory, the criteria of the exponential practical stability in the mean square is presented for the closed-loop system, finally, through tuning the controller parameters, the mean square of the tracking error can converge to an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the origin.  相似文献   

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