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自框架效应这一概念提出以来,大量学者对其做了深入细致的研究.但在现实生活中,很多时候并没有已经表述好的框架供人们选择.在模糊情境下,人们通过对外部信息的编辑和加工形成了自我框架.自我框架同外部框架一样,能够对人们的风险决策产生影响,即产生了自我框架效应,积极自我框架下倾向于保守,消极自我框架下倾向于冒险.自我框架效应会受到很多因素的影响,比如不同的问题情境、决策者的个性因素、概率、机会威胁认知等都会对自我框架效应的大小与方向产生影响.自我框架效应的研究还存在很多不足,需要进一步的探索.  相似文献   

内部控制是为实现经营管理目标、组织内部经营活动而建立的各职能部门之间对业务活动进行组织、制约、考核和调节的方法、程序和措施,企业需要结合自身特点,优化控制环境,明确控制目标,改善控制技术,并不断完善内部控制系统,提高内部控制的效果,保护企业资产,确保财务报告的可靠性以及企业对法律法规的遵循,本文旨在简要介绍内部控制的概念和美国COSO内部控制框架以及内部控制与经营管理的关系,结合目前本企业内部控制的现状,探寻如何更好的实施内部控制。  相似文献   

网络流行语具有简洁、惊奇、表达力强等特点,已逐渐成为人们日常交际生活中不可或缺的一部分。本文以框架理论为视角,通过框架转移效应以及媒介框架效应对网络流行语的传播及流行原因进行了语义分析。  相似文献   

框架效应指当决策问题的表述发生改变时,决策选择发生反转的现象。该现象体现了决策过程中问题表述对理性决策的干扰。以往研究对风险决策框架给予了高度关注,然而缺乏对其他类型决策框架以及框架效应影响因素的探讨。认知风格和性别作为重要的个体差异变量,对决策中不同类型框架效应产生了怎样的影响目前仍不清楚。本研究采用问卷调查法,对该问题进行了探讨。研究发现:(1)与男生相比,女生更容易出现框架效应;(2)认知风格与框架效应具有显著相关关系;(3)认知风格对不同类型的框架效应存在不同的影响,场依存认知风格的人更容易产生风险框架效应和目标框架效应,场独立认知风格的人更容易产生属性框架效应。  相似文献   

1979年Kahneman和Tversky在前景理论中指出了问题的“框架”会影响决策者的风险偏好。在随后的三十多年中,国内外关于框架效应的研究层出不穷,分别在框架效应的种类、理论、与框架效应相关的个体和社会因素,以及框架效应的应用领域等各方面取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

决策作为一种高级认知活动,存在于人们的日常生活中。决策过程中的理性与非理性是决策理论争论的一个热点。Kahneman和Tversky(1981)提出的"框架效应"体现了决策过程中问题表述对理性决策的干扰,描述了决策问题中因情景表述的改变而导致选择偏好改变的现象。认知风格作为一个重要的个体认知活动差异变量,对决策过程产生了重要的作用,尤其是对框架效应产生了不可忽视的影响,该现象已引起了研究者们的高度重视。在回顾决策中框架效应的提出、框架效应的影响因素,以及认知风格如何影响框架效应等几方面内容的基础上,总结分析了以往研究中存在的不足以及未来需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

国际贸易基本理论建立在两大框架基础上,即CRS-PC框架和IRS-MC框架。国际贸易现实中,多少能够由CRS-PC框架来解释,又有多少能够由IRS-MC框架来解释,是一个基本且重要的问题,关系到贸易基本理论的解释效力及理论地位。本文探讨基本贸易理论框架的理论识别条件,该识别条件的研究进展及简评。本文认为"本土市场效应"理论能与IRS-MC框架直接对应,构成基本贸易理论框架的理论识别条件。本文的研究能够把握"本土市场效应"理论与两大基本贸易理论框架的关系,以及其在IRS-MC框架下的重要地位。  相似文献   

领导者常借用框架进行决策,若对框架的认知不足就会陷入决策陷阱,如被框架所禁锢、"选择性失明"、思想意识上的强制扭曲、过度自信、过分谨慎等框架效应。通过科学认知框架和对框架陷阱的分析,能够让决策者回避这些陷阱。  相似文献   

对《中国管理会计职业能力框架》和《全球特许管理会计能力框架》进行了评价,分析了该框架对管理会计师职业发展路径、职业资格以及不同阶段所需知识和能力的影响。提出管理会计师要具备良好的会计核算知识和能力,要掌握信息化技术和生产经营管理知识和能力。  相似文献   

文章对学习资源建设相关文献进行了梳理,分析了学习资源建设流程和框架,以成人学习理论为支撑,结合大型企业学习资源建设经验与教训,对企业数字化学习资源建设进行了初步研究,构建了企业数字化学习资源建设框架(833框架),并对其中的需求、规划、分析、设计、开发、审核、应用、评价8个环节进行了阐述。  相似文献   

