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Whether you like television commercials or are sickened by them, you could gather some statistics on them while you watch television: How many commercials are made with women's images in the course of an evening's transmission? You will find that women enjoy absolute dominance on the advertisement screen.  相似文献   

In today's television commercials, human beings more and more frequently serve as the medium between products and their consumers, and in both Chinese and foreign commercials the personality images are mostly those of women, especially young women. Someone has watched twenty commercials in a row and counted fourteen in which females played a role. How should one appraise this phenomenon? In the author's view, the prevalence of women's images in commercials is in keeping with the aesthetics of art, with human nature, and with the actualities of life in present-day society.  相似文献   

This article describes an example which is useful when teaching hypothesis testing in order to highlight the interrelationships that exist among the level of significance, the sample size and the statistical power of a test. The example also allows students to see how what they learn in the classroom directly affects the content of some of the commercials that they watch on television.  相似文献   

季红丽 《海外英语》2014,(12):292-294
Since"it is impossible to speak English without an accent"(Wardhaugh 1998: 43), English accent has been attached first importance to both native and non-native speakers. This study aims to explore teenagers' understanding and attitudes toward differing English accents by investigating 19 international high school students' preferences toward five English audio samples(the same materials with different accents) in Chingmai International School, Thailand. On the basis of five audio samples and respondents' self-reported answers, the results show that British English, instead of"powerful"American English, emerges as the preferred accent. The results also indicate that the need to understand both accented and non-accented English is required for EFLs. Finally, teaching implications concerning pronunciation teaching in EFL classrooms are also put forward.  相似文献   


Investigations were carried out to find the amount of science portrayed by terrestrial television in the UK and the public comprehension of that science as shown on television. UK terrestrial programming was derived from the Radio Times . Advertisement information was derived from UK terrestrial commercial television commercials. Public opinions were solicited by a survey of 200 members of the public ( n = 196). Science-based programming formed 5.36% of all terrestrial broadcasting time, with people watching an average of 1.75 science programmes per week (approx. 0.2% of programmes possible). 65% of all television advertisements were found to be science-based, although only 26% of advertisement categories were recognized as being science-based by the public. If interest in science is reflected in the amount of science programmes watched then the public are not interested in science. The lack of comprehension of the scientific basis of many advertisements is indicative of the lack of relevance of science education to people in modern society.  相似文献   

Based on the responses of 32 British teachers, I report on a sample of three teachers who were told to modify their accents to varieties deemed more “professional.” The teachers perceive such directives to stem from linguistic prejudice and not merely a need to be understood, and such directives are based on someone else’s standards for “linguistic professionalism.” Ultimately, I wish to engage with policymakers in order to establish what the linguistic reality is for British teachers in terms of accent, and their linguistic rights in the process. This is an issue that goes beyond the British context and can apply to both L1 and L2 teachers, whenever and wherever they are led to believe that their accent, though they are otherwise fully qualified to teach, is a hindrance. Thus, I report on the British context to address what is potentially a much more widespread issue.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the potential use for research and for teaching of the non‐British (i.e. American, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand) programmes and series currently being shown on British television screens. Potential projects are outlined in the areas of sociolinguistics and dialectology, and the potential of television as a tool for research into English language generally is discussed. Examples of the types of series that would lend themselves to linguistic research of this nature are noted, and the availability of programmes from the various nations is discussed. Recommendations are made about the future of the English language and the use of television in English language research in the future.  相似文献   

Most studies of political advertising focus on presidential television spots. However, far more commercials are broadcast for other races. This study applies the functional theory of political campaign discourse to 584 television spots from presidential, gubernatorial, senatorial, house, and local races in the 2000 election. The most common functions were acclaims (67%) followed by attacks (32%) and defenses (1%). When non-presidential ads are examined, incumbents acclaimed more and attacked less than challengers. Party-sponsored ads employed more attacks than ads sponsored by the candidates. These messages emphasized policy more than character (62% against 38%). Democratic candidates discussed policy more than Republicans. Presidential and gubernatorial ads (executive offices) discussed policy more than ads for other offices.  相似文献   

This essay examines the deliberately humorous approaches undertaken in two recent higher education marketing endeavors: The American Council on Education's ‘Solutions for Our Future’ campaign and Stanford's ‘Hail, Stanford, Hail’ initiative. Three television commercials from each project are described and discussed in light of a view of comedy advanced by philosopher Kenneth Burke. Specifically, this essay identifies among each trio of videos a markedly different ‘clown’ – a figure at whom the audience is encouraged to laugh yet ultimately redeem. In turn, higher education marketing professionals and leaders are invited to reflect on choices associated with employing humorous messaging strategies.  相似文献   

For thirty years, the television set has been commanded by producers; the customers, both at home and elsewhere, have had to sit back and take what is offered. Now times are changing. More and more uses appear for the television set which are not dependent on the producers or broadcasters but only on the set owner himself or herself. The paper explores the present capabilities and future possibilities of television as an information provider: broadcast CEEFAX and ORACLE, British Telecom's PRESTEL service, and links of these systems with computers, allowing the home television set to give the viewer his own computer terminal.  相似文献   

