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期刊有精装和简装之别,精装工序复杂,需有相应设备,且成本较高;简装多采用打眼(钻眼)装订法,成本低工序少.简装方法只适合装订较薄的合汀本,用这种方法装订较厚的期刊就不太适应了.  相似文献   

装订有简装、精装之分,其中精装又分半漆布装和全漆布装.半漆布装书脊用漆布做外包,书面用牛皮纸做外包,全漆布则书脊书面全用漆布外包.简装则只在缝合后外包一张牛皮纸即可.简装和精装的装订方法不同,使用材料不同,装订后书脊上标识的刊名、年、卷期、单位名称等内容的加工方法也不同.简装一般用碳素墨水手工书写完成,比较简单.精装刊都要在书脊漆布上用铅字烫金完成,工艺比较复杂.虽有以上这些不同,但有一项相同,就是索书号的处理相同,即不论简装还是精装,索书号都是在装订后、登记上架前统一用不干胶书标,手写索书号,粘贴在离书脊底面一寸的书脊正中.  相似文献   

画刊(画报)和期刊装订不同,期刊装订不管是精装还是简装,大都是采用打眼装订法,而画刊则不能,若打眼装订则会损坏画刊中缝的图案完整,影响欣赏效果.下面介绍一种画刊锯口穿线法的装订方法.  相似文献   

《编辑之友》创刊于1981年,是国内最早的编辑出版类专业学术期刊。现为中文新闻传播类核心期刊、中国人文社会科学核心期刊、中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)来源期刊、中国期刊方阵双效期刊。欢迎广大读者订阅!合订本(一年两本),简装200元/套,精装300元/套向编辑部订阅免邮寄费  相似文献   

高校图书馆可以根据具体情况对部分期刊采用简装形式。简装期刊可以采用平放式排架代替立式排架,并在相对较短的时间内剔旧或下架封存,同时依据读者类型、期刊类型和不同时间区间决定是否外借或允许复印。  相似文献   

王燕 《兰台世界》2011,(3):66-67
高校图书馆可以根据具体情况对部分期刊采用简装形式。简装期刊可以采用平放式排架代替立式排架,并在相对较短的时间内剔旧或下架封存,同时依据读者类型、期刊类型和不同时间区间决定是否外借或允许复印。  相似文献   

老人往可乐瓶做成的水烟简装好烟丝,抬起头来,望着我说:“问吧,孩子,我就是你要找的那个慰安妇。”  相似文献   

书籍同其他传播媒介一样,具有告知、说服和娱乐的作用。它的形式不同于报纸的是,装订成册,并有封面。不同于杂志的是,不登广告。此外,书籍还有硬纸皮书(即精装)与纸皮书(即简装)两种。而杂志则都是纸皮的。书籍的撰写,编辑、印刷过程较长。在时间性上比不上杂志,更远远比不上报纸。但是,书籍,特别是哲学和各种学术性的论著,深入地,系统地论述、探索和研究问题,广泛地传播知识。因而它在所有的传播工具中,最具有“永久性”,是继承和传播文化传统的最重要的传播工具。如果专就传播工具所能达到的受传者(读者、听众、观众)的数量而论,书籍特别是古代书籍的销数、远不如报纸和杂志。现代书籍,即使是畅销书,也远不如许多收听(收看)  相似文献   

图书馆大量的馆藏书籍中,有相当数量的精装书籍,如各种手册、字(辞)典、百科全书以及经典名著等,还有大量的精装过刊.  相似文献   

针对期刊不装订在管理与流通两方面存在的问题,指出简装期刊符合期刊管理的客观需要。  相似文献   

在分析和比较各种常用的永久性期刊合订方法的基础上,探讨了影响期刊合订本复印效果的各种因素;建立了各因素间可以科学地选择适当的合订方法,以消除期刊合订本装订线附近区域复印印迹畸变现象的数学关系。同时还就这一问题向出版印刷部门提出了建议。  相似文献   

This paper relates the levels of usage of matching engineering titles at Leeds and Cornell universities to the different styles of binding used and the way in which the bindings wear with use.  相似文献   

北疆博物院是天津自然博物馆的前身,由法国博物学家、昆虫学家、地质古生物学家、天主教耶稣会神甫桑志华于1914年在天津创建。在华25年间,桑志华不仅留存下20多万件自然标本,还留存有18世纪中晚期至20世纪早期的珍贵藏书1.4万余册。这些百年藏书以自然科学和汉学为主,时间跨度大,来源广泛,存世量稀少,装帧精美,具有重要的科研价值、历史价值和收藏价值。  相似文献   

This article describes the first half century of the Communist government’s supervision and management of the central-government archives of the last two dynasties. Immediately with the Communist ascent to power in 1949, the new government took great interest in assembling and protecting the country’s archival documents, readying the Ming-Qing archives for access to scholars, and preparing for publication of selected materials. By the 1980s Beijing’s Number One Historical Archives, in charge of the largest holding of Ming-Qing documents, had become the first Chinese authority to complete a full sorting and preliminary catalogues for such a collection. Moreover, to facilitate searches, an attempt has recently begun to create a subject-heading system for these and other holdings in the country. In the first half century’s final decades, foreign researchers were admitted for the first time and tours and international exchanges began to take place.
Beatrice S. BartlettEmail:

科技查新行业发展现状及面临的问题分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
指出我国科技查新机构分属于以科委、科技厅和国家部委为主的管理系统,并从地区和查新数量分布两方面介绍我国科技查新机构的分布;分析当前科技查新工作在行业管理、业务分布、队伍建设、查新报告质量方面存在的问题,并针对存在的问题提出促进科技查新行业发展可采取的措施。   相似文献   

科技查新机构评价指标体系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从查新报告评价和查新机构评价两个方面对我国科技查新评价研究的现状进行了综述。从查新委托人、查新机构和科技管理机构的角度论述了科技查新机构评价的意义。从现实需求出发,通过问卷调查和专家调研,构建了由文献资源、人力资源、查新设备、内部管理、科研和奖励、查新业务等六大类指标构成的科技查新机构评价指标体系。   相似文献   

Conclusion  Convergence is a very exciting model and one that holds, unforeseen opportunities. However in the current economic environment, the investment community is hesitant to recommend that communications companies devote many resources in that area. The convergence mode must prove that it can generate revenue and profits. Yet, it is limited to an advertising-supported model—a part of the communications industry that has struggled during the past, year due to the recession. The increased advertising revenue that would be generated by the convergence model is tainted—most likely taking advertising share away from the traditional media segments that are supporting the model. Tied to the convergence model is a high dependency on the Internet. Internet advertising is not local. In addition, financial data clearly illustrates that the Internet has caused profit margins to decrease substantially, something that the traditional media company supporting the convergence model can not allow to happen. Finally, FCC deregulation with regards to television station cap restrictions, cable system operators owning broadcasters in the same market, and cross ownership of newspapers and television stations in the same market, will most likely have a negative impact on the convergence model. If a communications company should decide to go forward with convergence, there are five rules that should be followed:
1.  Use personnel and technology efficiently
2.  Extend brand awareness of pre-existing communications products
3.  Offer cross-media advertising packages
4.  Return users to traditional media outlets
The essay is based on a presentation made by Dr. Kivijarv at convergece: The Tour, a four-day conference sponsored by The American Press Institute. The purpose of the conference is to analyze the various issues that communications companies should consider before attempting to build multimedia news operations that consolidate newspaper, television, wired cable, and/or Internet divisions in a specific market. Dr. Kivijarv's presentation occurred on the final day of the conference and spoke to the investment community's financial concerns. Veronis Suhler Stevenson publishes, two of the leading annual reports on the communications industry—the Communications Industry Forecast and the Communications Industry Report. A majority of the data used in the presentation and this essay come from those reports and Dr. Kivijarv, as the Director of Research & Publications at Veronis Suhler Stevenson, serves as the editor of the two reports.  相似文献   

Census information of some form has been collected in Canada since the 1611 census of New France. Aboriginal people, identified or not, have been included in these enumerations. The collection of this information has had a profound impact on Aboriginal people and has been an element that has shaped their relationship with the dominant society. In response, Canadian Aboriginal people have often resisted and refused to co-operate with census takers and their masters. This article is an examination of this phenomenon focused on the censuses conducted in the post-Confederation period to the present. A census is made to collect information on populations and individuals that can then be used to configure and shape social and political relations between those being enumerated and the creators of the census. However, the human objects of the census are not just passive integers and they have resisted its creation in a number of ways, including being “missing” when the census is taken, refusing to answer the questions posed by enumerators or even driving them off Aboriginal territory. A census identifies elements of the social order and attempts to set them in their “proper” place and those who do not wish to be part of that order may refuse to take part. Archivists and historians must understand that the knowledge gained in a census is bound with the conditions of own creation. This has been noted by contemporary Aboriginal researchers who often state that the archival record of their people often distorts history and reflects the ideas and superficial observations of their Euro-Canadian creators. Changes to the Census of Canada since 1981, have increased the participation rate and therefore changed the nature of the record.
Brian Edward HubnerEmail:

Brian Edward Hubner   is currently Acquisition and Access Archivist at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections. He was previously employed at the Archives of Manitoba, in Government Records; Queen’s University Archives, Kingston; and at the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa. He has a Master of Arts (History, in Archival Studies) from the University of Manitoba, and a Master of Arts (History), from the University of Saskatchewan. The 2nd edition of Brian’s co-authored book on the history of the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan and Alberta is being published in 2007. He has published articles and delivered conference papers on Canadian Aboriginal peoples including “Horse Stealing and the Borderline: The N.W.M.P. and the Control of Indian Movement, 1874-1900.” His current research interest focuses on relationship between Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian archives. Brian is married and has two children.  相似文献   

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