建构良好的国家形象对提升我国的国际地位具有十分重要的意义,而对外新闻报道中的叙事建构是建构国家形象的重要途径。基于蒙娜·贝克的叙事理论,对最近两年来中国面向东盟的英文新闻报道及相对应的中文报道进行对比分析,发现译者在新闻编译中多采用时空建构、文本素材选择性采用与标示性建构等策略来对原文进行翻译叙事重构,突显能彰显良好国家形象的叙事,弱化与国家形象建构关系不大的叙事,在国际语境中建构与传播良好的中国国家形象。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to be a tool for community college leaders, as well as campus members, to positively and effectively utilize framing on their campuses. The fictional case of Maggie Pascal at Midwestern Community College illustrates the process of framing the change of a new partnership with Wind Energy Corporation to internal stakeholders on campus. This case illustrates the importance of understanding context and frames before the action of framing can be activated. A leader can then decide which type of framing to utilize (i.e., step-by-step, vision, or connective) and which language tools will be most effective in framing. The ways a practitioner operationalizes framing is through symbolism, talking, walking, and writing (Eddy, 2010a). This idea of framing is an important skill leaders can proactively develop to support their campuses through change processes to enhance the likelihood for a successful change outcome. Also, this may benefit other campus members who may have the opportunity to frame meaning for others or to be involved in making sense of a leader’s framing.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study using ethnographic and visual methods to investigate the framing activity of engineering students. Findings suggest students use the rhetorical figure of hypotyposis to produce the vivid images needed to frame engineering constraints. Data reveal students multimodally inducing collaboration between group members to construct images as ways to configure engineering constraints. The author argues for the usefulness of hypotyposis for understanding the framing of engineers, technical communicators, and other designers.  相似文献   

Using relational framing theory, this article examines the influence of utterance type and relational context on the salience of relational frames. The authors report the results of two studies that used scenarios to manipulate utterance form and information about the relationship between interactants. Participants rated the relevance of dominance-submissiveness and affiliation-disaffiliation frames to interpreting the hypothetical interactions. Results showed that judgments of dominance-submissiveness frame salience were sensitive to variations in utterance type and relational context, but the results were mixed for the affiliation-disaffiliation frame. The authors discuss the implications for relational framing theory and the possibility of an affiliation bias.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid rate of organizational change, performance improvement professionals need innovative ways to analyze issues affecting performance. Because most organizations lack resources to address all performance concerns in a timely manner, performance improvement professionals need a myriad of performance analysis tools. This research focuses on framing as an innovative tool in performance analysis. Framing is a method of attributing different perspectives to performance analysis data and understanding the beliefs and organizing principles within an organization. Using qualitative coding and analysis techniques, the four frames of structural, human resources, political, and symbolic were applied to a sample of interview and observation data taken in a large public research/teaching hospital. Results revealed that the human resource frame was the predominate frame and that framing is an innovative method of analyzing organizational culture and making meaning in organizations, adding another dimension to performance analysis techniques.  相似文献   

框架理论是一个语义研究的新视角,语言信息和词汇语义可以唤起框架;框架的构建有助于我们对语言表达的理解。本文从框架理论视角分析二战后美国总统就职演说中自由民主主题下的语言表达,发现美国总统使用一些特定语言词汇成功构建一个"英雄"框架来塑造美国的"英雄"形象,并把美国推广自由民主价值观的行为框定为"正义"与"邪恶"之战。  相似文献   

人们对自己的经验感知进行语言表述时通常有两种图式化的视角框架可供选择:再现型和陈述型;两者的认知构建模式不同。笔者对他人的经验感知进行表述时,由于他人经验的低可及性,视角框架的选取、构建肯定与第一人称不同。笔者本文通过故事转述这一形式对转述话语中视角框架的使用和典型语言体现手段进行调查研究,发现第三人称口头叙事中,视角框架的使用以“陈述型”为主,说明转述者关注的焦点是故事的“事件性”。少量“再现型”框架的使用是语境制约下转述者进行“移情”处理的结果。  相似文献   

This paper aims to show how the Goffman frame perspective can be used in an analysis of school and education and how it can be combined, in such analysis, with the frame factor perspective. The latter emphasizes factors that are determined outside the teaching process, while the former stresses how actors organize their experiences and define shared situations. In this light, an analysis of framing of and in Swedish compulsory school, based on governing documents, is carried out. Since the frame factors are contradictory, different possibilities to frame school in the Goffmanian sense present themselves to the school actors. In spite of frame factors, school can be framed in different and inconstant ways, for example, as an institution, an organization, a movement, or a seminar. Such nuance shifts show different dynamics of social interaction in school and can be used to understand variations between and within schools.  相似文献   

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