Lisa Kervin 《Literacy》2009,43(1):29-35
The notion of ‘multiliteracies’ and the development and creation of multimodal texts within classrooms is of pedagogic interest in this age of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). The case study reported herein provides an analysis of how one teacher engaged her class of primary school students as they responded to the challenge of creating and filming a 30‐second television commercial on a social justice issue. The media texts were constructed in a 10‐week period. The paper describes the process as the teacher and these students planned, wrote, filmed and edited their commercials. It offers an example of how the changing nature of literacy and, specifically, text, is enacted in the classroom.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, television for schools is 50 years old in 2007. The anniversary provides a reason to undertake an exploratory history of school broadcasting, an area that has received very little attention from historians of British education. The first part of this article examines the origins of school radio broadcasting, focusing especially upon the pioneering work of Mary Somerville, who served as the BBC’s first Director of School Broadcasting from 1929 to 1947. It is then argued that school broadcasting had a ‘good war’, enhancing its international reputation and sense of public value between 1939 and 1945. Following the conclusion of hostilities, there were high expectations that television for schools would become quickly established, but financial, technical and other practical impediments delayed the launch of services until 1957. By that time, commercial television had emerged as a rival to the BBC and it was an ITV company, Associated‐Rediffusion, rather than the BBC, which won the race to broadcast the first television programmes for schools. Some significant technological and market‐led changes since the 1980s are noted, but the conclusion states that the reputation of British school broadcasting remains high at the beginning of the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

In his famous “tobacco speech” of 1962, NAB President LeRoy Collins invoked the industry's own self‐regulatory standards and declared that private profit must give way when the public interest is jeopardized. Thus he argued that advertisements for cigarettes directed at youth should be barred from the airwaves. However, the broadcasters’ rejection of his proposal reveals the industry's historical equivocal view of the public interest. On January 1, 1971 Congress struck cigarette advertising from radio and television. Broadcasters fought that decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, although it is quite possible that the airing of cigarette commercials would still be permissable but for a critical industry decision ten years ago.  相似文献   

本文概括了陕南汉阴方言词汇语法的特点,依次介绍词义的演变、构词法和句法.汉阴方言属西南官话,具有浓郁湘语特色.从汉阴方言这一小小窗口可以窥视汉语表达的绚丽多彩.  相似文献   

面对当下中国的社会转型和在现代化语境下乡村与城市、传统与现代的文化冲突,贾平凹敏锐而深刘地反映了乡土中国的历史和文化发展到今天所发生的裂变,以凝重的笔触写透了当下农民生命与生存的悲凉,对即将消失的乡村世界和文化形态唱了一曲不尽的挽歌,从中传迭出现代人精神无处扎根的感伤与茫然以及失去精神家园的焦虑。《秦腔》表达了作家拳拳的乡土之情和深沉的忧患意识, 也展示出作家在艺术上的新的探索和努力。  相似文献   

Educational television is widely used in British primary schools to aid language development. In the light of current theories of language acquisition and development, this paper considers the characteristics of the medium which may militate against effective language learning. It is argued that further research is needed to ascertain whether language development is in fact promoted by television programmes and, if so, which programmes and what type of format are best suited for the purposes. Work already carried out in the USA and suggestions for future work in Britain are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, gerontologists have pointed to the ever increasing number of older persons in American society. Implicit in these increasing numbers is the need to educate all segments of society about the problems faced by the elderly. While public schools alone cannot be held responsible for this task, it is believed that schools provide an ideal forum for developing learning activities. Schools can help increase student awareness and knowledge concerning these problems.

One of the most chronic problems faced by the elderly is that of negative stereotypes. After reviewing the literature, we suggest that social studies provides an ideal curriculum area for developing strategies that allow students to examine personal stereotypes concerning the elderly as well as possible sources of these stereotypes.

Given the hypothesis that various print and electronic media are guilty of creating or reinforcing stereotypes, students can gather information about the physical and behavioral characteristics of the elderly as portrayed on television and in magazines. Data can be gathered from regular entertainment programs and commercials on television and print advertisements in magazines. As a result of these activities, students can evaluate the media's role in perpetrating stereotypes of the elderly. In addition, we suggest strategies for allowing students to interact with the elderly in the community as a means of negating existing stereotypes.  相似文献   

本文从女权(性)主义与文化研究相结合的学理角度对现代电视广告中的性别歧视问题进行论述,旨在说明这类广告由于要突出产品的功用而对一些原则进行扭曲和颠覆。为了赢利的现代电视广告在性别政治问题上呈现出悖论、反讽的基本景观,且为了追求市场利益而在媚俗和反动的轨道上越滑越远。因此,这类广告应引起足够的重视,以引导普通受众加以辨别。  相似文献   

A survey answered by 842 respondents representing British children aged from 7 to 15 measured their amounts of television viewing, listening to music, serious reading and outdoor games playing, and their attitudes to leisure activities, such as television viewing. Children said whether they did school homework and if so, with or without the television switched on, and if so, whether they regarded it as a help or not. About a quarter of those aged 10 and over said they did work along with television, accepting its presence, and another one in six did so, actually welcoming it. Attitude measures showed clearly different stereotypes of the heavy viewer, reader and music listener. This children's sample had a broadly positive image of a heavy television viewer of their own age. A process of rationalisation is detectable in which those who reported heavy viewing themselves, were more likely to do homework with the television on, to say it helped them and that it was linked with good achievement at school. Reported behaviour and stereotypes were somewhat similar among those who were heavy music users, but noticeably different among those who claimed to read a lot.  相似文献   

调查研究湖南省东部的茶陵县下东乡汉语方言的语音系统要素,并且通过跟古代汉语和现代汉语中南昌方言和长沙方言的比较,探讨下东乡方言的语音特点以及跟赣语和湘语的关系,认为它是一种具有赣语和湘语特点的独立的混合类型方言。  相似文献   

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